Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Things do move fast here, huh!

Karen - So jealous of your florida trip! have a great time at the baby shower!

Maggz - Lol pregnancy brain alert! Ive never yet walked in to work on a Saturday but I did think it was a Monday when todays a Friday! So share your blog link! Also whoa, 3rd tri so near already!

Lancadienne - How are things?

Dini- I wish my insurance covered breast pumps at all. All we get is the hospitalization expense at 20% copay. Nothing before or after.

sweet - We are planning a babymoon on Valentines, just a weekend getaway! :)

sanjan - I hope you are well :) Glad to hear baby is gaining weight. I hope the rest proves to help with AFI. I am sure 28 weeks will buzz by with no problem, infact with ample rest and care I hope you hit full term, or close to it.

welsh - How are you doing? Good to see everyone sorting out their nurseries!

klink - Saying goodbye to Nutella will be hard. I hope nothing comes off subsequent tests, just more monitoring.

swamp- Great you joined a birth class! Ive to find myself one. And have a great time at your shower!

Bree - WHERE ART THOU! Cant wait for you to show us your angel :D HUGE congratulations!

AFM DH's birthday weekend ahead :D I hope I can make it fun for just us two, for the last time. Mom wants to throw a traditional baby shower - just for relatives. I am not too keen for that but I'll go along with it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Karen - Your theme sounds adorable! And I love the game you came up with. I can't wait to hear how your shower goes! I'm so excited for everyone!

Maggz - You have to let me know how you like your bag once baby is here. It sounds like a really great bag! I had a feeling you'd end up putting the stroller together haha. It's all so exciting!

Klink - The encapsulated placenta really isn't as gross as you'd think lol. It's literally just like any other vitamin capsule you'd take, at least that's what it looks like. It is sooo good for you though! It is loaded with iron so it helps replenish all of the iron you lose from giving birth, significantly reduces post partum bleeding and helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy state, increases energy levels, prevents post partum depression, increases milk supply and helps your milk to come in a few days earlier than it normally would, and it also helps balance your hormones. After giving birth your hormones will be ALL out of whack and instead of feeling like a basket case from the fluctuations it helps to balance them back out to normal. It really is so beneficial. I feel like all of the benefits really outweigh the "weirdness" of it lol. The two things that sold me were how it helps with milk supply and how it balances your hormones back out. You can google it and read up on more about it all if you'd like.

Swamp - That's great that DH was able to go with you to the first class! I'm sure it won't be too awkward with your friend going with you to the rest.

MolGold - Let us know how your babymoon goes next month! If you don't mind me asking, why don't you want your mom to throw a baby shower?

I was talking with my Aunt yesterday, she's an incredible photographer in Florida, and she told me that when DH and I come to visit her and my grandma in February that she'll do maternity pictures for us! And she's planning on coming up right after I have the baby to take newborn pictures too! I'm soooo excited! She did our wedding pictures and everything she does it just beautiful. I ordered a few of the baskets to help organize the shelves in baby's closet yesterday. I'm really hoping DH will be able to cut that wood I need to make the other shelves this weekend, but we'll see, he's had a rough work week so he may not be up for it. I'll probably go ahead and get the wood today at the store just to have here for when he does feel like it.
Yayyy for Bree! Thanks for sharing, Klink! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures of her little one! :)

Klink, sorry about the test result! I would think if you had GD you probably would have failed all the blood draws, no? I don't know much about it, but that's just a guess. Hopefully it will go well with the consultant. Good luck!

Swamp, that's great that you are doing birthing classes! Too bad your husband can't go to them all but that's great that your friend can accompany you!

I was hoping to sign up for a prenatal class as well but it turns out I waited too long, and now nothing is left that would work for us. The only remaining dates are this weekend, so it's obviously too late; the weekend of the baby shower; and the weekend right before my due date, so that's no good either. Oh well! We did sign up for a hospital tour, though; they take you and show you where specifically to go in the hospital when you are in labour; how to get parking passes for your family so they don't have to pay the crazy hourly rates; what types of things you should bring with you vs. what you don't need; etc. Basically it's designed to just make it more familiar and less scary when the time comes. Friends of ours did it and they said it was helpful. They had recommended to them to bring in a laptop to watch movies on or play music... I've decided to make two birthing playlists: one that is calming music to help me relax, and one that is 'pump-up' type music to get me ready to go, LOL.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! We are going to a wedding reception tomorrow night; the couple already got married in Jamaica so this will be a laid-back, casual affair. We are supposed to dress up in 'island clothes' so I am going to wear the flower-print sundress that I got while in Florida. Will have to bulk it up with boots and a sweater, though, as it's been in the single digits here lately, and below 0 with the windchill! Brr!!
Sorry that you can't do a birthing class anymore Karen :( But I know a lot of people who never did one, and did great in labor regardless :hugs:

