~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

I try to fill him up as much as poss before i put him down for the night! It hasnt worked 2nite though, i topped him up after his bath and he fell asleep on the boob so put him into his cot about 9:30 and hes stirring again. Im hoping he'll fall back to sleep properly or at least wait another hour. My nipples are sooo sore. How do you bfing mummies cope with sore nipples?? There have been a few feeds when hes on constantly for hours that im so tempted to give up and give him formula but im trying to stick it out as long as possible, if only to prove the midwife wrong. She thinks he'll be formula fed by 2 weeks!
I have some lansinoh, it's free if you want it. I found it really good when I was expressing. Theres about half a tube left. I dunno what it's like to have them actually feed though as Edward has never latched on :( xx
Yeah I use lansinohohohoh or whatever it is, the purple tube cream lol. It's my life saver. James just doesn't sleep full stop lol. He's normally quite settles though so it's not to bad! katy I'm just walking around like a zombie! I thought about a top up feed, but decided it's just for a few weeks, I can cope with it my aim is to get to 6 weeks, well I'm half way there already! He's putting on weight nicely, right on the line so it's obviously just what he needs. I just make sure I've got my tea ready, a couple of drinks, something to watch and I just accept I'm going to be there now!
Yep ive got the lansinoh cream aswell. Its definately helping but hes such a snacker that when he brings himself off after a feed (a lies there like hes drunk) i dont have time to move and put the cream on before he wants more!

Claire i cant believe James is 3 weeks old already....its gone sooo fast!
Morning all! I seem to be joining the constant feeding group too! She was attached to my boob for over an hour this morning. grr lol.
well i was up every 2 hours with my little lady, so we came and slept/fed downstairs so OH could get some sleep cos he was being a grumpy old git :rofl:

i cant believe she is a week old already!!!
it does!!

ugh, has anyone else had the runs since labour? i had really bad stomach ache yesterday, went to the loo and just gross. it was really bad and i still dont feel too good today
Ok I'll make you all feel better. James fed constantly until 4am. We only had gaps for poos and changes lol. I was at my wits end at 4am I was so tired.He then went down until 6am and has been away since. That means in 24 hrs he had approx 5 hrs sleep. Every night we are getting less and less sleep. I don't know what's causing it. I think he might have colic so I'm going to g get some drops today because I can't handle another night like that! Xx
Awww claire! I started using infacol last night and she seems to be sleeping for longer periods now. She had started only sleeping for 40 mins a time but now she's been done for nearly a couple of hours. I'd definatly try that if he's got wind! Doens't taste half bad either - like orange sweeties! :haha:
Aww Claire, I hope the colic stuff helps :hugs: You must be exhausted.

We didn't get too much sleep last night either. He was feeding pretty much constantly and refusing to sleep in between so I'm pretty knackered today.

Sam- Me and OH had to do that for the first ten days or so. He never slept so we took it in turns, I'd do the night so he could sleep, then he did the morning so I could sleep. It's tough. My stomach is the opposite, I'm kinda constipated which is not good because it means I'm straining my stitches when I try to go.

My health visitor came for the first time this morning. She seems alright although a bit grumpy. :lol: Edward got weighed and he's now 6lb10ozs :) almost a pound on in 2 weeks.

Okay...daft question time :blush: What do you do with your LOs when they're awake? I had just about got used to the feeding...changing...cuddling...sleeping routine. But now Edward's started to wake up for an hour or so at a time during the day and I don't really know what to do with him :shrug: He's too little for his playmat and toys. I'm going to get a baby gym I think as he likes to look at stuff, but dunno what else. xx
I fling my baby around, chuck her in the air, pretend she's an aeroplane/car...ermm I kinda play with her like a toy :haha: seems to help her wind too. Shelby doesn't like being alone so bouncer and tummy time mat are a bit useless just now.

I just found a great way of washing - having a bath with baby :haha: managed to get bathed, fed (in bath), dressed and ready in under 2 hours - check me - supermum :rofl:
Katy I take James for walks, when he's at home I talk to him quite a lot and sing to him. He likes his playmat and vibrating chair thing so put him in there.

Gill your doing well. I had just manages to get me and James dressed, I was feeding him and he did the biggest poo ever, it went all over us both and also all over my bed. So I've managed to get him dressed again, get the bed stripped and in the washing machine, feeding him now then hopefully can get myself dressed. Hopefully we can be out by three!
I need to go food shopping but am debating whether to wait until after his next feed xx
I debate on stuff everyday! Like when he goes to sleep should I bother as he'll probably wake in 10 mins, or should I get something to eat, have a bath, do some housework. It's a nightmare! I can't wait until he is in a bit more of a routine so I can plan a bit more.

Claire - Paris loved her party! there was 15 kids there, but she only went off with her best friend and left the rest to it lol, the mums said im mad to organise a party when iv got a new born, but thats it now we dont need to worry about anymore birthdays till next year!

Im shattered, again Adam was up most of the night! not sure changing the milk was such a good idea after all, its meant to not make him so windy, if anything its made it worse, im starting to wonder, will i ever get a decent nights sleep, my friends kid didnt start sleeping right thru till he was 1 !! ARGHHHHHHHH x
Oh I know what you mean A-M, there's no end in sight is there! James is really windy as well, I'm going the hv clinic tomorrow so I'll see what they say. I'm not sure if the stress of Hubby going has affected my milk? Does seem to get worse. I will see what it's like tonight.

Glad Paris Enjoyed her party, I agree your crazy lol, but she still deserves a good birthday so I would have probably done the same thing! X
Hello all! How did i manage to miss this thread? I started a parenting journal because I couldnt find a group for the feb lovebugs, must be blind!

I am just reading back to find out how everyone has been getting on. A little summary for Fraser...

He is formula fed, cord came off day 4, put on weight by day three from 7.7 at birth to 7.10, jaundiced by day 3, not jaundiced by today, first three nights awake hourly taking one whole ounce at a time, by night three I unleashed the dummy....next three nights three hourly waking in the night, far more bearable. And breathe....
I fling my baby around, chuck her in the air, pretend she's an aeroplane/car...ermm I kinda play with her like a toy :haha: seems to help her wind too. Shelby doesn't like being alone so bouncer and tummy time mat are a bit useless just now.

I just found a great way of washing - having a bath with baby :haha: managed to get bathed, fed (in bath), dressed and ready in under 2 hours - check me - supermum :rofl:

lol gill - i got visions of this baby flying round the room :haha:

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