Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Omg Karen that's so funny b/c my hubby has the very book!! I myself have 2 of the Elizabeth George books (A Wife After God's Own heart and A Woman After God's Own Heart w/ the Study book!! ) We got a chance to purchase them brand new for cheap at the Goodwill (Thrift Store) never used, now that was a blessing! They are awesome authors. I'm sure he'll love it.
Wow that's an amazing us pic Amethyst!! Glad everything looks good for you :happydance:

Boobs are getting sore over here :D Yay - I'm so happy to have SOME symptoms!
wow that first ultrasound pic sure is fancy!! I dont think Ive ever seen one like that before.. is it the newer models of u/s?

And yes, on the second u/s pic, it does look like there might be a lil something between the legs!! You having any premonitions about the gender? You think its probably a boy? I have a feeling mine is a girl...

Yes, I believe it was the ultra fancy model... ;) When I requested the ultra sound my doctor's office gave me the order and said I could take it to the woman's imaging lab downstairs where they could do it faster or I could do it next week in their office. I chose the imaging lab.. so I'm guessing they had fancier equipment than in my OB's office. :D

I keep slipping and calling the baby a "he" ... so I hope that's not a premonition. :)
Sorry I've been MIA! DH's mother, step father, and 2 youngest half brothers were in town since late Saturday night. I made DH promise me before we even knew if I was pregnant that he wouldn't tell them when they came. I'm not close with his mother at all and I don't trust her to not tell the whole world so I didn't get a chance to get away and get on here to talk to you all without worrying about her snooping over my shoulder plus by the end of the day I was drained. It wasn't the most enjoyable visit for me :/ oh well, its over so now I get to play "catch up" in all aspects of my life. On a positive note, we did get to tell my mom and siblings all via webcam! My mom cried, and my sister got it all on video for us, it was really special. I'm going to post it on my blog within the next few days hopefully and I'll share the link here if you would all like me to :) I'm really starting to feel all the symptoms of pregnancy. COMPLETELY exhausted all of the time, boobs are sore, super bloated, and nausea.... ohhhh the nausea. I was making sandwiches for DH's family for the beach just the other morning and the smell of ham and having to touch it... I couldn't do it. I ran to the bathroom. Didn't actually vomit, I had nothing to vomit, but it was not fun. Just now at the grocery store the thought of buying lunchmeat made me want to get sick so I said "nevermind, DH can eat something else or buy his own lunchmeat another day" haha. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow! Can't wait! And T-minus: 18 days to u/s!

I read back a few pages but now I can't remember what all I was going to say to each of you :( I promise I'm going to keep up with the thread now though! Welcome to anyone who is new to the thread! Can't believe how many of us there are now! Yayyyyy!
Sweetbliss, you read my mind. I was just thinking the same thing and amazed at how many new mommies are on here. I hope we all get to travel to 2nd and 3rd Tri together (although clearly not at the same time haha), that would be so awesome, and a great 1st experience for me. I don't know if you guys can tell, but I don't have many friends outside of this site, just my DH, my best cousin (like my BFF), and my Evangelist lol, so it's refreshing to share experiences with you ladies. I try to stay solo mostly, but I just love hearing the updates on this forum and the women here are sooo funny sometimes.

Thank you Klink for making this thread:flower:
sweetbliss, impressive you guys were able to keep it secret during the in-laws visit.. Ive just been avoiding my in-laws, but this Saturday is a big going-away party for a few family members leaving to go start school again so Im considering telling them now.. I just hope 10.5 weeks isnt too early, but since my aunt-in-law and i are usually serious wino's, there is just no way Ill be able to front about not drinking wine with her.. and she is so sharp Im not even going to bother trying to dissemble.. its one reason why Ive been avoiding them for over a month now even though they only live like 5 miles away... cause she'll just KNOW lol plus Im a bad liar

so yeah.. just enjoying a few days off, being really lazy.. the fact i went grocery shopping today was huge.. I might even make dinner tonight but thats only because I had 12 hours of sleep last night plus been lolling about in bed reading all day AND I felt really bad for my husband last night when he came home to no dinner.. poor thing ate a tuna sandwich that I could smell clear across the house in the bathroom..

