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As a recovered anorexic, I have to say that someone CHOOSING to starve themself is a bit crazy. I just don't understand it.

I went weeks without food - a month was the longest I made - and honestly, I felt like I was dying (which I WAS!!!) I was hospitalised a few times for it. Honestly, its not worth the trouble and it actually pisses me off that people can be so flippant about something that for other people is not a choice. I didn't CHOOSE to starve myself.

Also - A close friend of mine died after starving herself for 7 days, and then eating so much her stomach burst.
Its fun though, after 3 days you dont feel hungry its mad!

That's because your body goes into ketosis, which is the beginning of organ failure. At least people on these diets eat something. Fasting is not fun, and certainly isn't something that should be encouraged.

:hugs: dont work your self up hun some1 already suggested that this thread was maybe to get a reaction...... there is just no advising some people :hugs: we no its not safe to do so this is how people will end up with eating disorders and stop eating all together..... its kinda like been a bulimic starve your self then pig out its wrong and like you say its not healthy.... and could land some people in hospital maybe the op shouldnt be taking some of these replys as negative more a long the lines of people on here actually do care about others and wouldnt wont to see you damage your self in a way and end up in hospital xxxx:hugs:

I agree.

Anyway, people can yo-yo for years, always looking for that next amazing, new-fad way to lose weight. The only way to keep weight off is to be healthy. You can fix yourself and drop the weight in just a few months, have loads of energy, great skin, toned body, etc but for some reason people look for 'quick fixes' that in the grand scheme of things take much longer.

OP obviously knows it's wrong going by the first post. If she wants to do this to herself then fine, but encouraging others to do the same as her, or get involved in positive discussion is wrong.
I didnt mean to offend anyone, i said in my post that i did it for the wrong reasons, those being that at the time i was suffering pretty badly with an eating disorder, still am but not in the same way.As i also said in my first post, i wouldnt encourage someone to fast for weightloss because weight watchers/slim fast are more effective.Its been proven that fasting in a safe and controlled manner can improve your health because its like a detox.
I didnt mean to offend anyone, i said in my post that i did it for the wrong reasons, those being that at the time i was suffering pretty badly with an eating disorder, still am but not in the same way.As i also said in my first post, i wouldnt encourage someone to fast for weightloss because weight watchers/slim fast are more effective.Its been proven that fasting in a safe and controlled manner can improve your health because its like a detox.

:hugs: things regarding health and what not can be touchy subjects for obvious reasons......we are not intending to be cruel..... rafwife was just trying to stress that it is unsafe and there for she only quoted the part of your post that was replying to fasting in a positive way hun xxx
As a recovered anorexic, I have to say that someone CHOOSING to starve themself is a bit crazy. I just don't understand it.

I went weeks without food - a month was the longest I made - and honestly, I felt like I was dying (which I WAS!!!) I was hospitalised a few times for it. Honestly, its not worth the trouble and it actually pisses me off that people can be so flippant about something that for other people is not a choice. I didn't CHOOSE to starve myself.

Also - A close friend of mine died after starving herself for 7 days, and then eating so much her stomach burst.

i am so sorry about your friend :hugs:and well done over coming your eating disorder.... that must have been a very difficult time for you:hugs:
i am so sorry about your friend :hugs:and well done over coming your eating disorder.... that must have been a very difficult time for you:hugs:

:hugs: Thanks hun. The point is though, that you're never TRULY over having an ED. I still relapse now, though thankfully I've never had a full blown relapse in the last few years, since I met my OH.
i am so sorry about your friend :hugs:and well done over coming your eating disorder.... that must have been a very difficult time for you:hugs:

:hugs: Thanks hun. The point is though, that you're never TRULY over having an ED. I still relapse now, though thankfully I've never had a full blown relapse in the last few years, since I met my OH.

i think a big point there is that you realise you will never fully be over it..... but you have bigger things in your life now to help you over come it when maybe the urge comes back around.....:hugs: im smiling very much for you now :D and you should be very proud of your self :winkwink:
i think a big point there is that you realise you will never fully be over it..... but you have bigger things in your life now to help you over come it when maybe the urge comes back around.....:hugs: im smiling very much for you now :D and you should be very proud of your self :winkwink:

:thumbup: That is correct :) I am proud of myself :) Hehe

The OP just needs to realise that its a slippery slope. Right now she's choosing to do it, but in three years time, when she's eating in front of family but making herself vomit eight times a day, or laid in a hospital bed weighing six stone, she will be regretting it then.
Food addiction is like any other addiction. The difference is how to kick the habit. If someone is addicted to drugs, they stop taking drugs. If they are alcoholic, they stop drinking. all or nothing.

