Fear of Needles....


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Hi ladies [and gents!]

I need to tell someone other than my husband..

is there anyone else here with a HUGE fear of needles?!? I mean seriously.. I know it's irrational but.. it's real guys.. it's real..

and I just need people to talk about it with who aren't going to make fun of me or laugh at my problem.. it's a serious problem that effects millions and my family laughs at me and questions my sanity about it.

'it's all in your head' they say.. but I know it's not..

Suggestions guys..? :(
Hi, do you mean Needles such as injections? Or Needles in general like sewing needles?

Before i got pregnant with LO, i was absolutley terrified of them, i'd shake like a leaf at the thought of them.
Hi, do you mean Needles such as injections? Or Needles in general like sewing needles?

Before i got pregnant with LO, i was absolutley terrified of them, i'd shake like a leaf at the thought of them.

needles that inject or withdraw.. Medical needles- I sew all the time.
I had a proper phobia too but after having a high risk pregnancy where I had to deal with them all the time I just have a fear of needles now. I feel frightened but I'm not having panic attacks anymore.


I have panic attacks and faint when I have to have an injection. Taking blood isn't so bad now but it's still bad. My ex didn't believe me and made fun of me until he came with me once and I collapsed on the floor.

I have panic attacks and faint when I have to have an injection. Taking blood isn't so bad now but it's still bad. My ex didn't believe me and made fun of me until he came with me once and I collapsed on the floor.

It's a shame that some people don't get it. :c

I'm hoping that it doesn't stay this way the rest of my life; I know injections are important, I know that blood tests can be crucial; I just wish they get as far with blood testing as they have with diabetes testing; prick of the finger and voila! test results. that'd be doable for me. :)
I used to have a real fear of them and would be literally shaking if I had to get a blood test, and feeling as if I couldn't go through with it. It was a very very real phobia! It used to put me off trying for a baby because of the blood tests, and various other reasons a needle may need to be used! At my booking appointment with the midwife I was so scared she was going to leave it till another day but then I decided I'd better get it over with just to make sure everything was ok.

When I was pregnant I ended up with pre eclampsia, and had to have numerous blood tests every day (starting at 6am!) - to the point where on the morning Sophie was born, they couldn't find a place in my arms to get blood and had to put a thing in my hand :-( Also I had to have steroid injections in my thighs before she was born and a daily injection for the week after she was born in case of DVT - and I can honestly say that all that cured my fear! I still don't like it, but who does?! I'm not terrified any more though. Oh and I had to have an epidural or spinal block (not sure which) for the c section and in the past I'd actually have run a mile from that - that was a huge fear I had!

I dint mind the look of a needle but I can't watch one going into my skin or someone else. I can't even watch it on tv. I just hate it. When I was pregnant I refused all blood tests and any other needles they wanted to stick in me just because I hate the thought of it piercing into my skin. The docs and midwives would moan at me like he'll and tell me I was being silly, but I can't help it :(
I used to have a real fear of them and would be literally shaking if I had to get a blood test, and feeling as if I couldn't go through with it. It was a very very real phobia! It used to put me off trying for a baby because of the blood tests, and various other reasons a needle may need to be used! At my booking appointment with the midwife I was so scared she was going to leave it till another day but then I decided I'd better get it over with just to make sure everything was ok.

When I was pregnant I ended up with pre eclampsia, and had to have numerous blood tests every day (starting at 6am!) - to the point where on the morning Sophie was born, they couldn't find a place in my arms to get blood and had to put a thing in my hand :-( Also I had to have steroid injections in my thighs before she was born and a daily injection for the week after she was born in case of DVT - and I can honestly say that all that cured my fear! I still don't like it, but who does?! I'm not terrified any more though. Oh and I had to have an epidural or spinal block (not sure which) for the c section and in the past I'd actually have run a mile from that - that was a huge fear I had!


That helps a little. :) Thank you. I'm glad your little girl made her journey!

I dint mind the look of a needle but I can't watch one going into my skin or someone else. I can't even watch it on tv. I just hate it. When I was pregnant I refused all blood tests and any other needles they wanted to stick in me just because I hate the thought of it piercing into my skin. The docs and midwives would moan at me like he'll and tell me I was being silly, but I can't help it :(

I know, it's terrible!! they treat it like a huge joke!!

