Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Bree, so good to hear from you and that you are doing well! Can't wait to see some pictures! What a good sized baby!

Sweet, the bookcase sounds lovely! I wish DH was crafty like that, he's working on it though.

Maggz, I love the Hemnes line, that's actually what I wanted for our entire bedroom set but I doubt that will happen ever, DH hates Ikea but maybe I can talk him into to someday. I ended up registering for an actual changing table because we have built in dressers in his room and can't use them as a changer because DH is too tall with the cabinets over top of them.

I have had the desire to deep clean but not a huge one. I can't seem to get motivated to do much yet, I started cleaning out our linen closet and think I'm going to go get some baskets so I can put the little things up on higher shelves but where I can get to them so if he manages to open the door he can only pull towels and stuff down. We are planning on finishing the trim and closet in his room and pull up our carpet and replace the floor in our living room at the end of this month so really I am waiting until after that. Our living room will get a good deep clean because we are starting over with new flooring and new furniture when we can afford to get that out of layaway. I just hope our aspirations of getting all that done in a week actually come to fruition. We are still planning on waiting until after the shower to get anything big, but I think I'm going to start buying a few diapers. I want to do cloth but can't decide what I want and I know we won't do it full time. I really want to use The Honest Co. as our main disposable and Target carries them and they have a coupon out now for a $25 gift card with the $100 purchase of diapers, wipes, formula and training pants so I think when we go to register there on Saturday we will get some diapers and wipes and then I'll keep the gift card towards things I don't get from the shower.
Bree - I saw pictures on your FB, SHE IS ADORABLE! And those cheeks.... ugh I love them! She is really so so precious. I'm glad that you were able to get the whole bottle situation figured out. I hope she lets you get on the computer soon so you can post a picture of that sweet girl for everyone to see.

Dini - That Target gift card deal sounds awesome! I'm planning on going there today, I'll have to see if ours is doing the same deal and maybe grab a few things.

I turned my house upside down yesterday... my only goal yesterday was to give both dogs a haircut and baths. I ended up taking the sheets off my bed, moving the mattress to get the dust ruffle off, then I saw how dirty it was behind the bed, so I vacuumed all behind there, then saw how dirty the baseboard back there were so I wiped down all of the baseboards in my room, the hallway, the guest room, and baby's room, and dusted my room on top of giving both dogs haircuts and baths which is a feat in itself. I finally got my room put back together at 9pm lol. I was scrubbing and cleaning all day long. Today I decided to just switch the laundry that I already have going and then I'll vacuum the hallway and living area but then I'm going shopping. I need to get out of the house before I turn another room upside down. So off to vacuum I go, then outlet shopping and Target, HERE I COME!
Aw Bree congrats on your little girl. I'm so glad everything went well! :flower:

Haha sweet that sounds like what happened here the other day... doing one thing and realize something else really should be done too. Such a vicious cycle, isn't it! Good job though sounds like you were VERY effective in cleaning! I need to to the baseboards SO bad. Seriously. But they're super hard to clean though, and I don't wanna use the steamer on them so I don't take the paint off while I'm at it.

Dini your DH doesn't like going to Ikea or all the stuff from Ikea? I think it's definitely in all men's genes to hate going there lol :haha: But yeah the Hemnes line is really nice, and I also like the Besta line, we have a TV stand from them and are planning to get an entertainment unit on the wall next to the TV from the same line. When our ship comes in you know... haha...

DH came home last night and loved how the house looked :thumbup: It's so nice to have stuff decluttered like this we really need to keep it up... It's just so easy to let it go and it'll be messy again in no time. Hopefully by the time baby arrives we'll have more storage so each thing actually has its place. Oh, the dreams of organization I have hahahaha
Maggz, I think he just hates going there to tell you the truth. I haven't been in ages, I think I may see if I can get my girlfriend to go sometime soon. Its a bit over an hour away but we pass a great outlet on the way too.

Ah Sweet, the cleaning you are doing, want to come here next? Lol, I'm trying to get the energy to do it all, but so far all I manage is a bit here and there. I just went through my basket of overflowing nailpolish and decided to keep just one brand which left me of about 28 bottles but I am taking oaver 30 to work tomorrow to let the girls take what they want. Didn't realize I had almost 60 bottles! My big priority is to organize some closets and drawers and unload the spare room that literally looks like a hoarders house lol. I have about 10 boxes of stuff to donate and I just can't get around the room to clean until we get those out, I'm hoping to get that done next weekend. So today I'm working on the closet and going to sweep and mop etc. My dog had an accident in her cage so I cleaned that.

