February 2018 - Valentines Babies!


1DS + Pregnant!
Mar 24, 2015
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Hi all, I didn't see a thread yet for February 2018 Babies, so I thought I would start one!

My due date is currently January 31st but I was 11 days late with my son, so I know I will be closer to February than January!

This is my 3rd pregnancy, I have one DS he was born Feb 2016, 1 Miscarriage and now pregnant and praying this little bean sticks!

End of January

February 1st
Hopeful.89 :blue:
Buttons_01 :angel:

February 2nd

February 3rd
Bittersweet :blue:

February 4th

February 5th
Mummy to be x

February 7th
Curlymikes :angel:

February 8th
Feronia :yellow:

February 9th

February 10th

February 11th
Babybrain :angel:
MrsLux :pink:

February 12th

February 13th
aidensxmomma :angel:
nordicpixie83 :yellow:

February 14th

February 15th

February 16th

February 18th
Buddysmum89 :Blue:

February 19th

February 20th
Babylights :angel:
3chords :pink:

February 22nd

February 23rd

February 24th

February 25th

February 27th
akinsmom2 - New date in March!

February 28th
Luci & Bump

March 1st
DaisyQ :angel:

March 2nd

Hey! I'm due February 8 and this will be our third (and last) baby and third home birth. My wife and I are super excited!
Congrats Feronia to you and your wife!

How have you been feeling so far? Any symptoms?

I have just had crazy vivid dreams the last two-ish weeks, and one bad migraine!

I see in your signature that your a student midwife! That is amazing! I would love to have a home birth but we live about an hour away from any hospital so if something were to go wrong we wouldn't have much time. With my son I had him in a birthing center that is attached to one of our smaller hospitals, we did a water birth! I am hoping to try and do the same with this baby!
Hey! Maybe we should mention this group in the TTC or testing threads so people know where to find it? Last time around the February thread I was in when I was pregnant with my son was really active!

Yes! I'm going into 3rd year so it's going to be sooo busy. Midwives here do home and hospital births, and I wish there were more birth centres around! 2 in Ontario, 1 in Winnipeg, a bunch in Quebec, but aside from that I don't think there are many (or any).

I've had symptoms since 3 dpo, which makes no sense, but I've had bad nausea, migraines, lower back pain, and exhaustion. My hCG was only 13 though when I had it tested at 10 dpo, but it more than tripled up to 55, so I'm becoming less worried about that.
That is great that your numbers tripled!! I haven't had any testing done yet other than POS, our doctors here think it is a waste of time to run the tests before 6-8 weeks. That's what my last doctor told me, he was annoyed that I went in for tests before 8 weeks.

I have been having some tightness and sometimes sharp pain on my right side occasionally, which has me a bit worried.

I live in Saskatchewan! The birth center that I went to is the only one that I know of in Saskatchewan and it is federally funded not provincially, like most of the hospitals, etc. We have such a midwife shortage here!

I will post in the 1st Trimester Page!
Ahh, I've heard about the midwife shortage in Saskatchewan. :( I'm in Ontario where it's been around the longest so thankfully it's well integrated. I will probably practice here or in BC.

I do sort of wish I didn't do the hCG tests this time, but I have had two losses before and both times the hCG levels let me know what was going to happen. They went up nicely with my two kiddos, but honestly, the stress of waiting for those numbers probably was not worth it!
:wave: Hi! I'm due the 1st-2nd of Feb. I'll probably go in January though. >.<
Hi there,

I just had my very faint :bfp: this morning.....Ive taken 4 tests! Lol

I really thought I was out again this month as my lp has been so short every month. I started spotting on 10dpo, had -ve tests then and next day. Spotting had almost stopped this morning 12dpo, so I tested again and there it was! Faint but there! Cant believe it. Baby #3!!

Soooooo Im being cautious. Terrified its a chemical. Im waiting to see if line is darker tomorrow then I will telll my OH. He knows about the bfn on tuesday but hasnt asked anything since.

I had a mc in June 4 years ago....on my birthday....so its on my mind and Im a bit scared.

Anyway, looking forward to chatting with you lovely ladies! :)
Our Midwife situation is definitely getting better, but it far from where it could be!
The hcg tests can cause a lot of worry, but the reassurance when you see those numbers rise does help!

Welcome Stormynights & BabyBrain!

Babybrain - Fingers crossed that this little bean sticks! Congrats on #3!!

I had a miscarriage earlier this year, so I am very cautiously pregnant too, although this time around seems similar to when I was pregnant with my son, so far!

I was able to get out and golf nine last night! It was a great sunny evening here followed by a great Thunderstorm!

