Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Mol, I can only imagine how tired you must be right now trying to take care of someone else. I'm really lucky that DH does a lot of the work around here when I'm tired from work and being pregnant. Try not to worry too much about the baby - I'm sure it's fine and cosy in there.

sweet - great photos, and cute bump! I can only relate too well to the not recovering quickly, though. At DH's brother's wedding in September, we went home early (11 pm), and I was still exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. Then we didn't get to sleep in - there was a brunch the next day - and between that and the fact that we had to spend quite a bit of time outside in the cold that day, I got a cold that lasted a month.
Jumpingo / Jenny most places the first scan is at 12 weeks. I guess you could get a private scan done if you want.

yeah, i thought about it! so i called a local (off base) hospital but since i'm in japan, things get tricky. it doesn't appear they will do anything without starting from the beginning.:roll: since it would be out of pocket, i would basically be paying for an appointment to take their urine test and for them to take all my vitals and family history down and then pay again for another appointment for the scan and who knows what other "hidden" costs! just trying to be patient and hopefully can get in around 11 weeks due to the holidays and potentially traveling over new years.

Jumpingo, I know how you feel. I am still feeling the same, but try to enjoy it as much as possible. I sometimes don't feel pregnant at all and that scares me out, but I am trying to think until told otherwise, try to think that everything is going well. Also, regarding spotting(if your spotting gets a little red), do go and get your hcg and progesterone levels checked if they can be - because in my case Mint suggested that to me and I am so glad I did because my progesterone level was low and the doctor put me on progesterone pills.
it was just once, so i think everything is okay. but you're right, i should assume it's okay until told otherwise. will try! ha.

Jumpingo - Sleep as much as you can now! I napped so much early on. Now I still want to nap sometimes but it is getting better. You're tired for a good reason! Your body is giving everything to baby :)
yeah, i worry sometimes my husband might start to think i'm milking it, but oh well!:haha: he's actually being really sweet, so naps all around!:blush:

your dress is pretty! apparently there's a christmas ball coming up, but my husband said he didn't get the invite and i don't know anything, so who knows if we'll end up going.:shrug: sadly we are super homebodies and would be perfectly happy sitting on the couch and going to bed at 8:30!:dohh::haha:
Jumpingo, I'm sorry you had a scare with the spotting! That is definitely not a fun thing to see. :( I hope it was just an isolated incident for you, and that your cramps will subside soon! Try to get as much rest as you can. :hugs:

Mol, so sorry your dad is ill, and that you feel sick on top of it! That must be very difficult. I hope you'll both feel better soon!

Sweetbliss, that stinks about the kidney infection! That's good that you caught it early, though. And I love your pictures. Your dress is great and you look very pretty!

I had a pretty stressful weekend, one reason being I have come down with my 3rd UTI. Ugh, it makes me feel so gross. :/ That was coupled with what I think it a hormone rise (once in a while I get a pimple on my nose, at the same time I feel extra emotional, and that happened this weekend) so I ended up having a bit of a breakdown and sobbing on my parents' couch. Not fun. But, I am feeling a bit better today. Anyone else have these one or two day blues once in a while? On the positive side, I'm feeling my baby move a lot more frequently now, which is a lovely thing. :)

Have a great day, everyone! :flower:
A sad update here. I went to see my doc after a blood clot in the toilet earlier today. She immediately sent me for an U/S and apparently I have a thin layer of subchrionic bleeding. Thankfully the baby is fine. I've to be on bed rest for 2weeks (at loss of pay) which would be real tough to manage but I am hoping it should help resolve the bleed on its own. I see the doc again in 2 weeks. FX my Lil one stays healthy :(
Karen - that's really too bad about the UTI. I don't really tend to get much in terms of mood swings, but I can definitely see if you're not feeling well, your mood is not as good. I've had to take two days off work because I'm sick with a cold again. I just feel gross, and like I'm not being productive, which I don't like.

Mol - oh no! Hope the bed rest helps. Take care of yourself and of your baby - that's your number one priority right now.
Sweetbliss you look so pretty in your dress!

Mol I'm sorry for all you are going through. I know the loss of pay is stressful but take care of you and baby!

Karen, another UTI, that must be bothersome! I get occasional mood swings but nothing bad so far. I am getting pimples frequently though, as soon as a big one clears up another surfaces.

