I'm also not getting the "2nd tri energy" that they talk about, though I'm not quite as exhausted as I was mid-1st Tri. I am glad that I don't have to deal with a toddler on top o everything else. I am sure that when we go for #2 I'll be right there where you are at now and I'm not looking forward to that in the slightest!
My mom's in town this week and we've been working on the nursery. Painted and started putting up decal stickers. I'm so excited, it's starting to look really good. I have another set of stickers to put up but I'm waiting until we put the furniture in there just so I can get a better feel about where I want to put these.

Right now mom is making receiving blankets and burp rags for us. She really loves to sew, so we went to JoAnne fabrics (50% off all the fabric the last few days AND it was teacher appreciation day so additional 25% off the final cost

) and picked up fabric for quite a few blankets and rags. I'm excited. I don't sew though so this is all her.
Rose - I think less sugar would probably help but I can't do diet soda because the aspartame causes me problems. I had to switch from diet to regular soda a few years ago because the aspartame caused real bad stomach and bladder pain for me.

I've got a messed up digestive system.
So sorry about your DH not understanding. I really hope that things are getting better or will get better soon. Have you been able to talk to him and explain how you're feeling?
Scarlett - Aww that's an adorable name! I love the name Ivy. Staying away from soda has definitely helped, no pain since. I had a little bit of an orange soda a couple days ago and no real pain, just a very minor discomfort for a couple hours (I was purposely testing the soda theory) so I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I can probably do small quantities spread out but what's the point in doing something that will cause me pain. I'll just avoid soda and up my water intake. I started adding cucumber and lemon to a water jug and keeping it in the fridge and that helps me dirnk more. I like cucumber flavor water.