February "Valentine's" Testers


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
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I am starting this thread for support!

I am 28, my husband is 29. We have been married for 3 years. We have been TTC #1 for 1 year (started January 2013). My mom and sisters and family have never had any history of problems with TTC and neither has my husbands. As a teenager I didn't have regular periods but they also weren't completely abnormal. I cannot remember exactly how abnormal because at the time as a teen I was just happy I wasn't getting it every 4 weeks (lol). Thinking back I want to say it was probably every 6weeks ish. I went on the pill when I was 20 years old since my periods weren't regular and I decided with getting a real job after college I needed to be able to know when my periods were and not be stuck somewhere being surprised and "bleeding through". My OB at the time put me on Lo Estrin 24fe. I took this up until the time we started trying last year. I finished my last pack in December 2012 and then we started trying right away in January 2013. At the time my OB told me just to come off and start BD since you are "most fertile" when you come off. Unfortunately I don't think I understood completely how to "try". I obviously knew we had to BD but didn't know how often, when, etc. I also didn't get my period right away when coming off the pill (which I knew could be normal). For the first few months we didn't do anything but track my periods (which were far and few but still happening) and BD. After a few months of no BFP, we decided to start OPK's I had found out about online. I started First Response OPK's. We BD right when it told us to but again I don't think we did it "often enough" around the right time. After a few more months of OPK's we were getting very stressed since EVERYONE around us started to get pregnant including one of my best friends (which REALLY killed us, VERY hard for us to handle). Therefore we decided just to get rid of doing the OPK's and just BD more often (this was around June). Well now that we decided to relax a little more about it we were all excited to try and OF COURSE I had a VERY long abnormal cycle of 81 days! I didn't end up getting my period until August 2014 from May 2014. This had never happened before. My cycles all prior to this were in the 40-50 day range. After August we started trying to BD again without OPK's and my periods started to come more frequently as well which was great! This made me envy those that had regular 28 day cycles since they have SO many more opportunities!! Since August, my cycles have been 30-40 days in length. Well here we are January 2014 and despite BD and "trying to be laid back" more about this whole thing, still no BFP :(
I really thought I could have been pregnant with this last cycle but of course the witch showed up this past Wednesday! My OB referred us to an Infertility physician to just have a consult and my husband is VERY happy about this since he feels like we are FINALLY "doing something" about this. I am upset, I cannot believe I have to go to the infertility dr and I REALLY want to do this naturally! My OB told me that just because I go does not mean that they will intervene, they can just follow me naturally for now and see how they might be able to help.
I have been really kicking it up a notch the past week reading threads and seeing what others are doing and I've decided to do everything for this month since we have to wait for out appt with the infertility dr till January 27th anyway. I went today with my husband and bought a basal thermometer, OPK's and we also decided to do the SMEP plan which I just learned about.
My GOAL is to hopefully just go all in and PRAY to get pregnant this time before I have to be let down by the infertility dr! I know that I won't know until after our appt if I get a BFP or not but I am excited to at least have the possibility by time we see her.
Thank you SO much for reading this, I think I just needed to get it all out.

Any support is welcome and please feel free to share your journey. I don't know when to predict my next period or when I will O but I will continue to share my journey on here each day. Right now I am on CD4 and I am getting to the end of my period ... can't wait for it to be over to start trying everything!!!

** Trying to stay positive **

Let me know when you will be testing and I will start a list!
How exciting, we could all be Valentine's month BFP's!!