so I guess at 10 weeks the placenta is really starting to get on the job of taking over hormone production and regulation... Ive been starting to break out in zones I havent had a pimple in since I was a teenager...

hows everyone elses symptoms? anything new?
Swampmaiden - I had to threaten DH to not tell them haha. His mother and I pretty much have no relationship. She likes to pretend we do, but we don't. She's done numerous hurtful things to me and didn't even really raise DH so he isn't close with her either. He's working on their relationship but keeping this a secret wasn't hard for me at all. I know there were times where he wanted to tell them but he understands how I feel about it still being early and he knows she has a big mouth lol. He's been asking me when he can tell people though. I feel bad that he doesn't have anyone who is trustworthy enough to not say anything. I want him to be able to tell people other than the ones that he works with but I just don't know. I feel like 6 weeks is still so early. Would you all let your DH tell his family even if you knew there was a chance it wouldn't be kept quiet?
Hmm sweetbliss that's a pickle you're in. Honestly - no. If he doesn't have anyone close to him that he would like to share with that can also be trusted not to blabber to everyone, then I'd just ask him to wait. Seems like he understands.

I agree, 6 weeks is pretty early still. We haven't told anyone, I'm dying to sometimes, but other times I'm kinda happy no one knows yet. A little peace and quiet before the world knows ;)
Sweetbliss, you read my mind. I was just thinking the same thing and amazed at how many new mommies are on here. I hope we all get to travel to 2nd and 3rd Tri together (although clearly not at the same time haha), that would be so awesome, and a great 1st experience for me. I don't know if you guys can tell, but I don't have many friends outside of this site, just my DH, my best cousin (like my BFF), and my Evangelist lol, so it's refreshing to share experiences with you ladies. I try to stay solo mostly, but I just love hearing the updates on this forum and the women here are sooo funny sometimes.

Thank you Klink for making this thread:flower:

I hope so too carter! :flower: I want us all to have sticky beans!
We just moved so I don't know a lot of people here, and still really no friends. It's kinda depressing at times, to be honest.

sweetbliss, impressive you guys were able to keep it secret during the in-laws visit.. Ive just been avoiding my in-laws, but this Saturday is a big going-away party for a few family members leaving to go start school again so Im considering telling them now.. I just hope 10.5 weeks isnt too early, but since my aunt-in-law and i are usually serious wino's, there is just no way Ill be able to front about not drinking wine with her.. and she is so sharp Im not even going to bother trying to dissemble.. its one reason why Ive been avoiding them for over a month now even though they only live like 5 miles away... cause she'll just KNOW lol plus Im a bad liar

so yeah.. just enjoying a few days off, being really lazy.. the fact i went grocery shopping today was huge.. I might even make dinner tonight but thats only because I had 12 hours of sleep last night plus been lolling about in bed reading all day AND I felt really bad for my husband last night when he came home to no dinner.. poor thing ate a tuna sandwich that I could smell clear across the house in the bathroom..

so I guess at 10 weeks the placenta is really starting to get on the job of taking over hormone production and regulation... Ive been starting to break out in zones I havent had a pimple in since I was a teenager...

hows everyone elses symptoms? anything new?

Haha that's how I feel about my sister! She always just KNOWS stuff! It's almost irritating :haha: It's like damn can't I tell you anything?!

Well it's good that you have a little energy, what did you have for dinner? I'm in serious need of ideas.

Yeah looks like you have plenty of hormones, maybe you should send some my way - I'm not far away from you ;) I also have pimples on my chin, so annoying...:dohh:

Other than that my boobs just started getting a little sore last night, I hope that progresses since I'm getting a little worried over my non-symptomness! (Yes it's a word, at least now it is ;) )
I totally agree, Maggz, depressing to say the least. My hubby's the only one I have in this state w/ me, but thankfully I'm only 3 hours away from my family and friends and my hometown, just a cross over the state line. I think that's why I'm sooo happy my LO is coming along, because at least then I don't have to miss out on the other things too much.
I feel weird saying this, but I'm glad you got some symptoms. At least it's reassuring for you. I still get the boob action, but it's being overshadowed by the all day sickness, ...but I have 2 pimples on my chins as well, no lie!! They're on both sides of my chin, like a snake bite piercing!! And no matter what I've put on them this last week, they aren't going away at all.
Hahaha - comparing symptoms is fun. Even though I haven't vomited yet, the nausea is pretty bad. I couldn't even pick what to pull out of the freezer two days ago because the thought of anything cooking was making me want to throw up. Mine started early (5 weeks - lucky me!), so I hope it doesn't last too long this bad. I've gotten a few pimples - nothing major. Thankfully the vertigo hasn't been back (knock on wood) - that was not fun, and kind of scary. And my breasts have been sore since even before I knew I was pregnant.

