Expecting #1 positive thinking buddies, sticking together!

lancadienne - my mom is a teacher who teaches high school, and I believe you when you say its a hard job :( Students can be rough and hurtful. And the paperwork is enormous! I sometimes tell Mom though I work longer hours, I could never teach for the lack of patience :|

Klink - Apparently nothing invasive tooth-related can be done while pregnant. I am using Clove oil and antibiotics for now. Also no painkiller other than paracetamol which hardly works at all, so I am choosing to bear it and take soft foods for now.
Also, I am inspired by your ideas of matching stuff! I am thinking of buying atleast the baby gear before I am full term - though I'll have to buy everything in yellow / neutral colors :|

We had last 3 hospitals to check out where our OB was affiliated, and apparently 2 of those aren't covered by DHs insurance - so our work was made easy as we anyway preferred the third one. Also Dh's new medical insurance has a higher claim limit and ALSO covers full cost unlike a 20% copay of mine.. yay!!
Thanks for the recommendation, lacanadienne! :)

Klink, yay for getting your stroller, and things sorted out re: the pack and play! It's so fun getting these things in order. I can't wait to start getting more baby stuff set up around the house. We have the crib put together but have yet to start building our change table. I'm not sure if I'd be able to help much depending on how heavy it is, so we might need to wait until a time when my parents are over. We'll see.

Mol, sorry about your achey tooth! That's too bad that you can't really treat it. I hope you can find a reduction in pain anyhow!

Have a great day, everyone!
I heard chewing on whole cloves apparently helps with toothaches too! I hope it gets better sooner vs. later! And good thing that you don't have to co pay anything! :) Our insurance covers it fully without co pay too! What a relieve!

Karen, when are your parents coming over? :) Do they live close to you or is it gonna be a longer visit?

Afm, they received my visa stuff, now I have to wait for a letter in the mail how they gonna process it further.
Surprisingly FIL and DH worked their things out and FIL is super excited for Jace to get here (at least from what DH said.). He said he wants to get something for the baby, doesn't matter how much it costs, so I might have him get the crib and mattress, so I can put the bedding on the crib, and then have Jace nap in the crib every now and then to make the transition easier later on.

DH had a second job pretty much guaranteed and now today they sent him an e-mail, that they decided to hire someone else. He was waiting all week on them to give him his work schedule. So annoying!

Also, even though DH aunt said she was gonna get us the pack'n play instead she kept telling DH on the phone, how we are not even gonna use it and all that stuff. Good for her that she never used hers, but I know for sure that we are gonna use ours! that's where he's gonna sleep for the first months and we are also gonna take it when we are traveling, since we have friends in different states and definitely gonna visit them. They also tried to tell us, what we can afford right now to buy and what not. I mean I'm glad that they are so concerned about all that stuff and they really helped out a lot too, but I'd rather not have them tell us what to buy and what not. It's not their money, it's not their child and we know whats best for us.
So I've always wanted to go dog sledding, and I'm looking for at least a couple fun things for hubby and I to do before June. I was just looking it up and everything looked good; I was getting excited. Went to read the FAQs and at the bottom:

I’m pregnant, is dogsledding safe?
No! Dogsledding is on a similar risk level as horseback riding. We hope we will get to meet you next year!


Anyone trying something new this season?
Mol, sorry about the tooth, but yay for the insurance and hospital situation getting sorted out!

Karen, DH put together the change table on his own, so maybe yours can too. It wasn't heavy - the instructions just weren't super clear so he had to re-do it a few times.

Klink, it's good if DH and your FIL are working things out. It's never a good feeling to be estranged from family, especially when a baby is on the way. Too bad about the aunt, though, especially if she said she was going to get the pack-n-play.

Tree, too bad about the dog sledding. Not really trying anything new, no - I'm just too busy.

AFM, had a better day at school (finally). I sat my students down this morning and had a little chat with them and they seemed calmer after that. I got my last evaluation done, and corrected - still have to grade it - so report cards won't be as hard to do. Just have to get evaluations for my students who were absent, and get through one more day with the kiddos before I get all the reports done. Home stretch! I'm planning on taking a break from evaluations for a bit after that.
Treeroot - Sorry that you can't go dogsledding :hugs: but maybe it's better that way. You don't want that sleigh to tip over with you in it.

lacanadienne - Good that your students are calmer now! Hopefully it takes some stress off of you.

