Feeling awful and so conflicted... (long)


Sleep is for the weak
Aug 17, 2008
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Ilana is breastfed and she always has boob before bed. It relaxes her and unwinds her and we both enjoy it. She often falls asleep on the boob and when the side was off her cot in a sidecar arrangement she would often roll off after a feed and go to sleep, or even play for ages rolling about and then drop off to sleep. She can go to sleep by herself but she doesn't always.

Since she started crawling she started heading straight off the bed and despite having fallen off onto pillows a few times she's not learned fear and so we put the side back on her cot (I cried and cried).

Now she very very rarely drops off on her own. It's like an instinctive reaction for her when she wakes to pull herself to standing even while she's half asleep, and then of course she fully wakes. Having the side on the cot seems to have affected her dropping off ability in a big way.

As a working mum (full time teacher) I have always just fed her back to sleep when she wakes as it's easiest and gives us both most sleep most of the time.

Anyway, I have to do some evenings at work (parents evenings, meeting etc) and so husband has to try to put her to bed sometimes. I also have my friend's wedding 1 1/5 hours away in a few weeks. La has never taken a bottle very well and will drink EBM from a beaker but not huge amounts, nothing like what she would from the boob before bed. It also doesn't relax her like the boob does. As a result, husband has a horrible time trying to get her to go to sleep. He hates having to do it and I get stressed worrying about it and it's all horrible.

This evening as it's now the holidays I decided to try to get her to go to sleep not on the boob. She had lots of milk, rolled over, snuggled into me and dropped off! Amazing. But after a few minutes when I moved she stirred, rolled onto her back and went to sleep again. Great. Except when I lifted her into bed she woke up again.

She wasn't upset so I just left her in her cot. She'd keep standing up, kissing me (I tried to avoid smiling etc at her or overstimulating her) and then sitting down, and doing it again. After about half an hour she was obviously tired... she started to whinge a bit so I lay her down each time with a kiss. She was fine for while, then started to cry a little but stopped when she stood up. Then she'd lay down and yawn, then cry, again and again. I thought she'd go off... but then she bumped her head. I held her and calmed her down and lay her back down, but she got more and more worked up and in the end was crying hysterically. Ilana never cries much and it tore me apart to hear it, I just felt awful.

In the end I got her out and gave her boob, and then felt awful for having put her through all that crying for nothing.

I'm not trying to force her into doing something because I want to go out on the lash or anything (I've not had an evening out since she was born and haven't felt like I've missed much) but I really do want to not feel so stressed when I have to work late and this wedding is stressing me out big time.

I don't know what to do... I have always thought I'd just carry on and she'd grow out of it but I just don't know, and I don't know what to do.
I cant really help much as not experienced this.
Have you tried music, or noises to help her settle?
Yes, and before she goes to sleep we always sing a couple of rounds of twinkle twinkle little star very softly... she does relax but not quite enough.
Would she stay lying down if you were to rub her back or pat her bum til she went to sleep?
Didn't want to read and run :hugs: We are in a similar position as i am trying to move away from always feeding to sleep, not because i feel there is anything wrong with it, but mainly because me (and my boobs!) aren't going to be here 2 days a week as of next month and i don't want it to be a sudden horrible shock for Toby (and OH) trying to do bedtime without them (the boobs that is! :lol: )

Sometimes we have a horrible time, with lots of crying (in spite of cuddles and soothing and stories and singing etc) and he will repeatedly sit up and be crawling around in his cot and it just goes on and on and i feel wretched :cry: but other times he takes us completely by surprise by suddenly dozing off easily, peacefully and without any complaint at all! :shrug:

For daytime naps i have started wearing him a lot more, and also standing up and rocking gently sideways to and fro, it kills my back holding him (not in the carrier) for any length of time but i find once he has dropped off i can usually sit down without him waking up. Or if all else fails a bumpy pram ride will do the trick (but i appreciate that isn't always practical, particularly for actual bedtimes or when you're in your dressing gown and it's pouring with rain! :roll:)

