Fed up with badly behaved kids!


Mum to 2 nutters!
Sep 19, 2008
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Today was the 3rd time in a row that my DD has been hurt at a play barn! Its not the playbarns fault............its usually a larger kid who is jsut a little ****!! Like today........just because DD wasn't fast enough through thsi climbing tunnel 2 boys of about 6 KICKED her out of the way and then proceeded to yell and say stuff to my friends 2 9 yr old girls who were with DD.

I mean seriously!! I was raging as they did it 3 times...........each time DD was screaming. The girls went and found out who the boys parents were, but they looked rough and I - despite being raging and pregnant raging (OH says thats the worst kind of crazy mad!) I just didnt want the hassle so I went againt my ethics and told DD to just tell the boy that her big sisters would come beat him up if he touched her again.

AND..............I was told that 3 adults witnessed this boy this to DD and none said or did anything. I wasnt in there with her as it was already hoaching with adults and really busy so IMHO I think that in itself was dangerous.

It just pisses me off so much. My child is 3 and she knows that is NOT how you behave. Why can a 6 year old not get that!! Do people not teach manners any more!
DD even tried to hold a door open for a lady with a tray................so I know I have taught her well!

God............I really should have said something shouldnt I? I just think its so jeremy kyle though and they might have started agro in front of the kids.......and I hate kids seeing that sort of thing.
Awwww poor thing. I know, I often see older kids at these things and they can be so cruel. To be honest my kids are really tough, so they wouldnt have been bothered at all, in fact mine are a bit rough, never hitting or kicking, but my two year olds hugs are not the most comfy lol, and I usually spend my time telling him to be gentle at these things as he is like a bull in a china shop. The twins are getting tough too.

So I imagine my children will be bitched about at some point, but he would never hit or kick or do anything like that, he is just a bit, too much. If I could fix it I could, but I know I have been frustrated at people whos kids cry all the time, I only let him play with children older than him, and yet you get some kids that cry if a ball in the sofa play bumps them when he jumps in, several feet away and I think, why on earth bring children here if they are that tender, it's meant for jumping and Letting off steam but if my son hurt or pushed another child the I would tell him off and make him say sorry.

Sorry about my long post, hope your daughter is ok. I wish all parents would just supervise their kids.
This is why I avoid these places like the plague outside of school hours. Hope she forgets about it soon xxx
. I wish all parents would just supervise their kids.
Think this ^^^ is the crux of the problem. So many parents just seem to view soft play and play parks as a place to pop their kids and then completely ignore them.
I wouldn't go there again. And where was the parents? I would be watching mine and if I seen a smidgen of behavior like that I would remove them from other children. Though its normally my kids on the receiving end of kids like that to.
So many use it as a babysitting service and it annoys me so much
. I wish all parents would just supervise their kids.
Think this ^^^ is the crux of the problem. So many parents just seem to view soft play and play parks as a place to pop their kids and then completely ignore them.

Yup. I admit that we were sat in the cafe watching then through the window (the playbarn smelt like moudly feet and was a but sweaty and I was close to hurling any time I went in - cos of my MS I think, not cos it was a horrendous stench.................jsut the smell of mens swetty feet (lots of dads in!)) But we were keeping an eye on them as it was the twins first time there and they were taking LO round.

I would to like to avoid those places..............but the local parks have near to no play equiptment that can be safely used by an under 5. Its dire. No one builds parks for little tots!

My daughter is by no means soft, she can take a shove, but I did think that deliberate kicking draws the line.
I hate this, DS got pushed by a child who must have been 4, in the under 2's section of our local softplay. He kept pushing LO off the toys and his parents were nowhere to be seen. So unacceptable! How can children learn any better if their parents aren't there to teach them? Its even worse when parents see their children behaving badly and don't do anything. Gah.
Some parents think kids are just like that, or worse they dont know because they control their kids so much once they get out of their site and feel free to do as they please its normally not good stuff. Just for that moment of freedom. Their needs where not addressed.

I find where I am parents are either permissive or strict, never a middle ground. They are either punishing or ignoring their kids behavior. Both do no good at all. While I was at Williams pre school open day I lost count of the kids who where snatching things off him and pushing, all of whom where being shouted at by their parents at the same time and forcing apologies out of them. And the kids got more angry...so I can imagine what happens when parents are not about.

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