~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Hello all!

Its been a while since I've posted here! Well Shelby is offically 2 today. God knows where that time has gone! And my other little baby is now 3 weeks old, little Penny. Can't believe I'm a mum of two baby girls now!
Shelby had her 2 year check last friday and passed with flying colours, so I'm really pleased about that. She measures small, along the 9th/12th centile the HV said. But her weight is in line with her height so it looks like she's just going to be petite! PHEW! Glad she didn't inherit my fat gene!
Penny on the other hand is a chubber! Born at 8lb11oz, 3 weeks old is now over 10lbs. Shelby didn't weight that till nearly 6 weeks old!

How is everyone else getting along? Any more babies arrived?
Hi everybody:hugs:

I can hardly beleive Emily will be 2 in less than two weeks:dohh:
She still shows no interested in toilet training, even getting her out of her crib proves to be a challenge.
She is starting to form small sentences and is trying to be super independent.

We are expecting a baby boy in May:happydance:
Aw congratulations Hun. Thomas shows no signs of interest in the potty, says a few words mainly no! LOL! And he is super cute! :)
hey ladies. Issy is 2 next Wednesday. where does the time go?! scary stuff. My littlest is 7 months 2 days later. Time goes so fast
Hi ladies, Jacob turned 2 last Wednesday. I have no idea where the time goes, it really does fly by! Jacob isnt showing any signs in wanting to use his potty, we have one and he sits on it with his clothes on but he has a break down if I try and take his nappy off.
He's very good at talking though and can count to 12 :).
Congrats to everyone whos had another littleun. Im slightly jealous. Were waiting to try until after the wedding for number 2.
Wow Dani counting to 12 thats brilliant, thomas only says a few words but he is lining things up!
Hi all,

Can't believe Max will be 2 in a few weeks. He is a right character but very feisty and stubborn too. He is ready for training physically but has a whizzy fit if I try and get him to sit on the potty. He can count to 10, sings about 10 nursery rhymes in tune and has started forming 7 word sentences such as 'dada gone to work on the plane'.

Evie is 5 months and seems to be quieter (wishful thinking!). She is adorable and has started to say Dada and roll from her belly to her back :cloud9:

Great to hear how everyone else is doing
Helllloooo - being technically garnets the boys are already two!!!! Sam has hypermobile ankles (double jointed) so doesn't walk yet but is just to holding one hand stage sooo I am going to try going put and about this week with them both on reigns rather than buggy eekkkkkk - scared but excited all at once!

Both the boys said nothin until 21 months but now starting to produce two word sentances - both had chiken pox flew through it in less than a week yay! They have been in beds for just over a week and have now decided they don't want a day time nap!!!! Exhausted.com or what!!!!!!!

Great to hear how you all are and it's crazy that some of you have another I just couldn't get my head around a baby too!!!!

Aw congratulations Hun. Thomas shows no signs of interest in the potty, says a few words mainly no! LOL! And he is super cute! :)

No, is Emily's favorite word too:dohh:

She can count to three ( it mostly sounds like.. one, few, tree).
Her sentences are two- three words.. ( me want, feeze)

She is active and some days we joke and say it's a two year old kinda day... meaning all I ever hear is NO:haha:
LOL! Thom has new phrase, "get down"! They are so much fun as everything is a new experience for them! Thom adores his big sister, so everything she does he wants to do to! If she wants crisps or coke so does he! He sits beside her all the time and copies her! Its so cute!
Hello Ladies, alll the babies are now 2.5 years old thereabouts!
How are we all doing?

Just started the process of moving thomas into a bed, he is still not a great sleeper and we are half way through potty training,so lots going on.
Hiya :) Jacob's 2 years 8 months now! Where's the time gone?!!
He's very much NOT interested in the potty or the big boy toilet. Which is slightly frustrating as he's been quite a quick learner with everything else..
He pretty much sleeps in his big boy bed now, we still have the cot in the room as we use it for time outs. But we'll probably put it away before his third birthday.
Jake's started pre school. He does two mornings a week. He's such a smart cookie and loves to learn, he was going mad at home so it was definitely the right move :).
Still not a fantastic eater, but he does love fruit.
Hi thats cool :) Thomas actually slept right through last night from 8pm - 7.45 am, what a difference! He fell asleep in the pram accidentally but sure at least he slept through.

