Expecting #1 and over 30

How is everyone doing? We had a good 4th of July weekend :flower: Hayden got to go onto the beach for the first time as it was finally warm enough. She loved it!


She's growing so big and so fast! She's almost sitting up all on her own and her hand and eye coordination is pretty awesome at this point. So cool to see :happydance:
Such a cutie pie, I hope she had fun at the beach :hugs:

Wow, so jealous of your weather right now :)
It´s still raining here, and will probably do so for the next few weeks according to the weather experts here... yay...
Augh I hate rain :nope: We've been having an usual amt of thunderstorms and rain. Everyday it's hot but also VERY humid so it's hard to go for walks and enjoy the outdoors. But at least it's not cold!
Ms. C H is getting so big and she is adorable...

I hope everyone is doing very well and that everyone had a very good weekend...

AFM..Nick is still struggling with tummy issues...we are going to see GI today so I hope that she can help him..it is getting frustrated having to help him poop...his ped put him on laxatives and of course that was not helping...I have tried to explained that he is not constipated because once he goes it is soft but he has problem pushing it out on his own...so I am glad she did not waste any time and referred us to specialist instead of prescribing more stuff...O yea he was put on formula for allergies to protein, suppose to be gentle on stomach as well but it tastes horrible (I pretty much taste everything that he gets so I know what he is going through)..he was not happy about it at first and was starting to drink less and less and then finally started refusing to take it. So over the weekend I have started to mix it with old formula and he started drinking again like he has been...I hope GI can recommend something that is not going to make him gag but will reduce gas and with that reduce gas pains...I just feel so bad for him when he is screaming in pain and there is nothing I can do for him except hold him and rock him ...plus he has reflux as well...poor little guys digestive system is just not working properly...He is so grouchy before he poo's as he is trying to push it out however after that he starts to smile and is cooing...

Well that is what is going on with us...Have a great week guys...


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sasha - :hugs:
I hope his tummy issues get fixed soon, I know that pain only too well. Felt horrible only being able to hug and rock Þorgeir while he was screaming in pain for the first few weeks.

Our problem was overabundance of breast milk, but since Nick is on formula, I´m not sure what the problem could be...
sasha - :hugs:
I hope his tummy issues get fixed soon, I know that pain only too well. Felt horrible only being able to hug and rock Þorgeir while he was screaming in pain for the first few weeks.

Our problem was overabundance of breast milk, but since Nick is on formula, I´m not sure what the problem could be...

Thanks pilot...How is your Lo doing?...On Monday we have seen specialist and she said that he Nick has milk protein allergy so we are doing another hypo allergenic formula since he hated the first one...so far he has been eating it...she also said that he is straining because his colon is irritated due to allergy so this milk would help that...now reason he cannot poop is because he is not able to relax anus to use a bathroom she called it dyschezia. She is hoping that this milk will help this as well. We have follow up appointment in two weeks and if he is not using bathroom on his own without manual stimulation she is going to try something else. Not sure what that is.
Awww poor little guy! I hope the milk change makes a big difference for Nick. Keep us posted Sasha!

It's our anniversary today and we're going to go out to dinner in Philadelphia (35 minutes away) while my parents watch Hayden this evening. I'm super nervous!!! But hopefully I'll be able to enjoy myself somewhat...
Thanks pilot...How is your Lo doing?...On Monday we have seen specialist and she said that he Nick has milk protein allergy so we are doing another hypo allergenic formula since he hated the first one...so far he has been eating it...she also said that he is straining because his colon is irritated due to allergy so this milk would help that...now reason he cannot poop is because he is not able to relax anus to use a bathroom she called it dyschezia. She is hoping that this milk will help this as well. We have follow up appointment in two weeks and if he is not using bathroom on his own without manual stimulation she is going to try something else. Not sure what that is.

He´s doing really well these days.
He´s eating formula, porridge, sweet potatoes and apples now.
I hope this new formula helps Nick. :hugs:
Hayden turned 5 months today! :happydance: Growing like a weed and being a cutie all around (most of the time). Hope everyone is doing well...this thread is CRAZY quiet!!!

Þorgeir turned 5 months on the 11th of July. How time flies.
I just started working again after a month of sick leave (got appendicitis, and surgery in Seattle).

He´s almost crawling now. He moves backwards and sideways quite effectively, and is almost getting hang of moving forwards. He alternates between lifting his torso, and his hips. Next step - both at the same time :)
I can't believe your babies are 5 months already! Oliver is 13 weeks tomorrow and already I find it hard to remember what life was like without him. He's being quite clingy at the moment which means I get very little done in the day. At the moment the only way he will sleep during the day is if I hold him, he'll do maybe 15 mins in his Moses basket before waking but on me he'll sleep for an hour or more which is what he needs. Any advice ladies? Also when did/will you start getting your LO to go to sleep by themselves? I love him to bits but he's so demanding at the moment that when DH gets home I have to hand him over for a couple of hours to get a break, which I feel guilty about.

