Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Mango, it really depends with weight gain, but a lot of it can definitely be bloat at the beginning. It feels different when your stomach "pops" - a lot harder, or that's what I've found. I find my bump still gets bigger after eating, though. I think the stomach is right on top of the uterus.

Karen, congrats on being half-way! And have fun shopping for girl clothes! Can't wait to know what my jellybean is.

starluck, yay for a good scan!

Mol, I'm sure you're relieved by the test results. I have to try and call the midwife's office to check mine as my next appointment is a month away.

Jumpingo and Jenny Bean, I know your pain. My first appointment with the midwife was at 10 weeks and 2 days, and my first scan was a week later. My next one will be in a month. It's hard to wait, but the first scan reassured me a lot.
Karen - Congrats on 20 weeks! You're halfway to meeting your sweet baby :) BTW, your bump is adorable.

Starluck - How have you been feeling?

Dini - Sorry about your cat! I hope that it is just a phase and things get better with her soon.

SanJan - I'm sorry about the jerk doctor! How did your scan go though? Any peeks at the gender?!

MolGold - That's so nice of you to step in and take care of your dad. I'm sure that he really appreciates that! Yay for great results!

Mango - I was exhausted during that time period too. I felt like there wasn't enough hours for me to get the sleep I needed. Yay for a good scan! I bloated a ton in the beginning too. Can you wear some looser tops to prolong telling your colleagues until you're ready too? I think my bloat started to die down around 10 weeks or so. Maybe that'll happen for you too and it'll end up working out how you wanted.

Jumpingo - It'll be here before you know it! Hang in there!

I've been feeling this sweet girl moving around sooo much the last week. I even felt her from the outside last night! I had my hand just resting there and felt a kick. It caught me so off guard that I cried lol. It is just so sweet to be feeling her, I love it and her so much! I can't wait for DH to be able to feel her. He got home 5 minutes after I felt her on the outside and she'd stopped moving by then. Hopefully soon he'll be able to catch her :) I have an appointment tomorrow morning for my kidney. I've been having quite a bit of pain on my left side right where my kidney is. I have a history of kidney infections, I don't think that is what it is, but that is why I'm positive it is my kidney. I want to get looked at and get it checked out before we go out of town soon. I just really hope they take me serious and don't brush me aside. We'll see how it goes.
Hi all,

Mol - Yayy, what a relief :)

Karen - Congrats on half way mark :)

Mia - Good Luck with your appointment. will you be finding out the gender?

As for my scan, it went good. But, the baby was so stubborn and didn't co-operate at all. Initially, it was just in a curled up position, not budging even when the sonographer tried to shake my tummy a bit. So, she asked me to take some drink, walk for a bit and come back in 30 mins. Then, when we get to saw the baby, it was moving around so much but with his/her face always hidden - either facing my back or hiding the face with hands - that little monkey. The sonographer couldn't complete the scan to her satisfaction even after taking around 90+ pics. So, I would have to go again in 2-3 weeks for the same anomaly scan.

And, I have an anterior high placenta :( So, while she confirmed that those small spasms that I feel occasionally at night and morning is baby movement, It will still take at least 3-4 weeks to feel the proper movements, may be even a little longer.
Karen- congrats on making the 20 week milestone! Half way!

Sweetbliss- how wonderful that you felt LO from the outside. Good luck with your appointment, hopefully whatever is causing your discomfort is easily treated.

Sanjan- sorry to hear that baby was being cheeky! I know a couple whose son wouldn't let them see his face for the entire pregnancy and they even paid for private scans and got nothing. On the plus side, you get another scan soon so another chance to see your little one! Shame about the placental placement, at least she was able to confirm that you're feeling baby (even if it is a spasm like feeling)

AFM - today was the first day of this entire pregnancy that I can actually say I enjoyed (pregnancy wise) had my midwives appointment and they are very happy with baby's growth, she's head down and starting to engage, had a perfect HR and is moving well. My fundal height is measuring 4 centimeters ahead (so 35 weeks) - not quite sure what that means? After so much stress and worry up until this point it's nice to know that things are finally looking good. The midwives are also happy with the frequency and amount of time that my BH's last. I feel like everything is moving so quickly now but I can't wait to meet this princess!!
How are you feeling Jumpingo?