Yea I'm glad they work their stuff out, but I'm not ready yet. He said a lot of mean things about me, DH and the baby and I can't let it go like this. He said I attacked him, which I don't even know how cause after we moved out I never talked to him anymore lol However I told DH I don't mind going out for lunch or dinner with him every now and then. I can still be nice even though I am super mad. Just he wants to have this talk to clear out the air and expects me to apologize but when i reflect on everything I really do not see anything that I did wrong and he is someone who likes to blame others for his mistakes.
I will just let it go until I am ready for it, since he was the one who brought us in this situation.
Lacanadienne, glad to hear things are going better at work! There is light at the end of the tunnel! :)

Klink, I'm glad your DH and FIL are working things out. I don't blame you for not wanting to be all buddy buddy with him, though! Hurtful words take a long time to heal. Just do what you're ready to do. :) Sorry to hear about the job. Hopefully another one will come along soon!

My parents do live nearby, it's just that with my and DH's differing work schedules it's not always easy to schedule a few hours for them to come over. But we'll probably do one of the next few Sundays. I'm looking forward to that!
I don't have time to catch up completely, going to class! But I just wanted to say klink maybe it's a European thing haha Americans think we're rude ;) MIL was offended at something I said to her a couple of months ago and went to DH and his brother and told them how she was hurt. I felt like an ass that she felt hurt but honestly I don't think I said anything wrong. (I did call her and smooth things over.) Also I hated that she didn't just say something to me at the time instead of bringing it to DH.
Then I'm pretty sure I offended FIL too a couple of weeks later although he didn't say anything but I'm just so tired of the way they treat DH and expect him to pick up their slack (he's really the parent) that I called him to arrange some stuff on behalf of DH and I made sure to be polite but firm.
In the end DH was like well that's their issue if they take stuff the wrong way, they're just gonna have to learn how you talk, you can't always be scared to say stuff cause they may or may not get hurt. I loved that he took my side on it, but honestly he was pissed at his parents at the time haha.

Anyways, just thought it was funny! All is good with my in-laws though but I understand that you can't just forgive and forget like that! Especially if he's expecting you to apologize.
Oh my gosh, DH dad is the same way! He complains about me to DH but never really tells me what's bothering him and that's why we are in this mess. He said he wants to buy something for the baby and that it doesn't matter how much it costs (he has a decent amount of money since he owns two bars). He told DH to pick whatever, so I picked a nursery set that comes with a convertible crib, changing table and dresser. If we get this, I'll be nice and call him though to say thank you for getting Jace the furnitre. I'll be saying Jace instead of us so he knows it's for his grandson and not just for us lol

Better late than never, right?! For all you ladies who haven't seen her, this is miss Charlotte (Did I mention she sleeps 10+ hours a night and most of the day, hello dream baby!)

I hope you're all well, once again my slackness has prevented me from catching up, so this is just a quick post while missy is asleep and I'll reply to you all.

AFM and bubs, Charlotte is 2 and a bit weeks old. She weighs 200g above her birth weight and her big head is on the 85th percentile (Full of brains ;) ). I'm suffering PND and have been given anti-depressants so hopefully they kick in soon and which is why I've been so slack on this thread. Basically if it doesn't involve laying in bed or feeding/changing the baby, I can't be bothered doing it.
I'll be back in a few hours to write a real reply.
She is so gorgeous Bree! :) sorry for your depression, hopefully you'll be back on track soon! :hugs:
That's a good way to do it klink. This passive aggressive way of talking behind my back annoys me. If you have something to say, talk to me!

Bree what a gorgeous little girl you have!!! :flower: I hope the antidepressants kick in asap and you start feeling better. I'm proud of you for getting help right away!

Got home from work at 10.30pm to a dirty kitchen (partly my fault) so I spent the last hour scrubbing it down. Insane? Maybe a little.
Good news of the day is I get to drop one of my classes since I don't need it anymore! So either I'll have a lighter course load or take an extra class to up my chances of getting into my school of choice next fall. It really made my day that I don't need the class :D

Sorry I'm being sucky about catching up you guys, I am reading everything though! Hope you're all doing really well xx
Bree she is adorable!! Absolutely beautiful! I hope those antidepressants start working soon. They can take about 3 weeks or so but we totally understand! We are hear if you need to talk. Just take care of yourself!

Klink, so sorry about your FIL situation, but glad him and DH are doing better. I hope he gets Jace the furniture, it sounds lovely.

I woke up really early today, but actually slept a bit last night. My carpal tunnel wakes me about every 30 min to an hour but last night wasn't as bad, the night before I was up at 2 am and nothing I did would help the pain or the numbness, had to get up and walk around the house..so I had 3 hours of sleep and had to teach the Advanced Cardiac Life Support class at work for 8 hours but it was an easy class so it wasn't too bad.

