February "Valentine's" Testers

Thanks KK! Yes don't stress it. You have a great shot!

I am sort of shocked too. The only reason I tested was bc I wasn't my usual pms-y self. Don't give up hope. Take a look at my chart...5 days pre-O was the last time we bd.
Yay maltesemom SOOOOO exciting.!!!!!!!! Are you 11dpo? It's possibke you ovulated earlier? Either way yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Sunshine! I am praying for a sticky bean! I am so nervous & scared one minute, so happy the next.

I guess anything is possible in terms of O'ing earlier. I got my static smiley cd12. but the last day of bd is cd 10. and FF put me at cd15 for O. I am all types of confused! :)

When are you trying again? I am so excited for you to come back :)
I know. It's so frustrating but whenever it was, it worked. So that's all that matters. Yay!!!!!!!!!!

Im not sure when I'll be back in the game. Hopefully testing in March if all goes well. But this is your moment....so don't worry about all that!!! :)

Or if you mean to the cold...I come back Thursday. Boooo. Lol
I know. It's so frustrating but whenever it was, it worked. So that's all that matters. Yay!!!!!!!!!!

Im not sure when I'll be back in the game. Hopefully testing in March if all goes well. But this is your moment....so don't worry about all that!!! :)

Or if you mean to the cold...I come back Thursday. Boooo. Lol

Probably a little bit of both Sunshine! I want us to go through this together! :happydance: As long as you know you can get there, it's a good sign. I think the biggest relief is that it COULD happen, you know what I mean?

There's going to be storm again up here (I am in Long Island right now). You may end up spending a couple more days out in FL! :) :) I ended up out driving in the snow, and it was so bad!
Maltesemom - OMG thats the best gift EVER for your husbands bday!!! I hope I am joining you soon with an October Pumpkin hehe. FX FX FX!!! SO SO SO happy for you!!! :)

Sunshine - We miss you!! Thinking of you and jealous of the fact that you are in FL and hanging out with Minnie lol!!

kksquared - how is it going?

As for me ... we shall see... lol. My mood is so up and down lately. I was on a happy high for most of this cycle and then was a touch nervous about little to no symptoms. Then I was happy again. Then yesterday I was VERY stressed and felt like I was out of my skin. Then today I was very nervous then I was down a touch and now I'm happy anxious lol. I am a rollercoaster .... lol
Maltesemom - OMG thats the best gift EVER for your husbands bday!!! I hope I am joining you soon with an October Pumpkin hehe. FX FX FX!!! SO SO SO happy for you!!! :)

Sunshine - We miss you!! Thinking of you and jealous of the fact that you are in FL and hanging out with Minnie lol!!

kksquared - how is it going?

As for me ... we shall see... lol. My mood is so up and down lately. I was on a happy high for most of this cycle and then was a touch nervous about little to no symptoms. Then I was happy again. Then yesterday I was VERY stressed and felt like I was out of my skin. Then today I was very nervous then I was down a touch and now I'm happy anxious lol. I am a rollercoaster .... lol

I'm hanging in. Why can 2 weeks seem sooooooo long? The only real symptom I have is still the sore BB's. They feel a little different than last cycle. More heavy and full then painful. I guess also yesterday I had a pinchy, crampy feel in my left side of my pelvis off and on (that would have been 6 DPO).

Do you guys think testing on 12 DPO is asking for disappointment? DH wants me to wait until AF is due (2/10) but I don't know if I can wait that long lol!
Disney! I LOVEEEEE Minnie. But sadly only saw her the once.

Kk- 12 May be okay with a frer, but just don't e frustrated if it's negative. Depending on when implantstion occurred it could take longer. I didn't get my bfp until 4 days after af was due :)

AFm more cm here. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I pulled up my old ovia app and it still has all my TTC info. It says I'm fertile next week. Obviously that is thrown off now with the mc, but it was so nice to look at the app again and see hypothetically where I'd be!
Sunshine, I would love your opinion- FF said I o'd on 15 but I got a positive opk on 12 (and 13 arghhh). This cycle was very confusing! I guess anything is possible :)

I am so excited about your update Sunshine! What a great sign! I can't remember, are you a temper?

