Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

Hi everyone!

Lacanadienne and MolGold, sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather! I hope you will both feel better soon.

Bree, glad to hear things are going a little better and that you're getting to spend time with your OH.

Was anyone affected by the winter storm on the weekend? We got 14.5 inches of snow on Sunday/overnight, and our schools closed for the first time in many, many years. As a result our tutoring centre closed as well so luckily I got to stay home, because my car would have never made it down our street. Poor DH got stuck for an hour on our road Monday morning; I felt terrible that I couldn't help him but of course I couldn't help push the car. Luckily some neighbours came to help and he eventually got on his way.

Hopefully everyone's been staying safe!!

Is anyone starting to get super nervous for labour? All along I was trying not to think about it too much, but now that it's getting closer, it's certainly on my mind! Eek! But I just try to remind myself, no matter how hard it will be, at the end, we will receive our best gift ever. :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Hey guys hope everyone starts getting over their flus and colds!

bree lucky you have such a good support system. You and OH don't live together? Sorry if you mentioned it before, I've forgotten. Either way good for you to get some quality time together :D

I'm pretty sure I'm developing pelvic girdle pain/pubic symphisis or whatever it's called. Pain pain pain in my back that leads down to my buttocks. I feel it mostly when I sit in the classrooms.

karen lucky you got a day off :) I'm not too stressed about labor, I feel like hypnobirthing and the relaxation is really going to help. Hope you find a good way to cope.

AFM nothing really new, some MIL issues that make me sad but nothing really to do about. I guess you could say I'm nesting lol I just wanna clean, cook, and bake all the time but I'm trying to hold off a little cause I need time to study as well.
I'm off for my doc appt, hope everyone is doing good (or better)!
Karen, we were pretty lucky, we were supposed to get 6-12" of snow and only got rain but we are getting hit tonight and DH is on his way home from work now and he's anxious when the weather is bad so crossing my fingers he gets home safe and soon.

Maggz, I wish all I wanted to do was clean and cook and organize! I got some done today but just normal stuff like laundry and sweeping. I went and looked for baskets for the babies room and didn't find any. Hope your appt went well!

Had an appt today myself. Everything went well. I really like this midwife better than the one I've been seeing the most. I like them all but this one is so sweet. She actually measures my fundal height which was 29 so right on track. I also haven't gained any weight since my last appt so I was very happy about that since last time they said something about my weight gain. Also she said I can monitor my blood sugar for two weeks instead of taking the 3 hour GTT. So far today they have been great.

Also they gave me the birth packet with the registration form and some information and a birth plan. I was thrilled to see I don't have to have external monitoring or an IV unless needed and they encourage moving around and allow you to drink and have light snacks during labor. That made me feel better! And she told me I can absolutely labor in the tub if I want.
Mol, I hope you feel better soon. I'm feeling better now - still tired, though.

Karen, we didn't really get hit by that much snow. It's just been brutally cold this winter. -20 to -30 with the wind chill most days (-4 to -22 for those of you in the States). I'm not too nervous about labor yet. Maybe it'll come. I just figure what happens will happen, and I'm doing my best to prepare for it.

maggz, sorry to hear about the pain and the MIL issues.

Dini, glad your appointment went so well.

AFM, everything is still on track. It's crazy to think that I have less than 10 weeks left until the due date. Time has gone by really quickly. I still have so much to do in my 5 weeks that are left of work.

swamp, Mint, klink, SanJan, hope you are all doing well.
We're just far enough north that we didn't get hit hard by that storm Karen, but still got a half decent dump of snow. Snowed enough to shovel again today as well.

As for labour, I'm still far enough away I can ignore it for now :).

I hope your pain eases up a bit Maggz. When are you done school? May? What are you going to do about exams?

That's exciting you're down to five weeks lacanadienne, I haven't set a date yet, but am really looking forward to not going into work.

On Friday DH and I are taking a pottery class:) Hopefully I come home with a beautiful bowl.
Oh I wish I could be done in 5 weeks! I'm trying to work till I go into labor. I even work where I'm delivering so if it happens there it's all good lol.

It really is hard to believe I have ten weeks left till his due date. I hope I don't go to far over. I'm really not super worried about labor but I'm sure I'll get more nervous as time goes on.
Dini happy late birthday, sorry I missed it! Don't you just love when the midwife/doc you get is likable?! I'm glad you'll be able to just monitor your blood sugar instead of doing the 3hr right away. I hope it all works out.

lacanadienne less than 10 weeks is crazy!!! Glad you're doing good :flower:

Treeroot have you planned the hike yet? Hopefully you got your bowl :D
My school isn't out until the end of May. Professors promise to be flexible with me on attendance and one even offered that I could use my midterm grade as my final grade, so after the midterm I will just write the required research paper and be done with classes. Another one has all the contents online, the weekly tests and everything, so even if it does suck to miss lecture, I will manage with the notes that are one there. The other two hopefully I will only have to go in for exams and finals and be allowed to turn in the rest of my work via email.

