Morning my lovely girls
Thank you Hayley
Yes ladies, I was soooooo happy & relieved as I am sure some of you saw by my FB status lol.
Well we went in about 4.20, and he was laying in his favorite position- breech and back to the screen! She saw his, in her words, beautiful spine

and she kept jigglying my belly to make him move lol

and he wouldnt! She was saying how stubborn he was already, he sure wasnt shy about showing us his sack & little winkle though lol, he was like haha mummy, you can see my willy woo but your not going to see my face- he obviosuly wants me to have some sort of surprise lol.
Then I went for a wee and he had turned around! She told me to not talk as it would make him move lol. So then she checked his heart- perfect

Saw no markers for spina bifida or downs

and looked at his face and skull, brain etc, she said she was very happy with what she saw & had no concerns, he is measuring right for my dates, although he has long legs! lol this is what we were told at my 16 week scan too

god, if he has long legs & his fav position is back breech, I am going to be in pain when I start feeling him! She said my placenta was high anterior still, but was functioning normally

and if it is high at 12 weeks, it doesnt change, low can go to high but high cant go to low so I will be allowed a natural (as you can get lol) birth

She also said that if at my 16 week scan all was well and nothing was picked up, then the 20 week scan should just be as perfect

She was so lovely and patient with us, she scanned me until 5 so a good 40mins worth

We got 3 piccys too! have attached my favorite one below.
I will try & relax a bit now! lol, I cant believe (fingers crossed everything stays well) I am actually going to be a mummy

Oh and he is 15cms!
