~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Evening everyone! Thanks for your kind comments, it is going to be hard, sometimes the build up to him going is worse though because of the Dread if that makes sense?

Lana thanks, that's really sweet, we can keep each other from going insane! I live as far east from you as you can possibly get! I live in frome.

Katy- do you know how many times a day I think I'm a bad mum! All we can do is our best. James sleeps in bed with me most of the time cos he won't go in his basket. I have a lot of tips people have told me if you want? Sometimes they work but I run out of energy most of the time and just give up.

I have started dressing him now because i've started getting in the swing of things, but I only dress him at a nappy change so it's not to much hassle. If I'm staying at home for the day I'd quite happily leave him in a sleepsuit, they look so cute in them anyway!
My bubs just wears a vest and a sleepsuit all the time literally 24 hours a day unless she's nakey having skin to skin. Can't be bothered with outfits yet - she poops too much, it'd be covered in poo within an hour or two! :haha:

agreed!!!! i never get why babies are always dressed in these outfits all day - dont get me wrong, it is exciting and lovely getting to dress them in little cute things but we are babygro people at the mo :thumbup: too much changing and faffing about otherwise.

I am looking forward to dressing him tomorrow though - we off to the hospital for his heel prick test........ dreading that part :wacko: it makes me crazy when they cry from being hurt like that.
Katy - i know, i've still gotta upload the pics to the pc, did try and get some on fb but ,y computer wants me to install software cos its a new phone and i gave up lol - going to get richard to sort that then i'll get a piccie on.

Thats a shame you're so far Claire - but like everyones said - we're all here to support each other x
Ahhh i have no time!!! I feel like a cow from feeding all the time and Vinnie is the greediest damn baby i have ever met!!

Im so glad to be here though ladies :)
Vinnie (whats actually your name seeing as we're having an identity basis!) moo moo. I am actually a cow who gets milked all day. James has been constantly attached to my boob since 6pm.
Haha - yup we're all cows - I've chosen to be an Aberdeen Angus cow though as they are super furry and its cold up here! :haha: ( and as dh says they are expensive so follows my habit!)


Yup - thats me!

Lana - Xander might not cry - Shelby didn't utter a peep whilst she had her heel prick test done, she woke up looking a little startled but was quite happy - same with her hearing screening test. I'm seem to have a little angel (apart from the cluster feeding evenings and puking up half her milk as it's squirted down her throat at 10mph! :haha:)
Lol Gills, you've chosen the best cow, any other just seems inferior now lol. James finally stopped feeding and slept 3am - 6am and has been feeding since. Do they have a growth spurt at 3 weeks anyone know? Cos this is rediculous!
Oh Lana I just read about your SPD, it took me about 2 weeks or so to start to feel better and mines nearly gone now. I was the same though, thought it went straight away!
hey girls.

my milk came in yesterday so im very happy! managed to get a few hours kip last night, so im feeling more alive today :haha:

i cant believe my little girl is a week old tomorrow :cloud9: this time last week i was on my way to the hospital with contractions!
Sam- Isn't it crazy how fast time goes!

Glad I'm not the only one who isn't dressing in proper outfits yet. I don't even have any that small, I only got outfits in 0-3 or bigger.

Am I the only one here who couldn't BF? :(

Claire- I also have given up on trying to settle him in his basket, nothing works. So he either sleeps in his bouncer or in bed with me. Just waiting on my snuggle nest arriving so I can relax a bit more when he's in my bed.

Lucia (vinnypeanut)- Yay for you being over here now :) Hope you're well.

Lana- I don't think I have you on FB. Looking forward to seeing pics when you get a chance xx
Claire - apparently they have a spurt at 2/3 weeks then 6/7 weeks. Would make sense as Shelby is feeding every hour or two during the day just now, thankfully come night she's still every 3/4 hours. She was good from midnight till about 9am this morning - lazy bones me didn't want to get up too early :haha: She's happy having a lie in too! Good baby!!

Congrats Sam - glad its finally happened - wait for the Jordan boobs now when they get engorged :haha:

I've actually managed to do a whole basket of ironing and make a minestrone soup from scratch today! Thank god for Daddy being a lazy bones and cuddling Shelby every moment she's not feeding! Hopefully get her off the boob long enough for lunch sometime soon.

p.s i'm getting good at using my left hand now for typing and using the mouse! :haha:
Names Lucia :)

My milk seems to of come in over night and he seems alot more satisfied now. Hes just slept for about 3 hours and is just starting to stir. I feel all proud of myself!
Had to have an emergency c section so im walking like an invalid and dosed up on painkillers. Vinnie is basking in his bouncer in the window...midwifes strict instructions to leave him in the daylight because hes a tad jaundiced and he LOVES it.

So good to be here.
Oh and Lana you were cursing me because my waters broke before you but you still had your LO before me haha. Vinnie just didnt want to come out! Poor bunny!!
Lucia- You have the same bouncer as me I think. Does vinnie absolutely love it? It's literally the only place Edward will sleep unless he's being held. Also, I just replied to your other thread about BFing :) xx
No katy i didnt buy it in the end because my mum had seen one and bought it for us. Hes snuggled in it now but hes such a cuddly baby so im suprised hes been asleep for so long.
His little cleft suits him so much, i cant actually imagine him without it.

Today I fed James constanly from 6 am until 3,30 am. Literally the whole time I didn't even have a chance to brush my teeth! He's asleep now, he must be knackered, he only had 3 hrs last night, I'm tired so he must be!

Katy- lots of people I know had trouble bf, at least you gave it a go (I saw your posts) it is really hard!

Well hubby has gone, feel very down :-( if anyone wants to add me on fb it's claire Frere and my picture is a wedding one of me and hubby xx
Aww hunny! You'll do great without hubby and will wonder why you ever needed him in the first place! ( apart from the sperm side of things!! :haha:)

I've added you on fb - i dont have any BnB girls on fb yet! I'm gill duff - my pic is of a scrunched up Shelby! Add Me!!
I'm just going on a mad adding spree of everyone now :)

Anyone with stitches- are yours itching as they heal? Or do you think I need to mention it to MW? Also, have you switched to normal sanitary towels or still using maternity towels? xx
Aww you girls are fab! Your right though by the time he's next back he'll be so impressed I'll be like supermum lol.

I've added you both, now I can have a good look at Shelby and Edward! Xx

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