Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Maggz - I got the Britax B-Agile :) That's exciting you have the pack and play set up! I was going to set ours up but it is going in our room so it'll just take up space. I'm going to wait until 37 weeks or so to put it up I think, but it is out of the box and in her room so it won't take long or be hard to do at all. I'm an ikea addict! I LOVE that place! We don't have one anywhere close to us at all though :( It makes me so sad.

Welsh - That travel system looks really neat! I've never seen one like that in person. Does it maneuver really smoothly?

Bree- GOOD LUCK! So excited for you! Keep us updated if you can! I added you on Facebook too, my name is Elysia :)

Lacanadienne - I love your stroller! Mine is the same brand, they're so nice!

Dini - I hope you start to feel better soon! Try to take it easy and rest.

SanJan - Sooo sorry you're having to go through all of this! That 3rd OB that your friend got you sounds like such a blessing and incredible Dr though! Try to hang in there! I'll be praying for you and that sweet baby!
Klink and Lancadienne - You guys have adorable bumps while I just look fat to most people :) I am glad your nurseries are shaping up.

Bree- Good Luck hun :thumbup: Keep us posted!

Maggz - Good your baby gear is mostly sorted. I am still picking out things to buy once baby is here.

Dini - I hope you feel better soon, what a rotten time to fall ill :hugs:

Sanjan - I am so sorry you have had to go through this scare. :hugs: I hope todays scan goes more than well... I am mad at your other OB :growlmad: Talk about bad bedside manner! I am sure with care you and baby will be great! Please be positive, rest and take care! Keep up posted

Sweet - that's a pretty name :)

AFM Attaching my 22 week bump!
Also, we travelled to a nearby holiday spot with my sister and her husband on his birthday. We had a mini shoot there and created my pregnancy announcement - finally! We kept it low key, only emailing or sharing via phone (Whatsapp). I will be uploading the pics on my journal. :)


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Hello, everyone, and Happy New Year!! :) I hope you all had a great holiday.

Yay for bumps, movement, and shopping! How fun!

Dini, so sorry to hear you've had bronchitis! How terrible. I hope you'll feel lots better soon.

Klink, sorry to hear about the GD test! When is your follow-up test? I hope it will go great; as others said, maybe the first one was a false positive. On the other hand, my husband's cousin had GD and she did not have to be induced early; she had her little guy right on her exact due date, and he was totally perfect! Big, yes, but super healthy and happy. :)

SanJan, I'm so sorry to hear about this difficult time you're going through. You are in my prayers for sure!!! I'm glad you were able to get to see a new doctor who is more positive and comforting. That is such a big help.

Bree, any updates?? So excited for you!!! :happydance:

Can't wait to see our first little BnB bundle of joy! :)

AFM, back to work after a lovely time in Florida. I have 8 weeks left and then I will be on mat leave! It's bittersweet for sure. I'm also excited because yesterday I mailed out my baby shower invitations. February 21 is the date... can't wait! :)

Best wishes to everyone! :flower:
Oh my! So much going on here the past days. :)
SanJan- So sorry that you have to go through all this. Have faith and rest as much as you can and don't listen to that second OB you talked to! How insensitive!

Dini - I hope you feel better soon. I feel you on being tired! I'm so glad I don't have to work cause I think I wouldn't be able to do it.

Karen - I saw your pics on fb. Looks like a fun vacation! Was the weather nice?

Mol - It definitely looks like a baby bump to me! :)

I'm sitting at the 3 hour test right now. They take blood 4 times!!! 2 down, 2 more to go. The sugary drink made me sick and nothing to eat or drink for 12 hours was hell! Oh well 1 1/2 hours left and then I will feast lmao
Wow SanJan I'm sorry you're going through all that. Can't believe the audacity of that second ob. What a horrible way to act! Don't feel like you can't come on here though, we will try and support through whatever comes your way :hugs: I have a very good feeling that you and your little one will be just fine! Let us know when there is anything new!

Mol such a cute bump you have :flower: oh and I don't feel like I have the baby stuff anywhere near sorted out, so much to do and set up still!

sweet that travel system looks good :) Yeah I wish ikea was closer, or... maybe I don't. Lol. It's only an hour away, but at least that way we only go when we have planned purchases hahaha ;)

Karen I saw your pics too looks like you had a great time :dance: Wow getting so close to mat leave!

klink good luck on the test :hugs:

AFM we had the best night last night, went down to San Diego to meet DH (he works there), we went baby shopping, had Italian food, and played games at Dave and Busters. We had so much fun. Then my coworker gave me a big bag of baby clothes all newborn-6months sizes so I feel like I have so much stuff now! I was sorting it all out but I can't wait to have the closet set up so I can start washing the clothes and putting them away.
So on my to do list for the nursery:
-pick out a paint color and paint (DH gets to do that lol)
-find a shelf to add to the closet
-get hangers
-move crib in there
-wash and organize clothes
-find some decorations that are not too baby-ish so he can use them when he actually moves into the room :haha:
So I'm a happy camper over here, just wish we had stacks of money so we didn't have to wait on doing stuff, do it all and have it done and overwith ;)
Mol, that definitely looks like a baby bump to me. And yay for your pregnancy announcement!