Sorry to ramble on, it's been a long time since I logged onto here.

Hope you're all well xx
I can't believe your babies are 5 months already! Oliver is 13 weeks tomorrow and already I find it hard to remember what life was like without him. He's being quite clingy at the moment which means I get very little done in the day. At the moment the only way he will sleep during the day is if I hold him, he'll do maybe 15 mins in his Moses basket before waking but on me he'll sleep for an hour or more which is what he needs. Any advice ladies? Also when did/will you start getting your LO to go to sleep by themselves? I love him to bits but he's so demanding at the moment that when DH gets home I have to hand him over for a couple of hours to get a break, which I feel guilty about.

Sorry to ramble on, it's been a long time since I logged onto here.

Hope you're all well xx

Wish I had a answer for you but I am in the same boat. My lo is 9 weeks old and is very clingy during the day. At night he will sleep in his basinet but I have not tried crib yet. Hope some of you ladies can give us some pointers.
This isn't really advice and of course I have no experience in it but I have done lots of reading and the thing is humans are "carry" animals. Much like other carry animals baby has a desire to be with mom constantly for the first while and that is why they will cry if not being held all the time. It is completely normal, when I get to that stage I plan on strapping on a carrier and going about my day as best I can :)
Ok so my Lo has been eating well in past two weeks even with reflux he is able to down 27oz to 31 oz of formula...he is two months old and is 12lb 13oz and his ped said he is doing very well...GI did not want to add any cereal or anything because of his pooping issues as well as protein and soy allergies that are still going on...anyway today he has not been eating well..he has been taking maybe 3 oz every 3 to 4 hours ( felt like that was a struggle as well)...he seems in a good mood :thumbup: for right now...so my question is any of your LO's had a day that they have not eaten well...we have app on Tuesday with GI and I will talk to them but just wandering if anyone has experienced similar situation...
I can't believe your babies are 5 months already! Oliver is 13 weeks tomorrow and already I find it hard to remember what life was like without him. He's being quite clingy at the moment which means I get very little done in the day. At the moment the only way he will sleep during the day is if I hold him, he'll do maybe 15 mins in his Moses basket before waking but on me he'll sleep for an hour or more which is what he needs. Any advice ladies? Also when did/will you start getting your LO to go to sleep by themselves? I love him to bits but he's so demanding at the moment that when DH gets home I have to hand him over for a couple of hours to get a break, which I feel guilty about.

Sorry to ramble on, it's been a long time since I logged onto here.

Hope you're all well xx

I´ve been pretty lucky with Þorgeir, but he was clingy for the first few weeks. I did hand him over to DH when he got home from work, just to be able to sleep a little bit myself. I think it´s just normal...

Ok so my Lo has been eating well in past two weeks even with reflux he is able to down 27oz to 31 oz of formula...he is two months old and is 12lb 13oz and his ped said he is doing very well...GI did not want to add any cereal or anything because of his pooping issues as well as protein and soy allergies that are still going on...anyway today he has not been eating well..he has been taking maybe 3 oz every 3 to 4 hours ( felt like that was a struggle as well)...he seems in a good mood :thumbup: for right now...so my question is any of your LO's had a day that they have not eaten well...we have app on Tuesday with GI and I will talk to them but just wandering if anyone has experienced similar situation...

Yep, mine always takes a day or two every now and then where he really doesn´t want to eat a lot, and then he takes a day every now and then where we´re feeding him every hour...
Hayden just wants to eat ALL the time...which is why she's growing like a weed and outgrowing all her clothes :dohh: She started sleeping through the night and going to bed on her own pretty early on but we were really strict about putting her to bed in her crib from day one. It was a mini crib but a crib none-the-less. We missed out on all the newborn snuggles but it paid off as she's great at going down on her own and self-soothing back to sleep. OR maybe she's just a baby that would have done that regardless...you just never know! Also, we have never, since birth, picked her up right away after she would cry when sleeping...we always waited 5 minutes and many times she would just fall back asleep...now we give her 10-15 minutes and most often she goes back to sleep if she wakes up too early.

I hope you find something that works for you soon! :hugs:
Hey everyone,

It's been really quiet around here - presumably everyone is busy with their pregnancies or little bundles.

Junebug is almost 2 months old and I can't believe how time has flown and how quickly they change. My quiet newborn is finding her voice with cooing gurgling giggling and shrieking and I'm lovely discovering her personality. I just wish it wasn't always at 3am when mamma just want to get back into bed :)

I hope everyone is doing well and wish all the best for those that are due soon. If anyone is still around pop in to update us.

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