Afm, I'm doing okay despite the sciatica and numbness. It's hard to get through work but otherwise I manage. The fatigue seems to be back the last week, wonder if baby is going through a growth spurt. The dizziness also came back. I suppose I could be anemic, I'll ask at appt next week. Otherwise just hanging in there wishing time would go faster!
Hey girls! I'm back to reality now that my sisters have left. We did a looooot of touristy stuff and had a lot of fun! The house is a little empty now though and I don't know when I'll see any family next so I'm a little sad :(

Sorry about infections, bleeding, and other problems I may have missed (I just skimmed quickly over a few pages, it would take me forever to read everything I've missed!). I hope you recover quickly and none of us have any more problems. Deal? ;)

I've been feeling baby move a lot for about the last week or so, not just when I'm laying down anymore but all the time! It's so cute and very reassuring to know that it's kicking away in there :cloud9:

Anyone find out the gender yet apart from Karen??
Our scan is in less than two weeks, the 21st (Thursday). I'm just looking forward to seeing the baby in there I don't really care about the gender but DH is excited.
It's so cute when he tells me random things he's been thinking about the baby and when it comes - this morning he told me he can't wait to make baby's first chicken and waffles :rofl:

Hope you're all having a good day girls :)
Oh yeah and sweetbliss I love the dress! I feel like our bumps are almost the same although yours might be a little more visible :)
Jumpingo - If you end up going to the Christmas ball then post a picture! We really had a lot of fun at ours, I'd hope you'd have fun too if you went. DH and I are also homebodies too but it was good to get out for a night.

Karen - I'm so sorry about the UTI! Do you have any ideas what might be causing them? I know that I have to pee after sex or else I get one within 24 hours, it's horrible. I hope that you are able to get some relief! I've noticed that I can tell I'm having a hormone rise because I get emotional too. Yay for feeling that sweet baby moving more and more!

MolGold - So sorry about the subchrionic bleeding! I hope that the bedrest is able to help it and it gets better! Rest up, I'm sure everything will be fine!

Dini - Keep hanging in there! Sorry you're so tired!

Maggz - I'm glad you had a good time with your sisters! Isn't it exciting feeling the baby move more and more?! I love it! We found out the gender last week, it's a girl :) I can't wait to hear what you're having! What are you thinking it is? I bet our bumps are about the same, the picture where you see mine is after we ate dinner so it's a bit bigger than before I've eaten haha. Post a recent one of yours!
Yay a girl sweetbliss that's awesome! :cloud9:
It really is crazy to feel all those movements, just wish it wouldn't stop whenever I put DH's hand on there :haha:
Yeah I think I have one from last week I'll put it up when I find it! :) I'm the same it's a little bigger after I've eaten, and it's very firm down by the pelvic bone but kinda soft still by the bellybutton haha.
All right here's my bump...
Grey shirt 15w+, white sweater 16w+, black shirt 17w+ (2 days ago)



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maggz, you look great!

i'm trying to get an idea of how pregnant i'm gonna look in march (22 weeks) when i have to go to a friend's wedding. japanese wedding fashion baffles me so add being pregnant to that - shopping for that will be interesting:wacko:

i'm an emotional mess. my poor husband. i'm about to quit facebook and hate the internet today. ha! i laugh, but i was a sobbing mess a few hours ago. good thing my husband knows a clean house fixes a lot of stuff and we power cleaned for a little over an hour and feeling a little better. but damn these mood swings may be the end of me, or him, or both!:roll::haha:
Maggz - Cute bump! Nice to hear that you had a good vacation with your sister.

Sweetbliss - sorry about the kidney infection, hope things clears up soon. And you are looking really great in those pics. Awesome bump :thumbup:

Karen - Another UTI! That must be bad. Take care of youself. And I totally get you on being emotional. I have started crying/getting angry for no reason these days that hubby doesn't even bother to ask for a reason some times :haha: Just tries to console me without even knowing what it is for.

Mol - Don't bother much about work now. Just rest up well. Fx for you and your bean. Prayers and hugs your way dear.

Dini - sorry about being soo tired.