I go in for my 1hr glucose screening this morning in 2 hours, I am praying I pass but have a feeling I won't. I have PCOS with insulin resistance and am nearly 35 and overweight, with a big family history of diabetes so I'm at a high risk for GD. No signs of it so far, but it still worries me. Also getting my TDaP shot today..lots of needles for me! After all the fun, I'm picking MIL up and going to do the registry at Target. We did Babies R Us last weekend. I really want to buy some of the things I have on it but am going to try to wait till the shower which is in 5 more weeks. I just want to put some things in his room when it's finished, which will hopefully be this weekend. I think I will buy some baskets for his close and cabinets though.
Bree! So great to see you. What a beautiful picture - Charlotte is absolutely lovely! And how great that she is such a good sleeper. I'm so sorry to hear you've been suffering with PND. I hope the prescription will help you feel better soon! And to echo what has been said, we are all here for you, anytime you want/need to chat or vent! :hugs:

Klink, that would be awesome if FIL could get that for Jace! I hope it will work out.

Maggz, that's nice that you get to drop that extra class! Anything to lighten the load is great, I'm sure! :)

Dini, I'm sorry to hear about your aches and sleep troubles! You are doing amazing, though!! :thumbup: Good luck with the GD and Tdap tests! And have fun making the registry afterward! :)

I am so glad it's the weekend. It was a pretty tiring week. I was doing okay at work until midway through last night, and then when I got up to drop off my 2nd student and bring back my 3rd, I felt so incredibly weak and tired I thought I may have to go home. But, I didn't want to cancel on anyone so late in the game, so I just took some deep breaths, popped a couple hard candies in case my blood sugar was low, and somehow made it through the rest of the night. Hopefully that was just a fluke and not indicative of the rest of my time. :S

But tonight will be great; my husband and I got a couple gift cards to a restaurant we love, but that is too expensive for us to go to more than once or twice a year, so we're going to go for a date night tonight. Can't wait! Then tomorrow some of my family and some of his family are coming over for a poker game. We'll see if I can win some money for baby shopping, lol.

Happy Weekend, everyone!! :happydance:
MolGold - I hope that you've been able to find some sort of relief for your tooth.

Klink - I saw your stroller on FB, it looks nice! And that's great that you're getting the pack and play now, yay!

Treeroot - That stinks that you can't go dog sledding. I personally haven't tried anything new this season, or at least nothing that I can think of right now lol.

Lacanadienne - I'm glad things are seeming to get a bit better on the work front! It will all be behind you before you know it, hang in there!

Bree - She is beautiful! So sorry about the depression :( I really hope the medicine starts helping you soon! Hang in there and know that we're all here if you need to vent about anything.

Maggz - Yay for being able to drop that class! What school are you hoping to get into next year?

Dini - That carpal tunnel sounds awful. Are you able to wear those braces that help? Good luck on your GD test and have fun making the registry!

Karen - Enjoy your dinner date and poker with family! I hope you win!

AFM - Things have really been a whirlwind since finding out about DH's orders changing. I was holding out a grain of hope that they'd change but he just got the official orders yesterday so looks like it is actually happening. I'm just going to try to accept that there's nothing I can do about it. Today is DH's birthday though so I'm hoping to make that special although I feel like I'm failing at it. He was able to go into work an hour late because we were stuck in traffic for a few hours last night after taking a co-worker of his to the airport. But he just looked so sad this morning when leaving. I asked if I could bring him breakfast but he said no because he has a dental appointment not long after getting to work. I texted asking if I could bring him something special for lunch or if we could meet on base to eat together, I'm waiting to hear back from him now. Hopefully he'll be up to go out for dinner tonight even though we stopped to eat on the way home last night. I'm doubtful that he'll be up for it though because he won't be home until 7:30 or so since he has to go to the gym after work. We'll see :/ I think I'm going to go to the store though to get the stuff to make his favorite cake (I don't really help with his efforts of going to the gym lol). I just want today to be special for him and I don't think it is so far.

Oh and I haven't told DH yet but once we finish the move to CA I think I'm going to go back to college to finish my degree. I got my AA right out of high school and he's been bugging me to go back. I think I'm going to get my BS in Business Administration with a focus in either Healthcare Management or in Finance. I'm not sure yet. I'm leaning towards Healthcare Management and then pairing it with a minor in Accounting. That way I'll have that degree in case he ends up needing to get out of the Marine Corps in 3 years. It's not my dream to not be home raising my children but if it's what I have to do for him then I'm going to do it. Sorry for the novel. This last week or so has just been filled with a lot of change and many adult decisions that aren't easy. Nobody ever warns you that this is how it'll be when you grow up lol.
She is gorgeous, Bree! Hope the depression sorts itself soon. :hugs:

Klink, I totally understand you not wanting to just forgive and forget so easily, but at least if DH is mending fences with your FIL, you might be able to forgive him with time. Some people are just immature and make bad choices they later regret. This might be one of those cases for your FIL.

