February "Valentine's" Testers

Disney516 I hope it's pregnancy symptoms not a stomach bug. The bad breath would be embarrassing but hopefully is short lived.

My symptoms include sore boobies (always sore about a week to 10 days before AF), tearing up during Greys Anatomy and my temps today are higher then they have ever been! I bought FREEs and some true blue digitalis to take with me on my trip. One week till testing! Also looked at a house for the first time yesterday. Right now we are living about an hour away from my family and my husbands in a 1 bedroom apartment. I would love to be moved by August at the very latest (if BFP this month my due date would be around oct 20) to decorate a nursery.

Am I the only one who obsessively searches for things like potential due dates, picking out maternity clothes or decorate a potential nursery? I found a great website for potential planning https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/tools/ . I have a huge secret Pinterest board for baby related stuff.

KK I love love love this website!!! Thank you for sharing.

I use Pinterest to do a visionboard. The reason is that by nature I can be pessimistic and when I remember to log in, I am reminded that what you put out there is what you get back, so keep putting positivity out there.

Disney, thank you for helping me to stay positive this cycle. You rock!!

Disney/KK is the final verdict that you are both testing on Feb 7?? Pls post results ! I will be monitoring the thread! :) :)
Thanks maltesemom. SO good to hear from you! Yea honestly I was BEYOND crushed last month when I symptom spotted. I told myself I wasn't going to which is why I'm really not but if something JUMPS out at me, then I will take note. And NO lol my husband DEF does not entertain me in any TWW symptoms you are right about that lol !!!
What a coincidence on the October month!! That is our anniversary as well AND my husbands bday!! haha! I COMPLETLY feel the same way!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! lol I feel like a child having a tantrum lol!!
I was wondering if you were still going to be able to fly out today, I figured not yet. Glad you are safe! Are you still expecting to go or is your trip cancelled? I agree Sunshine, safe flight! I hope you are staying put for a few more days!! :)
Bloating sounds promising. Ugh I hate the bloating, you just feel like nothing fits right. Its amazing how when you bloat you almost feel like you gained 1000 lbs and then right after it goes away you almost feel like you lost weight. Its crazy lol.

haha secretive .. I know what you mean. My husband knows I'm on these boards. But none of our friends and family know we are ttc so the whole journey is like one big secret!

Yes, I am testing 2/7 unless I can hold out longer. And you rock too lol, its SO nice to have you to go through this with! When are you testing, it should be VERY soon seeing as your are 12 dpo!!! I CANT WAIT AHHH
BTW my temps took a little dip but now are going back up today so I'm praying this is a good sign and that they keep doing the "right" thing lol! I had a stern talking with my thermometer haha
Ahhhhh positive vibes, prayers and baby dust to the ladies testing on 2/7! Coming up soooo soon! Can't wait for the results!
My fertile window starts in 1 WEEK and I'm a first-time TTCer. *Gulp...* Ready, but it's definitely nervewracking! Hubby is worried that he won't be able to "perform" because he will be too nervous! I think he will be fine. ;)

Hi :) I've missed you all but I'm caught up. I heard about the storm. Yikes. Stay warm and safe inside if you can. I'm still here until Thursday. I'm enjoying the weather, and don't want to go back lol.

Love reading about all your symptoms. I won't be the mother hen and tell you all not to drive yourself crazy, because I know how hard it is lol. BUT anything out of the ordinary, take note. I agree disney. even if it's just to compare for yourself next year. I tracked everything. Then when i looked back I could remind myself if it happened the month before.

Afm - I finally stopped spotting from my d&c. Well it wasn't quite spotting, it was more brown blood. Gross I lmow. Anyways. Yesterday at disney world I had my FIRST bit of regular colour cm. ahhhhhhhh!!! I was so happy. I felt like a kid in a theme park. So then I went and posed with Minnie lol. Overall a great day. I am so happy because I wasn't sure if I would be dry or if it would take awhile to get back on track. It's a small milestone but I'll take it.
Ahhhhh positive vibes, prayers and baby dust to the ladies testing on 2/7! Coming up soooo soon! Can't wait for the results!
My fertile window starts in 1 WEEK and I'm a first-time TTCer. *Gulp...* Ready, but it's definitely nervewracking! Hubby is worried that he won't be able to "perform" because he will be too nervous! I think he will be fine. ;)

I feel like I put so much pressure on my poor hubby- have fun with it! This weekend we re-discovered how much fun it is to just be together. And that's what it's about, you know :) Pls enjoy!!

Hi :) I've missed you all but I'm caught up. I heard about the storm. Yikes. Stay warm and safe inside if you can. I'm still here until Thursday. I'm enjoying the weather, and don't want to go back lol.

Love reading about all your symptoms. I won't be the mother hen and tell you all not to drive yourself crazy, because I know how hard it is lol. BUT anything out of the ordinary, take note. I agree disney. even if it's just to compare for yourself next year. I tracked everything. Then when i looked back I could remind myself if it happened the month before.