AFM, I just wish time would fly soon and I would start feeling this baby. With all the other symptoms gone and a surge of energy, some days, I don't even feel pregnant till night when my back ache starts a bit. Went to the Dr on Saturday and she said everything else is on track and called me for another anomaly scan on 26th. Hopefully the baby cooperates then. And, we finally got our flight tickets and hotel bookings done for a short 3 day vacation to Goa for anniversary this time :happydance: Yayy...
Aww, Mol, I'm so sorry that you had that experience. That must have been frightening. I'm glad they were able to quickly determine what it is, though, and that your little one is ok! I don't know too much about SCH but I have heard cases of it clearing up on its own with time, so hopefully that will be the case with you! I hope you can get some good rest and feel better soon.

Lacanadienne, aww, another cold! How lousy. :( It must be hard when students are getting sick left and right around this time of year, eh? Feel better!

Dini, I hope the sciatica and other troublesome symptoms will ease up for you, too!!!

Maggz, it's great to have you back, and I'm glad you had a fun time with your sisters! Your bump looks so cute! Based on the size and shape I'm guessing it's a girl! :)

SanJan, that's exciting about the vacation!! I hope you'll have a terrific time. :)

Sweetbliss, I think my UTIs are caused by not going pee quite often enough. I've been doing better at sneaking in bathroom breaks at work, but this past Wednesday, I had three back to back sessions (we do not have a break in between students) during which I was not able to sneak away at all, and I had a bad feeling it was going to lead to a UTI, and it did. :/ I also heard that perhaps because of my short, small frame, with my organs being squished and maybe the baby putting pressure on my bladder, there may be a tiny corner of the bladder that is being sort of pinched, so the urine from that corner can't get out with the rest.

My husband was afraid it was from us DTD but the doctor said with the timing it couldn't be that in our case, so we were glad about that. But that's a very good point about using the bathroom right after DTD! I try to make sure to do that, too.

Have a great day everyone! :thumbup:
Catching up after a few days :)

Jumpingo, ahhh yes mood swings - so much fun (lol)! I've been there :hugs: And the worrying is normal too, although it would be nice if I could just skip that ;) I'm sorry to hear about the spotting scare; that's never fun.

Lacandienne, I'm also planning to birth in a birthing center with midwives :) If there is any complication I have to go across the street to the hospital, fingers crossed we both can birth in the birthing center!

cute pics sweetbliss!!!

Karen, so sorry to hear about the UTI :( They are so uncomfortable.

:hugs: Mol :hugs: I'm sorry to hear about the subchorionic bleeding and loss of pay :( I know that is stressful, but you and baby are the priority now - rest as much as you can. :hugs:

You look amazing maggz! I love that white sweater :)

AFM, I 'graduate' to the birthing center today from the fertility clinic :happydance: I have my first appt with them today - hopefully I like the midwives because I have my heart set on birthing there and not in the hospital (as long as there are no complications I can birth there; if there are complications I will have to go across the street to the hospital). I'm hoping to get another u/s so I can see my baby again! Unfortunately my husband will likely not make it to this appt due to work :( boooo.
Thanks girls! It isn't usually this defined but if I try to wear tight clothing it looks better haha :) starluck I love it too I'm obsessed with sweaters like this! I found it at H&M :)
Karen that's funny that you'd say that as I was just saying to DH that I'm getting a more girly vibe now from the bump ;)

haha jumpingo that will be interesting for the wedding! :) You'll definitely be showing by then at least! And I know the moodswings/emotional rollercoaster you talk about.... Yesterday I cried cause we just got a new set of silverware and one of the new spoons fell into the garbage disposal, no one noticed, and it got hacked :( :haha:

SanJan you'll start feeling baby soon I'm sure! Do you have an anterior placenta?

starluck yay hope you like the midwives! :)

Karen that's good that it's not because of the :sex: ;) Can you excuse yourself in between sessions or take a break in the middle of a session to go to the bathroom? UTI's must suck! :(

DH just felt baby kick for the first time!!! :cloud9: It was so active and the kicks were pretty powerful, I was surprised! I love feeling them from the outside it makes it feel so real :)
So jealous of all of you feeling baby movement! I'm guessing it's because of my retroverted uterus, but nothing defined yet. A few times I haven't been quite sure, and I'm getting a lot of heartbeat-type pulsating down there, but nothing like twitching or fluttering. Hopefully I start feeling baby soon - if not, the u/s will seem so far away! Three weeks to go.

