Feeling quite despondent


TTC no1
Sep 14, 2009
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Ive just been for a browse in 1st trimester and just seen someone post who has just got a BFP with her second and i remember her in TTC trying to conceive her first one...and im still here trying for my first :cry:

I feel quite envious lol but it does make u wonder what u have to do to get lucky.
hey there... i know how you feel! my cousin has just given birth to a lovely little girl, and my sister is due in march and the whole family is talking about babies! just started my P today so not feeling in the greatest of moods. this is the 7th month TTC for us now. ah well what can we do but keep trying eh? i'm going to buy that book 'taking charge of your fertility' this month, every month i try to do something different to see if it works. we WILL get there :)
aww bless u both i mc june 2010 my baby wud of been due nxt wk iv benn tryin since mc no look yet im 42 nxt mth it wud been nice prezzi 2 b preg so lets hope theres loads babydust 4 us
Aw hun, i know what you mean. Had a look at my B&B friends list and noticed suddenly how many i started out with are now mums, have 2 children or are pregnant with their second!

It bites a bit but seeing as im not stopping anytime soon i just have to suck it up, i guess... I know how you feel though..

I know what you mean - I'm just trying to hold on to the hope that our time will come.
Hi Ladies

I'm totally with you on the issue of other people seeming to find it so easy :growlmad: One of my friends has just had her 12 week scan with her second, which she conceived the first month trying! She already has a beautiful daughter who is 2 this month (conceived after only a few months too).

My best friend in New Zealand also has a gorgeous little boy who is 2 next month and is ttc her 2nd - she had a very early mc a couple of months ago after only trying for around 2 months and I just know I will get a call soon saying she is pregnant again. And she's a year older than me!

Why is this so hard?? I'm starting to think that I'm just completely infertile and it will never happen. But I can't imagine a life without having at least one child - one child is all I want now, I daren't even hope for more than one anymore :nope: x
Hi Ladies

Why is this so hard?? I'm starting to think that I'm just completely infertile and it will never happen. But I can't imagine a life without having at least one child - one child is all I want now, I daren't even hope for more than one anymore :nope: x

I feel exactly the same as well, id be happy with just one child.

Thanks everyone tho..i think the fustration of getting nowhere gets to u a bit at times....prob the thought of hitting 44 in about 5 weeks and trying for over 18 months is not helping lol.

Good luck to us all xx
Hi there, all of us who embark on this journey are bound to have very low times with it, because it's very high stakes stuff. I have been TTC with my lovely DH for 6 months, and I just turned 45. Many years ago, I was married to my first husband and we tried and nothing happened.

So, where I am now, I know that it's going to take a bloody miracle.

It has been a hell of a journey, and at my age I am very nearly saying to myself "I'm out". I don't know if it's any comfort at all to say this, but I really have reconciled myself to the prospect of it never happening. I am not sure what the future holds, but the thing I have come to realise over the years is that this is more to me, far more, than my fertility.

But, that is no reason why you or anyone should give up. Keep at it: keep rolling the dice, keep hope in your heart, and you never know. All I would say to you when you have those really down moments is that I'm someone who has looked a childless future in the face, and I can look at it in the face and say "if that's really what the Gods have in their plan for me, I can deal with it, and I will be happy". This thing will not crush me. There's this wonderful line in I think Jane Eyre: "you were not put on this world to be unhappy". You weren't.

I do wish you every joy, I send you :dust: and :hug:. Keep the faith: keep faith in the fact that one day it could well happen, but most of all keep faith in your wonderful, marvellous self.
Aww thanks Blondie2005, what a loverly post and u are so right as well. I guess having a child is a bonus and a gift and as long as ive got my partner thats the main thing. xxxxxx
Blondie2005. I'm with you on this one. Nearly 42, 2 miscarriages, TTC after 3 long years of heartache. For the first time ever I said to myself while in bed the other day, having another night of crying, it's time to accept the possibility I will never be a mummy. Don't get me wrong, we're still taking a bucket-full of supplements, doing the opks, Conceive Plus, trying to get the timing right etc. I'm not saying I've lost hope. It's just a different feeling. Like if I don't accept both possibilities, I will suffer every minute of the day and find no peace. If I do I will find peace.

As soon as I made the decision to accept what is my destiny I felt a tiny bit of peace. I am practising gratitude for having a wonderful loving man, I dreamed of finding him all my life. All my life I just wanted to find my soul mate. Now I have found him I am again dissatisfied, wanting a baby. It's something I am really working on every day now. I hope the acupuncture will help me with this too as I've just started it. Acceptance means peace. And peace means balance. And balance means - while we are not even aware of it - our chances increase. Babydust x
Blondie2005. I'm with you on this one. Nearly 42, 2 miscarriages, TTC after 3 long years of heartache. For the first time ever I said to myself while in bed the other day, having another night of crying, it's time to accept the possibility I will never be a mummy. Don't get me wrong, we're still taking a bucket-full of supplements, doing the opks, Conceive Plus, trying to get the timing right etc. I'm not saying I've lost hope. It's just a different feeling. Like if I don't accept both possibilities, I will suffer every minute of the day and find no peace. If I do I will find peace.

As soon as I made the decision to accept what is my destiny I felt a tiny bit of peace. I am practising gratitude for having a wonderful loving man, I dreamed of finding him all my life. All my life I just wanted to find my soul mate. Now I have found him I am again dissatisfied, wanting a baby. It's something I am really working on every day now. I hope the acupuncture will help me with this too as I've just started it. Acceptance means peace. And peace means balance. And balance means - while we are not even aware of it - our chances increase. Babydust x

Hi BB, sorry for not replying earlier, but I've not been on the board for a while. That in itself is a good sign - for two weeks I've not been thinking about :crib: ! !

