Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

if the lemon water doesnt help (good solution) then try the other end of the pH scale and add a tsp of baking soda to a glass of water..

..also, mint tea could help.

main question is to figure out what youve been eating to cause the gas.. you drink carbonated beverages, for example?
Thanks for the welcome ladies :flower:

Well I took another test this morning because I've got a bunch of ic's laying around and I was disappointed to see only the faintest of faint lines. I'm just a bit worried now that my hcg isn't progressing like it should, like last time :(

I've got another digi which I'm saving for later on this week to see if I move from 1-2 to 2-3. Fingers crossed.
Any solutions for extreme gas?! I've been burping since I woke up non stop and my stomach is so sensitive, I can't even rest my hand on it or wear a semi tight shirt without it bothering me. Gas-x isn't an option I don't think and I don't know if that would even help.

Hmm I'd say try to lay off sodas or anything carbonated, I found when I had that at work (I usually don't have it in the house) I'd be more burpy and gassy :haha:
Other than that maybe it just faded away in my case! haha sorry I'm not more help.
Thanks for the welcome ladies :flower:

Well I took another test this morning because I've got a bunch of ic's laying around and I was disappointed to see only the faintest of faint lines. I'm just a bit worried now that my hcg isn't progressing like it should, like last time :(

I've got another digi which I'm saving for later on this week to see if I move from 1-2 to 2-3. Fingers crossed.

I'm sure you're fine, when did you take your last test? Fx for you hon :hugs:
Hi all,

Welcome to the newcomers and congratulations on your BFPs.

As for me the symptoms are still on and off, but feeling soo tired almost all the time. And, bouts of nausea is also catching up, so, I hope all is good :)

Have a scan tomorrow. Hoping that it goes well - it would be a relief.
Thanks for the welcome ladies :flower:

Well I took another test this morning because I've got a bunch of ic's laying around and I was disappointed to see only the faintest of faint lines. I'm just a bit worried now that my hcg isn't progressing like it should, like last time :(

I've got another digi which I'm saving for later on this week to see if I move from 1-2 to 2-3. Fingers crossed.

As long as the line doesn't get lighter hun xx
Thanks for the welcome ladies :flower:

Well I took another test this morning because I've got a bunch of ic's laying around and I was disappointed to see only the faintest of faint lines. I'm just a bit worried now that my hcg isn't progressing like it should, like last time :(

I've got another digi which I'm saving for later on this week to see if I move from 1-2 to 2-3. Fingers crossed.

I'm sure you're fine, when did you take your last test? Fx for you hon :hugs:

I took an IC on 10 & 11dpo which were both negative. Then a FRER on 13dpo which was a BFP followed by a CB Digital on 14dpo which was also a BFP. Nothing yesterday and then the IC this morning (16dpo) which was oh so faint :(
I took an IC on 10 & 11dpo which were both negative. Then a FRER on 13dpo which was a BFP followed by a CB Digital on 14dpo which was also a BFP. Nothing yesterday and then the IC this morning (16dpo) which was oh so faint :(

The IC are sometimes less sensitive than the other two (depends on which ones you have), so don't worry too much yet.
I took an IC on 10 & 11dpo which were both negative. Then a FRER on 13dpo which was a BFP followed by a CB Digital on 14dpo which was also a BFP. Nothing yesterday and then the IC this morning (16dpo) which was oh so faint :(

I think you're fine, like Maggz said. If you took a digi and the FRER and they are both BFPs then that sounds like a winner to me!!! Not to say you're wrong for testing, b/c I'm sure most of us have been there, testing time after time after time, but I think you shouldn't let that discourage you (which we've all done that before too lol). I'm still wishing you the best and FX for that sticky bean. I will be praying that those HCGs just shoot out of the water for you lol, it does happen like that sometimes.

Swamp, no problem :thumbup: I was scanning over the comments yesterday, didn't really feel up to responding but I do thank you and lacanadienne for the lemon water advice, worked for me perfectly. I think my problem was :coffee:, which I have to wing myself from very soon.