And by the way, Fxed that my cold is getting better. I'm feeling better today, but still have a slight cough and a lot of congestion.

Just had a prenatal class about complications and interventions. Not the most upbeat class, but I guess I prefer having the information if I have to deal with such things.

Oh, and starluck, yes, fxed that we both have very normal pregnancies and can go to the birthing centre! And also that all the information I got tonight will not be of use to any of us.
starluck, that's exciting about meeting the midwives at the birthing centre! How did it go?

Maggz, how great that your DH felt the baby!!! What a wonderful bonding moment for the three of you. :)

lacanadienne, I'm glad your cold is starting to break! I'm sorry you're not feeling much movement yet. I'm sure it will come as your little one continues to grow. Also, I found from watching the ultrasound that my baby was moving a lot more than I could actually feel (she was moving almost the whole 45 minutes, but I only felt her about 2 or 3 times), so that was kind of reassuring. I'm sure it's frustrating at the same time, though!

Maggz, how my work shift is structured is that I have student A from 4-5pm, student B from 5-6, C from 6-7, etc. Technically we are supposed to bring each subsequent student back to our cubicle right as we are dropping off the last one, but my boss lets me run to the washroom in between for a minute whenever I need to. I can also leave most of the students during the course of the session for a quick pee break; most of them are mature/responsible enough for me to leave doing independent work for a minute and I know they will be fine. But I do have a few who are incredibly impulsive and can't be trusted to not steal something, break something, or eat something they shouldn't, or some who are quite anxious and dependent on me, and it's much harder to leave these ones for a moment. Unfortunately last Wednesday, circumstances were such that I couldn't leave between or during three in a row, and sure enough, the darned UTI came. I talked to my boss again and she is going to help with making the transition between the two trickier ones, help them pack up their stuff, etc. so that I can go. That will help! :) Luckily, though, this UTI hasn't been as bad as the last one. I'm mostly feeling tired and achy this time, but last time it was soooo painful. Sorry to be overly TMI, but last time it literally felt like I was wiping with sandpaper, or worse, sometimes like I was using jagged shards of glass. Ughhh! Thank goodness it's not this bad this time!

On a more fun note, lol, I have started planning my baby shower, and I'm so excited!!! It's on February 21 at my church hall. I've designed the invitations, planned the food, games, decorations, etc. It's going to be a Noah's Ark theme. I can't wait!

Has anyone else started planning or thinking about that?

Have a lovely day, everyone! :thumbup:
Oh man I've gotta play catch up on the last few days...

Mol I'm so sorry about needing bed rest but I hope it helps and things get better for you!

Sweetbliss very cute pictures, you look great!

Maggz your pictures look great too! It's so fun to start really seeing the bump! And that's awesome you're feeling the baby a lot and DH got to feel it, how special!!

Jumpingo the hormones are totally normal...just makes us crazier than we already were! I cry when I watch an episode of a tv show I've seen like 10 times before, it's ridiculous.

SanJan the anniversary trip sounds awesome! What anniversary is it for you? And that's good everything's fine with the baby even if you can't feel it yet, I'm sure it's coming soon.

Starluck I hope it all does work out for you to go to the birthing center. Sorry DH can't make it to the next u/s but hopefully they can at least give you a picture to take and show him.

Lacanadienne I hope you start feeling the baby soon too! But I'm glad your cold is starting to get better. Being sick just always sucks :(

Karen that is such a bummer about another UTI. Were you prone to them before getting pregnant? That's good you're able to talk to your boss and work things out to help though. And so exciting about the baby shower! Starts making it all so real I bet! I haven't thought anywhere near that far ahead yet...maybe once we know gender I'll get on top of things more.

I think 17 weeks has been the best week so far! I'm FINALLY a feeling pretty normal again all day, morning through night, and it's amazing. I still felt kind of barfy even last week. And yesterday I felt my first real baby kicks! It was only twice and sadly DH wasn't there, but wow is that fun :) I can't wait to feel it again and for DH to feel it! Tomorrow is our 4 year anniversary so I'm hoping the baby gives its daddy that gift :)
As my gender scan gets closer, I've started having dreams of going to the appointment and finding out what it is. I've had both boy and girl dreams...so basically I think I'm just clueless! Haha.

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