'Oh, it'll be okay, you're just over reacting! Take a deep breath for me..'

you're supposed to breathe slowly and deeply.. not quickly.. you can faint.. Thanks Doc.. :/
I'm deathly afraid of them too. I often go into a swoon when I get a needle and the person ends up bringing me water and sometimes crackers lol.

The best thing to do is to lie down, close your eyes, and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. Having to fast for blood work is the worst. I always end up fainting afterwards.
I'm deathly afraid of them too. I often go into a swoon when I get a needle and the person ends up bringing me water and sometimes crackers lol.

The best thing to do is to lie down, close your eyes, and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. Having to fast for blood work is the worst. I always end up fainting afterwards.

I cannot eat if I stress that much. If I do, I just vomit anyways. :/

So I can't really help it lol. But I will bring a bottle of Gatorade or applejuice with me to raise my electrolytes and blood sugar.
Fear of needles actually results from any previous unpleasant experience like, having a painful needle in the early childhood.

Nevertheless, those who have a needle phobia are prone to be over sensitive to the injection of a needle.

More so, the sight of a hospital and a clinic can start panic in them.
This is me!! And no one takes you seriously because "everyone is afraid of needles". Ok, so I'm 'afraid' of heights but going high up doesn't cause severe panic attacks because I don't have a PHOBIA of heights! I do have a phobia of syringes/injections. I am 20 wks along and, so far, have managed to avoid blood work. OK, so here's where the people that don't understand phobias gasp and say "how can you be so selfish" and "the baby comes first". Well, severe panic attacks that involve hyperventilating can cause lack of oxygen to the baby, and could cause severe issues to the baby or miscarriage! So, I am not being selfish, I am being realistic by knowing that this phobic reaction could be detrimental to myself AND my baby! Not to mention the anxiety attacks I'm having just thinking about going! Every time I pick up the phone to make an appointment, I have an anxiety attack. Again, I KNOW this this is not normal but it's something that I can't control (or I would!!!) I truly believe that forcing me to undergo blood work will be more detrimental to me and my baby than not having it done. However, I was told that if I go to the Red Cross, they can do a 'prick' test on my finger (which is not a syringe, so I think I can handle it!) to find out blood type, so at least we will have this info!

Please keep me posted on how things are going. It is so helpful to get feedback from people who truly understand and don't make you feel guilty!
This is me!! And no one takes you seriously because "everyone is afraid of needles". Ok, so I'm 'afraid' of heights but going high up doesn't cause severe panic attacks because I don't have a PHOBIA of heights! I do have a phobia of syringes/injections. I am 20 wks along and, so far, have managed to avoid blood work. OK, so here's where the people that don't understand phobias gasp and say "how can you be so selfish" and "the baby comes first". Well, severe panic attacks that involve hyperventilating can cause lack of oxygen to the baby, and could cause severe issues to the baby or miscarriage! So, I am not being selfish, I am being realistic by knowing that this phobic reaction could be detrimental to myself AND my baby! Not to mention the anxiety attacks I'm having just thinking about going! Every time I pick up the phone to make an appointment, I have an anxiety attack. Again, I KNOW this this is not normal but it's something that I can't control (or I would!!!) I truly believe that forcing me to undergo blood work will be more detrimental to me and my baby than not having it done. However, I was told that if I go to the Red Cross, they can do a 'prick' test on my finger (which is not a syringe, so I think I can handle it!) to find out blood type, so at least we will have this info!

Please keep me posted on how things are going. It is so helpful to get feedback from people who truly understand and don't make you feel guilty!

Thank you for your post. :(

I made it in for my first round of blood work two weeks ago. And I nearly lost it. I was hyperventilating and crying and I nearly screamed at the nurse because the first one blew my vein. They had to stick me again in a second vein to get it. :C

It was a very stressful morning... But I got the most important stuff out of the way. I'm going to discuss with my Dr about which tests I can actually skip. I know the gestational diabetes one is one that I really should not skip. But it's really hard to say that, 'baby's health comes first' when I can't be bothered to get stuck with one needle for 5 minutes. But at the same time, if I hyperventilate that's also not good.
Thank you for your post. :(

I made it in for my first round of blood work two weeks ago. And I nearly lost it. I was hyperventilating and crying and I nearly screamed at the nurse because the first one blew my vein. They had to stick me again in a second vein to get it. :C

