scan went great, saw its fingers & toes, it was kicking about & put its hand on its head, so amazing!! Got another 1 on 4th August as i wasnt far enough along to do the nuchal test!!
heres the pic.....
Fantastic pic 2girlies!!! Gorgeous
Im not at work today, I woke up and had my first bout of morning sickness- my first in this pregnancy! I was actually physically sick!
It was awful, I so hope I dont get anymore
Thanks girls, I feel fine again today!
I tried finding babys hb on my angel sounds, but nothing
Yesterday I felt so sick, just as sick as I was when I was pregnant with Angel, thank god- fingers crossed- it was only the one day!
Looking forward to my scan on Thursday evening! Yippee!
Hope all will be ok!
Hayley, you have yours same day dont you?!
Only 2 weeks and 3 days until my 12 weeks scan, fingers crossed all will be ok :-/
and only 436 days until our!!
I have booked in a private scan for tonight as i am feeling too good, i am worried after my last missed m/c so had to book the scan to stop myself being driven crazy...