Disney, I could totally relate. I feel like I was on an emotional roller coaster around O time and then I just gave up LOL. Now I am back on the roller coaster! This totally doesn't help, but just try to relax. You know you are in the game!! This cycle I told DH that not only were we not in the game, we were stuck in traffic miles from the stadium LOL!! You are def in it this cycle, so don't stress. At least you know you have a shot!

KK I think it really does depend on the person. I am apt to agree with Sunshine because seeing a stark white test is so soul crushing. I am so impatient that if I thought I had a shot this cycle I would have spent thousands on FRERS haha! But I didn't think to test until very close to my estimated AF (I guess 12DPO?) because I wasn't feeling very pms-y...so such blessing. I would say hold off until you know you are in a good spot.

If it helps, here are the stats for the FRERS in terms of testing accuracy:
-5 days (before AF) 76%
-4 days (before AF) 96%
-3 days (before AF) 99%
-2 days (before AF) 99%

If you are testing in that 5 days before, I would just know that the results are much lower :) :) KK hope that helps!!
Kksquared- symptoms sound good!!! As foe testing on 12dpo, I say IF u can handle a bfn then go for it not that I think u will have a bfn but just because it's still early. But who knows u might get a really dark bfp that early too I've read a lot of people that have!! Fx this is your month!!

Sunshine- SOO happy for you to be getting back into the swing of things slowly but surely. Soo excited to share the journey with u!! :)

Maltesemom- thanks for your support!! Still so happy for you!!! Hope to join u this month. But I'm not sure that's going to happen ....

I caved like an idiot and tested last night. Everything was against it, it wasn't a first morning, I have pee ' d 3 hours earlier and within those 3 hours drank water water water so it was probably diluted and I was only 11 dpo. I caved be caused I was literally so anxious! Unfortunately it was a stark white bfn. I'm doing okay about it knowing that I'm not out of the game yet. I plan to test again on Friday. Fx!! But I'm not feeling good about it. I told my husband that I've seen SO many bfn ' s and I really just can never imagine what a bfp would feel like :'(
Last night I was getting little cramps and Lower back pain as well as very achy hip flexors!! I know it could be AF coming .. today no AF yet. Praying for late implantation? Who knows.... trying to breath through these next few days....
My temp stayed up which is good but steady. I was hoping for a spike but now I'm just hoping for a spike tomorrow. My chart almost looks triphasic doesn't it?
Ok I think I'm moving my test date to 2/9 (day before AF is due). I really don't want to waist a FRER for a BFN. Ugghhh last night I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. I hate when that happens. Also I think my chart temps are all whacky and not sure why? I always tJe them at 6:00 am on the dot (except this morning). Also my lines went back to dashed meaning the O date might be off.
Disney - so sorry for the bfn, but it's still early. So you're not out! What can you do this week to distract yiu from the tests? Lol

AFm - thanks!! I'm so excited. I had more yesterday, Woot! I am definitely a bittersweet temper. I love temping but it does stress me out after O. I analyze every single fluctuation and am miserable if it goes down a smidge. I'm going to try to be level headed this time. But Promise me you ladies will stick around if you all get your bfp this month? Haha I'm going to need some temp support. Anyways, I'll stert maybe next week when I get home and back to my regular routine.

Kk - I agree with pushing back the date. Just better to save yourself the stress, and that way there won't be any questions about whether it's a bfn or BFP (Hoping for the latter)

Disney - sorry you're in the tww rollercoaster. It's hard, I wish it got easier but it definitely doesn't. BUT you're almost there. I love the end of the tww, because regardless of the outcome we're happy either way. Either with a bfp, or a fresh start. We're here for you!
Disney - I looked at your chart!! I don't know what triphastic means, or cross hairs lol. BUT I will say it looks like your temps have all stayed up which is great. I can't tell when you O'd, but I'm really not good at FF. I find it very confusing. I just use another app to record stuff. I think based on the pattern alone it looks good!
Disney, don't be disappointed, you aren't out yet! It's hard when you test early. Did you test with a Frer? Your chart looks really promising so don't give up yet! Positive thinking :) FX and baby dust!!!
Disney - so sorry for the bfn, but it's still early. So you're not out! What can you do this week to distract yiu from the tests? Lol

AFm - thanks!! I'm so excited. I had more yesterday, Woot! I am definitely a bittersweet temper. I love temping but it does stress me out after O. I analyze every single fluctuation and am miserable if it goes down a smidge. I'm going to try to be level headed this time. But Promise me you ladies will stick around if you all get your bfp this month? Haha I'm going to need some temp support. Anyways, I'll stert maybe next week when I get home and back to my regular routine.