Enjoy your appointment Mia! Let us know how it goes :)

Sweetbliss, thanks for asking :) I'm tired, nauseous, have big and sore boobs, and feel huge (combo of bloating + weight gain I'm sure). Snacking is the only thing that helps the nausea and I know I've gained weight already :( I'm hoping it slows down a little when this nausea subsides so I don't gain too much. I foresee myself purchasing maternity pants within the next 2 weeks to be more comfy! awwww it must be amazing to feel the baby move!!

Speaking of comfy pants - does anyone have recommendations for thick, super comfy leggings? I think my winter 'outfit' is going to mostly be leggings with sweaters and boots. It will probably be the most comfortable outfit for my growing belly. Plus, I feel pretty in that type of outfit which will really help my self-esteem as I get bigger. My self esteem is already taking a big hit with an expanding midline :(

SanJan, good news is you get another scan and another chance to see your previous baby :)

Breelizabeth, it is so exciting that you are getting closer to meeting your baby!
Starluck, Mol, and Bree, congrats on all the great results! How wonderful!!! :)

SanJan, I'm sorry your little one wasn't cooperating for the scan. That must have been frustrating! Hopefully next time will be better. I had a similar problem at mine last week, and the tech had me do some stretches, and then I lay down on my side for a minute or two, and after that, the baby was finally in a good position to see everything. I don't know if it was just a coincidence, but if you have the same trouble again, maybe you can try that? Good luck!! :)

Bree, you're getting close to the end! Eee! How exciting! :D

Starluck, I was at Old Navy yesterday getting some maternity jeans, and I saw they had a bunch of maternity leggings! I didn't really take too close of a look, but they did appear to be a little thicker than the average ones. And they had a few different colours, too. I may go back for some another day myself! :)

Jenny and jumpingo, sorry you have to wait a while for your scans! The wait is no fun. :( It will all be worth the wait when you have that magical moment, though! :)

sweetbliss, I hope it will not turn out to be a kidney infection! But it's good that you're going to get it checked out. Hopefully you will be able to find some relief either way!

Mia, I hope your appointment goes great today! I'm sure it will! Let us know all about it. :)

For anyone who might be interested, I'm attaching the ultrasound photo that told them my baby is a girl! They said they could tell because of the 3 horizontal white lines between the body and the leg. Sorry the photo isn't super clear!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


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Thanks for the tip about Old Navy Karen!

Awwww what a sweet baby girl!
sweet, that's great about the movement, but sorry to hear about your kidney pain. Hopefully it gets resolved soon. I get the feeling I will be late in feeling the movement because I have a retroverted uterus. Also possibly why my bump is not so big right now. It's supposed to self-correct around month 5.

SanJan, I was told in my prenatal class that babies don't like ultrasounds because of the heat so they often try to "escape" them. I wouldn't worry too much - the next scan will probably be good.

Bree - only two months until your due date. That's amazing. Glad everything is going so well.

starluck, don't worry too much about the weight gain. Unless you end up having gestational diabetes, your body will only gain as much as it needs to gain - or so I was told. Some women gain 60 pounds, have a perfectly normal-sized baby, and manage to lose the weight after.

Karen, what a sweet picture. I can't wait to see mine in four weeks!

AFM, having quite the long week at work, but report cards will be officially handed in to the principal tomorrow, so it should get a little better. I'm trying to motivate myself to read over them. No real news with baby. Watched the Business of Being Born for my prenatal class - has quite a bit of information on hospital births in the US, and home births.
Sweetbliss that's so fun you're feeling her a lot! I hope your appointment for your kidney goes well and it's nothing serious.