Karen, you're so close to mat leave! I know the feeling, though. I'll have mixed feelings when it's my turn too. Glad you had a great trip.

klink, good luck on the test.

maggz, sounds like you're an organizer. And yes lol, I think that would be the dream - to have unlimited budgets so everything could be done. But in a way, I think the fact we have to think about things and figure them out makes it more special in the long run.
Unlimited budgets...wow what a concept! That would be lovely lol.

Bree any updates? Thinking of you!

Karen welcome back and so glad you had a good time! I wish I could go on maternity leave with you! Lol, but boy that is coming up soon isn't it?

Mol your bump is so cute, one day I'll have one lol.

Maggz, want to come organize for me? Our house is a jumble of stuff from both my past marriage and my life here for the last almost 14 years and his stuff and it's so hodge podge...I am glad we are starting fresh in the baby's room. I guess in a month though at least our living room will have a fresh start if DH gets the flooring replaced and we get our new furniture..I'm not optimistic we will have the furniture by then but we are working on it. He also has to move the entertainment center ( I want a new one, where is that limitless budget??) and all the cable and internet access also has to be moved. Big project for him so he better not slack lol.

I'm feeling better today, still coughing a lot and wheezing but I did sleep much better last night so I'm happy about that.

Just talked to my insurance company about what they cover breast pump wise, I have to call the Home Health company they use because they do their equipment and it depends on what they carry. However it is covered 100% so that's nice, my only issue is I can't process it or get it until after he is born. That kinda makes me mad because I was told that not everyone is a size "medium" which comes with the pump and the lactation consultant at the hospital will help you fit it and use it and stuff if you have it, which I won't..grr! But at least it will be free.
Lol yeah I like to organize in my head but what actually gets done is another story.... :blush: :haha:

Dini that's annoying, but you're lucky you get it for free!
Ooh and then I went to a new furniture store this morning and it was so pretty.... I saw so many nice things that I would like to have. Right now. Limitless budget??

lacanadienne way to see the bright side lol :D But I guess you're right. We probably wouldn't appreciate our stuff as much if we could just get whatever, whenever.

Went in to work on the wrong day today (lol) so I went ahead and did the 1hr glucose test instead. Hope it turns out okay.

I'm so sleepy... I think baby wants me to nap.
Maggz I hate when that happens!! But at least you didn't miss work thinking you were off. That's the absolute worst! I actually couldn't sleep last night because j kept waking up thinking maybe I was wrong and I had to work and was afraid my phone was gonna ring at 7:05 lol.
Yeah I've actually done that, too! Haha... so silly :dohh:
MolGold - Thank you :) your bump is so cute!

Karen - I saw your pics on FB, it looks like you two had a really great time! I wanted to take DH on a babymoon as well but I don't know if it is going to happen. I wanted to stay within 3.5 hours of home but I'm not finding much that close to home. DH said that he doesn't really care too much about going on a babymoon so I think we might skip it and maybe just plan a really nice day out for us. Your baby shower is so soon! Did you chose a theme for it?

Klink - Let me know when you get your results backs!

Maggz - You're so lucky ikea is only 1 hour away! Our closest one is 4 hours away so it really just isn't doable to go :( Sounds like you and DH had a really great night! Your to-do list is making me want to write a list lol, I love lists and organization!

Dini - I'm glad you're starting to feel better. That is awesome that your insurance is going to cover a pump!