I'm not sure if any of that is any use to you but you have my sympathies :hugs:
you might not like the idea...but we use a dummy to help LO get himself to sleep. Other than that, I don't know what to suggest?! /do you have a strict routine for bedtime? we do, so when OH has to do it on his own and my boobs aren't there, the only difference in the routine is a boobie juice bottle and daddy, if that makes sense? and LO knows that whn he is plced in his cot it is sleep time...we only have iussues when he is super poorly, but that might just be his nature, not neccesaairly the routine thing??
Oh my gosh Bec! I feel JUST like you cept my LO is only 6 months. I was secretly hoping she'd just grow out of it and eventually sleep on her own. I've got to have my gallbladder out soon and I have no idea what's going to happen when I'm in the hospital. I'm scared it's just going to be a case of Jessica crying herself to sleep. I know they say crying in the arms of someone who loves you (in this case Daddy will be on duty) is different then crying it out but I still don't want to put her through that. We've been trying to teach her to take a bottle with EBM because I'll have to pump and dump after the surgery for about a day, but it doesn't seem to help getting her to sleep at all. She HAS to have the boob. The only times she'll fall asleep without the boob is in the car or in her sling. But she's really motion sensitive and as soon as the car stops or you try to move her from your arms she's instantly awake.

Right now she's curled up against my arm and if I were to scoot away from her she'd wake up. I'm so worried that I'm not doing right by her.

How is Ilana in the car? Maybe your OH can take her for a drive the night your at the wedding? If she doesn't wake up as easily as mine then that might be a doable solution?
I am in this EXACT situation. I will be stalking this thread for suggestions!

I'm exactly the same as you Bec, I have no interest in going out to get hammered, even going out to the cinema etc - I am so happy staying in with my wee family. But going back to work is starting to worry me, like your situation my LO takes milk from a sippy cup (only in the last 2 weeks, and not very much) and I'm worried about how she'll get on without me, both for food and comfort/sleep.

I also have a wedding reception on Saturday, so god knows how that's going to go. :shrug:

I think about it all the time, she can go to sleep by herself sometimes but not all the time, and when she doesn't it's a nightmare (unless I feed her to sleep and its usually fine). I always say I'll do what makes her most comfortable and happy, but I now worry that I've been cruel to her by not helping her to go to sleep by herself. All I can do is hope she does grow to be comfortable enough to sleep on her own.

Big hugs :hugs:
I'm not a mum (yet!), but I've been doing a lot of reading on parenting, and one of the books I've read does discuss ways to handle this situation.

Some folks don't like her, but the Baby Whisperer has a method called "pick up - put down" which might be helpful? You can find details of it here:


I think it's more of a training thing than a one-off solution, though. I hope it helps!
I'm not a mum (yet!), but I've been doing a lot of reading on parenting, and one of the books I've read does discuss ways to handle this situation.

Some folks don't like her, but the Baby Whisperer has a method called "pick up - put down" which might be helpful? You can find details of it here:


I think it's more of a training thing than a one-off solution, though. I hope it helps!

LOL I'm pretty sure "Baby Whisperer" and "baby training" are bad words in this forum!
I'm not a mum (yet!), but I've been doing a lot of reading on parenting, and one of the books I've read does discuss ways to handle this situation.

Some folks don't like her, but the Baby Whisperer has a method called "pick up - put down" which might be helpful? You can find details of it here:


I think it's more of a training thing than a one-off solution, though. I hope it helps!

LOL I'm pretty sure "Baby Whisperer" and "baby training" are bad words in this forum!


I got that book out of the library and found some of it quite useful, I especially thought the EASY bit was helpful (bit too late for me and Bec who both feed our babies to sleep, lol!)

But for any future babies I think a short activity after feeding, then bed, from an early age would maybe be a better way of doing it.

I can't say I've regretted the way things have gone with Zoe though, I remember when I was thinking about trying to stop the feeding-to-sleep I was feeding her and nearly burst into tears at the thought that it might be the last time she falls asleep on me, and I move her onto my shoulder and we snuggle for about 15 min before I transfer her into her moses basket :cry:

Then I thought, we haven't done anything 'wrong' I've loved every minute and clearly so has she.

We had a bit of success last night, I just lay her on the bed and lay next to her after we'd fed. I pretended to be asleep and she played about for 10min, then turned towards me and fell asleep! I'm about to try the same tonight. Wish me luck!

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