Kk - I agree with pushing back the date. Just better to save yourself the stress, and that way there won't be any questions about whether it's a bfn or BFP (Hoping for the latter)

Disney - sorry you're in the tww rollercoaster. It's hard, I wish it got easier but it definitely doesn't. BUT you're almost there. I love the end of the tww, because regardless of the outcome we're happy either way. Either with a bfp, or a fresh start. We're here for you!

I am that kind of temper too...just obsessed. And now I that I am pregnant, it's even harder. I am so scared of my temp going down...that said, my temps def gave me some good clues about my overall health. Like in Dec I was all over the place and I think it was because I had bad allergies and was taking a ton of benadryl so my temps were off. I am still tryingto give up temping but it's hard...:blush:

Super excited about EWCM Sunshine! Keep it going! I am sure the vacation def agreed with your body and allowed you to relax to get back to your natural rhythm. That's really happy news!

I agree with you...the TWW is hard. Disney, we are all in it together, this waiting game! The waiting game doesn't end until we all have happy and healthy babies! :hugs: I have a good feeling about 2015 y'all!
So, I went ahead and "officially" moved over to TTC. :) 5 days until my fertile window! Yayyyy...... :) Just trying to enjoy the journey...
Kksquared sounds food on moving the date. Whenever u decide to test, we r here for u!!! FX this is it!!

Sunshine- thanks SOO much for the support!! I'm SO glad to have this thread!! I have been SO stressed and anxious the past 2-3 days. I even told my husband I felt like this was the worse stress and anxiety I literally have ever had. It has been a stressful few days at work and stressful stuff having to deal with at home. I feel out of my skin, it's so weird. Just got some good news though so that def helped bring me back down to earth so that's good. I'm going to be doing work tonight to see if that can't help with my workload. I can't believe how I've felt though, VERY unlike me!!
Anyways I think I'll just bury myself in my work and with my supportive husband and just try to get through the days until Friday.
Sunshine I am sooooo excited u r feeling so great and thinking about starting up again soon. I'm NOT going anywhere. I am going to be right there with u every step of the way. :)
Oh yea and where my red lines meet is where they predicted my O day. If I go by the advanced method it puts me as CD 12 which is what I've been doing. Just now I tried to switch to OPK mode and it put me at CD 11. I kept it back on advanced though as that's what I've been on. We shall see ...

A little nervous because yesterday and today I started to have little cramps and achy lower back and hip flexors. And I guess we can say my mood has been out of control lol. Andddd.... just now I wiped after I peed and my cm was ewcm with a slight slight slight tinge of pink. If u looked quick u might have missed it not sure what to think but thinking af might be on her way. Maybe it could be a sign of late implantation? Who knows ...

maltesemom- thanks for your continued support!!! I can't believe u r still temping lol. But I know how I am and would be so I don't blame u. I have NO worries this will be one sticky bean for u and u will have a VERY h & h 9 months :) :)

Btw my test I took was a Target up and up brand. Not too sure about those things my my first time getting a pack of 3. They r blue dye too which I hate but didn't know till I got then home. But I also didn't even have an evap on it last night which I know I'd the problem with blue dye. I'm sure it was a true bfn last night... Fx this isn't af coming and it's a sign of something good!!!!!
Thanks disney!!!!!! So excited to have this Valentines thread. You ladies are lovely.

Maltese - unfortunately it's not ewcm, it's just lotiony cm at this point but I'll take it!!!! Going home to see my Dh on Monday so will be ready to go after that. My parents think I should wait to get the testing done, but I'm not convinced. They just don't want me to be hurt again. I reallt haven't been myself all month. Kind of a hermit. Which is not like me at all. So disney, I hear you on the not being yourself bit. I hope you are feeling calmer, and Im so glad you got some good news as well. Yay for good news!!!

I fly back to the cold tomorrow. Brrrrr.
Kksquared sounds food on moving the date. Whenever u decide to test, we r here for u!!! FX this is it!!