~Testing Dates ~

Springermommy - 2/24
Maltesemom - 2/26
disney - 2/7
Sunshine 3/27
I'll join you!!!!! Thanks for sharing your story. I imagine it must be difficult to have to go to a fertility dr but I hope they give you answers and guidance!! I also hope you stay hopeful and test in Feb :)

Here's my story. I'm 28 and have been married for 5 years this June. We started TTC last April. I got pregnant first month and felt so blessed. We saw the hb at my first 8 week ultrasound. When I went back for my 13 week scan I found out I had had a MMC pretty much the day after my first u/s. I was devastated. Since it had been 5 weeks with no signs of miscarrying, I was booked for a d&c. That went better than I expected and my af started 6 weeks later. My cycles were suddenly shorter though (now 23 instead of 28). I had two abnormal cycles and then one very very heavy cycle. I knew after the heavy one that my body was finally ready to TTC again. I began temping and obsessing over days. We managed to get pregnant again that month. But I found out this week that I also lost that baby at 6w5d. Another MMC. I'm booked for my next d&c next Wednesday but I'm starting to bleed today so I'm hopeful it will happen naturally. I haven't given up hope, but we are going to start testing to see why this is happening. It may be genetic, or clotting or hormones. I'm hoping for answers but I definitely plan to keep TTC right away. I'm going to start temping tomorrow just to keep track. I also hope to be a February tester, although I know March is probably more likely.

It will all work out for us :) <3
I am so sorry for all you have been through sunshine! I will be thinking of you and hoping it happens naturally for you too. You seem to have such a positive mindset.
I really appreciate you sharing your story, I know it's not easy.
Hopefully we can talk on here and bear our burdens together and maybe we will even both end up with BFP's in the next few months! I agree, let's try and stay positive, I think it will all work out for us too!!

I temped today for the first time even though I still have AF. Today is CD 5 for me. We r also doing OPK'S and Smep which I just learned about on these boards. All first time stuff for us other than OPK'S. I feel like I'm just throwing it all in this month, really buckle down.
How old is your husband?
DH is 37. We definitely are staying positive for now. Just going to keep trying. Hopefully get some answers as well. Or it could just be bad luck me Dr said. Not sure if I find comfort in that or not though.
I agree, us too, We r just going to kept trying despite our upcoming appt with infertility
Do you have friends getting pregnant around u? That's been the toughest thing for me lately it seems like literally EVERY ONE is pregnant around me, including my sister who got pregnant recently by accident. I want to be happy for everyone and I am but they all have NO idea of what's going on with me so tthey say things like "your next" or "when r u guys gonna get going" so hard not to cry or get upset. I just keep my head up and try to get off topic. Blahh
Ohhhh, I hear that. Yes. I can name 13 people off the top of my head who had babies/are having babies soon. It's hard. I think about the times with my friends on the couch drinking wine back when we were in early 20's and they both have 2 kids each. It's hard knowing I'm the one who is struggling. I know they both didn't have any issues, as we talked about it. I try to keep in mind that I don't know others struggles or how they got there, but it's so difficult. I really had hope this time, and tried to stay super positive...but it happened again :( It's hard not to get discouraged or go to my worst thought which is -- am I going to ever be able to do this myself?

Bah. I try not to go there. So I'm going to make a tea and smile.
Yes I think about things like when we were all younger too. None of my friends or family know what we are going through though. Me and my husband are just keeping things to ourselves.
One of my friends just had a baby and had the baptism. This friend and I have a group of 4 of us that are close. I'm the only one of us that doesn't have kids yet and for the first time ever, she sat me away from all of them at a completely different table with people who were younger than us and just getting married or still dating etc. I felt SO disgusted like she sat us there because she thought we'd have more in common since we didn't have kids. I could just have been really sensitive but this friend can be like that so I don't think so. It hurt so much to be treated like that! :(

Let's keep being positive. People just don't think sometimes with what they say and do. I just try to recognize everyone has shortcomings, including me at times.
Blahh ... time for my tea now lol

How r u feeling?
Hi Sunshine, I know today is Wednesday and I was wondering if you ended up having your procedure today and how you were doing?
Hello Ladies! I'd like to join you too ..

Just really short about me; I'm 29 and TTC since July 2014... I know it's not long but I have the feeling we started years ago..