Sooo I had the scare of my life yesterday. DH and I dtd and all of the sudden there was just blood dripping out of me. We instantly went to l&d and it turned out that everything was ok, I was contracting a bit though. They put me on the monitor, checked my cervix and did a quick u/s. Bub is doing perfectly fine in there and weighs 3lbs so far. Doc said he's a super healthy baby. I am so relieved! I think I just overdid it with everything these past days. And me lifting the couch real quick yesterday didn't help much either probably.
Ugh klink be careful! Happy that baby is fine in there :flower:

Ohh that sucks Karen but maybe you can find some youtube videos of breathing exercises and such? I'm sure that will help.
I signed us up for the hospital tours too, but that's so we can decide which hospital we like better cause I don't know yet which one to deliver at.

sweet will do, you let me know too about the jujube! Who knows, maybe I'll give in ;) Haha yeah I knew that I wouldn't be able to wait either... I just wanted the go-ahead from DH before but I ended up being like oh well he'll see it when he comes home! haha. He's been off internet for days now so this morning he was able to call, finally.
And lucky you with the photographer aunt! I'm a little jealous hahahaha ;)

swamp I was gonna tell you since our babyshower plans changed, mine will be at the end of February! Would be awesome if you could make it :D I'm glad your DH got to go to one class with you.

mol did you want a shower as like a big party or how did you want it differently than what your mom will do?

AFM I've been on the local exchange sites and I think I'm gonna get a lazyboy recliner chair as a nursing chair :thumbup: I found one that is like new for only $150 and my sister raved about how comfy they are to breastfeed in, so I think I'll just go for it. Also been getting some little decorating stuff for the house, it's so empty looking and I want it to look nice - so after my cleaning session today I'm gonna hang up some baskets to organize the master bathroom, print pictures and hang frames. Yay!
So my blog is still under construction but at least I've start posting again :) I put together a little pregnancy-progression pic if you wanna check it out. It's www.callmemaggie.com :)
Hi ladies!

SanJan I'm glad to hear baby gained some weight, and I bet it just keeps on putting on the ounces!

Oh Klink that must've been so scary! I'm glad all is well though. Did they tell you to refrain from sex? Or just be careful?

I'm so glad to hear Bree had her baby, can't wait to see pictures!

Karen, that's a bummer about the classes but I do know that you can find lots of info on youtube and even buy home birthing classes on DVD. I may end up doing that for DH because he doesn't want to go to the classes but I'm still hoping to drag him to one.

Sweetbliss that is so nice of your Aunt! That will be great fun!

We aren't doing a babymoon that I know of, we simply can't afford to really go anywhere because of all the remodeling we are doing with the floors and buying new furniture but I think we may try to take a weekend to a nearby town and stay in a hotel maybe just the two of us. That's really hard to arrange though because of our dogs, getting someone to dog sit is really difficult. May just have to do like Maggz is and do a day, but DH hates shopping or movies or anything that involves big crowds. We also haven't had a weekend off together in a while. I think in two weeks we have one but that's when his vacation starts and he plans on working on the baby's room.

I did find out that I don't have to wait till after delivery to get the breast pump which is nice, I talked to the equipment company and they will deliver it up to 4 weeks before the due date or to the hospital room when I have him. I work at a hospital that they are a part of so they will actually bring it to me at work, which was a nice surprise!
Ok - a lot happening here. I'll try to catch everyone, but I'm sorry if I forget someone.

SanJan, so glad to hear the baby is gaining weight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything sorts itself out.

Great news that Bree had the baby!

Karen, that sounds like a cute theme for a shower. I don't really think mine will have a theme - my mom is planning it, so it will probably be super low key with my aunts and cousins and such. Too bad about the prenatal class, but I'm sure you can find some info online.

Mol, I'm sure you will come up with something to make DH's birthday special. My DH's birthday is right around the due date, so I don't even know if the baby will be there or not.

sweet, you're lucky to have such a great photographer in the family. Definitely keeps costs lower. Also, we're not planning to do a babymoon as such since my work schedule and DH's is so hectic until mat leave, at which point I don't think I'll want to travel at all.

klink, too bad about your results, but I'm sure you can get it under control so it won't affect the baby at all. Be careful about over-exerting yourself, though!

maggz, the recliner sounds comfy! I wouldn't have had the will-power to keep that stroller in the box either.