Maggz, it's great that you get to drop that class! I would be happy too. :happydance:

Dini, good luck on the glucose screen, and with your carpal tunnel! Is the carpal tunnel new, or have you had it for a while?

Karen, that sounds a bit scary, but hopefully, as you said, it was a fluke. Have fun going out to that restaurant, and at the poker game!

Sweet, yes, adult decisions can be tough. Sounds like you've at least come up with a game plan, though, which is good. Good luck getting your DH to go out for dinner! I'm sure he'll appreciate the cake regardless.

AFM, yesterday, the kids were back to their usual antics, and I still have some work to do to finish my report cards, but I got my glucose screen results, and they came back normal! I'm relieved that's over with. I didn't really want to drink the second sweeter drink, and get pricked 3 times.
I've read everyone's posts, but am just feeling really tired tonight so it's :hug: for everyone, whether you shared good news or less-then-good news.

And, Bree - she's absolutely adorable. Congrats! And I am extremely impressed with your quick action regarding PND, I could only hope I'd be so aware if I'm in a similar situation.
Hi ladies!

Sweet, I am sorry for all you and DH are dealing with right now but I'm sure just having a loving wife like you helps make all his days special.

Tree, I hope you get some rest!

Karen, I hope you had a great date night! We haven't had one of those in a long time.

Lacanadienne, hurray for your glucose results! I still don't know mine yet, I'm sure I'll see them today at some point.

Only test result I've gotten back is that my hemoglobin is a bit low, not terribly but lower than normal so I'm a little anemic which makes sense. Also I'm trying very hard to eat better as I have eaten terribly the last few weeks and I've gained way too much weight, and the midwife finally said something because they had me at gaining 7lbs in 4 weeks but my scale had me 3lbs lighter, I decided I don't like their scale!

Today is going to be so busy, we are still finishing up the trim and baseboards in the babies room and his brother and friend are coming over to help him rip up the carpet in our living room and start laying new floors. Our house will be in shambles for a week I'm sure, it's a big job and he only has his brother today and tomorrow and his friend for just a few hours today. (that btw makes me mad, he's known he was coming to help for weeks now and told us yesterday he won't make it till the afternoon and won't be able to stay late, he's so unreliable!)
Hey girls it's sure been quiet around here for the weekend! I hope everyone is doing good :)

It looks like I'm gonna have to go to sleep way earlier than I normally do since I have 8am classes now, well if I'm not just gonna sleep through them cause I tell ya, math just isn't interesting enough to keep me awake! I really wanna make use of my days and not just take a nap every day when I come home... but it's so cozy ;)
I'm the worst dog owner today, it's raining and I'm trying to keep them in the house as much as possible so they don't track mud all over.

My bday is tomorrow and it just so happens that DH is going away for school for the week, so I'm gonna drive up and see him on Friday and we're gonna spend an extra night there. Should be fun, it's further north in Cali than I've been before (other than just driving through). He surprised me yesterday, told me we were going out for dinner but we had to stop at his uncle's house to pick something up. Then when we got there they were making me a birthday dinner and my favorite cake :cloud9: It was so sweet.

Dini is it because of the anemia that you get sick more often?
I hope they get a lot done in the few hours that the friend will be there to help... Sorry he's a flake :/

sweet I feel you on the adult decisions! I hope you'll eventually get the career you want, whether it will be SAHM or something along the lines of the healthcare management that you talked about. But going to school seems like a good idea, especially while you're out there not knowing a lot of people and you'll probably want to keep busy. That way you might also make some friends through school :)

Karen hope your date night was fabulous! What kind of restaurant is it?
Maggz that was so sweet of your DH!! Happy birthday!! Mine is in just over a week.

The anemia is probably why I'm tired and dizzy a lot.t glucose results came back and they didn't call me (I saw them online) but they consider normal to be less than 130 and mine was 133 however most places consider normal under 140 so I'm hoping I'm in the clear. Guess I may not know for sure till my next appt on February 4th.

Well the guys are getting something done finally. There was a bit of an issue with the trim in the beginning but they are movin along. Won't be done when I was hoping but at least there is progress and I won't miss the carpet!! I got some cleaning done today in the spare room, not as much as I'd like but it's usable for now.

My legs are so swollen and it's pitting (leaves and indent when pressed) and it is frustrating. It doesn't hurt or anything but I've been on my feet too much. I'm currently taking a break for the first time all day and put my feet up. There is no where to sit now in the house except the bedroom.

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