Pre-school starts at 3.5 years old in Ireland, so next september for Thomas! The time goes by far too quickly!
our babies are growing up so quick. Adam has never been a great sleeper it has Got better. he will have 2/3nights where he will sleep right through. he is in pants during the day not had many accidents so we are getting there. he starts pre school in April gunna miss him like mad but also looking forwards to going back to work x
Hi everyone!

We are doing good, James is potty trained in the day, thinking about starting nighttime soon.
He's slept in a bed since 15 months but that's mainly because we had Charlotte on the way! His sleep pattern is very similar to Adams! But he is getting better. Will be happy when I know for certain I will get a full nights sleep lol.
I've noticed imaginative play becoming a bigger part of his play time, he's always pretending to be someone or something, it's so cute to see! How about you guys? Xx
Hheellllooooo - I simply cannot believe I am already buying the boys third birthday presents!!!! We ended up a garnet if anyone remembers!

The boys are doing great!!! Both been in beds since January sleep like troupers still and fynn still has a daytime nap!

Sam finally decided to walk in august at the grand old age of 2yrs7 months!!! Seriously so laid back it's enough to give you a heart attack!! After lots of specialist appointments and numerous amounts of physio the official diagnosis was he just wasn't ready!!!! Sam can write his name knows all the alphabet and numbers but has no interest in potty training in the slightest!!!!

Fynn definitely got all the drive out of my boys lol he just doesn't sit still has to be doing something g alllll day!! Exhausting little creature but my mum says he is just like me so I can't really protest too much!! Fynn is out of nappies when we are home but I haven't been brave enough to try it out yet - I mean the logistics of having to hurry two little boys to tw toilet before an accident just overwhelms me ATM! I have decided that I will try it at our toddler groups a bit of a less daunting environment for me lol.

The boys start pre school in April - a week before I turn40!!! I am dreading it - I will miss them sooooo much it makes me cry just typing this!!!!

Much love to all xxxxx
Hi vicky, I ended up a garnet aswell, Mojo was born on 30 th January, so turned three sat week! He was originally due on 12 th February. I just can't believe it's been three years since that little grey baby was born. I say grey because that's the colour he was, he needed resucitating that took five minutes, it would have been quicker but the machine in the hospital was broken and he had to be taken to another room where there was a working machine (damn the nhs needs more funding!). Anyway, when he came back he was bright red and we were so happy and relieved.

These days he's very healthy and happy. He's a little slow with his development I'd say he's more like a 2.5 yr old in his speech, behaviour etc. he's not potty trained yet but I'm not stressing, there's still plenty of time before he starts school. I can't believe they're starting school September after next! I don't now what I'll do with myself all day! Hopefully a lot of painting I'm trying to establish myself as an artist. I'm currently illustrating a children's book. I only get paid though if its published and we make money, I getting a 25% cut.

I'm STILL getting over his pregnancy, I had prenatal psychosis, and puerpal psychosis and depression after he was born but its never gone away and now they call it schizoaffective disorder. I was last admitted to hospital in November, but I'm out now and feeling good on my new medley of meds!
Hello Everyone
Let's have a update on our preschoolers.
Emily is a active little girl who loves to cook and dress up. She hates dirt and having her hair brushed. I no longer see a toddler in her , she is a little lady now.
Just thought I'd bump this now they're 6 (!!!!) and see if anyone is still around!?

Edward and I are doing great and he'll hopefully have a half-sibling soon if ttc goes to plan this summer! Xx
Ah here it is!!! Wow this seems ages ago now!!!

I'm now ttc my second, will be Harrisons half brother or sister as I'm now with a different person !

How is everyone

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