Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Hi ladies! Hope you all are well!

I'm working on housework today and need to get motivated to get showered and go to my dad's. His BD is in two days and I'm working then. I bought him a frame that says "Grandpa & Me" on it and I'm putting an ultrasound pic in it and telling him the frame will be for more to come. I just hate going to his house, he and his wife smoke a lot and inside and I can't stand it and he will light up whether I'm there or not. I've even asked him not to but it's like he forgets and just does it anyway.

Anyhow.. I just booked our gender scan for November 19th! Seems so far away and I could do it sooner but I want a good pic and we want to announce on Thanksgiving and if I find out too much sooner I'll never be able to keep it a secret!

I just booked a 2d because it was cheaper and not really necessary for 3d/4d but then saw a special for a 2d/3d scan for just $99. We are paying $79 for the 2d, but it does come with a $10 coupon for a future visit if we want to go back when baby is more developed...guess I'll see what DH wants to do, but at least the appt is made!
Happy birthday to your dad :) My aunt does the same thing with the smoking inside, no matter who's there. At least she keeps it contained to the kitchen...

Yay for seeing baby :D I'm going on the 21st :)
Sweetbliss I could pay for a private gender scan and its not very expensive. But I guess at this point waiting 4 weeks seems doable and we're just trying to save all the money we can. Also by 19 weeks they should be able to confidently tell me the gender :) mines November 25th!
And I totally relate on the kind of nervousness about knowing gender. It does seem like that will make it soo real!

SanJan I hope you can get DH more on board with even discussing names!

Dini sorry about the smoking, that's really annoying. But I hope you enjoy your time together. I'm going to announce gender on thanksgiving too! So yeah it's good I'll only know 2 days before :)
We seem to be finding out close to each other around here! I was going to schedule it the week of Thanksgiving but DH and I don't have a day off together that week until the day after Thanksgiving, although if he has to work at all on Thanksgiving it shouldn't be all day, sooo we had to do it a week prior. I also feel like if we wait until then it'll be more likely.

Are you having a 3d scan Mia?

I have a feeling we will upgrade, I mean it is just $20 extra but we are trying to save whatever money we can.
It's exciting that so many of you will know the gender soon! Our scan is only on December 3rd because of scheduling issues, but I'm sure it'll be nerve-wracking when it gets closer. Not that we really care if it's a boy or a girl, but as everyone said, it makes it more real to have more information.

16 weeks today, and it occurred to me that in just 4 weeks, I will be half-way. It's coming fast! Our prenatal course starts this week as it lasts 8 weeks - it's a bit more detailed than most because it's based on the Bradley method where the husband is the labor coach. It'll be good to start getting all our information sorted out.
Yay for so many upcoming gender ultrasounds! I can't wait to hear what everyone is having. :)

Yes, sweetbliss, we are going to find out on Friday!! :) I am so excited! It will be a great weekend for both you and I, then! How cool!

Both DH and I have had dreams that it's a girl lately... we'll see if it turns out to be true!

Dini, I'm sorry your hubby was acting distant but I'm glad he seems to be coming around! It's so frustrating when men get in funks but don't want to talk about why. I think maybe they want to figure out the 'problem' on their own; maybe that's seen as the manly thing to do? Very different from us ladies, lol.

I also love your idea for your dad's bday gift! That's so awesome. :)

Mia, I'm glad to hear the nausea is starting to subside for you!

Happy Diwali to those who celebrated it! I hope you had a terrific time! :thumbup:
All of the gender scans coming up are so exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear what you are all having!

My first scan is next Tuesday, we're impatiently waiting :haha:
Dini we're not planning to get a 3D scan. Ours will just be the regular 20 week one at the doctors office and I'm fine with that. I think the 3D ones can be cool, but not worth it to me to have a whole separate expensive scan. I will see my little one's precious face before I know it!

Lacanadienne crazy you're not far away from half way already! That's exciting you're starting your prenatal course too! Guess I should maybe start thinking about something like that soon...

Starluck I hope your first scan is great. That's such a beautiful moment to first see the little peanut :)

I can't wait to start really thinking about planning the nursurey and nesting for this baby now that the ms is pretty well gone! It's been hard to have the energy to even think about anything so now that I feel human again I can actually be excited about having a baby, yay!!
Karen, sweetbliss - Less than a week to know the gender :happydance: am soo happy and excited. Will be following here to get the good news.

Dini - That b'day present sounds soo cute.