It was a very stressful morning... But I got the most important stuff out of the way. I'm going to discuss with my Dr about which tests I can actually skip. I know the gestational diabetes one is one that I really should not skip. But it's really hard to say that, 'baby's health comes first' when I can't be bothered to get stuck with one needle for 5 minutes. But at the same time, if I hyperventilate that's also not good.
I have been reading up a lot and talking to nurse friends of mine about this. I WILL NOT be getting anything with needles done during this pregnancy UNLESS there is an emergency. After researching, a severe panic attack (especially hyperventilating!) could cause loss of oxygen to the baby which could cause major issues or, in some cases, could even cause a miscarriage! People think that I'm being selfish by not going for blood work BUT that is not true at all! I am doing what I can to PROTECT my baby by staying stress and panic free! That many anxiety and panic attacks that WILL HAPPEN before and during the blood work procedures could, and probably would, cause major problems or miscarriage to my baby. For me, since I am a healthy woman having a normal pregnancy, that horrible probability far exceeds the 'maybes' that the test results would find out. Can you imagine, being forced to go through the panic attacks to get the blood work done, only to find out that the baby would have been OK, but the panic attacks have now caused brain damage or miscarriage and that the blood work found there were no problems to begin with!!! NO THANKS!!!
Thank you for your post. :(

I made it in for my first round of blood work two weeks ago. And I nearly lost it. I was hyperventilating and crying and I nearly screamed at the nurse because the first one blew my vein. They had to stick me again in a second vein to get it. :C

It was a very stressful morning... But I got the most important stuff out of the way. I'm going to discuss with my Dr about which tests I can actually skip. I know the gestational diabetes one is one that I really should not skip. But it's really hard to say that, 'baby's health comes first' when I can't be bothered to get stuck with one needle for 5 minutes. But at the same time, if I hyperventilate that's also not good.
I have been reading up a lot and talking to nurse friends of mine about this. I WILL NOT be getting anything with needles done during this pregnancy UNLESS there is an emergency. After researching, a severe panic attack (especially hyperventilating!) could cause loss of oxygen to the baby which could cause major issues or, in some cases, could even cause a miscarriage! People think that I'm being selfish by not going for blood work BUT that is not true at all! I am doing what I can to PROTECT my baby by staying stress and panic free! That many anxiety and panic attacks that WILL HAPPEN before and during the blood work procedures could, and probably would, cause major problems or miscarriage to my baby. For me, since I am a healthy woman having a normal pregnancy, that horrible probability far exceeds the 'maybes' that the test results would find out. Can you imagine, being forced to go through the panic attacks to get the blood work done, only to find out that the baby would have been OK, but the panic attacks have now caused brain damage or miscarriage and that the blood work found there were no problems to begin with!!! NO THANKS!!!

Thank you for your post. :)

I'm glad to hear that I'm not crazy. lol.
I am a nurse, and I am SO afraid of needles - I can hit you with a needle and be fine - but turn the needle towards me and I totally have a panic attack, sweaty palms, hyperventilating etc - then I faint.

I havent had any jabs in YEARS because of this and I refuse all vaccines because of my fear. Blood tests are awful too :( I get upset WEEKS before I have to get them, and I get panic attacks just thinking about when I am getting the jab :(

I feel your pain

(PS I used to faint at the SIGHT of needles)
I am a nurse, and I am SO afraid of needles - I can hit you with a needle and be fine - but turn the needle towards me and I totally have a panic attack, sweaty palms, hyperventilating etc - then I faint.

I havent had any jabs in YEARS because of this and I refuse all vaccines because of my fear. Blood tests are awful too :( I get upset WEEKS before I have to get them, and I get panic attacks just thinking about when I am getting the jab :(

I feel your pain

(PS I used to faint at the SIGHT of needles)

You poor soul. ;n; I'm dreading the IV during labour, but I know its necessary if I want pain relief. An epidural (right now) is out of the question.
you don't *have* to have an IV during labor - have you looked at all the types of pain relief avail to you and discussed it with your dr?
you don't *have* to have an IV during labor - have you looked at all the types of pain relief avail to you and discussed it with your dr?

Not yet, I will at my next appt in a week. I almost prefer to have an IV, because I know I won't drink much and if I end up being nauseated, I won't eat much either.

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