Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Starluck - you asked if I was feeling anxious or frazzled over anything in particular - it is a few things - one) I was on psychiatric medication of ADHD and Anxiety/Bipolar before TTC. I had a rough month or two coming off of it but have been doing surprisingly well since then. I think some of that is just finally catching up with me. 2) I think it has been sort of a vicious cycle where not enough sleep means I forget things and lose things and so I run around crazed and getting to work late and playing catch up all day and then can’t get to bed on time again and the cycle repeats and I am just so tired. But I am not letting myself get dragged down by it. I am just taking it one day at a time and DH has been AMAZING in picking up my slack. I need to do something nice for him back but not sure what to do.

Mia - it made me feel so much better saying that you might have cried if you wrote a long post and it vanished. I felt so defeated over such a little thing.
Also, that is so exciting about starting to feel the baby move!

jumpingo! SO EXCITED! So happy for you! Whoo!!!!!!! Do you have a journal?

sweetbliss - yay for good HB and feeling movement!

Dini - exciting about possible movements as well! Such an exciting time.

Welcome Jenny Bean! Congrats and wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and beyond.

lacanadienne - good luck with telling the parents at work. Mine know now and it is such a relief. I didn’t like having a big secret. Also the moms keep trying to feed me now! It is funny. One mom was clearly disappointed but still supportive overall and the rest have been nothing but positive. I’m sure it will be fine for you!

Bree - what pram did you end up getting? I am so overwhelmed by all the choices.

Karen - I saw your gender reveal on Facebook! A girl! How exciting! I am so glad the scan went well even if it took a little while to figure out!

Maggz - How are you? Well I hope!
Also, do you want to post/temporarily open the Facebook group for the newbies? I would love to see it more active.

AFM, I had my first dream about the baby! I dreamed that it was a girl. The dream had a disturbing element to it also. I will post it in my journal.
Karen, it's exciting that you found out you have a girl! :happydance: Can't remember - have you picked out a name yet?

Sweet, fxed for your scan. Let us know how it went.

Mint, that's good that your parents know. I have 20 sets of them, and I know some of them will not care, some of them will be happy for me, and some of them might be disappointed, but that's how it goes when you're a teacher. One of my colleagues last year had overheard a conversation of some parents saying teachers should not be allowed to have babies during the year... lol. It's like back to the dark ages. We're human too, and we should be allowed to have a life like anyone else. Hopefully no parents in my class like that. Also, going off meds can be a challenge, but the exhaustion might also just be because you're pregnant. I know I have weeks when I can't go up the stairs without it feeling like a monstrous effort.
heeelllooooo ladies!

karen, after all those scheduling logistics, Im glad you guys completed your scan, congrats on a baby girl!! :pink:

jumpingo, congrats on the BFP!!

sweetbliss, thanks for the support, as always :) thats so good to hear you are starting to feel movement! :) now I want to hear scan results!!

lacanadienne and mint, thats kinda a funny thing with students parents.. of course theyd be upset that you wouldnt be finishing the school year, but also you are your own person apart from your job. Also, I always laugh about how people try to 'plan' the perfect timing for a baby/pregnancy.. like scheduling a pregnancy for the birth to be right after the school year ends. Any parent should know that nature has its own plans and things happen as they should... god only know if I had been able to successfully plan my pregnancies, I'd have a few kids already by now rather than still working on my first!!
Well, we had our scan....

it's a girl :)

Uploaded a profile shot, the gender shot, and then one of my favorites of her tiny foot :)


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yay, congrats on a girl, sweetbliss!!!! :pink:

and even tho this may sound weird, Im glad you put the gender shot up.. it never seemed obvious to me how they could tell either boy or not sure.. but now I can see why lol
Welcome jenny!

Lancadienne hope the parents react well. :)

Karen and Sweet - Congrats on your girls ladies!

Bree what did you buy? Picture please!

Swamp, Jumpingo, how are you doing?

Mia and Dini hope you are better!

