Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Maggz - yeah, I have an anterior high placenta. It sucks, really.

Karen - how exciting about the baby shower :) and, some tips to avoid UTI apart from using bathroom after DTD - if its a specific time frame when you can't use bathroom, try limiting your fluid intake from an hour before that. But make sure you take enough fluids couple of hours before to ensure you have an empty bladder before your schedule starts. Also compensate the amount of fluids after your classes are done. Another small trick I learnt at my doctor's - slightly bend forward and back when you are almost done peeing :) it ensures your bladder is emptied completely and you won't have the urge to go to the loo very often.

Lacanadienne - don't worry. I'm still here waiting on feeling the baby yet. And its going to be longer as doctor said not to expect the same till around 22 weeks :dohh:

Mia - its going to be our second anniversary. And happy anniversary to you both :flower:

AFM, I've been eating a lot lately, esp., lots of chocolates and baked goods. Have regained all the weight that I lost during MS and have put on 3 more Kgs :( though the weight gain is in the range for 19 weeks according to the doctor, I'm more worried about this newly found obsession with sweets. I used to hate sweets and always skip desserts before and this is all very new :nope:
Hey Ladies
Thank you for all the kind words! I'm just quickly dropping in to see how everybody is. I'll properly catch up later. I'm still paranoid about every little cramp but resting a lot. Hope you guys are well. I'll properly catch up later.
Hi Mol! Glad to hear you're doing ok and that you're getting some rest. :hugs:

Mia, I'm glad you're starting to feel better now, and how exciting about feeling the first kicks! Yay!!

SanJan, thanks so much for the tips. I will try to use them! :)

I had never had a UTI before being pregnant, so it's all new to me.

I've found I enjoy candy more than I used to! I mean, I've always liked it, but I generally prefer salty things if given the choice. That being said, I've craved chips a lot more, too, so I guess I just want all the unhealthy things, haha. I try to make my regular meals as healthy as possible with lots of veggies, lean meats, whole grains, etc. so that when I indulge in a little snack I feel like maybe it balances out, lol. Not sure if that's how it works but I'm choosing to think so ;)
Aw SanJan don't worry about the weight right now. Especially if your doctor is telling you it's in line with where you should be. I start to get a little freaked as I see the numbers on the scale ticking up, but have to remember this is normal and the baby needs it :) yeah I've been really tempted by sweets lately. I just count it a victory every time I can fight the urge and eat fruit instead. Trying to keep lots of fresh fruit around to curb those cravings.

If any of you are interested, I got an email with a promo code for a free nursing pillow here: https://www.nursingpillow.com
The code is THANKYOUNP. You still have to pay shipping but the pillow is free! I spent an extra $5 and got a plush soft one because I thought it was worth it. Just thought I'd share the wealth if anyone's interested!
Mia glad you're feeling better and feeling the baby now :) So fun.

Karen okay I understand! Good that your boss seems to be understanding as well and is willing to accommodate for you. Now just that the UTI's would stop! :)
As for baby shower planning, I commend you for having started! We are debating if we should do a Super Bowl baby shower or a St. Patty's Day baby shower. What do you all think? Is it to early for us to have the shower early Feb when I'm due in April?

SanJan don't worry about the weight, really. I was wearing bulky wedge-Pumas and a thick fur vest to the doctor's the other day so I know my weight was way more than it really was. I also ate VERY unhealthy during my sisters' stay so I gained like 5lbs (2-3 kg) but then I weighed myself yesterday and it was gone! So I don't know about you but my weight fluctuates and I don't take it too seriously.

Anyone heard from mint?
No, maggz, February is not too early. I'm having one of mine in late December because my MIL wants to organise one, and that's the last we'll be down there before the baby comes. Do it whenever you feel is best.

We've started planning our registry since our shower is so soon - a bit over a month away - but it won't be complete until the gender u/s, as I want at least some gender-specific clothes if they're able to tell.
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't contributed in a while, I have been reading all of your updates!

Maggz - this is just my opinion but I think a St Patricks day shower would be adorable! There is so much you could do to the the baby and green theme together. If it makes you feel any better about having an early shower, mine was last month and I'm not due until January, so a few months difference.

Karen - I'm sorry about the UTI's, perhaps you could get some cranberry juice and there are some awesome mocktails that you can find on google that incorporate the cranberry juice but without the taste and without becoming repetitive (I had one with Cranberry, lemonade, watermelon and lemon juice.).

Mol - Hopefully the SCH reabsorbs itself and all the other symptoms ease up.

