February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Ive got my first appt June 15th, ill be *just* shy of 8 weeks then. Im going to ask for an u/s too and i think they'll give me one based on my history... but knock on wood i feel pretty good about this one!

Krissie, where did you get that awesome pg ticker of a water bear?! I want one! 😂😂
Hi all, please could I join? I'm pregnant with baby #2 and due 1st of Feb but will likely be having him/her in January as I was induced 2 weeks early with my son due to OC. My son is turning 3 next month and I've had 2 early losses in October 2016 and March 2017. Praying this little bean wants to stick with me and join my family. Going to my local children's centre today to book in to see a midwife at 8 weeks!☺️
Hello 👋
I'm due Feb 11th with baby #2 Our little boy is 11 months old, going to be busy in our house!!! 😂
Hi Everyone.

I decided to jump over to this thread from the other one. I am due February 12. I found out on May 31st. I had a huge drop in my temperature at 10 dpo and the next day it went up so I took a test and it was positive. Recently I was diagnosed with a UTI, I was prescribed Macrobid. The doctor said it was safe, but I am still worried about it. I had a M/C at 6 weeks in July last year, so I am worried about that as well.
Well I'm in the "hungover morning sickness" phase I hate it , not desire for food, solid mild headache, sensitive to all smells ( not a good thing when you have toddlers in nappies) and tired as heck averaging 5.5 hrs sleep a nite atm and need double that
Ok Kim!! :) I didn't know that the digitals with weeks indicator are hard to find in the US! They are easy to find here but expensive! $30.00 for one test! Even a regular ClearBlue with 2 Tests is $24.00 - On Sale. I have yet to find tests at the dollar store but people keep telling me they are there!

Welcome Rebecca!! I feel you on the exhaustion!

Welcome Krissie - Congrats on your BFP - fingers crossed for a sticky bean! Hopefully your blood test results come back soon!

Sending positive vibes your way curly!!

TTC1at31 - I also have the dry mouth! I didn't really think of it as a symptom until you mentioned it! It is definitely not something I am used to!

Welcome Musicjunkiee!

Babybrain - Our doctors/mw are much the same - they hardly acknowledge the pregnancy until is past 8 weeks! I still haven't seen a doctor or midwife, hoping to go next week around 7 weeks!

Stormy - I hope your transition back to Dairy and Meat goes easy on you!! Baby steps!

Aidensmomma - Hopefully it was just a faulty digi!

Welcome Buttons, MrsLux & Dirufangirl - Praying for a sticky bean for you both!

Oh Lynn - I am starting to feel the same - I hope you get some sleep soon and the hungover phase doesn't last too long and doesn't intensify!

AFM - I am slowly getting everyone's due dates updated on the first page! Please double check and let me know if I made any mistakes with your due date. I feel the nausea right away in the morning if I don't eat or if I get hungry throughout the day.
I will also add the sex of the babies once we find those out! If you are planning on not finding out let me know I will change your name to yellow!
I checked for the weeks estimator today in the US and they are gone. I wonder what happened. Not even a spot on the shelf anymore. I bought a regular cb digi. It came back pregnant of course but I was so bummed by my blood draw results I needed the confirmation. Nurse called and said they were negative, which I'd barely got a positive hpt that morning so I'm sure they were just under 25 which is considered positive by my hospital.

She said to call back in a week if I have another positive hpt. But I just scheduled by ob appointment instead. So 4 weeks until that. :happydance:
Got the results from my blood work yesterday. Hcg was 10, progesterone was 1.5. Pretty sure I'm miscarrying again. Devastated is an understatement. :cry:
Hi mamas!! Just found this thread and I'd love to join the group :) We got our BFP last Friday, we don't have our appt until next Wednesday, but according to my LMP I am due on Valentine's Day!!! <3 so excited to be on this journey with you all :)
Hi ladies! I'm so excited to be here.

Aidens! Congrats hun.

I'm due February 14th. I cannot believe I'm pregnant with a Valentine's baby.

I am pretty nervous. We've been trying 2.5 years with 2 losses. So I'm just really praying for a sticky bean.

I am due on February 14th toooo!!! :) :happydance:
Hi all can I join please? Lovely that it is so super busy here but so sad to hear some ladies are getting bad news already :(

By online calculator my due date is Feb 13th or so!

Only 4 weeks pregnant and feeling absolutely exhausted.
Cautiously stepping in here. Found out today that I'm pregnant again. I have a 4 year old daughter and got pregnant in February but has a mc just before Easter, so trying to feel cautiously optimistic this time around. We got pregnant while away on holiday (first cycle after the mc, which is supposed to be a good thing) and my due date would be the 14th of Feb. My daughter's birthday is on the 8th, so looking to have two February babies now! I swore we were having a summer baby next time around as I dread the winter birthday parties, but really just grateful to be pregnant! I go early though, so likely to be around the beginning of February or even late January. Congrats to you all! Hope you all are feeling well enough.

I feel like I was just pregnant (which I was), so this all feels strangely familiar to me. I started to feel really nauseous with headaches and just really tired last week from 6 dpo. I was certain I was pregnant, but then I took a test at 10 dpo and it was as negative as could be. So I had completely given up hope and just figured my body was playing a cruel joke on me. I felt awful all day yesterday at work though and nearly cried on the train on the way home! It made me think maybe I should test again. So I did, and BFP!! I continue to feel tired, headaches, nausea, but no sore boobs at all, which is strange for me (usually it's one of the first signs). Nothing too exciting other than that to report. I'll give it a couple weeks probably and then call the midwives. I feel like I just finished with them a few weeks ago because of my previous pregnancy, so in no rush to be calling them up again so soon. They'll come out at 9 weeks, so I feel like I have ages yet to go before then. Just going to relax and enjoy the first few weeks.

I posted this in the other thread, but just thought I'd copy it in here too instead of re-writing it all.
So sorry to those getting bad news. :hugs: I'm currently bleeding on and off, went to a&e yesterday, they took some bloods and did a scan. Nothing could be seen on the scan, but then my blood level came back as 257. So I'm not concerned, it was just too early to see anything. I've got to go back for more bloods tomorrow, crossing my fingers that they've doubled! &#129310;&#127995; Xx
Hi! Can I join? I don't have a due date yet as I only found out a couple of days ago and am not sure on dates, but I know mid February sometime. So exciting! Seems a lifetime away though xx
I am due on February 14th toooo!!! :) :happydance:

Yay! A due date buddy.

Congrats to all the new ladies.

:hugs: to the ladies with bad news or bleeding. Frost tri is so so worrisome.

I'm so tired! I have been since about 7 dpo. I can't wait for ds to go to bed just so I can too. I'm also super hungry, I hope that doesn't stick around or I'll gain way too much.
aidensxmomma, how far along are you? My hCG was only 13 the first time, but then it went up to 55, 199. and 937 every 48 hours. Fingers crossed it's the same for you.

MindUtopia! I remember you from ages ago. Nice to be in the same due date group, congrats! :)

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