My diaper bag came in the mail today! I love it! It wasn't cheap but it is going to last me years and is so versatile. I can't wait to get it packed and ready for baby girl :) I think I'm going to get the measurements for the shelf for baby's room and see if DH will help me get that built this weekend. Oh, I found a lady here who will encapsulate my placenta for $175! DH and I both think its pretty weird lol but after doing all of the research on it I really want to do it. I'd much rather be called weird and benefit from it than not do it and wish that I had. Are any of you planning on encapsulating your placenta as well? And are all of you planning on taking a babymoon?
Ooh sweet can you show us which diaper bag you got? Did you jump on the jujube train?? lol
Yeah organizing is fun... but like I said I like doing it in my head/on paper and then it's a big question what actually gets done :haha:

The stroller and carseat came in today! DH isn't home so I'm wondering if I should wait for him (until next week, mind you!) to open it and put it all together but I kinda wanna rip into it right now.... hmmmm

I feel I'm getting more tired now. Standing at work makes my belly go all firm. It's 8pm and I just want to go to sleep :sleep:

My MIL is planning a baby shower for us, she's so sweet. Then my DH's cousins wife and her daughter also wanna throw me one (they live in our town, MIL lives hour and a half away), which was such a surprise! I never would have thought. :cloud9: So looks like we're having one co-ed shower, one for me, and then possibly a kegs-for-diapers for DH at his friend's house! Only thing is I'm a little worried cause I don't know that many people in the area so the one that the cousin's wife is throwing me will probably be small, mostly the girls I work with. That's cool though I just feel like a loser not having any close friends here lol

As for babymoon, we are planning to do something for my birthday, like a little getaway for a night or two, which would then double as a babymoon :D I'm pretty excited about it, just going out of town for a little bit and hanging out together. DH has a work thing about 3-4 hours away during my birthday week, so I might drive up to meet him on that Thursday night, and then we'd drive back together on Saturday so I could work Saturday night.

How is everyone else? Anyone getting tired yet like miss grandma over here??

EDIT: Oh! 26 weeks today! 6 months! One week left till 3rd tri!!! :dance: :O
Hi all,

A quick update on the scan - it was ok. The measurements are still <1% but the baby had grown by 120g in two weeks which according to the Dr is a really good thing, with the current blood flow. The current weight is 1lb 3Oz. At least it's crossed 1lb now. So, one hurdle crossed. Now the next step is reaching 28 weeks. We can see the neonatologist after that only to see the baby's condition and how well things can go in the NICU if we need to deliver the baby due to some complication. So far so good and my BP is also under control for the last couple of days.
Now to the bad part in scan - my AFI level is still dropping. So, on certain medications, increased fluid intake and bed rest now.

Sorry for the self centred post, I haven't caught up on the thread yet. Will post a long reply after that.
Thinking of you SanJan - you've had a rough time of it but I'm hopeful for you and bubs. Great news that baby is growing and fingers crossed that medications and bed rest will help stabilise your AFI.

Sorry I've not caught up with everyone else again - back in work after the christmas break and I'm shattered! All I do is work, eat and sleep!

Thanks for the lovely comments on the travel system - I love it too. It's still on order at the moment so haven't seen it in all its glory but have had a play around with the plain black version in a couple of stores and read no end of reviews for months before we took the plunge. It's smooth and folds up nearly enough to fit in my boot, I liked that the seat could face either way and there was a number of compatible car seats that could be used on the frame. We went for the Britax babysafe car seat in the end as this didn't require adaptors and isn't as heavy as the others. I'm still undecided on whether to get the carrycot or not. The seat unit has a lie flat option (which isn't completely flat but has been approved as suitable from birth) so not sure whether to spend an extra £120-£150 on what will essentially be used for about 4 months?

I've also got a bump pic for you all but I really struggle with uploading pics from my phone on here. I have yet to figure it out!
Maggz - I did jump on the jujube train! hahaha After looking at countless different ones and reading reviews I went for it. I kept reading reviews on regular $60 diaper bags and people said they fell apart after just a month or so of use, but all the jujube reviews were that they lasted years and multiple children so I chose to spend a little extra up front for the quality. I'll attach a picture of the one I got :) Have you picked out a diaper bag yet? I'd rip into that travel system if I were you! hahah Can you ask DH if he wants you to wait until he's there? That's great that you're going to have so many showers! And your babymoon/birthday getaway sounds perfect! Yay for 26 weeks and double digit days left!!!!

SanJan - Sorry you're having to go through all of this. It seems like such a rollercoaster with some good news and then some not so good news. I hope that you're able to focus on the good news. Keep resting! I'm thinking and praying for you and baby.

Welsh - Hang in there! Can't wait to see your bump pic.

DH came home yesterday and told me that he thought about a babymoon and would rather not do one. I said okay, but we'll just plan a really nice day out doing stuff around town and in the next town over that we've been wanting to do. He didn't seem to mind that idea so I think we'll do with a babymoon day instead of trip lol. Here's the diaper bag I got: I LOVE IT. It can be a backpack or a messenger bag. I uploaded a picture of what the inside looks like too (it isn't the print/color mine is but shows all of the organization).