Have any of you told anyone??
I told DH last Friday after I got the test done. I laid out a Newborn Outfit, a "Big Bro" t-shirt for DS and a pack of cigars for my husband on our hotel room bed. My DH and DS were in a wedding party this past weekend. We didn't want to tell anyone but DH had a few drinks and told the groom & best man, the best man then proceeded to pretty much announce it at the rehearsal party. So safe to say it is already knowledge in our group of friends. We told his parents last night and are telling my parents tomorrow! With it being wedding season it is so hard to keep it a secret!

Sorry for the long post!
We went to the doctor today, just for a pee test to confirm the pregnancy.

I tested last thursday, I told my mom and dad that night. Invited them over, mom knew we had been trying, and I couldn't keep it in... my dad I just told because he came with my mom... I told DH that friday on our wedding anniversary. :cloud9:

DH's parents live out of state, so we will tell them when we see them next. Going to tell DD shortly before that. :)
What a special anniversary gift!!

How exciting for your DD, my DS is still too young to really understand. He already loves babies though! Hopefully he loves his little sibling and there will be minimal jealousy!
Hi, made it over from the other Feb group. Im due end of January but as my first baby was late, this one may be late too. Im betting Feb 2 lol

Edit: we haven't really told anyone yet except a few close friends, my dad, and my husbands aunt. Everyone else will have to wait until 2nd tri &#128514;
What a special anniversary gift!!

How exciting for your DD, my DS is still too young to really understand. He already loves babies though! Hopefully he loves his little sibling and there will be minimal jealousy!

It was so sweet, we were NTNP with the intention of trying this month. I told him in the card I got for him. He had written in my card that hopefully we would be adding to our family soon... I was thinking, you have no idea how soon!! :haha:

Baby is due a week after DD's 6th birthday... She's very clingy and a momma's girl, but we've been talking about adding a baby into the family for a few months, so she'll be excited.

Today the pharmacist asked her if she wanted a baby brother or a baby sister... and she said two would be nice. :dohh: :haha:
I told my wife right away, but she didn't see the super faint line and thought I was losing it for over a day until it got darker. I even made her pee on a test, too, just so I could pick mine out over hers when she mixed them up over and over again.

Then, interestingly enough, our 4.5 year old asked why we kept staring at these tests so my wife told her we're expecting a baby. She is sooooo excited! I don't think the 2 year old gets it too much
How precious!! <3

I'm over here daydreaming about Christmas maternity photos! :xmas16:
I'm coming to join please :) this is mine and my PhD first pregnancy totgether I had several losses when younger which is making me super nervous!

I'm due on or around Feb 3rd.

Symptom wise I'm super tired these last few days, my boobs are quite sore and I've some nausea and diahorria (that's a new one for me!).
Hi everybody,

I'm feeling a bit nervous, I started off with a very faint positive on Thursday but it's really not much darker, if it is it's only a fraction. I've read things either way so guess I just need to wait a bit longer. Currently 15dpo/cd29. Nothing you can do to make these little beans stick so will just cross my fingers and maybe buy a better test (been using ic's since they were no problem last pregnancies) or just calm down and relax! Lol

Anyone else sneezing like mad with a REALLY itchy nose? Been on & off since last Sunday, figured it was hay fever but wondered if it was a symptom. Can't take my usual antihistamines.
Hey ladies can I join?

By my lmp I would be 7 weeks but I have long cycles and know when I ovulated so going by ovulation, I'm 5 weeks today. My edd is Feb 4th. We have told my immediate family and dh mom because they all knew we were ttc for the past 9 months. I had a miscarriage 18 months ago so I'm hoping this one sticks. As far as symptoms go, at first I was starving and eating everything in sight. Now I can't hardly force myself to eat anything. I'm starving but literally nothing sounds interesting enough to eat lol I'm tired all the time but have insomnia some nights and can't sleep. I'm moody and bitchy and can cry at the drop of a hat which isn't like me all lol I'm hoping my hormones level out soon so I can get back to being my happy go lucky self but if it takes me being a crazy person the whole pregnancy to have a healthy baby then I'm OK with that. I just hope dh can keep up lol
Hey ladies can I join? :flower:

Yesterday I took a test and got a very faint bfp. I took another FRER this morning along with a digi (because I have no self control :haha: ) and I got a good line on my FRER and the digi said pregnant! :happydance: I believe I am 12dpo today (so 3+5 weeks) and due February 13, 2018.

This will be #5 for me and #2 for DH. My older kids are 9 and 7 years old, my angel daughter would be 5 years old, and DH and I have a 9 month old son together. I'm super nervous - I had a chemical in April and 2 early losses while TTC DS2, so I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for a sticky bean this time. I emailed my doctor's office to see if I could get a blood tests done to check if my HCG levels are going up okay. I'm hoping to hear back tomorrow and go in Tuesday.

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