Me and my DH both have FBs. It's never caused an issue between either of us but we are very laid back. We both know each others passwords and encourage each other to feel open with them. Like he'll ask me to check his for him and vice versa.
I think it can only really cause a problem if there are cracks or issues in a relationship already IMHO. EG if one of you is the jealous type then comments and messages could become bothersome... if one of you is a flirt and uses FB wrongly then again it'll cause issues etc etc xx
completely agree!! i am pretty laid back bout relationships tbh... the reason me nd my ex split up was my ex wouldn't change his status to 'in a relationship'... nd would delete any comments i put on his page... he didn't want anyone to see we were together... nd would flirt unashamedly with other girls... so there were major cracks in our relationship which is why facebook ruined it.
if someone on fb, told someone else on fb that ur bf was beatin u up... wouldn't they have told them regardless of u havin a fb or not??