Dini, great news about the breast pump!

swamp, glad your husband was able to attend at least one class with you.

AFM, the first week back at school was rough. It was too cold for the kids to go outside most of the week, and we ended the week today with a lockdown practice, so I've been dealing with kids bouncing off the walls all week. At least got pre-registered at the hospital on Tuesday, so that's all set up. Here's hoping next week is calmer.
maggz, I'd love too.. end of Febuary is pretty open for me... lets PM the details. And you know you are welcome to come to mine, its on Feb 7th, the day before the Super Bowl lol

klink, you sure have been having a time during this pregnancy!! Im glad the doctors were able to reassure you that all is well with baby because blood is scary

Karen, that is so funny they are having a summery, tropical island themed party in the middle of winter. Id love to see a picture of you in a sundress with boots and scarves lol

I hope all you in cold climates are coping well.. its hard for me to relate when people here in San Diego are shivering and complaining about how cold 50F is haha Im ust really really glad Im not in my 3rd tri during the summer here, because I could really go for even colder temps

And Im glad to hear that Bree successfully had her baby!!

Tonight is my husbands last night in town also.. he is leaving to go back to school tomorrow morning after a really wonderful month spent here. I dont know how Im going to cope without him... he has really spoiled me from putting my socks on my feets to fetching me whatever I need to washing all the dishes... not to mention night time snuggles.. I'll not see him until the baby shower, when he comes down for the weekend.
Dini - You're so lucky with the breast pump. I heard that tricare doesn't cover them cause they are a special company or something.

lacanadienne - What state are you from? Here in Indiana a lot of schools had delays or were closed cause we got some snow and -30 degree windchill.

swampmaiden - So sorry, that your husband has to leave again :hugs: I couldn't do it and you are very strong for being able to deal with that. If you need anything, or anyone to cry to or talk to, please let me know hun :hugs: :flower:
klink I think sweetbliss mentioned tricare just changed their pump rules?? They didn't cover them at all but we might just be in luck!

swamp oh that sucks big time that he's leaving again. Mine is gone for a week now and it's not bad but at the same time I already missed him before he was gone. It does help that I'm super busy trying to clean, decorate, work, getting the blog going, and all that jazz.
Ooh that would be fun! Is it co-ed since your DH is coming down for the shower, or is it a girl's affair?

Dini I'm sure just going somewhere together overnight would be fun. Change of pace, no clean-up etc ;) We definitely can't afford anything grand, but since DH is going up there for work it would be fun to see a little more of California haha.

lacanadienne that sounds intense. I'm sure that will drive anyone mad in a short period of time!

I might have just gone to Target to get some candles and came home with more organizing baskets (Michael's is next door and 50% off is just too good to pass up on), a candlestick, a Christmas wreath, and some other small stuff. Oops. I guess this is what happens when DH goes away :blush: (Mind you, this is on top of the frames and baskets I just got, and the lazyboy that I have now decided to get. :haha: )
For those of you in the US, I am in Ontario, and the windchill was down to about -35F this week. Schools don't get closed here, though, unless there is no power. The kids just stay indoors, and sometimes the buses are cancelled if we have too much snow that one day or freezing rain.

Swamp, it must be tough to be away from your DH for so long. Hang in there!

Maggz, good old-fashioned retail therapy, eh?
Karen - I'm not doing birthing classes either. I'm just going to read up some on the Bradley Method. I heard that it is way better than any hypnobirthing or anything like that, we'll see I guess. I hope you have a good time at your friend's reception!

Maggz - A lazy boy chair sounds really nice to nurse in and that sounds like a great deal that you found! You'll have to share pictures of the decorating you're doing. I need to finish the decorating of the baby's room but I feel like I've hit a wall where motivation is concerned lol. Your 26 week bump pic on your blog is adorable! It looks like you've popped!

Dini - That's awesome that you're going to be able to get the pump before you have the baby and that they'll actually deliver it to you at your work!

Lacanadienne - That does sound like a rough week :( sorry! Do you already know when you'll go on maternity leave or are you going to try to work up until the very end?

Swamp - I'm with you, I'm sooo glad I won't be in my 3rd trimester during summer! I can't imagine how miserable that would be. I hope your last night with DH was really nice! I hope that the time goes by quickly for you so that you two can be together again! Are you guys able to facetime/skype often?