Sunshine- thanks SOO much for the support!! I'm SO glad to have this thread!! I have been SO stressed and anxious the past 2-3 days. I even told my husband I felt like this was the worse stress and anxiety I literally have ever had. It has been a stressful few days at work and stressful stuff having to deal with at home. I feel out of my skin, it's so weird. Just got some good news though so that def helped bring me back down to earth so that's good. I'm going to be doing work tonight to see if that can't help with my workload. I can't believe how I've felt though, VERY unlike me!!
Anyways I think I'll just bury myself in my work and with my supportive husband and just try to get through the days until Friday.
Sunshine I am sooooo excited u r feeling so great and thinking about starting up again soon. I'm NOT going anywhere. I am going to be right there with u every step of the way. :)
Oh yea and where my red lines meet is where they predicted my O day. If I go by the advanced method it puts me as CD 12 which is what I've been doing. Just now I tried to switch to OPK mode and it put me at CD 11. I kept it back on advanced though as that's what I've been on. We shall see ...

A little nervous because yesterday and today I started to have little cramps and achy lower back and hip flexors. And I guess we can say my mood has been out of control lol. Andddd.... just now I wiped after I peed and my cm was ewcm with a slight slight slight tinge of pink. If u looked quick u might have missed it not sure what to think but thinking af might be on her way. Maybe it could be a sign of late implantation? Who knows ...

maltesemom- thanks for your continued support!!! I can't believe u r still temping lol. But I know how I am and would be so I don't blame u. I have NO worries this will be one sticky bean for u and u will have a VERY h & h 9 months :) :)

Btw my test I took was a Target up and up brand. Not too sure about those things my my first time getting a pack of 3. They r blue dye too which I hate but didn't know till I got then home. But I also didn't even have an evap on it last night which I know I'd the problem with blue dye. I'm sure it was a true bfn last night... Fx this isn't af coming and it's a sign of something good!!!!!

Disney thank YOU for your support and good wishes! I honestly feel like you were the only one keeping faith alive for me this cycle :thumbup:!

This might not help, but this month I was also in a really bad mood. Like pms on steroids. Then it went away cd9/10/11. But my moods were especially bad. Also I kept noticing that that cm didn't really dry up, which it does for me. I think your symptoms really sound promising! Now we just have to all wait it out! I'm praying and hoping this cycle is it for you!

Also do you have any wondfos? Those are cheap and reliable. Or I would do frer. I've heard crazy things about the blue dye tests , but I've never used one. The most evil of all tests is cbe with weeks estimator. More on that later!

Do you ever get ewcm closer to af? Is that normal for you? I'm convinced that cm is a very reliable indicator it just takes time to learn about it :) keep your head up, stay positive! We are all here for you :kiss:
Thanks disney!!!!!! So excited to have this Valentines thread. You ladies are lovely.

Maltese - unfortunately it's not ewcm, it's just lotiony cm at this point but I'll take it!!!! Going home to see my Dh on Monday so will be ready to go after that. My parents think I should wait to get the testing done, but I'm not convinced. They just don't want me to be hurt again. I reallt haven't been myself all month. Kind of a hermit. Which is not like me at all. So disney, I hear you on the not being yourself bit. I hope you are feeling calmer, and Im so glad you got some good news as well. Yay for good news!!!

I fly back to the cold tomorrow. Brrrrr.

Sunshine, I think your body is telling you it's ready but more important is how you feel. I am even more in awe of your strength now. Even at 4 weeks you do feel pregnant, emotional etc. so that loss is felt deeply and intensely.

Cbe digital with weeks is evil. And last night I tested and my count went down. I got so upset. So my husband says why do you do things to upset yourself? For right now this is what is, accept and enjoy it and trust that you be taken care of. Anyway it reminded me of this great book I read called "the power of now". I think we can all practice this together- accepting what is, not having all this fear and hurt about the future. Sunshine, I am not worried at all for you. You will get your baby and you are going to be the most amazing mom. It's just about that special egg and sperm meeting. You should do what feels right in your heart, but know you will see a dr and you will take good care if yourself, preparing your body for your sticky bean :hugs:

Ps I do love this thread you guys are amazing and awesome

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