The problem with food addiction (Which I have and I assume dizzy has because she says it's all or nothing for her) is that you can't "quit" eating. You must eat to live.

Many drug addicts do great in rehab because they are not around drugs and don't have to say no to drugs on a daily basis. Once they get out in the real world it becomes harder because they have to exercise self control, and that is the BOTTOM LINE to conquering addiction.

But yet again, the difference is you must eat. If you just practice not eating (and have not practiced self control) It's just a short ride back to addiction. The secrete to kicking the food addiction is learning control. You must still eat but you must learn to say no to certain things, or to over eating.

If you say it's all or nothing for you then your choices end in either death, or yo-yo-ing your entire life between cracking and going back into "rehab" (which IS an eating disorder)

I am saying this because I care, not because I am trying to be mean. I just feel like I should strongly advise against someone doing something that could potentially harm or kill someone. I would feel bad if something happened to you and I said nothing.

And you can look it up. Fasting and binging is an eating disorder. I am not saying you have an eating disorder but continuing this sort of behavior can certainly lead to one. And I think we all can agree that eating disorders = bad.
Its fun though, after 3 days you dont feel hungry its mad!

That's because your body goes into ketosis, which is the beginning of organ failure. At least people on these diets eat something. Fasting is not fun, and certainly isn't something that should be encouraged.

:hugs: dont work your self up hun some1 already suggested that this thread was maybe to get a reaction...... there is just no advising some people :hugs: we no its not safe to do so this is how people will end up with eating disorders and stop eating all together..... its kinda like been a bulimic starve your self then pig out its wrong and like you say its not healthy.... and could land some people in hospital maybe the op shouldnt be taking some of these replys as negative more a long the lines of people on here actually do care about others and wouldnt wont to see you damage your self in a way and end up in hospital xxxx:hugs:

I agree.

Anyway, people can yo-yo for years, always looking for that next amazing, new-fad way to lose weight. The only way to keep weight off is to be healthy. You can fix yourself and drop the weight in just a few months, have loads of energy, great skin, toned body, etc but for some reason people look for 'quick fixes' that in the grand scheme of things take much longer.

OP obviously knows it's wrong going by the first post. If she wants to do this to herself then fine, but encouraging others to do the same as her, or get involved in positive discussion is wrong.

i completely disagree with that its the only way to keep weight off!
i battled along time with my weight yet took drastic diet to lose the weight yet am maintaining well and i know tonnes and tonnes of people who have also does the same! not everyone finds eating healty workds for then thats why there are lots of different diets out there to suit everyone and what they need from a diet! i dont wish to cause trouble at all just found it a little annoying being the person who has tried your way and that didnt work for me!

i totally disagree with starving yourself thats just totally silly and u will bcome poorly before you become slim and in the end u will only binge on food that is bad for u and be back to where u began!

Just because you don't have the extra pounds doesn't make it healthy. I googled this cambridge diet and was a little shocked and frightened that some of you are putting your body through that. If you look at scientific studies and non-biased reviews, you'll find that organ failure can eventually result.

Ketogenic is used during the tail ends of bodybuilding or figure competitions preparation, it is not meant to sustain your body in the long run. Carb depletion is NOT a long-term solution!!!

Eating healthy and exercising DOES work if you stick with it and make it a lifestyle change.

I think that its an unhealthy choice. Your body needs things on a daily basis in order to function correctly. And fasting just throws everything out of wack.

When you dont eat on a regular basis... even not starting your day with breakfast, your body goes into starvation mode and when you do start eating it just stores that fat in your body because it doesnt know when it will get another meal.