Klink - Maggz is right, Tricare is changing their breast pump policy. It was changed in the National Defense Authorization Act that the President signed into law on December 22, 2014. It is just going to take Tricare a little while to implement the changes into their policy. I'm also assuming that they're having to figure out what exactly they're going to cover as far as breast pumps, ie: just a manual, a single electric, double electric, or compensation towards the cost of a pump and exactly what brand of pumps they might want to cover. A lot goes into all of it I'm sure. I'm going to keep tabs on it all though so I'll be sure to let you and Maggz know when and what they changed it to :) but yes, it is definitely changing and will be covering something.

I put together the bouncer last night. I love it. It's adorable. DH told me last night that it really looks like the nursery is coming together, yay! Now to get him to cut the wood for that shelf today.... it's cold out, or at least cold for SC so we'll see if he's willing to do it haha.
sweet, look into the book The Birth Partner (https://www.amazon.com/The-Birth-Partner-Childbirth-Companions/dp/155832819X) as well. It is the one we went through during our prenatal course, and has a lot of good info in it. It can be a bit intense, as it's also recommended for doulas, but if you're interested in doing Bradley and have your DH be your birth partner, it could really help.

As for mat leave, I've decided to take it after March break, so I have nine weeks of school left now. I just have to make it through another set of report cards in a couple weeks, then I'll do my best, but it's not as crucial that all the evaluations get done.
thanks ladies, I'll miss him for sure, but at least Im not totally alone. Im staying with my dad and his partner in the big old house i grew up in until the birth, and though my dad wont exactly be putting my socks on lol he'll at least help out with anything major

And yes, our baby shower is definitely co-ed.. the guys can just hang out by the beer cooler if they aren't into the silly games, but most the guys will be parents, in laws etc so its cool

lacanadienne, are you counting down when your mat leave starts more than the babys birth? lol! :)
Sweet what bouncer did you get?? I like to hear what other people are getting!

lacanadienne, we got to -28 with windchill and some schools closed due to the excessive amount of kids who walk to school or wait at bus stops, but the ones in my town only had a delay I believe. Of course until the last year or so we would almost never even get down below 0 and rarely below -5 or -10 with windchill. So I guess we aren't used to it yet. Honestly common sense is all that is required but some people are really lacking in it!!

AFM I'm doing okay, was really thrilled when I came home and saw my usually very very lazy DH had swept and mopped the kitchen, bathroom and hallway, and had cleaned the bathub and put a scented tart (Scentsy) in my burner for me ;) and he had cleaned the cat box. Would have loved it if he'd have vacummed the living room but hey, he did good without being asked!

I'm really wiped out tonight from work, so I'll try to catch up better in a day or two.
swamp, yes and no on the mat leave question. It's a defined date, as opposed to the birth, so I guess that makes it more concrete. Also, as much as I like my job, it is very physically and emotionally demanding, so it has been rough being often sick with colds, and just generally tired with the pregnancy. And report cards are exhausting even when you're not pregnant - I'll be done with those in a few weeks. I think I'll be glad to be done work at 36 weeks. As Karen said, though, there are often mixed feelings there when you're working with kids. Part of me will be sad to say goodbye. And of course I'll be very excited to meet our little one, but there's a lot more unknowns there in terms of timing.

Dini, yay for your DH helping out around the house without being asked! I can't complain - mine is very helpful in general. He just sometimes comes up with projects that I have to help him with, and doesn't realize that it will also mean I'm busy helping him, and not just relaxing. Getting better on that front too, though.
Sounds fun, swamp!

dini your DH gets brownie points :D

lol sweetbliss we'll exchange birth stories and see which method is better :haha: I think it's all about finding something that works for you, one size definitely does not fit all when it comes to, well, anything, but in this regard, labor and birth! :)
And yeah please let us know about the breastpump situation, I'm not even sure I'm gonna get one but if they'll cover it it's more likely that I will.
I wish my decorating was more of a concrete, finish-a-room type of thing. I framed some pics to hang in the master, some others for the living room, and bought baskets to declutter the bathroom. I'm planning to hang those up but I decided to wait on DH to get his input on where they should go.
Oh and tonight I did a coat of chalkboard paint on the closet doors in the nursery. It was already there since the previous owners were here, but they hadn't seasoned the chalkboard and from the looks of it only wrote on it once so it was all stuck on there. Doing another coat tomorrow and then waiting a day to season it, then it should be good to go!

I found the dresser I want for baby's room, it's from Ikea, of course. Called Hemnes if you wanna check it out. I think it'll be perfect with a changing mat on top.