How's everyone's symptoms today? Mine, I still have a headache from yesterday and my nausea is slightly there. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good...
Weirdest thing just happened, just as I was hitting submit reply my damn nipples started to blaze on fire!! They feel like I just got nipple piercings, or something like a stinging pain, but only in the nipple, not the whole breast!!! OMG that was the crazy ish ever. I just had to add that. It's like they were saying, don't forget about us! WOW, so random!!
Welcome welsh! I wouldn't worry about a faint IC as the other ladies have said. Your hcg concentration in urine can vary widely based on different factors, so looking at the boldness of the line to see hcg progressing isn't reliable. I think things will be fine for you!!

Hopingcarter you're so funny! I mean I'm sorry you experienced pain but at least you can have a fun joke about it :) glad you're feeling pretty good overall.

SanJan let us know how your scan goes!

I actually think my most prominent symptom now is bloating. Ew. I wake up with a flat stomach and by the end of the day my stomach sticks out farther than my boobs. It's ridiculous! I'm trying to eat so healthy too, lots of leafy greens and fruits. I just feel like a cow after eating even if I don't eat a lot..but still no weight gain so it's weird!
Welcome, and congratulations, welshgem! I am sorry to hear about your previous loss. I know it is so anxiety-provoking when you've had a loss like that. I also had an early loss in May, at 4 weeks 2 days, and I'm finding myself being worried about something new every few days. But overall, I'm trying my best to stay positive and relaxed as much as possible, and thinking ahead to all the wonderful times that will come, and I find that helps. :)

I agree that the ICs unfortunately aren't the greatest. I've had funny results with them so I definitely prefer the digital ones that say the words "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant". That being said, I did test with ICs every few days for about a week after I got my BFP, and they did come to show progression; it's just kind of slow, as your HCG only doubles every 48 hours or so (or in some cases, a little longer).

Can you go for a beta HCG blood test? I went to see my family doctor and he gave me a requisition for one. That can give you much more informative and reassuring results. :)

So happy that you had a good ultrasound, klink! :thumbup:

Sorry to be TMI, but an update for me: Over the weekend I was having some weird yellow discharge so I went to a walk-in clinic and my urine test showed signs of a very mild infection; the doctor couldn't conclusively say what kind, but I was pretty certain it wasn't a yeast infection, so it was probably a UTI. He gave me antibiotics for that, and they're helping already. Then this morning, I had my already scheduled appointment with the OB, and it went great! She didn't seem concerned about the infection at all, and my urine test today was clear of proteins or sugars. Then, the best part, I had an ultrasound, and got to see the little dumpling moving around!!! I made sure I took a really good, long look so I could soak it all in. It was amazing. I wish my husband was there, but overall, it was such a great experience.

Happy Monday, everyone! :flower:
Thanks again ladies, you've helped to put my mind at ease and I'm taking my afternoon nausea to be a good sign!

Karen - it's been a bank holiday here in the UK so I'll be calling the docs tomorrow to book in for bloods. Hopefully I can get booked in sooner rather than later.

Long shot but has anybody suffered with jaw pain since getting their BFP's? I noticed I was experiencing a slight pain on the right side a week or so ago and it's still persisting, to the point where I feel like I can't speak properly sometimes. I've read some cases where women who suffer from TMJ can find pregnancy exacerbates the condition but I've never suffered from it before so this is new for me!
Hey Karen, glad to hear everything's going well for you. It does stink to have to hear about any type of infection, but good thing they're taking care of it already for you.

It's a shame, some of the saddest and most worrisome situations that results in us having to get an ultrasound actually results in you getting to see that LO, up close and personal, not bothered or influenced or anything. Strong HBs, measuring correctly, looking so human and so cute!! As nice as it is to see my little bud every other week, I just wish I didn't have to go thru some of these worries and stresses if whether he's okay or not. I get sad sometimes worrying about a certain blood color or how much is coming out, or a RL pain and why it feels like contractions, or mild cramps to the left instead of the right, being symptomless, I mean the list just doesn't end. Sorry to be so downing but I just didn't want my 1st pregnancy to be this stressful. I'm still grateful for my peanut though, no matter what, I just wish I could enjoy it more.
Karen that's wonderful that you saw your little bean wiggling happily :) I did see mine today as well. I had like 6 u/s already this pregnancy and most of them were because of some concerns so I know exactly what you mean HopingCarter! My OB is pretty nice too though, she does an u/s at like every appointment and I always got a picture too. So now I've been making a little smashbook page about this pregnancy :blush:
Karen I had some weird yellow even greenish discharge once or twice as well but I had a pap smear and a vaginal culture done as well as urine and all came back negative so I guess sometimes that happens. For some it's just some milky white discharge and mine is usually white yellowish. I guess it depends on everyone :thumbup:
And I get the stinging nipple pain too sometimes lol
My boobs are so huge! Sorry for that but holy cow! My mom gave me bigger bras when I was like 6 or 7 weeks and now they already don't fit anymore! :shrug::holly:
Thank you so much to you ladies who recommended lemon water! It has done the trick I think! And I'm sure the culprit of my bloating was soda. I had drank some on Saturday to try and help with nausea and later that day I was at a bbq and the only drinks they had were soda or alcohol so of course I stuck with some sprite. I'm feeling much better today after drinking 3-4 glasses of lemon water haha.