SanJan I'm sorry the scan didn't go as well as you hoped. But hopefully the next one will be a lot better and baby will cooperate more for you! I wasn't getting an u/s today, just a regular checkup. I'll have my anatomy scan November 25th.

Bree that's great that everything's looking good! You're getting so close it's exciting!!

Karen she looks so sweet and relaxed, like she's just lounging in there :winkwink:

Lacanadienne I'm glad work will start getting a little easier for you. Are you planning a hospital or home birth?

My appointment today was fine, pretty normal. Best part is hearing baby's heartbeat, love that sound! I was kind of upset because they drew several viles of blood at my previous appointment, but this time they said they lost one so they had to draw blood again. Not a huge deal, but I was disappointed :nope: needles are never fun.
Now the next time I go back I get to see the baby and find out what we're having, yay!!
Hi girls!

Welcome back mango. I was so so tired at that stage and so very bloated and uncomfortable. I feel lots better now, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Congrats on all the great scans and appts ladies.

Bree how exciting to be so close to meeting your baby! Seems like forever away for most of us!

Afm, I had a lazy day today. My cat is still using the corner as a potty and missed the pee pad overnight :(. We love her dearly and are hoping it gets better. We will wait until after the baby is born to get rid of her if we have to but we don't want to. She's family!
Dini - Hope your cat starts getting better with her routine!

Bree - Thats awesome, that you are so close to meeting your baby, and yeah Dini it feels like forever for most of us (but every part seems like a small achievement when going to ultrasound)

Karen - Your baby girl looks great! I am waiting for my 11 week scan to see the baby developed further :)

Sweetbliss - Aww, it might feel amazing to feel the baby move, hope next time your hubby can also feel from outside and that should not take long :)

Starluck - I felt the same around week 4-5-6, ate quite a lot and felt bloated all the time, now its starting to get a little better - atleast thats what I think as I don't eat the whole day like in every hour or so.(Sometimes scares me, but trying to keep myself from not thinking too much)

Jumpingo - How are you feeling?
SanJan - Sorry baby wasn't too cooperative. That's good that you'll get another scan though and another opportunity to see the baby!

Bree - I'm glad you had such a good day!

Starluck - Sorry you're feeling sick :( It will ease up soon though. I bought maternity pants early on after I tried some on and found out how comfortable they are haha. I still don't "need" them, but I do wear them. The bloat will subside, just hang in there!

Lacandienne - Yay for being finished with report cards! I hope you're able to catch a break now and not feel so run down from work.

Mia - Glad your appointment went well but sorry for the blood draw :( Hopefully they won't be stealing any more of your blood for awhile.

AFM - Appointment went alright. It is a kidney infection. I figured it was. I had a really bad UTI a few years ago that ended in a kidney infection and so now they just go straight to my kidneys. I'm just glad I caught it before it got worse and now have antibiotics. Other than that, things are good :)
Sweetbliss, I've gotten a kidney infection before too - it's awful. I hope the antibiotics clear it up quick for you. Thanks for the kind words on the bloat and weight gain.
Dini sorry about your cat. I'm with you though, if my pet was peeing in my house all the time there's no way I could keep it. But I also understand with a pet being family, I couldn't imagine ever getting rid of my dog! I hope it improves.

Sorry abou the infection sweetbliss! That sounds really uncomfortable :( I hope the antibiotics clear it up quickly for you.