Regarding the baby names, DH is actually very anxious and worried about the baby still. During our last ultrasound, the sonographer actually scared us a lot about the low PAPP-A levels and high uterine resistance. And, as a bad coincidence, that was the first scan appointment for which he came along with me. Though the doctor did sound very positive and also told us about how they'll take care of this and the extra growth scans and stuff, I think he's still a bit worried. He keeps asking me if we want to go to a different Dr once for a second opinion. So, with all these things, he just want to wait till next U/S, just not to jinx anything.

anyways, I have booked for our 18 weeks scan on Nov 5th. So, just few more days of waiting :happydance:
DH and myself just came back from work and got a nice surprise from MIL and FIL. There was a beautiful photo of a baby in a cute lil frame with the words "I'm coming mumma and papa" and "I'm all yours..." Written on top and bottom by my FIL in left hand, just to make sure it looks like a child's handwriting. I got so emotional after seeing that and am st in the verge of happy tears. They had been a huge support to me throught this. In fact, I haven't done a single house work or cooked a single meal myself since the time I found out that I'm pregnant. They just take care of me like their own daughter and today's gift was so beautiful, I just can't thank them enough. :cloud9:
SanJan - My DH wasn't too eager to pick out names either. I decided to just go through a book and when I saw a name I liked I'd say "what about, xyz" and he'd say yes or no, and if it was yes I'd write it down in a little notebook I have. After doing that a few times he started to warm up and will talk about names now. Maybe ease into it with your DH too and he'll start to come around :) The gift from your in laws is so sweet! That is really so nice of them to be taking such good care of you! You're very blessed to have such great family there to help you.

Dini - Your gender scan will be here before you know it! That is perfect timing too for when you want to tell everyone.

Maggz - You'll find out the gender on the 21st, right?

Mia - You're stronger than I am haha. I'm so impatient. I think part of it is that I love surprising others and since we live so far from family, getting the chance to surprise them in person makes me feel like I need to find out early so we can surprise them haha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is nervous about finding out the gender!

Karen - I'll be checking Friday for your update! What time is your appt at?
hi ladies... yep, I'll be hitting the halfway mark in just 2 days... its unbelievable!! And I feel like Im finally starting to show, and Im feeling the baby roll around nearly every day now... its exciting!!

Also, Im glad many of us arent getting our gender scans til around Thanksgiving/end of November. Im not staying team yellow, but instead of getting my gender scan in a week or so, my husband is now insisting on coming with me to the ultrasound... which is kinda corny in my opinion... I was just going to go by myself because its not a big deal to me personally, but its sweet he wants to be involved... BUT now due to scheduling issues we have to wait until the weekend right after Thanksgiving, so now I gotta wait an extra 3 weeks.. I'll be like 24 weeks by then lol so theyll definitely be able to tell the gender at least

So at least there'll be quite a few of us all finding out the genders right around the same time, which is cool
How exciting that you ladies are getting so close to finding out the genders! Hopefully your little ones cooperate for you. This cheeky girl kept her legs shut the first time round and I ended up paying for a 3D/4D gender scan a few days later.

Sanjan - hopefully your DH comes around soon with the names, I know how excited we can get but I guess they don't really get the whole pregnancy experience in the same way we do. Have you got anything picked out that you really like? Also your pressie from your MIL and FIL sounds beautiful!

Swampmaiden - the big 20! Congrats on such a wonderful milestone!

Have you ladies done all the Chinese gender predictions and looked at the old wives tales?

Thanks for all your kind words about the baby shower, It was awesome! It was very hot so I was quite uncomfortable, and I wish that I had maybe taken a backseat role in the planning, because I found myself very stressed out by the end of the day but it was really good catching up with family and friends and my princess got spoilt rotten. I also feel comfortable now going shopping and buying the rest of the stuff I need for baby, before I didn't really have a clue in regards to newborn sizing or what I'd need, but after seeing the gifts I have some idea as to what I need to buy and what I don't need to buy. It's spring and at the end of the day we had a beautiful storm, and everyone released pink and orange balloons into the sky and said some wishes for baby, which was so lovely and heartfelt.

I'll upload some pics later when I'm on my laptop!
Hello all,

On Oct 23rd I wrote a looong reply to everyone that somehow vanished! I then felt defeated and too tired to write it again and took a bit to catch up again.
I have read everything but still don't have it in my to reply to everyone. Sorry - I have been really really exhausted this past week and also anxious and frazzled.

Bree - I can't wait to see those shower pics.
Everyone else - good thoughts! Be well!