Good news is the back pain I was having is better, and I am feeling baby move more today, but I can tell you it feels more "distant" if that makes sense. He must have shifted position to be more towards my back or something. I also got two bibs and a cute newborn outfit in the mail from my Aunt today. It is really sweet of her. It was his first newborn outfit so far. I love getting little surprise things for him from people, makes it so real that he's on his way!
Dini with your DH's anxiety I could see why he hates it. Lots of people all being directed to go one way and one way only! I bet you'd have more fun going with a girlfriend, not to mention if there are outlets on the way :thumbup:
Sounds like you've been productive too! Keep in mind that I don't work full time like you do, and school hasn't started yet, so I'm trying to be productive while I have whole days off! :)
Aw that's sweet of your aunt. :)

Looks like the two babyshowers I mentioned might be merged into one, to tell you the truth that would be great! That way it can all be co-ed, I don't have to worry about one of the showers being totally empty cause I have no close friends :cry: :haha: But seriously I think that would be a better way :D Hopefully it all works out, my DH's family is a little crazy and the cousin's wife that was gonna throw the other one doesn't really like them (it's her husband's family too) which is why I hadn't suggested merging them. But she suggested it so I just hope she and MIL work it out ;)
You are totally right about his anxiety issue, the first time we went together it was his idea but after that he didn't ever want to go again lol.

I did get more done than I thought I would today, I washed all the dogs blankets and washed several of ours, put up some curtains and did dishes and put a bunch of clothes away. (I'm bad about leaving them in baskets) I also filled another trash bag with donate clothes and half a bag with handbags. I'm really trying to purge anything I think I may not use for a while I figure we are about to accumulate a ton of stuff!

The combined shower sounds great! DH wanted a coed shower and I thought it'd be fun but his uncles shot him down, meaning they wouldn't come, and he doesn't have a ton of friends, so it's girls only. I feel bad because he wanted to be a part of it.
Oh boy, well, I tried to catch up, didn't realize I'd been away for a month. Now I'm ready for bed.
But two notes:

Bree - congrats!

And I hope everything's ok with San Jan
Congrats Bree!!

I turned my room and the hall upside down this Monday too. One thing led to another, as you guys know. I ended up paying for it with a bad backache :| But I am nowhere close to getting everything done! I am in awe of all your plans - Maggz, Dini, Sweet and everyone who is so ahead of me getting things done! :) I did clear out the closet for baby stuff, I need to buy baby's own set of drawers and shelves for toy/book storage. Also need to paint the room! But I don't feel like doing much these days too!
Haha oops scratch that on the combined showers! Looks like they'll be separate after all. The cousin's wife is going for a very traditional girls only baby shower but MIL is doing a full on party it looks like. She told me she wants to do games and stuff but she told the cousin's wife that she's inviting people from her work? I'm like oh okay haha I guess it might turn into more like "Hey we're having a grandbaby" cause I've never met people from her work :haha: Oh well either way is honestly fine with me.

Oh Mol I feel you. Hope your back is better. DH has been on me to go get some Dr Scholls haha I really need to, and I hope it will help my back.

Aw Dini that sucks for your DH. Why wouldn't his uncles want a coed shower?
The cleaning cycle is really viscous! I had to get out of the house the last two days so I didn't tear it all apart.

Maggz - Sounds like you're going to have two very fun showers! I'm glad that your DH made it home safely and he liked the house!

Dini - I'm glad that your back pain is finally starting to subside. Sounds like you're getting a lot done with cleaning out all of that stuff!

Treeroot - Hope you're doing well!

DH and I got hit with what feels like the atomic bomb yesterday. He's going to be getting orders and we'll have to move to California. We're both so blindsided. Neither one of us knew that was even an option with his job. As of right now it will be some time between July and August. So we'll have to make the move from SC to CA with both of our dogs, two vehicles, all of our belongings, and a 3-4 month old. I've been crying off and on since he told me. I've come to love where we live, it has become home and has been our first home together for the last 5 years. We love our town. And I don't know how I'll make that trip with an infant. Right now we're planning on him driving the moving truck while towing his car and I'll have to drive my car with both of the dogs and the baby. This all makes me want to just hide in the corner. I only slept 2 hours last night, I just couldn't turn off my mind. I just feel like my hopes and all I had planned are crushed. Right now we're only 4 hours from my sister, his dad and step mom, and only 6 hours from my aunt and grandma. Out there we're going to have nobody and it is soo expensive to travel back and forth. I'm sorry I'm complaining, I just don't know what to even do with myself at this point. I'm terrified.
Oh sweetbliss89, of course you're rattled. That's a huge change on it's own, let alone an infant as well. I do hope as the months draw near you can come to terms and see some up-sides. But moving is just stressful no matter how far your going, so I know it'll be hard. Sounds like a good cry was/is in order for sure!
Wow sweet that's huge news! Were you not expecting for him to be stationed elsewhere?
Do you know where he'll be stationed? Not to sound selfish but hopefully close to me! At least you'll have one friend in Cali and your baby too ;)
The move will be stressful for sure, and you have every right to be upset right now. But please try to focus on the good things that could come from this... Cali is beautiful, there's good food (especially if you like Mexican), it's a chance to experience something new together, and last but not least, it's only temporary! If you end up not liking it, you know you only have to stay for a set amount of time and you can say "been there, done that."