I've basically been living in one pair of maternity jeans a friend gave me a while back. They look cute like normal jeans I'd wear and the elastic doesn't go all the way up around the belly. Technically my normal pants can still button...buuut they're uncomfortable after like 10 minutes so maternity it is! No shame!
starluck and mango,
i'm feeling okay. thanks for asking:flower:
i was feeling really crappy last night with cramps and that car sick feeling and had some light pink spotting when i went to the bathroom, which i know is normal, but it still makes your mind freak out:wacko: i think i feel better during the days and the evenings are starting to be bad. i fell asleep on the couch somewhere around 4:30 or 5 and napped on and off until 9:30, when i just moved to my bed. ha! then slept until 6:30am.:shock: i did wake up for an hour around 3am, but man, that's a lot of sleep!:haha:

i go from forgetting i'm pregnant and it not seeming real to worrying all the time that everything is not okay or isn't going to be okay or something. wish i could turn my brain off sometimes.:nope::wacko:
Mia, I'm planning to have the baby in a birth centre if everything ends up being normal. If the baby is a preemie or if there are any complications, it has to be the hospital.

Dini - sorry to hear your cat is still acting up. Hopefully you don't have to get rid of it, and it's just a phase.

sweet, that sounds painful. I don't think that's every happened to me before. Hope the antibiotics work quickly.

jumpingo, a little bit of worrying is normal. I think everyone goes through that. But try not to worry too much. It'll keep you from enjoying your pregnancy.
karen - wow you're halfway there! what a cute pic of your baby girl!

star - great that your scan went well. Hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

Mango - The NT scan is usually done between 11-13.5 weeks, coupled witha blood test to check the odds for for downs syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies. I am glad your bloat is better!

sweetbliss - yay for feeling movement! I cant wait for that. Sorry for the kidney infection hun. Glad it got caught early on.

Jumpingo / Jenny most places the first scan is at 12 weeks. I guess you could get a private scan done if you want.

Mia - happy your appointment went well :)

sanjan - Aw, sorry your baby was uncooperative.. hope you feel the movements soon :)

bree -Glad you had a great day:)

lancadienne - Yay, report cards done! My critical project is also getting over on the 14th, there will possibly be a lull after, which I am looking forward to.
I am a little too paranoid for my #1 and looking for hospitals with NICUs at the moment :|

Dini - Aw, hope your cat stops giving trouble. I know its tough to let go of her.. my DH loves cats and its tough to keep him from bringing one at home right now.
I hope you are taking it easier at work.

AFM the past week of work, taking care of dad and throwing up left me with no energy. I spent saturday lazing around and doing nothing. a first in a while! :)
starluck and mango,
i'm feeling okay. thanks for asking:flower:
i was feeling really crappy last night with cramps and that car sick feeling and had some light pink spotting when i went to the bathroom, which i know is normal, but it still makes your mind freak out:wacko: i think i feel better during the days and the evenings are starting to be bad. i fell asleep on the couch somewhere around 4:30 or 5 and napped on and off until 9:30, when i just moved to my bed. ha! then slept until 6:30am.:shock: i did wake up for an hour around 3am, but man, that's a lot of sleep!:haha:

i go from forgetting i'm pregnant and it not seeming real to worrying all the time that everything is not okay or isn't going to be okay or something. wish i could turn my brain off sometimes.:nope::wacko:

Jumpingo, I know how you feel. I am still feeling the same, but try to enjoy it as much as possible. I sometimes don't feel pregnant at all and that scares me out, but I am trying to think until told otherwise, try to think that everything is going well. Also, regarding spotting(if your spotting gets a little red), do go and get your hcg and progesterone levels checked if they can be - because in my case Mint suggested that to me and I am so glad I did because my progesterone level was low and the doctor put me on progesterone pills.
Jumpingo - Sleep as much as you can now! I napped so much early on. Now I still want to nap sometimes but it is getting better. You're tired for a good reason! Your body is giving everything to baby :)

MolGold - Sorry you're so tired! Rest up as much as you can!

We had my husband's Marine Corps Ball last night. It was a lot of fun, they even had a photo booth! Even though I was the only sober one of our friends I had a blast. I will say though that all of the people who were drunk have recovered WAY faster than me. They all had a hotel room but I just drove DH and I home. It was after 3am when we did get home though so I was beyond exhausted and still am. It's going to take me at least 2 more days to recover from being that tired I think lol.
DH did feel the baby move for the first time though this morning!!!


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