AFM I had the scan yesterday. Mostly good - HB at 165, nasal bone seen, all measurements normal and CRL at 55.6mm which put Edd forward to 12w+2 from 11w+6. But my doc said to stick with 11w+6 as she thinks our baby is plain bigger. We saw the baby move and glimpses of its face :) As Mint had said, the baby looks more like a baby now.

Now the bad part is the NT fold measurement of 2.3 which is on the higher end of the normal range. Blood work will confirm probability of anomaly but we have to wait another 4 days for it. :( hope our odds are good.

Also the scan pics didn't come out too well. I am so peeved about that. Here's a pic.


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guess i don't know good scans from bad scans - looks pretty cute to me!:flower: must be exciting when you can actually tell it's a baby! haha

i am feeling okay, but not hot. actually dealing with jet lag after our trip to the states last week, so not sure what is that and what is pregnancy related. just woke up from an accidental 2 hour nap and feeling queasy. sounds like a combination of both.:dohh::haha:
Aw sorry Mol about the fold measurements, I'm sure all will be fine. Seeing a nasal bone is a good sign and your result is still within normal. But baby looks adorable. Also, I'm no expert but I think baby looks like a little man! Again, I'm no expert.

Congrats Karen and Sweet on your wonderful :pink: bumps. Have either of you thought of any names? I think that officially gives us 3 pink bumps and 1 blue bump! How exciting!

Jumpingo - sorry about the jetlag, hopefully it eases off soon, hope you enjoyed your trip.

I didn't end up going pram shopping, I was so tired and just slept for most of the day but there's always next weekend!!
Jumpingo - sorry about the jetlag, hopefully it eases off soon, hope you enjoyed your trip.

I didn't end up going pram shopping, I was so tired and just slept for most of the day but there's always next weekend!!

my theory on jet lag (after flying from japan to the US once or twice a year for 8 years:wacko:) is that your body takes a day for every hour of time change. a 16 hour time change means it'll take all of 2 weeks, though by the 2nd week, it shouldn't be so bad. gives a great excuse for taking a nap and/or any pregnancy fatigue:haha:
Thanks for the congrats and well wishes, everyone! We are so very excited. I will post some pics soon when I get a chance. :)

Bree, the name will either be Lily Dorothy Shuster (my pick) or Lucy Dorothy Shuster (my husband's pick). I am hoping we will decide for sure soon. :)

Sweetbliss, congrats on the girl as well!!! Yay!!! That is very exciting!

Mol, I'm sorry your fold results were a bit on the high end, but good that they are still in the normal range, right? I'm sorry, I don't know much about it. But I hope and pray all will be well! :) Do you have any inclination as to the gender after the scan? I've heard some people say that girls' skulls are more rounded whereas boys' tend to be less rounded...so it might look a bit more a boy? On the other hand, the heart rate goes more with the girl theory. It's hard to say!

Mint, I'm sorry you're having trouble with stress and anxiety. That must be difficult adjusting to the lack of meds. I hope your body will get more used to it soon and that you will feel better! That is great that your DH is being very supportive and helpful. :)

lacanadienne, good luck with telling the parents!!

I am going to start telling my students this coming week. Only one knows, and it's because my boss told her mom; after I posted my FB announcement she thought it was open news for everyone, but I hadn't really wanted to tell the kids until later. But the girl took it well, which I was happy about, because she has some attachment and anxiety issues. I'm not sure if she realizes yet that it means I'll be gone for a year, but we'll talk about that soon.

Some of these students I've worked with one on one for 2-3 years, and everytime I think about saying goodbye to them, I start to cry! :cry:
Karen, my mom is a teacher too, and overly attached one at that. I think she misses them more than she does us, during vacation time. I can totally understand your grief at having to say goodbye. :hugs:

Thanks for support and positive comments :) Yes I would have been a lot more at ease if the numbers were great. Anyhow they arent bad, andwe will know for sure on wednesday. These are just odds, and i love the LO anyway :)

Interesting gender theories :) because of my dream even I am inclined for boy which the skull supports. I dont think much of the heartbeat theory, and no the other pics and the doctor didn't give anything away, I cant even see the mythical nub :|. Hopefully the 18-20w scan will be better :)
Karen & Sweetbliss - congratulations for :pink: bump :)

Mol - don't worry much. I'm sure the blood test results will be positive.