Today I rummaged through the cupboard and found my blow up kiddy pool, and have spent all morning setting it up. What an absolute godsend! It's 11am and looking to be the hottest day of Spring so far and I'm already struggling with the heat. I'm going to try and convince my OB to let me have another ultrasound today. In Australia they don't routinely offer 3rd Tri scans. I haven't seen her for 3 months and it seems like the longest time!!
Thanks girls I'm so clueless about baby shower etiquette :haha:

Bree that sounds awesome! Just chillin in the pool with a mocktail ;)
Sucks that you don't get to see your little one more, but at least you can feel her now, not like 1st tri :)

All right I'm off for a little nap before I go to work. Good night/morning/day to you all!
Hi girls! I am finally back after I think 3 long weeks or so. DH and I settled in and our bedroom is almost complete so we can move on to the nursery soon. Everything is still pretty new here to me and I miss home a lot but all in all I feel pretty good.
I've had some cramps here and there but those subsided and I feel our little baby boy rolling in my belly daily and he is really, really strong :)
I had my anatomy scan and he looks perfectly healthy and was measuring a day ahead. We even got to see his handsome little face in 3D/4D.
I haven't been able to read up on everything but I really hope everyone of you is doing great! I will try to catch up with the posts here starting tomorrow! :flower:


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Klink so glad you are back and doing well. Your son is adorable! His face is so perfect!!

I've been gone a few days as well, been busy with work and things at home.

So glad you are all doing well minus the bed rest and UTIs of course.

I am thinking about having the baby shower in mid February. That's about two months before the due date. It's a bit early I guess, we could always do it early March but I figure we will want to buy what we don't get and need time to set it all up. No idea on themes yet. Maybe after we know the gender. Which btw will be Wednesday!

Today DH decided we should start putting the new flooring down in the nursery. Wasn't expecting it at all so we got about 3/4 of the way done today but ran into a snag with the saw we borrowed so will start fresh tomorrow. I can't believe that room is finally getting worked on lol.
Thank you so much Dini! I'll have my babyshower sometime in February too but haven't thought much about a theme either.
What kind of flooring are you guys using? And I'm so so excited for you to find out the gender!!! :flower:
Those pics are awesome klink. Glad you're back and settling in nicely :)

Dini it's just the best feeling to get stuff like that done after a long time, right? We have all kinds of projects around the house that we want to finish and it just feels so good to check one off.

Nothing new here, super tired after working tonight... Weird, I was full of energy up until I sat down in my car, then it was like a light went out. Waiting on DH to finish a game of Madden so we can watch Sons of Anarchy or Walking Dead :coffee:
Dini and klink, welcome back! klink, the scan pictures are just precious. Glad you're starting to settle in. Our carpets are getting cleaned on Wednesday, so we have been busy clearing floors upstairs to prepare for that. After the carpets are cleaned, we can start getting furniture for the nursery! Can't wait, but clearing stuff is tiring.

maggz, I know the feeling. It just seems like I can never get enough sleep lately. I have random bouts of energy, but then I feel really exhausted.

Hope everyone had/is having a good weekend.
Our carpets are getting cleaned in December or so. We got the first 'real' snow today. I'm saying 'real' cause it snowed a few times here already but not much and it never stuck. Today is the first time that it sticks and they said to expect 2 to 3 inches overnight.
I am only 21 weeks and I think my nesting has already kicked in. I just want everything clean and organized lol
My weekend was pretty uneventful. I got frustrated cause everything we were doing this weekend was something that I couldn't really enjoy. On Friday we went out for dinner with my FIL and his girlfriend, and I thought we were gonna go to a restaurant. NOPE. We went to a bar so everyone ended up drinking but me. I mean he asked me before if it bothers me, and of course I said 'no go ahead', because I don't want to be a party pooper. Then after that one bar they wanted to go see a movie but it was already late and lately I'm not getting any good sleep. So we went to another bar which had karaoke night going on, so I was distracted from them drinking.
Then yesterday, a friend had a get together at their house and her family was there as well. And since I don't know anyone I decided not to wait at their house but to go to a shooting range with my FIL, his gf and DH. Well, turned out that we were going to an indoor one, so I couldn't even be really around them and was sitting in the waiting area this entire time. Had it been outside it would've been ok, cause it's not that loud and I wouldn't breath in the lead. So that had me even more upset then.
I told DH how I feel and he understands, so today we were saying to just relax.
NOPE. Didn't happen either cause we slept in, then after that FIL and his gf took off to see a football game and FIL left us with a bunch of chores that needed to be done, and now we have to watch FIL gf's 2-year-old which we agreed on, but her dad dropped her off at 3PM instead of almost 5PM how he was supposed to. So all in all my weekend pretty much sucked. lol

Hope everyone else had a better weekend! :flower:
Ugh klink sorry you're weekend was such a waste... Are you staying with your FIL or were you visiting? Sorry I might have missed a post where you mentioned it. I hate when I do that - just say "no it's okay" when I really don't think it's okay and then I'll get semi-upset with DH for not getting me out of there sooner when all he heard was that I was fine with it hahaha... Such a fine line.

Well my weekend was kind of a bust too. Worked Friday day shift, then just hung around and got caught up on Scandal and How to get away with murder while DH went to his brother's football game. Yesterday we pretty much relaxed until I had to go into work for a night shift, then when I got home DH had been having a little too much fun on his own drinking so he was basically out when I got home.. Kind of annoying we had planned to have a little movie night in, but we just went to sleep. Today I worked from 12pm-9pm and DH obviously just played video games, didn't even clean up his pots and pans from making himself breakfast... urgh... That makes me mad.