Afm - I finally stopped spotting from my d&c. Well it wasn't quite spotting, it was more brown blood. Gross I lmow. Anyways. Yesterday at disney world I had my FIRST bit of regular colour cm. ahhhhhhhh!!! I was so happy. I felt like a kid in a theme park. So then I went and posed with Minnie lol. Overall a great day. I am so happy because I wasn't sure if I would be dry or if it would take awhile to get back on track. It's a small milestone but I'll take it.

Congrats Sunshine! You are back in the game. Isn't the body amazing- you are flushing out the old to prepare for the fresh and new and healthy! I am excited for you to come back Sunshine!!
Thanks maltesemom. SO good to hear from you! Yea honestly I was BEYOND crushed last month when I symptom spotted. I told myself I wasn't going to which is why I'm really not but if something JUMPS out at me, then I will take note. And NO lol my husband DEF does not entertain me in any TWW symptoms you are right about that lol !!!
What a coincidence on the October month!! That is our anniversary as well AND my husbands bday!! haha! I COMPLETLY feel the same way!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! lol I feel like a child having a tantrum lol!!
I was wondering if you were still going to be able to fly out today, I figured not yet. Glad you are safe! Are you still expecting to go or is your trip cancelled? I agree Sunshine, safe flight! I hope you are staying put for a few more days!! :)
Bloating sounds promising. Ugh I hate the bloating, you just feel like nothing fits right. Its amazing how when you bloat you almost feel like you gained 1000 lbs and then right after it goes away you almost feel like you lost weight. Its crazy lol.

haha secretive .. I know what you mean. My husband knows I'm on these boards. But none of our friends and family know we are ttc so the whole journey is like one big secret!

Yes, I am testing 2/7 unless I can hold out longer. And you rock too lol, its SO nice to have you to go through this with! When are you testing, it should be VERY soon seeing as your are 12 dpo!!! I CANT WAIT AHHH

That's awesome! LIBRAS! We are both libras. i am a Sept baby and since we loved Fall, I could think of no better time to tie the knot :-)

I know what you mean about the symptom spotting- last month was so brutal and then to find out everyone was pregnant. I just couldn't handle it. Thank GOD for you and all the ladies!!

Disney, symptoms do sound promising...I just wish we can all press the FF button and just KNOW! A friend said something to me that just stuck when I was telling her about my worries TTC. She said that you worry about being able to conceive, then you worry about the first trimester, then you worry about delivery and then you worry about your child...still worry, but different worries. It just makes me feel like I have to SLOW DOWN and enjoy the journey! For some reason, I am feeling really chilled out (which is so not my usual neurotic self!). I don't know- I htink I am bracing for some good news this week!!

I am taking a car service out shortly, but so happy the storm delayed me and I was able to check in with everyone. 2/7 can't come fast enough!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Ahhhhh positive vibes, prayers and baby dust to the ladies testing on 2/7! Coming up soooo soon! Can't wait for the results!
My fertile window starts in 1 WEEK and I'm a first-time TTCer. *Gulp...* Ready, but it's definitely nervewracking! Hubby is worried that he won't be able to "perform" because he will be too nervous! I think he will be fine. ;)

I feel like I put so much pressure on my poor hubby- have fun with it! This weekend we re-discovered how much fun it is to just be together. And that's what it's about, you know :) Pls enjoy!!

Thank you! :) Absolutely! I want this to be about enjoying each other for sure! As stress-free as possible :)
Disney516 I hope it's pregnancy symptoms not a stomach bug. The bad breath would be embarrassing but hopefully is short lived.

My symptoms include sore boobies (always sore about a week to 10 days before AF), tearing up during Greys Anatomy and my temps today are higher then they have ever been! I bought FREEs and some true blue digitalis to take with me on my trip. One week till testing! Also looked at a house for the first time yesterday. Right now we are living about an hour away from my family and my husbands in a 1 bedroom apartment. I would love to be moved by August at the very latest (if BFP this month my due date would be around oct 20) to decorate a nursery.

Am I the only one who obsessively searches for things like potential due dates, picking out maternity clothes or decorate a potential nursery? I found a great website for potential planning https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/tools/ . I have a huge secret Pinterest board for baby related stuff.

KK I love love love this website!!! Thank you for sharing.

I use Pinterest to do a visionboard. The reason is that by nature I can be pessimistic and when I remember to log in, I am reminded that what you put out there is what you get back, so keep putting positivity out there.

Disney, thank you for helping me to stay positive this cycle. You rock!!

Disney/KK is the final verdict that you are both testing on Feb 7?? Pls post results ! I will be monitoring the thread! :) :)

I'll be testing on 2/8 (the morning after we got to our vacation spot). So excited a private, cabin in the mountains :happydance: is only 5 days away!