I'll be back at work on Monday, so DH will have to mostly deal with dinners then. He's been sweet about cooking this week too, but I feel bad if I don't at least plan the meal, seeing as I'm home most of the day. The nausea is really getting to me, though - I'm exhausted all the time. I'll see if the SeaBands I ordered help any. They should be here today.
I totally agree, Maggz, depressing to say the least. My hubby's the only one I have in this state w/ me, but thankfully I'm only 3 hours away from my family and friends and my hometown, just a cross over the state line. I think that's why I'm sooo happy my LO is coming along, because at least then I don't have to miss out on the other things too much.
I feel weird saying this, but I'm glad you got some symptoms. At least it's reassuring for you. I still get the boob action, but it's being overshadowed by the all day sickness, ...but I have 2 pimples on my chins as well, no lie!! They're on both sides of my chin, like a snake bite piercing!! And no matter what I've put on them this last week, they aren't going away at all.

Oh you're lucky to have your family somewhat close :) Mine is all in another country so no popping over to visit. I think that's a part of why I'm so happy about getting a LO too, starting my own little posse haha :)
Yeah I'm happy too although my boobs aren't extremely sore just a little bit if I really squeeze them or jump or something :haha:
Haha, snake bite :rofl: I hate pimples!

Hahaha - comparing symptoms is fun. Even though I haven't vomited yet, the nausea is pretty bad. I couldn't even pick what to pull out of the freezer two days ago because the thought of anything cooking was making me want to throw up. Mine started early (5 weeks - lucky me!), so I hope it doesn't last too long this bad. I've gotten a few pimples - nothing major. Thankfully the vertigo hasn't been back (knock on wood) - that was not fun, and kind of scary. And my breasts have been sore since even before I knew I was pregnant.

I'll be back at work on Monday, so DH will have to mostly deal with dinners then. He's been sweet about cooking this week too, but I feel bad if I don't at least plan the meal, seeing as I'm home most of the day. The nausea is really getting to me, though - I'm exhausted all the time. I'll see if the SeaBands I ordered help any. They should be here today.

I feel the same a lot of the time, I really have to look at the food and think "Am I going to wanna eat this?" and not a lot appeals to me right now - and I'm not even nauseous! Just sensitive I guess. Also I have to eat very slowly for some reason, it's weird :wacko: :haha:
I hope the seabands help you! Someone on another thread I'm on suggested carrots and it's been helping a lot of the girls over there, if you wanna try :)
Woah Amythyst awesome u/s!

HopingCarter too bad about the pimples :( crazy hormones huh?! I've been lucky so far and haven't broken out yet. I actually took it as a possible pregnancy sign before my BFP that I didn't have any pimples because I usually get a couple before AF. Wouldn't be surprised if they show up soon though.

Sweetbliss sorry it's so hard with your in-laws but I'm glad they're gone now! And good job to your DH for keeping it a secret.

Maggz yay for sore boobs! I've been feeling them for several days now and it's funny every morning I wake up and grab them hoping to notice how much bigger they are haha.

I'm so impressed with those of you who can keep it a secret for so long. I've already told all my family members, I can't help it! Just praying it wasn't a mistake, although I would be ok with them knowing if I lost it because I'd want their support.

Sorry for my catch-up book.. Happy Friday everyone!!
I'M A SWEET PEA! We told my Aunt last night and my Nanny this morning :) It was so fun. My Nanny screamed and then proceeded to sing "she's pregnant! she's pregnant! she's pregnant!" It was so funny. So now all of my immediate family knows, it feels good. DH was on the phone with his best friend from back home last night and told him before I could even talk to him about it haha. I think we can trust him and his fiance though. We told them to not tell anyone so it should be okay. I just can't wait for that first ultrasound. I don't think DH will agree to keep it a secret from anyone once we have that ultrasound though but I'm okay with that I think.