Mint - hope u get some rest and your body gets adjusted to the lack of meds soon.
Sweet, congrats on finding out the gender. It sounds like we'll have a few girls on the thread. In about a month, a lot of us should know genders.

Mol, don't worry too much. I don't even know my fold measurement - only that it was normal. The way it works here is pictures get sent away to the children's hospital, and they analyze the results.

Anyhow, I should get back to my report cards. More than half-way done! I'm hoping to be done by this afternoon. They're due on Friday to the principal, but the week is always so crazy.
Congrats on all the new scans! Looking great!

Karen, thanks for the support.
I hope you go with Lily. I actually like Lucy a little better as a name by itself but when you say it out loud with your last name (no middle, because no one ever really says their full name very often) it is a bit of a tongue twister.

Good luck telling your students. Since mine all have varying degrees of autism and other disabilities I won't be telling them until I have a very obvious large bump. It won't make much sense to them otherwise and they have trouble grasping that something is happening in six months. The ones that grasp that a baby is coming will expect it to come right away.
And I totally understand - I also have students I have worked one-to-one with for 3-7 years. I will probably go back to working with them part-time. Karen, will you get to go back to any of yours or will it be goodbye forever?
Congratulations to Karen and sweetbliss on your baby girls!! Now it's time to have self restraint and not buy every single adorable baby girl thing you see...sounds hard to me :winkwink:
And I agree with Mint that I think Lily sounds better with your last name. I like both of them though.

Mint I hope you start adjusting better now too being off the meds. That sounds like a rough time.

Mol I wouldn't worry right now as others said. It's does no good to worry and chances are everything is fine. I hope you can tell gender on your own at the next scan!

Jumpingo take all the naps you want! You have double excuses with pregnancy and jet lag. I'd be sleeping all day! :sleep:

I haven't had any more abdominal pain since Thursday so that's good. Must've just been awful growing pains. Now I'm just wanting to eat anything and everything! It's really nice to have an appetite back.
We finally made our facebook announcement yesterday! I don't why it feels even that much more real to have put it out there for everyone to see...that and my bump is really starting to pop out! Yay!
Oh I guess I could've posted this :winkwink:


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i will say, i feel like i look bigger than that after a big dinner though:haha:
Trying to catch up :) Thanks everyone! We're excited to know it's a girl. It still hasn't sunk in all of the way. I'm halfway done painting the pink drawer fronts and I went through all of the girl hand-me-down clothes we have. It's kind of strange to know it's a girl in there lol. DH was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a boy, but I think he'll be just fine. Today I told him I was just doing to paint the drawer knobs to match the drawer because the jewel knobs I was going to get aren't cheap and he said "no, get them. My princess is going to have the best of everything". It was cute and really sweet. I hope he starts to get more excited it is a girl, I know he's just super nervous. He has no sisters and is naturally a very protective person lol. I attached my 16 week picture. I feel huge!

Karen - I'm so glad the techs were able to tell you the gender in the end! What a nice long ultrasound though. Did you get a bunch of good pictures? I hope your DH u/s yet well! GL with telling your kids!

Dini - I hope you can find some relief soon!

MolGold - I'm sure everything will be fine, try to not worry! I think if you go by the old wives tale of skull shape that it looks like girl to me, or at least it looks the same as my NT scan and we just found out it's a girl.

Bree - We've tossed around names but nothing really too serious yet. I hope you can get your pram soon!

Jumpingo - Take lots of naps!

Mia - Cute bump!! I get bad growing pains too. I'm glad you're getting a break from them. They can be really tiring.


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