I feel like I'm starting to get that nesting feeling too - at times. Not all the time definitely but I take little spurts like "aaaaaaahhhh can't stand you not picking up your shit" :haha:
Yes, we are staying with him since he has such a big house. We'll be staying with him for a year or two probably. It's not bad living there but I'm kind of annoyed at times. His girlfriend lives here as well with her 2-year-old, and as cute as she is - she is a spoiled brat at times. I mean, what 2-year-old yells at you? And not just that toddler whiny screaming thing, actually yelling, saying mean things lol
And she always goes into every room where she is not supposed to go into. We have our room and the nursery upstairs but unfortunately she has her bed room upstairs too, so after her bed time we have to be super quiet.

Sorry that your weekend was crappy as well :/ How are you holding up work wise? I am so grateful that I don't have to work right now, cause honestly, I don't think I could do it. I need frequent breaks and have to pee all the time lol

My nesting mode is like actually getting everything ready for the baby, and all the laundry has to be washed and the bed has to be made lol

I haven't really been on here lately, maggz, can you feel your baby move yet? :) When is your gender scan? (sorry if you already told me and I forgot - pregnancy brain is kicking my butt lately lol )
Ahh I see. Well you're lucky to be able to stay there, but living with other adults is always kind of restraining. That child does sound like a brat. Let's hope she gets better with more adults in the house that won't take her crap haha.

I'm fine at work although I did feel a spot on my back tonight that was acting up when I bent down... hoping that doesn't turn into anything. I work at a restaurant so I stand up straight and walk around all day, I like the walking more than standing still (when I take orders I can be stuck at a register for hours, which becomes painful for my feet). It sure does feel good to get my break and sit down though. And yes I have to pee all the time now. Sometimes before I wouldn't even pee once during a shift, today I went three times!

Yeah maybe it's not nesting that's kicking in just living with two boys who are messy and don't notice when they drop stuff on the floor *angryface*

Haha don't worry I can't remember anything either! Yes I'm feeling it move now, DH even felt it a few days ago :cloud9: I love when he puts his hands on my belly it makes it feel even more real to know he's thinking about it too.
We have the anatomy/gender scan next Friday. I guess I'm getting more excited but I would stay yellow - DH wants to know so I let him decide. It was funny though, I mentioned how people do gender reveals and he was like damn that's stupid :haha: Then he was talking to his coworkers and found out it's actually a common thing and then he felt like an ass to shoot down my idea of doing something cute for the reveal. So he wants to do a cake now :) My point is that the scan is Friday but we might not do the reveal until Thanksgiving maybe.

How about you klink? Lots of movement??
klink, where are you from?? I get so confused with the Italy/Germany/USA situation haha sorry
Haha no problem, we moved to Indiana :)
Isn't movement the best thing ever? :) Our little one is moving A LOT. He's moving so much usually, I get nervous if he's having a quiet day, but I have the doppler for back up and he hates it lol. As soon as I start he usually moves away from it.
His kicks are getting strong now. I can see my belly jump when I lay down and he kicks. :D

Two boys? Who else are you living with?

I couldn't stay team yellow lol I'm a control freak so I needed to know so I could buy stuff haha
Maybe it's also because - in my opinion - there's almost nothing gender neutral out there, at least clothes wise.

I've been looking into prenatal yoga, but holy cow, that stuff is expensive! Maybe in third trimester I can do it, but right now we have 0 money since DH just got out of the military and his active national guard stuff doesn't start until January. And no one is going to hire him for 2 months :wacko:
I'm really grateful that my FIL is helping out a lot with everything but at the same time I'm kind of bitter, that he always leaves us with all the chores last minute and gets mad when it doesn't get done in time. Today we were lucky that he told us around noon instead of evening/night, though lol
Oh okay! But are you from the states?

Yeah movements are so fun! They're even so strong now that I can feel the kicks when I'm standing up and walking, not just laying down anymore focusing on them haha. Wow you can see them already that's fun! Haha mine doesn't like the doppler either it always moves away from it. Weird, huh!

My DH's 16 year old brother lives with us so he can get a better opportunity at football at the nearby school. He's kind of a brat... and obviously 16 so he's the only one that's ever been a teenager in the whole world and nobody understands him :rofl:

It's true about the gender neutral stuff, there's not a lot. But I'm so torn though. Cause if it's a girl, I don't want everything to be dolls and makeup and princesses and being pretty from day one. Unless SHE wants to. And likewise for a boy, I don't wanna push gender stereotypes on him. It's gonna be hard though cause DH is a total guy's guy and has even gone so far as saying the only dolls his son would be allowed to play with are action figures... I was like uhm no my friend!!!

It is expensive, huh! :/ I downloaded some prenatal yoga videos but I've only done them a couple of times. I cried once cause I couldn't do a pose lol... We're gonna do a hypnobirthing class starting early December, so maybe she will recommend something that's good to accompany it with.

That sounds like he's treating you kind of like little kids?? Can you agree on certain chores that you do each week etc instead of him dumping whatever he likes on you on a moment's notice?

Hope your DH gets hired soon after the holidays :) What are your plans, are you gonna stay home until baby's born?

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