DH is supposed to come home tomorrow, so happy. Let's hope their plans stick for once lol. I'm too tired to think right now better go to sleep... :sleep:

Hope all your weekends were good!
Karen - I'm not doing birthing classes as of now. I hope I get good videos to share for birthing and prenatal yoga.

Maggz - yay for Dh heading back!

Dini - Wow, that's so sweet of your DH :)

Lacanadienne - Sorry for your rough week :( I hope to get off at 36 weeks but I wonder what I am going to do the last week at home!

Swamp - Sorry for DH being away :hugs: you have more than one reason to look forward to the shower!

Klink - Be careful there!

Sweet - It DOES really look like the nursery is coming together :) Post us pics

AFM, we had a great weekend with DHs Bday on sunday. I cooked Italian for a lazy brunch, his favorite! After I gave him a massage as a treat, we went for a movie and again went out for Dinner :) Also, yay 23 weeks today !

The shower my mom is planning is going to be in April, really hot to be comfortable in the afternoon. Its a traditional Hindu shower, which means a priest performing rites, some childbearing ladies invited for good wishes and lunch for the families invited - obviously no drinks, and not a very interesting party :| But its traditional so I have to go along!
Lacanadienne - I will definitely look into that book, thank you! I'd definitely be counting down to maternity leave if I were you lol. What grade/ages do you teach? I can't remember if you posted that before or not, sorry if you did and I missed it!

Swamp - That's really nice that you'll have your dad there for you. I think being lonely is the hardest part about a spouse going away. This way you'll have someone to keep you company and to talk to/occupy your time, that's good!

Dini - This is the link to the bouncer: https://www.target.com/p/ingenuity-signature-edition-automatic-bouncer-shiloh/-/A-15002016#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=ingenuity+shiloh+bouncer
That's great that DH did all of that cleaning for you! He gets some major brownies points! haha

Maggz - We'll definitely have to exchange stories! Are you planning on going natural without an epi? And you are SO right, one size certainly does not fit all when it comes to labor and delivery! The chalkboard paint on the closet doors sounds really cute. I love that dresser! Ikea is the best haha. You're right, it'll be perfect for a changing pad on top. I hope your DH is able to make it home today/tomorrow(not sure which one, it was showing you posted at 3am my time lol)!

MolGold - I'll post pictures soon :) Happy 23 weeks! I'm glad that you and your DH had a good time for his birthday! I'm sorry that the shower your mom is throwing you isn't very interesting, I hope that it is more enjoyable for you than you're anticipating though!

DH cut the wood for the bookcase on Saturday! I was able to get it all assembled that same day and then spent Sunday sanding it down and then stained it all the same color as the dresser. It has some flaws, as does pretty much any homemade/handmade large project, but I absolutely love it! And it is going to be perfect in her room I think. The only thing left to do to it is put 2-3 coats of polyurethane on it to seal it all. It's supposed to rain for the next few days though and my body is so sore from this weekend (doing something like this pregnant versus not pregnant took way more of a toll on my body than I anticipated) so I think I'll wait at least a day or two before I do the polyurethane coats. That is the last big project though for her room. After we get that in there and get the bins for it I just need to get little things and order the prints I want for the collage over her dresser :) Alright, guess I better get to cleaning the house. Are any of you fighting the urge to deep clean stuff yet? I'm having to resist pulling the washer/dryer out and cleaning behind them and scrubbing them down, as well as scrubbing down all of our kitchen cabinets for some reason lol.
Oh my gosh ladies, I'm so sorry. The last week has been a worldwind of emotions, lack of sleep and excitement and I've been so slack about coming online. It's 2.30am and I've just put Charlotte down for a sleep after her bottle but can't sleep myself so thought it was the perfect opportunity to catch up on this thread!

For those who I'm not FB friends with, Charlotte was born on her due date with no complications at 10.21pm weighing a decent 8lb 5oz. She has the chubbiest little cheeks and is just perfect.

Labour definitely wasn't fun, I won't lie, but was made totally worth it seeing my mum cry at the birth of her first grandchild and you do forget the pain. I'm already clucky and ready for number 2 :haha:

We've been having trouble with feeds over the past day or two (I'm formula feeding) but that seemed to be an issue with the bottles I was using, and now that I've changed bottles everything seems to be going well.
I'll jump on the laptop tomorrow (if little miss gives me 5 minutes peace!!) and upload some photos and reply to everyone. I really hope you're all going well. 9 months really does fly by and soon enough you're holding your little one in your arms so enjoy it while it lasts!

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