But I am sorry that it was such a surprise :/ :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: The military is just priceless, isn't it!
Dini, sweet and maggz, you're doing much better on the cleaning front than I am. I just get home from work, eat, and have no energy. I've been trying to get to bed before 8 pm lately just because I'm up pretty much every hour using the bathroom, then my days take a lot out of me. By 6 pm I'm home, but completely wiped.

Dini, glad your back pain is getting better.

Mol, don't overdo it. Take care of that back.

Tree, welcome back.

sweet, that's a huge change. Sorry you had to deal with that now. Adjusting to a big move like that is hard at the best of times. :hugs:

AFM, I have two students who are really loud and misbehaving all day lately. It's really exhausting and hard to get anything done. I teach 2nd grade, by the way. In two weeks, report cards are due in to the principal, so after that it will be a little bit more relaxed, but I have two written evaluations a week to get through until then, plus reading evaluations - have six students left to evaluate there. It's just rough when the two students are going crazy, and I have to get one kid to concentrate for a good 15 min. and keep the others quiet. Next two weekends will be spent marking and writing report cards - hopefully February will be quieter.
Oh sweet I'm so sorry, I'm sure that was a huge blow. It could be fun, but I would also be upset about not being near any family. You can talk to us as much as you need!

Good to see you tree!
Sweetbliss - Sorry you have so many changes coming up, I know too well how hard it is to live far away from family (mine is in Europe). :hugs:

Dini - I had it for a while too that Jace's movements where so faint and they told me he's probably turned towards my back or something.

Afm, Sorry that I've been on and off so many times. We had only a hotspot since we moved in but as of yesterday we have TV and good internet - yay :)
I sent off my visa today and I am sooo sooo nervous. It should be there tomorrow, so I hope I have an answer soon.

Anyone else struggling with really bad lower back and hip pain? :/ That's what I've been dealing with the past weeks and I am so glad once I hit 37 weeks. Thinking of having them induce me early.

Here's an update on my little bub. He weight 3lbs 5oz. His nose looks sooo huge! I love him regardless, but I am scared that it's an abnormally or something :( Gonna ask the doc on friday.


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Thanks everyone! Its nice to know that I can come here and vent to you all without being judged. I really appreciate all of you!

Treeroot - DH and I are trying to focus more on the positives, well him more so than I. And many cries have been had and more are to be had I'm sure lol.

Maggz - No, we had no clue that he could even get stationed at this place. I'll PM you on FB with where it's at. I'm really struggling with being so far from family. Plane tickets will just be so expensive and we'd have to board our two dogs which we've never done and I've never been comfortable with the thought of it, they're our babies.

Lacanadienne - I really hope February is more calm for you! Those kids sure sound exhausting lol. Only two more weeks until you're done those report cards, you can do it!
Hello ladies!

I have missed you! I see some of you on facebook but not all of you!
I'm sorry I stayed gone longer than I intended to. After losing my dad and just general holiday craziness I just got really overwhelmed. I hope I can get back into the habit of checking here regularly.

I could not read all the pages so please share big news with me either on here or message me privately if you want to catch up without rehashing what everyone else already knows.
I see that Bree had her baby so that is wonderful! I also see lots of bumps turned pink. I also think treeroot is a new person to me? So hello! unless my memory is really terrible in which case I am sorry.

Sadly, I see that jumpingo had a loss. I'm not sure when that happened but I will probably message her. Awful.

I will be 24 weeks tomorrow! All is pretty good with me. Just a quicky update for now. I am attaching a 21 week belly pic (I really need to take a new one - way bigger now) and my last scan which was at 19+4.
MIL got us a nice used bugaboo stroller for xmas with a bunch of accessories so that is one major purchase down.
Oh, and DH was able to feel kicks for the first time yesterday. So that was very exciting!

I hope everyone is well and that I can get a bit more caught up on journals and things over the 3-day weekend.


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Mint it's so good to see you!!! You look beautiful and so does baby! That's so nice about the stroller! Congrats on Vday also :).

I only have two days left till third trimester! Hard to believe it's almost here but 40 weeks still seems so far off to me.
I get hip pain when I sleep klink, but I'm able to manage it ok. I hope the pain eases up during the the next 7-10 weeks. Allllmost there!

Hey Min! I remember seeing you on other threads around here, but I must have joined this thread after that.
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, that's a really hard thing to go through.
You are looking great though; pics are wonderful.

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