February bfps??

Sounds like a lowly trip Scarlet! So fun!

Babydoll - I'm so excited for you! Let us know what they say with your hcg count!

Rose - oh I'm so jealous I want my gender scan sooner than later! :haha: do you have any secret wishes? Everyone knows I'm secretly hoping for a girl but will be happy with either. I just want a girl. I don't know why just that I do. lol

AFM - I'm 12 weeks!!! Woohoo!! Final scan with RE is tomorrow. At least I think that's the last one and then I'm on to just my OB (I see her again on the 6th). I've been able to find baby HB on my Doppler the last few days and that is so reassuring. <3
That's great news about hearing the HB and happy 12 weeks Angel! And I was the same with DD so know what you mean.

Hurrah for results BabyDoll. We don't have them here in the UK. Must be nice to have that reassurance.

You're not tempted to have an early gender scan then Rose?

Urgh last day off tomorrow then back to work. Really CBA with work at the moment and yet mat leave is still so long away!!
Happy 12 weeks Angel :) I would quite like a girl because it would be nice to be able to buy girly dresses etc. However I am sure DS would probably prefer and be closer to a brother so I would be happy with either!

I am tempted Scarlett but I already paid £80 for a private early scan and would like to have a 3D one after 20 weeks as its a long wait from then until baby is born. I can't really justify paying for two, so I'm just going to wait until the NHS one I think :) I know how you feel with work, I literally have no motivation for it at the moment.
I'm so glad I'm on summer break, because toward the last week and a half there I was in the exact same boat Scarlet! Was so "over" work! :haha:

I'm having some strong, sharp, pinching/pulling pains in lower abdomen. Just above public line, halfway between center and right hip bone. It hurts. :( And is making me really cranky. I snapped at DH and my mom today. Ugh. I don't knwo what it is, but I'm kinda wondering if it's round ligament pain?
Happy 12 weeks Angel and that does sound like round ligament pain. It's really not nice and I'm hoping that as this is my 2nd it won't be too bad this time.
Defo round ligament pain Angel. Sorry to say BabyDoll it's been worse for me this time round &#128534; But hopefully it won't be for you!

Sooooo jealous of your summer break Angel!

Ah see what you mean Rose especially if you want another
Scan later on. Do you have any feeling for which gender? I thought boy for a bit for me but now I'm back to girl!!
I'm really not sure. I didn't really have a feeling either way with DS either.
Our new pushchair arrived today! Wish I wasn't going to work tomorrow so that I could take Orla out in it. We've gone for a mountain buggy duet and I've currently got it as a single but it still feels huge after the cheap little travel system we had before!
Doctor confirmed today that my pain is round ligament pain. Nothing I can do about it, just hope it gets better. :dohh:

Scarlett - sounds great! We've been looking at different stroller types and stroller/carseat combos and are still debating what we'd like to do. So many options!

AFM - Today is 12w+1. Had my last visit with my RE. I'm actually a little emotional about it. :cry: They've been so great with me, and because they are so small they have really gotten to know us! All the nurses gushed over my hair today, commenting on it as soon as I walked in, which just goes to show how well they recognize their patients.

Baby is measuring at 12w+4, everything looks good. Doctor could see spine looked good (no sign of spina bifida), progress looks good. Baby was sleeping so doctor had me cough a few times to wake baby up, and at the very end I got to see baby stretching and turning. <3 HB was 156 (I'm totally leaning toward this is going to be a boy if we base it on the HB myth). And, as a bonus, I get to drop down to 1 progesterone pill a day for the next week and then every other day for a week and then I'm free from pills! :D

My follow up with my OB is next week. And then....another 4 weeks before my next appointment! :wacko: How will I survive?! :haha:
Excellent Angel! It feels like the time has flown since you were only 4/5 weeks. Amazing :)

Scarlett how exciting!! I am tempted to buy a new buggy but we don't really need one. Will have to see how I feel about it nearer the time.

Ugh I am feeling rubbish this week. I have a constant headache and feel so exhausted. I had hoped I'd feel better by now.
Glad everything is going perfectly Angel!

Scarlett, I hope you love your new stroller! I'm wanting a new one. I'm wanting to get a double one as ds is still quite young and uses his still a fair bit.

Rose; hoping your feeling better soon.

Afm; I got my Beta HCG back today. They were drawn at 4w2d and were 460!! With ds at the same time they were only 180. So big numbers! I actually saw my normal Doctor (saw a different one over the week end) and he said that I was very pregnant lol. They don't initially tell you your numbers here so I had to ask.
Ooohh do numbers indicate twins or anything Babydoll? Pleased it's all going well.

Sorry you're feeling poorly Rose :hugs: defo think it's harder second time round with a toddler to look after.

Yay for everything going so well Angel and for pills as well. Have you got pregnancy hair already then? Not surprised you felt a bit emtional!!

Pushchair is HUGE but looking forward to trying it out. Am at work today though booooo!!
Scarlet - :haha: I guess you coulds ay I have pregnancy hair already! Really, I wanted to go pixie cut for awhile but hadn't had the guts to do it. The summer weather + pregnnacy made it a lot easier to take the plunge. ;)

BabyDoll those numbers are great!! I think at that point my numbers were less than 50! :haha:
Scarlett, HCG number can indicate twins but I don't think they're high enough. From what I was googling 460 is average for 5-6 weeks and only a little higher than the highest in 4weeks lol. I did always want twins, but I wanted them first so I wouldn't know any different lol
Hello! How is everyone?

Loving the new pushchair! It's a lot bigger and heavier than my old one but the pros are outweighing those negatives so far.

Got my first consultant appointment this afternoon to talk about birthing options, so that should be interesting.

Hope everyone else is well xx
Just checking in. :) how are you ladies doing?

Just had my 13w OB appointment. Lots of blood work, some check up and a doppler check. She was having trouble getting a HB because baby kept jumping around. lol When she did get a HB rate it was 140-150s. All is well. :)

Hope everyone ese is doing good!
Glad you are happy with the new pushchair Scarlett! Hope the appointment went well too.

Angel glad the appointment went well, I have my next one next week - it's the first one I've had in 9 weeks excluding my scan at 13 weeks. It feels like forever since I last went.
Hi! Glad your liking the pushchair Scarlett.

Glad your appointment went well Angel. Sounds like your little one has a strong heart beat!

Rose, it always does feel like a lifetime between appointments in the fist 30 weeks. After that it's more often here like 4 week intervals until 36 weeks then 2 weeks until 40 and if no baby then weekly. Of course that schedule is only for easy cases and high risk get seen more.

Afm, I had my second lot of HCG drawn eclxactly 2 days from the first and went from 460 to 980! Also I've shrunk 2 cm and have put on a couple of kilos (despite watching what I eat and exercising regularly) so my BMI went up and I had to do the glucose blood sugar test this week and my dr has asked me to do my dating scan next week based off of my HCG numbers so that's booked in for Thursday the 14th.
Wow Babydoll pleased results are going well sorry about the glucose test, what a pain. I put on loads in first tri but weight seems to have slowed down now... having said that I haven't weighed myself for a bit :haha: Hurrah for scan next week though, bet you can't wait!

I know what you mean Rose, appointments seem ages away until third tri! Hope you get to hear the HB.

Appt went well here, hoping for a VBAC but final decision will be made at 35 weeks. Counting down to V Day on Sun and then next appt with midwife on Tues.

Hope you're well Angel


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