I'm really trying to not symptoms spot as I know it's my first cycle truly trying so it is highly unlikeley. Last cycle my BB's were HUGE like couldn't wear my regular, underwire bra huge. I'm a little worried for when I am pregnant as I'm already a D-DD cup (YIKES!). I have a very heard time finding bras that have a small enough ribcage too (30-32). I may spend my entire time in sports bras. LOL I pretty much do anyways.
Springermommy- thanks for being such a good "cheerleader" it's so nice to have u guys!! So encouraging! :) I can't wait for u to start ttc. I'm sure posting ok these boards has been great getting to know the in ' s and outs. I wish I started on these when I was wtt. I didn't even know about them at that time but had I know, I would have been a lot more educated about ttc. Excited for u because a lot of time people get it the first month when they start tying!!! Not to get your hopes up but it's exciting!!! And yea my husband had the same concerns at points but the more you can not PLAN sex or at least not tell him it's planned, I think is the better. This way it's not so much pressure.

Sunshine- SOO good to hear from you!!! And I'm Sao happy for you that your body is getting back to homeostasis quickly!! You will be back on track in NO time! In the meantime enjoy the sun and tell Minnie I said hi!! Haha. By my name I'm sure u can tell we LOVE Disney!! Lol. Safe travels back when u come, if u come back lol its too cold up here, I'd stay lol!!

Maltesemom- safe travel!! I'm glad u were able to check in too!! Ahh 2/7!! Can't wait!! R u still going to be on your work trip or will u be home for 2/7??
Your friend is SO right, worry, worry, worry. BTW we r both Scorpio ' s not libra ' s but still so similar! And fall is absolutely our most favorite time as we'll, hence our wedding as well lol. The colors were amazing on the trees and weather was PERFECT!!! Ahh ..... can't wait for it to come again lol, the season is TOO fast!!
Kksquared - that sounds amazing!!!!! Perfect perfect perfect place to test wow!!!!! GL!!! You are testing 2/7 as well as maltesemom and I? Yayy!!! It's going to be an AMAZING day!!!! Enjoy enjoy enjoy your trip!!! Can't wait to see your tests!! :)
Oh yea me lol .... temp was steady today as u can see below. Happy it's not down but hoping this is a good sign. As for symptoms I don't know lol. Yesterday was a snow day and I got to work from home so it was easier for me to be able to focus on symptom spotting lol. But really I was just having a lot of anxiety last night and some sore bb ' s but I don't know if either even count lol. Like sunshine said though, I like to take note of the BIG symptoms so I can compare month to month. Just REALLY hoping I never have to compare again till I'm ttc #2!!!! Hehe ;)

... off to work
So I've been waiting for AF to rear her ugly head...I am due tomorrow. But I wasn't feeling period cramps and I was in a good mood. Normally I am a raging biatch...anywhoo I braved the snow storm out here to get to a CVS- I was like I am just going to test for giggles. Well there was a LINE!!!! on a FRER. This am I went back to CVS for a digital and it said I am 2-3 weeks along!!! OMG!

I want to thank you all for being there to support me! It's so early on and I am really scared. I am trying not to get too excited. I want you all here beside me. FX FX FX to our ladies testing this week and FX to Sunshine on the next cycle!!!!

I will write more tonight once I am done with meetings today! Honestly guys I thought I had NO SHOT this month. Please keep the faith. Disney & Sunshine, thank you for your positivity. I am sending you SO MUCH baby dust right now. KK rooting for you girl! Feb 7th can't get here soon enough!
Maltesemom!!! I knew it!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2-3 too!! Wow yayyy!!!!!
Omg I'm SOOO happy for you!!!! You are sprinkling baby dust on the rest of us!!!!
Maltesemom- we know u were stalking due date calculators lol so when do u predict your due date??
Also I just cannot be happier for you!!! You are getting your Fall October baby !!!!! I'm so jealous! I want to join u so bad!!! I'm SO nervous for myself now Ahh ...
Starting to be doubtful but I think it's just because of nerves! Ughh
Maltesemom- we know u were stalking due date calculators lol so when do u predict your due date??
Also I just cannot be happier for you!!! You are getting your Fall October baby !!!!! I'm so jealous! I want to join u so bad!!! I'm SO nervous for myself now Ahh ...
Starting to be doubtful but I think it's just because of nerves! Ughh

I am not sure if my prior message went through :( Pls stay positive! You have a really good shot this cycle!! You are testing the 7th still right? Just keep that positivity going..I didn't thikn I had a shot in hell! I mean we bd 5 days before I o'd!! Just stay positive and keep putting that out there

Also I thought it was Oct 14 but it's actually Oct 11. If that's the case, hubby is sharing his BDAY!!! :happydance::happydance:
Congrats maltesemom!!! An October baby will be awesome. That's crazy you got pregnant with BD 5 days before O. Makes me feel more hopeful as we didn't DTD on O day.

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