I hope we all have better luck this month and no more dissapointments!
Hi ladies! Valentine's day will be CD30 for me so hopefully af will be large and I'll be testing! We've been ttc for 2.5 years. Everything is looking normal stop at this point is unexplained infertility. I go for an hsg next week, but my doctor says there's no indication that it shouldn't come back normal. I started Femara this cycle so fingers crossed!
Sorry Disney for the late reply it's been quite a week. A hard week. I was scheduled for my d&c but then Began mc on my own. It was awful. But I'm hoping that by going natural my body will go back on track quicker. We will see. I'm waiting for the call from the dr to see if everything came out or we need to do something to get the rest out. I'm a nervous wreck right now. Just want to move on.

I'll keep you posted.

How are you guys doing?
Kitkatkut- welcome! Thanks for joining the thread. The more support the better. Makes the time pass! I agree, let's get those OPK's!! Are you doing any "method" or just BD ?

Winnipegk- welcome!! So nice to have thus network to talk to. Did you go for "fertility/infertility" testing yet? Sounds like u guys have no diagnosed issues which is great!! Just lots of bd for you :)
I don't know too much about Femara but I see a lot of people use it and it helps! Baby dust this will be your month!!

Let me know if you have any idea about your testing dates and I will put up dates on the thread for everyone!!
Sunshine - welcome back. I'm so sorry it's been a rough week for you. I've been thinking of you so I'm glad to hear you are doing okay. I don't blame you for wanting to just "be done" with it and put it behind you. I'm sure you will get a phone call saying you are all set. I've actually seen quite a few people get pregnant very soon after a mc. I was just telling my husband that after looking through a lot of boards I noticed this. You are right, your body might get on track quicker. Please let me know how u r doing. I am here if u need to chat or blow off steam!

We r doing good. My husband had a broncoscopy today so we were busy. We r home now and I'm doing Smep which tonight is a bd night but I'm not sure if it will happen since he is still groggy lol. I might just take advantage of that groggyness tho lol
Bad news here, I need to get the d&c after all. I'm a mess :(

Also did I tell you that my SIL is having twins?? I'm seriously considering giving up. Or else skipping to 2016.

Hope you take advantage of the grogginess. And hope your DH is doing well!
I am SO sorry to hear you have to have the d & c. I'm so sorry this is such a rough time for you.
Ughh I'm so sorry to hear about your S IL. It always seems to happen like that.
I just found out my sister is pregnant buy surprise and my only friend left without kids who said "I'm def not getting pregnant for a while" is not pregnant and "got it on her 2nd try" .....
I'm officially all alone :(
I'm glad I have you and others to vent to and talk to.
Please hang in there. You will DEF get your BFP and maybe sooner than you think!!
Keep me updated!
hi, can i join? :) predicted O on V day, then testing around 2/24. this will be our first cycle trying.

disney fingers xd and praying for you!
Oh man Disney. We sure are being tested.

My fingers are crossed for you! :)
Thank you springermommy and welcome!!! O on Vday! That's exciting!!! That would be a great story lol! Love it! Baby dust that this is your month!! As more people start to give me testing dates I'll put them up on the front of the thread!

Sunshine - we are DEF. Both being tested!! I'm glad we have each other to talk to. My fingers are crossed for you too. I have good feelings for both of us.
I think after 1 year of ups and downs for my husband and I we are finally more laid back or more positive or something about ttc. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we have a fertility appt booked so we feel like we have a plan if we don't get a BFP.
I'm so glad you have a positive attitude. I am frustrated, but I also am dreading going through this again lol. So I suppose that will make me more relaxed. What will be will be, right? Who knows...maybe when I stop trying and putting a time line on things it will happen for me and be successful :)

I may not officially be a February tester anymore but I'll stick around if that's okay :)
I would love to join you guys. Predicted O on feb 12 and I will prob test the 26th if I can last that long. Baby dust to you ladies & thank you for starting the thread.

Sunshine, wishing you luck. I've read some of your posts and am in awe of your strength. I have no doubt your bfp is around the corner :-) we all have to hang there!

Disney I totally identify & feel the same way. I've officially sworn off fb for that very reason :) I hope feb brings us bfp's & a h&h 9 months and beyond!! &#55357;&#56476;

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