I'm trying to go to sleep but I've started getting reflux at night so I'm sitting in the recliner instead of the bed. So uncomfortable having that sensation in the back of your throat. I don't know how you manage it Dini!

We got a new vacuum and I didn't know I could be so happy about household goods... must be the nesting! I am apparently quite the Shark fan cause now we have the Shark steam cleaner and a Shark vacuum. So far so good :D Planning on doing the blinds with the steam cleaner tomorrow... a much dreaded task that I've been putting off for months, don't judge me :haha:

I wanted to share with you the plans for the baby's room! I don't remember if I mentioned it before but we want to paint the top half/third of the room because it was used as an office before and I quite like the color, but there is a myriad of nails on the walls. So I figured we would put a white border around the room and paint the top in a lighter color (the bottom is a light charcoal grey), I was thinking light grey but DH thought that was too boring and wanted an actual color so we settled on yellow. I don't want it to be too baby-y if that makes sense, I want him to be able to settle into that room without major adjustments for a few years.
So bottom part grey, white border, top part light yellow.
For the closet I want to get an IKEA Kallax 2x4 shelf and lay it on the side for organization. They have baskets that fit into the shelves and we can make good use of the hanging rails as well.
Crib is dark brown and I want to get an Ikea Hemnes 8 drawer dresser to put in there as well. Actually we might keep the dresser in the master while the baby is sleeping here cause we plan to use it as a changing table as well.
How does it sound? What are your ladies' plans?? Let's bounce ideas off each other!
Tree, hope your pottery class went well.

Dini, at least you're close to help if it does happen. I would basically have to inform the front office, do a supply teaching plan, and wait for a supply teacher (or at least another adult) to show up, so I'm really hoping little miss waits at least until I'm done work to show up. It's part of my reason for taking off a bit early, but I realize we're lucky in Canada as we have a year, and it makes it easier to be a bit flexible with dates.

Maggz, that's great that your profs are willing to be flexible with you. Grey and yellow should be nice. We have a blue room (even if it's a girl). I haven't really decided what I'm going to do about wall hangings and such. Right now, there's just random stuff in there. We have a change table, though, so that and the cradle my cousin made are going in our room at the beginning.

And here's my 7-month bump picture.


  • 7 months pregnant.jpg
    7 months pregnant.jpg
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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I hope you all are doing well!

I'll try to respond to a few of you now, or at least the ones that I can remember lol.

Dini - I'm glad that your appointment went well!

Lacanadienne - 5 more weeks?! I'm sure it'll fly by! You can do it! Your bump is so cute!

Maggz - I love the plans you have for baby's room! I lovelovelove grey and yellow!

Baby girl's nursery is almost done even though I don't think she'll be using it much, if at all, before the move. DH's grandma sent us a check to get the rest of the big things we need so that is a huge help! I think I'll try to see if DH has any energy tonight to help me pick out the stuff online and order it.
Maggz I love your organizational skills. I need to go to ikea to get some ideas. I love the hemnes series! And I like your color scheme! I bought a few fabric "drawers" to use in the dresser drawers to organize stuff and I think I'll need more. I actually got them at the dollar tree! The closet in his room has a shelf in it and has two bars that go the depth of it no the length and I'm trying to decide if I want it to go across the long way instead but I guess it can always be changed later. That closet is our "shelter" incase of a tornado so I think I may leave it for now. I can always use a shelving unit on the floor right?
sweet that's so nice of her! Hopefully the housing you'll be going to will work with the stuff you already have, moving can be so expensive.

Dini I wish it were as simple as writing it out like this ;) There's always something that happens in between me dreaming up organization and plans so they're constantly changing.
I went to Ikea yesterday and got a whole bunch of stuff, I decided on a smaller Hemnes dresser because I felt like that 8 drawer one would take up a whole wall. I'm thinking about doing something like this https://www.target.com/p/closetmaid-5-to-8-closet-organizer-kit-white/-/A-13021297#prodSlot=_1_3 in the closet instead of a laid down shelf, although I saw those shelves yesterday and now they even have drawers and doors that you can install in each "box" so you can totally manipulate it to your desires. Genius.
Maybe the depth bars are enough in your closet? Shelves are the thing I'm really looking for I just know I'm not going to wanna hang all his clothes. Which is why American closets bother me hahaha.

lacanadienne you look good :thumbup: Are you tall?

AFM all is good, I really wanna stop working though haha. I'm just sick of that place. I'm finding that I don't have as much stamina and my back really bothers me, even with the Dr. Scholls and the support belt. I feel like my belly is being bruised from the inside out and I'm really starting to find it hard to find comfortable positions to sleep in. I need support by my back and belly at night but my belly can't be squished... it's a fine art :haha:
So yeah, I'm good but annoyed at how uncomfortable I am, and I don't feel like I have any right to complain since I know so many women are worse off.
sweet, that's awesome that you're getting help for the rest of the baby stuff.