I felt more nauseous than ever this morning. I was sitting here questioning what to make for dinner and if I'll be able to get through it and then DH mentioned going to one of my favorite places for a late lunch/early dinner. It actually sounds appealing and will save me from making dinner haha.

Are you all having a good day so far?
Woah Amythyst awesome u/s!

HopingCarter too bad about the pimples :( crazy hormones huh?! I've been lucky so far and haven't broken out yet. I actually took it as a possible pregnancy sign before my BFP that I didn't have any pimples because I usually get a couple before AF. Wouldn't be surprised if they show up soon though.

Sweetbliss sorry it's so hard with your in-laws but I'm glad they're gone now! And good job to your DH for keeping it a secret.

Maggz yay for sore boobs! I've been feeling them for several days now and it's funny every morning I wake up and grab them hoping to notice how much bigger they are haha.

I'm so impressed with those of you who can keep it a secret for so long. I've already told all my family members, I can't help it! Just praying it wasn't a mistake, although I would be ok with them knowing if I lost it because I'd want their support.

Sorry for my catch-up book.. Happy Friday everyone!!
Hahaha, yes those damn hormones :growlmad:. LMAO at grabbing the boobs b/c I use to wake up every morning too grabbing my boobs, but not to see if they've grown, but to make sure they still hurt lol. It's too funny how much we all think alike, more than we know!
In my heart, I really did want to keep it a secret, but my hubby (in all his OWN glory, bless his selfish heart) told our pastor and MY granny, so of course everyone found out! I'm not mad about them knowing, I just wanted to try some of the cool ideas of telling people, IN MY TIME hehe (I know I sound just as selfish
I'M A SWEET PEA! ....Are you all having a good day so far?
You sound just as excited as I was when I a Pea lol. It's like 6 weeks was really a milestone for me, maybe b/c I knew I was halfway to second Tri and my chances were looking pretty good haha! I also read you're blog too, it's pretty neat, love the book idea! Love the weekly pics too, although I wouldn't dare be that brave.
Other than that I'm feeling pretty good, as a matter of fact, these last 2 or 3 days haven't been that bad.
Congrats on making it to sweet pea, sweetbliss

Im doing okay today.. between feeling on the verge of throwing up and round ligament pain... Im surviving lol

Woke up this mornig, got out of bed and had the worst combo of gas cramps and RL pain ever.. I seriously thought something was seriously wrong for a moment, but I laid down on the bed flat and did some Kegels, and it faded after a few minutes. Thankfully, cuz it was PAINFUL.. all on my right side too. I guess once 2nd tri hits, we'll be trading nausea for lots of round ligament pain... yay...
Hoping Carter - I don't know what it is about 6 weeks but it really is exciting. Can't wait to be where you are though at 9 weeks! You should do a blog too! I'm doing it mostly just to have for us to look back on because I know I won't remember everything. I am not loving my weekly pictures lol, I'm really self conscious but I know I'll be glad that I have them in the end. Right now I just feel super silly because there is obviously nothing to show except for some extreme bloat.
Do you still get super tired? I've been exhausted lately, like barely functioning exhausted. I'm wondering if that'll fade and get better in the weeks to come.

Swampmaiden - RL is the worst! I get it here and there. That sounds awful though. I've been finding myself feeling really nauseous too but I can still eat when I get super hungry. Are you still able to eat and keep food down?
I can still eat and keep it down.. someone told me nausea is the new hunger pang which seems true because once I eat the nausea really subsides.

And yeah, i was having lots of lil twinges of RL pain early on.. but this was something completely different. Im actually scared now to think this may be a common symptom in 2nd tri.. I mean, i can deal with the lil twinges and pulling mini-cramps but this really laid me out for a moment
Hey ladies!! I just got my BFP! I can't believe it :) I was in the TTC#1 thread so happy to be able to join this graduates thread :)
I don't have any symptoms but obviously too early as I just got my BFP this morning and it was still quite faint. I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself as it's still early days so anything could happen...

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