I have to confess that I really only read the first post so I dont know if this is just to loose weight or some other reason. But if it is just to lose weight there are better ways to go abou it. Foods low in fat high in fiber are good for you. Fiber is a good choice to include in your diet because fiber is harder to break down. So your body works harder and speeds up your matabolisim (sp) It also helps you stay regular ;)

So dont skip meals.... Dot me a Sumo Wrestler... :rofl:

Here is an interesting article:

Sumo Wrestlers: This is How You Get Fat

There's only one sport where they actually aim to gain as much body fat as possible: Sumo Wrestling. According to this article - here is what a sumo wrestler does to get fat:

1. Skip breakfast. By depriving their bodies of food after eight hours of sleep, their metabolic rates stay low.

2. Exercise on an empty stomach. If their bodies have
no food, their metabolic thermostats are turned down even lower to conserve fuel.

3. Take a nap after eating. The Sumo secret for gaining weight is that, after eating, they sleep for at least four hours.

4. Eat late in the day. Going to bed with full stomachs means that their bodies must respond to the huge flood of nutrients with a rush of insulin, forcing their bodies to store some of it in the cells as fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.

5. Always eat with others in a social atmosphere. According to leading researchers, a meal eaten with others can be at least 44 percent larger and with 30 percent more calories and fat.
Its fun though, after 3 days you dont feel hungry its mad!

That's because your body goes into ketosis, which is the beginning of organ failure. At least people on these diets eat something. Fasting is not fun, and certainly isn't something that should be encouraged.

:hugs: dont work your self up hun some1 already suggested that this thread was maybe to get a reaction...... there is just no advising some people :hugs: we no its not safe to do so this is how people will end up with eating disorders and stop eating all together..... its kinda like been a bulimic starve your self then pig out its wrong and like you say its not healthy.... and could land some people in hospital maybe the op shouldnt be taking some of these replys as negative more a long the lines of people on here actually do care about others and wouldnt wont to see you damage your self in a way and end up in hospital xxxx:hugs:

I agree.

Anyway, people can yo-yo for years, always looking for that next amazing, new-fad way to lose weight. The only way to keep weight off is to be healthy. You can fix yourself and drop the weight in just a few months, have loads of energy, great skin, toned body, etc but for some reason people look for 'quick fixes' that in the grand scheme of things take much longer.

OP obviously knows it's wrong going by the first post. If she wants to do this to herself then fine, but encouraging others to do the same as her, or get involved in positive discussion is wrong.

i completely disagree with that its the only way to keep weight off!
i battled along time with my weight yet took drastic diet to lose the weight yet am maintaining well and i know tonnes and tonnes of people who have also does the same! not everyone finds eating healty workds for then thats why there are lots of different diets out there to suit everyone and what they need from a diet! i dont wish to cause trouble at all just found it a little annoying being the person who has tried your way and that didnt work for me!

i totally disagree with starving yourself thats just totally silly and u will bcome poorly before you become slim and in the end u will only binge on food that is bad for u and be back to where u began!


what part of this do you actually disagree with????

we are saying that this is unsafe for people!!
and the diet bit we have said maintaining a healthy diet keeps the pounds off.

i have watched my mum do every diet you can name trust me thats not an over exaggeration..... the only way she has kept the weight off is by maintaining the diet she was on and instead of eating less..... to get rid of the pounds she now eats the exact amounts she needs daily

if you eat junk then you cant expect to lose weight......
i arent saying eat a salad for breaky luch tea and supper...
but eating 3 decent meals a day is a healthy diet.
breakfast being the most important (but greasy breakfast wont help)

by a healthy diet i mean 3 meals a day
low saturated foods
using the grill instead of the pan
using oven frys instead of fryed ones
and basically eating in proportion ect
drinking things like frsh juice people think are healthy when infact they bloat you and full of sugar so not so healthy its not all about salads

my mum eats a chinese once a week and still manages to stick to the diet and keep off her pounds now and every other diet hasnt worked for her.

i understand you didnt post to cause a fuss im just a little confused with what you disagreed with because we have already mentioned dieting.

sorry if ive misunderstood
Just because you don't have the extra pounds doesn't make it healthy. I googled this cambridge diet and was a little shocked and frightened that some of you are putting your body through that. If you look at scientific studies and non-biased reviews, you'll find that organ failure can eventually result.
Ketogenic is used during the tail ends of bodybuilding or figure competitions preparation, it is not meant to sustain your body in the long run. Carb depletion is NOT a long-term solution!!!

Eating healthy and exercising DOES work if you stick with it and make it a lifestyle change.