Dini, yeah, if it's your shelter, I'm not sure I would put anything too permanent in there.

maggz, yes, I am fairly tall. 5'8". I know what you mean about work, though. The stamina is an issue, even if you're doing "well". I don't think pregnancy is meant to be super comfortable. Conversations with people for me kind of go like this lately. Person: How are you doing? Me: Pretty well. (Thinking in my head: I'm not sleeping well, I get random pains, and I'm not terribly comfortable, but hey - no big deal, right?). :lol:

By the way, has anyone else had contractions that they felt yet? I haven't gotten anything regular, but every now and again, I get what I can only guess is a contraction. Lasts a little bit, then goes away.
Maggz I totally know how you feel about the stamina! And I like that shelving unit!! I wish I could use something like that. Maybe I could redo our bedroom closet with something like that. I have got to get to Ikea! It's over an hour away though and I have no one to go with me if I go this weekend.

I did get a little bit done today, cleared out all the built in cabinets and drawers in the nursery and DH got some of the trim up all he has left is the two windows and one piece of quarter round along the built in cabinet. My MIL and her brother are hopefully coming over Sunday to help paint the closet and trim so maybe the room can be almost ready for furniture soon!

Lacanadienne you made me laugh with your version of conversations. That's exactly what mine sound like, including in my head!! Once in a while I say "I'm good! No major complaints, well nothing worth complaining about anyway" the whole time I think "I am lucky to sleep 3-4 hours a night, my hands fall asleep a thousand times a day, my back, shoulder and hips are in constant pain and getting up from a sitting position takes serious effort!"
Oh girls I feel ya! It's like it's built into our reflexes to respond with "I'm good!" and we answer before our heads can even form another answer :haha:

Dini I went alone to Ikea and honestly, I like it better! DH just wants to get it done cause he hates going there, and I don't wanna make decisions like that ;) Maybe it's weird but I love shopping alone.
Sounds like you guys are getting a lot done in your house! You should show us some before and after shots :D
I just cried cause DH came home and told me to sit my butt down and just stop. Lol... I've officially gone nuts.
I just cried cause DH came home and told me to sit my butt down and just stop. Lol... I've officially gone nuts.

Aww Maggz you aren't nuts, you are pregnant!!

I do agree about not taking DH to ikea lol, he hates it! I have a lot to get done saturday so I doubt I'll have time to go but maybe one day next week.

I will post some pics when we get the trim up and painted. I don't have a lot of before pics because we started renovating that room years ago when we started ttc but stopped when we weren't having any luck because it was too much to deal with.
Lol yeah it's just while I was crying I realized how silly I was being cause all I wanna do is be productive, but it hurts - plus I was going to work so I really couldn't wear myself out too much before.

Looking forward to seeing the finished product! DH put up the cabinet in the living room, it's finally coming together! I really like how it's turning out :happydance:
Sounds like you girls are really getting the house ready. Good on you. I wouldn't have the energy to do that right now. We didn't have any major renos. We only moved here a year and a half ago, and I knew babies were in the plans, so the house was pretty well set up from the get go. The only thing I might change something about is the closet in the nursery, but I can live with it for now. We have the dresser and change table, so plenty of storage for the time being. I just don't really like how the closet has these tiny narrow shelves at the middle that aren't really useful.

Getting ready for the baby, though. All the essentials are being lined up, and I'm starting to look at my suitcase and birth plan. DH was born 7 weeks early, so even though I don't expect the baby to come that early, I want to be as ready as possible if it does happen. Just ordered supplies to make "ice pads" for postpartum use. Nursing bras are on their way too.
Lacanadienne, what are you using for your "ice pads"? I've seen some on pinterest that look interesting I may try.

Maggz, I want to get some bookshelves and cabinets for the living room at some point, we just need more storage. I keep trying to get rid of stuff, but I can't seem to get rid of enough! Can't wait to go to Ikea!

So we got a little surprise yesterday, the crib we registered for on Amazon showed up from DH's mom, grandparents and Aunt. We weren't expecting it at all! And today they let it slip that they were getting us the changing table to match. That's so sweet of them, and so much help!

His mom, grandma and uncle came today to help me paint the trim and closet in the nursery, but they didn't let me do anything so they did it all. It's nearly done, just another coat in the closet and door frames.

Ugh, so I paid bills today and my paycheck is nearly gone and we need groceries and I wanted to get a few things like shelves and things this week but I only get paid every other week and DH's check next week goes to the car payment and another bill so it may have to wait 2 weeks ;(

I am still going to scrape up the money to buy the travel system though because Babies R Us is having their trade in event and MIL gave me a used exersaucer to take in so I can get a 25% coupon on the travel system. That makes it $248 instead of $329 so I can't pass it up.
Dini, I'm using NatraCare New Mother pads with Aloe Vera gel, Alcohol-free Witch Hazel toner, and a few drops of lavender essential oil. I usually use cloth pads for my period, so they'll be going over my cloth pads.

What a nice surprise about the crib and change table! That'll help for sure. And I'm sure the help with the painting was appreciated as well.

That's a pretty good discount on the travel system. The car seat alone costs more than that in Canada. That's why I pounced on the deal at Sears for $80 off it.

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