AFM, just totally drained. NT results came back GREAT though (my doc put great in all caps, not me lol) so that's good.

Hopefully get my energy back soon and can give everyone better replies.
Swampmaiden, woohooo half way there! :happydance:

Breelizabeth, your baby shower sounds like it was beautiful! the balloon idea is really sweet <3

I did two different chinese gender predictions. One said girl and one said boy :haha:

Mint, sorry you've been feeling so tired! Some days I just have no energy and others I feel fine. Is there anything in particular you are feeling anxious and frazzled over? :hugs:
SanJan, how sweet that your in laws are so helpful and supportive! That's really great. I'm sorry your husband is feeling a little nervous and not into the name-planning. Hopefully as time goes by he will feel more comfortable discussing things like that! :hugs:

Mint, sorry you've been feeling so tired and anxious! :hugs: to you! We are here for you and anything that may be on your mind! And I'm glad to hear your NT scan went so well!

Bree, your shower sounds awesome! I bet it will be so much fun buying the last of the things you need and setting it all up!

Swampmaiden, congrats on reaching the halfway mark, and on feeling movement! How exciting! That is sweet that your husband wants to come, but too bad it meant a delay.

Mia, yay for getting past the ms and for nursery planning! Have fun! Do you know what colours/theme you want to use?

Sweetbliss, my ultrasound is at 3:45 on Friday. So in 3 days and 6 hours, as long as baby cooperates, I'll finally know! Woohoo!!! I had another dream last night that it was a girl, and my husband had a girl dream on the weekend, too. We'll see if we are correct! :thumbup:
So its scan time on the thread :happydance:

Sanjan wow that sounds so cute :)

Dini, I am glad your DH and you had the talk. And your dads gift idea is so great! My dad smoked too, he just goes out on the porch while I am at home.

Lancadienne halfway there already!

Karen, thanks :) Diwali is really special to us Indians and I broke baby news to immediate family ( not planned but blurbed out anyway) :D

Mia glad your symptoms are easing. I had the worst MS yesterday, for the first time in 11 weeks :p and I had to take the day off work! I cant imagine how tough it is for those of you battling it daily.

Just 4 day to go for my NT scan. I think I am one of the girls most behind in their pregnancy on this thread but that's ok, I have you guys to ask for experience :) Speaking of which, did you keep up the sex in your 1st / 2nd tri? Sorry if that's TMI!

Maggz, Star, Mint how are you? Hope I am not missing anyone!
Swampmaiden sorry your gender scan is delayed, but that is sweet that he wants to come with you. It's a big moment! And how fun to be feeling a lot of movement!

Bree I'm glad the baby shower went well, sorry it was kind of stressful for you though. Sounds good that you have a good idea of things you need now though!

Sorry you've been so tired Mint :( I probably would've cried if I wrote a long reply and it got deleted, so I understand!

Karen I can't wait to hear what you're having!! Are you going to have them tell you in the room? I know some people have them write it down and have some fun way of revealing it to themselves.

Mol sorry you had some ms, but I glad its not all the time. And that's exciting your NT scan is coming! As for sex, that side of life has severely taken a back seat all first trimester because of ms. Maybe it'll pick up more now that I feel better?

I don't have a nursury theme picked out yet, don't know how to decide. I don't know colors either but feel like I can't choose until I know gender. So in 1 month I can really start more tangibly planning!
Swamp, congrats on getting to the half-way mark!

Bree, your shower sounds awesome. It is odd for me to hear that it is warm in October, but of course your seasons are reversed.

SanJan, your inlaws sound really sweet. You are lucky to have them.

Mint, I know the feeling about the exhaustion. Some days it seems like walking up a flight of stairs is hard.

Mol, sorry about the morning sickness. Mine was worst between weeks 9 and 11. Maybe it won't last very long for you. Oh, and sex took a back seat for most of the first trimester because I wasn't feeling well. Thankfully, I have an understanding DH. It is getting better now.

Mia, I am sure you will have fun picking out colors and themes once you know. I kind of like the idea of savanna or forest animals, which could work with both. Not sure what to do about color, though, as the room was painted blue only last year. It might just stay that way. I don't mind having a blue room for a girl - that's the tradition in some countries like Belgium anyway.

To all of you with scans soon, I can't wait to find out what you're having. It'll help me wait until December 3rd to find mine out.
Hey girls. Just wanted to let all of you know that we made it safe and sound. Will post more once i get the time to.

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