If u looked into the diet you would see that it is scientifically formulated that although your body goes into ketosis your body is taking is a sufficient amount of carbs and 100% vitamins and minerals that your body could need!
If the diet was that bad it wouldnt have won a food excellence award in 2009 if it was deemed unhealthy!

sorry to gatecrash orginal post but not fair to link cambridge and starving yourself together they are 2 completely different things!!!!

Its fun though, after 3 days you dont feel hungry its mad!

That's because your body goes into ketosis, which is the beginning of organ failure. At least people on these diets eat something. Fasting is not fun, and certainly isn't something that should be encouraged.

:hugs: dont work your self up hun some1 already suggested that this thread was maybe to get a reaction...... there is just no advising some people :hugs: we no its not safe to do so this is how people will end up with eating disorders and stop eating all together..... its kinda like been a bulimic starve your self then pig out its wrong and like you say its not healthy.... and could land some people in hospital maybe the op shouldnt be taking some of these replys as negative more a long the lines of people on here actually do care about others and wouldnt wont to see you damage your self in a way and end up in hospital xxxx:hugs:

I agree.

Anyway, people can yo-yo for years, always looking for that next amazing, new-fad way to lose weight. The only way to keep weight off is to be healthy. You can fix yourself and drop the weight in just a few months, have loads of energy, great skin, toned body, etc but for some reason people look for 'quick fixes' that in the grand scheme of things take much longer.

OP obviously knows it's wrong going by the first post. If she wants to do this to herself then fine, but encouraging others to do the same as her, or get involved in positive discussion is wrong.

i completely disagree with that its the only way to keep weight off!
i battled along time with my weight yet took drastic diet to lose the weight yet am maintaining well and i know tonnes and tonnes of people who have also does the same! not everyone finds eating healty workds for then thats why there are lots of different diets out there to suit everyone and what they need from a diet! i dont wish to cause trouble at all just found it a little annoying being the person who has tried your way and that didnt work for me!

i totally disagree with starving yourself thats just totally silly and u will bcome poorly before you become slim and in the end u will only binge on food that is bad for u and be back to where u began!


what part of this do you actually disagree with????

we are saying that this is unsafe for people!!
and the diet bit we have said maintaining a healthy diet keeps the pounds off.

i have watched my mum do every diet you can name trust me thats not an over exaggeration..... the only way she has kept the weight off is by maintaining the diet she was on and instead of eating less..... to get rid of the pounds she now eats the exact amounts she needs daily

if you eat junk then you cant expect to lose weight......
i arent saying eat a salad for breaky luch tea and supper...
but eating 3 decent meals a day is a healthy diet.
breakfast being the most important (but greasy breakfast wont help)

by a healthy diet i mean 3 meals a day
low saturated foods
using the grill instead of the pan
using oven frys instead of fryed ones
and basically eating in proportion ect
drinking things like frsh juice people think are healthy when infact they bloat you and full of sugar so not so healthy its not all about salads

my mum eats a chinese once a week and still manages to stick to the diet and keep off her pounds now and every other diet hasnt worked for her.

i understand you didnt post to cause a fuss im just a little confused with what you disagreed with because we have already mentioned dieting.

sorry if ive misunderstood

i disagrred that it has to be a healthy 3 meals a day diet to maintain healthy weight loss and although some see certain diets as a quick fix doesnt mean that u wont keep the weight off

fair enough about the healthy diet part you opinion..... but we havent said any thing about quick fix we are talking long term life long eating.....

i disagree with the fact the diet you have mentioned is any good if your body goes into ketosis does that not say you are not giving your body enough or something along the lines of the diet as ketosis would not happen if your where giving your body what it needed so i would say you are starving your self of something along the way so the 2 are linked x
Why Yo-Yo anyways.... Find something that can change the way you eat wo the weight stays off and you stay happy :headspin:
Broccoli and other steamed greens, whole grain carbs such as brown rice, and lean proteins such as chicken breast or lean pork loin has nothing to sell you and doesn't promise fast results. Raised heart rate through cardio and resistance training has nothing to sell you, takes effort and doesn't promise fast results. All of those things on a consistent basis with effort WILL give and keep results - it's too bad that few people want to put the effort into it. Whatever happened to not abusing your body?
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