Hi ladies! Congrats on all of your BFP's! Im hopeful for your friend Eme! I'm praying I will be able to have my name added to your list soon! Just joined this site so forgive me as I fumble my way through. Here's my situation, I am trying for baby #2. I had 2 miscarriages in 2012
They were really hard on me and so took a year hiatus from trying. Starting trying again this year. For the first time I used an ovulation kit this cycle and got peak ovulation on 5/21. I'm normally about 30 days on my cycle so think AF should be due tomorrow. For last 3 days I've taken hpt's and keep getting what looks like extremely faint positives. I'm hoping my mind is not playing tricks on me. If I am pregnant when should I get a conclusive result and should I be worried that it's so faint 3 days in a row if it's supposed to be increasing? I am having some symptoms, sore boobs, very hungry, light twinges of cramping. Any thoughts? Not sure if there's a way for me to post a pic of test. Would be great to know if others are seeing what I am or have had similar test results. Good luck and sticky baby dust to us all!