Welsh - I agree, I wouldn't worry about IC results. They were the last to show BFP for me and I'm sure even now they wouldn't show as strongly as any other test. Just stick with your symptoms and you'll be good :) And don't worry if you have a day or moment where your symptoms aren't as strong! Just take that moment and enjoy it because they will come back with a vengeance!

Mia - My bloat is really bad too! You're not alone in that for sure! I feel like I look huge when I shouldn't look anything but normal right now!

Karen - Was the discharge your only clue towards the infection? And if you don't mind me asking, how yellow/what kind of yellow? I've been concerned about a possible infection for a few weeks but I wasn't in any rush to be seen because EVERY time I get a UTI (I'm very prone to them it seems) they travel super fast and within 12 hours of feeling uncomfortable while peeing it turns to blood in my urine and has gone straight to my kidneys. I haven't had any of those problems though, just some days my bladder feels sore after I pee, as if I held it for too long. And I feel like my discharge is a little off color but I've heard that is normal for pregnancy :/ I'm glad you're feeling better though and you had a good appointment! YAY for another u/s!

HopingCarter - Sorry you've been so worried :( I hope as things progress that you're able to relax a little more.

Today has been one of my better days as far as nausea. But let me tell you, those Sea Bands do help! They don't take it away 100% all of the time but they really do help a lot. I just wish they didn't look so funny so that I could wear them when I go out to run errands and grocery shop haha. My mom gave me some suggestions as far as MS goes. She said keep crackers or something next to the bed and eat a few as soon as I wake up, before getting out of bed. I'm going to try that the next few days.

I hope all of you are having a great day! Sorry for the novel!
Sweetbliss, what color does your discharge have? I had yellow/greenish one and didn't have an infection or anything. One of the docs I've seen even said that everything beside bright red blood is normal in the first trimester lol And even bright red blood can be normal after a pap smear. :)
Oh and my bladder feels sore too after I hold my pee for too long. Maybe because the uterus is growing so fast and the bladder doesn't have as much room to expand?
Well today was my first day back at school - the kids arrive tomorrow. I was a bit worried because I really didn't sleep well last night, but I was reasonably ok - wore my seabands under a sweater for part of the morning. At dinner, though, DH had made salmon, and I took one bite, and felt my stomach contract as though I was going to throw up. Not quite sure what it was about the fish.
Klink - It just has more of a yellow tinge to it. I'm thinking the sore bladder is exactly that, the uterus taking up most of that space now.
glad the lemon water worked, sweetbliss.. Im going to remember that one too for the future

Carter, good to hear your nausea is lessening.. mine started to lessen also about a week or so ago.. now its just bad if Im hungry

as for the discharge... 'leucorrhea' or however you spell it... its always constantly dripping out for me.... after this pregnancy Im going to have to throw away all my underwear cause its just the worst.. tmi I know but thats how it goes lol

I had another midwife appt today too.. got a clean bill of health, great blood pressure, no glucose or infection in urine, and my diet has been great except the midwife told me to eat more protein.. I'm usually a quasi-vegetarian, so guess Ill have to step the meat intake up a bit... Im just so cheap when buy groceries, I normally only have big portions of meat when going out to eat.. at home its either all veggie or the meat isnt the main course.. yes, very unAmerican I know but like I said, meat is expensive, and Im cheap!

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