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SanJan, never worry at all about posting what is going on with you! We are all here for you and hoping for the best for you!! :hugs: I am glad to hear your baby is growing; that is awesome!!! I'm sorry about the AFI levels but hopefully with the fluids and rest it will get better. You're in my prayers!

Maggz, that sounds like a wonderful birthday weekend!! Enjoy!

We were really lucky with our babymoon; while so many other places got snow we enjoyed some really nice weather, and I am very grateful! We didn't get a whole lot of sun, but it was nice and warm, which is all I hoped for. DH went for a fun swim in the ocean; it was really wavy so I didn't because I didn't want to get knocked over roughly, but I waded in calf-deep. That was my first time in the Atlantic Ocean so that was lots of fun. :) It was also great to just be together with no work, no phones, no obligations, nothing to get in the way of time for just the two of us. It was very romantic indeed. :)

My baby shower will have a Noah's Ark theme. I'm going to have a Noah's Ark cake made, and I'm going to do a trivia game where guests have to name what the baby animal is called for a variety of species. I'm also going to buy and/or make some baby animal-themed decorations... just have to figure out exactly what. And for favours, I might do chocolate-dipped animal crackers if I can find them. I can't wait!!

Klink, how did the follow-up test go? Best wishes to you!

Bree, can't wait to hear about how everything went!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day! :flower:
SanJan I'm so glad baby is growing in there :D What is AFI?

Karen your shower sounds adorable. I bet it will be a hit!

sweet I went online and watched a few of the jujube videos, and yeah the bags seem very nice. I got a $30 dollar Carter's one the other day (that I actually got on sale so it was like $20 lol), it's big and has compartments inside and out, a changing mat, a bottle warmer, an extra pouch for wipes/dirty diapers/whatever, and then an extra bag that's a little smaller. Let's see how it holds up, if it starts ripping right away I might look into getting a more expensive, sturdier one. :)

I did email DH but he only gets on every once in a while so I couldn't wait, right before midnight I was sitting in our front room putting the stroller together :haha: I'm very happy with it, snaps easily together and apart and seems very sturdy and secure. Now just to wait for that baby to come and sit in it...!

Time to get some blogging done before I go get ready for work. If you guys are interested I'll share my blog with you when it's up and running again! :) Any day now ;)
So much going on all the time here :)

Sweetbliss - Nice diaper bag! What are the benefits of encapsulating the placenta? I don't think I could do it, I'd probably throw up lol

maggz - So jealous! I wish we had our stroller already. We only have the car seat that goes with it so far. And 3 baby showers are awesome. And don't feel like you don't have any friends. Cause I literally have NO girls here that I could hang out with other than MIL and DH's aunt lol My german friend lives 6 hours away but she's gonna come visit me soon.

SanJan - Please don't feel like that hun! We all had our bad times (Look at my whining the past few weeks and that was nothing compared to what you are going through!) I'm happy that your LO put on some weight. Do they know where the fluid is disappearing to? Shouldn't it be locked in the amniotic sac or something?

Karen - What an awesome baby shower theme! In Germany we have those little butter cookies for kids in animal shape. Those would be perfect for you!

welsh - If you want to upload pics from your phone you have to change from mobile into desktop mode I think :)

Afm, I failed one of the 4 blood drawings, and have to meet with a Diet consultant soon now. They say even though it doesn't necessarily indicate GD they want to make sure and maybe change my diet and keep a closer eye on my blood sugars :( Good bye Nutella!


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hi ladies!

SanJan, you are very strong to be going through this with such hope and positivity. I really hope things clear up and you have a dull uneventful rest of your pregnancy, but even if not, you are far along enough now that your baby would have a good chance of surviving. I just visited my friend and her baby in the hospital... she was born at 27 weeks, and though its not the best situation, her baby is putting on weight and gaining strength. Modern medicine is a real blessing.

As for me, started my birth classes this week... luckily my husband is in town so he at least got to go to this first week. He is leaving though on Saturday, and so Ill have to do the last 2 weeks by myself. My girl friend volunteered to go with me, but its not the same with out your husband... the birthing classes have been kinda intimate, with a lot of touching, which Im not sure how thats going to go with my friend in place of my husband.

I'll be getting most my baby gear at the baby shower. Baby shower invites went out last week, can't believe its just a month away... and really I cant believe the baby will be here in 2 months!! Time sure is going fast.

Havent seen Bree on here for a bit, perhaps she has had the baby already!!! :)
My class doesn't start until Feb. 3rd and 4th :) It's just two classes but I hope my husband will be able to come with me since he's working second shift.

Bree had her baby already! :) I just didn't want to give it away, but since everyone is asking, I don't want anyone to worry :) I'm sure she'll be back once she adjusted to everything.

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