It is very, very hard, and not easily done to get over it at all, and I've come to the conclusion that it is something that will make me sad for the rest of my life, but only at times . I do look with real joy at the lovely, lovely freedom: the freedom of time, the freedom of money that come with being childless. Make no mistake about it, I would willingly sacrifice these for that little bundle of joy, but the way I look at it is that I have tried damned hard to give up these essentially selfish pleasures, and I haven't succeeded in giving them up despite my best efforts, so I'm bloody well entitled to enjoy them!

I'll give you an example: for many years, with half an eye on our carbon footprint, we've not taken holidays that have involved plane travel. Instead, we've holidayed in the UK or travelled abroad by train. We have flown to Spain or the Canary Islands a couple of times but we've certainly not gone long-haul. But then a few months ago I had a light-bulb moment. 'Hang on,' I thought, 'if I'm not having a child, I've done the best thing ever in terms of helping save the planet and its precious resources, so to heck with it, we're going to Thailand! Or South Africa! Or LA! Or Australia!' (Actually we would feel uncomfortable doing this too often, and the finances won't allow it too often anyway, but maybe once every few years we're going to take that long-haul holiday and not feel guilty).

I think the trick, and I haven't quite mastered it yet, is to find stuff that really makes you happy and really gives you a sense of purpose despite the childlessness. I have found this partly in my work, partly in some stuff I do for charity, partly in my lovely own time spent messing about reading/cooking/gardening/drinking wine, and largely (of course) with my lovely DH. It doesn't work all the time, and I still have moments of utter despair, but I'm working on it.

And we're still doing the BD O:) so our little miracle still might happen.

I wish you luck and joy however it pans out for you.

Everyone of you all sound like me, feel like me, everyday no doubt, I keep hoping, wishing, dreaming of holding my own baby soon, I am so scared it wont happen... Its making me sad, I have been really trying latley to not get so obessed as I was before... least i have my new born grandsons to play with for now i guess :), least Im a Young' nana i guess :flower:
Hi all - I'm a newbie, not sure what to do here, hope is ok to add to this thread. I empathise with all of you. I'm 38, almost 39; first-time TTC, for not all that long, 6 months or so, but it feels like an eternity; today got hospital test results of high FSH (15) and low follicle count (4); hubby's sperm is a-ok. So feeling particularly down right now.
With every passing month the feeling of time ticking/racing by makes me so depressed, like time is running out. I'm trying to stay positive and not let it get to me; but I have an underlying sadness that permeates everything I do. I think 'why didn't I start sooner?'. To be honest I didn't know that age had such a big impact, and have only found this out too late, all of a sudden I realised I was 38 and better get a move on, only now to find out just what a huge impact age can have. My specialist is going to give me clomid but not now, in another few months (I wish it was now!).
We've tried OPKs (mixed results), saliva microscope (which for me has been totally useless); we take vitamins, folic acid of course; I take extra vitamin B6; I've given up two of my favourite things in life, wine/alcohol and coffee/caffiene, entirely; we use fertility lube; I've tried all sorts of things that I've read about online (eg grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, baby carrots, cough syrup, baby aspirin (which my GP and specialist have since advised against so I don't use this anymore!) etc etc). It seems that as soon as we read that something is recommended to help with TTC, somewhere else you read that the same thing works against TTC. We don't know what to believe anymore.
I'd like to try acupuncture but the high cost is beyond our means.
Sorry this is long. Just to say that I share the despondent feeling, but I try to stay positive and carry on. Thanks for the posts on this site, reading others' experiences does help. Babydust to everyone x
I'm hearing you. Working on #2 over here-- and I know how rough that sounds to the people who are still TTC #1, because I have BEEN THERE. It took over a year for #1, and I would get so annoyed and frustrated with the women who are like, "we're trying for #4 and it's been three whole months!" Oh, man... I tell ya. So yes, I get it.

I'm almost 38 and recently received a diagnosis that no otherwise-totally-healthy, normal-weight, good-lifestyle-livin', doing-everything-right woman should have to hear. Very high FSH of 25 and very low AMH of .19. I called B.S. on that! I'm not ready to be barren. So yes, I get it.

I recommend the book "Inconceivable," if you haven't already read it. It's a great story about how one woman (with stats like mine) totally beat the odds and did it naturally. It's a fast read, and she-- like me-- wasn't ready to count herself down and out just yet. Amazon has it cheap!

Good luck to everybody who's trying-- at any stage of trying-- and for whatever reason or number of children and all that other stuff. We're all in it together.
Yeah I really don't know why it seems to be so easy for others too...

And you know on the 1st day of my AF, I had a dream about my brother-in-law's wife found out she's pregnant when they're traveling (yes they're really traveling now!). This dream is sooooooo real! I was at my in-laws' place when I heard this news and in-laws got all excited and were asking us to call BIN to talk to them immediately! Then I felt so bad at that moment that I just went to the bathroom... that's when I woke up...

My brother-in-law just got married last year but I got a feeling that they'll be having a kid very soon... and this dream is soooo real... I cried when I woke up and it took me a while to fall asleep again :(

When I think about it now, I still cry... My sis-in-law already has 2 kids, my brother has 2 kids, and I know my brother-in-law will have one very soon... I'll be the only one who has no luck... :(

Sorry I'm a little bit carried away... but whenever I saw this post, I think about my dream again...
I feel for you all. After 2 years of trying we now have a son who is now 14 month old. But I am obsessed with TTC and nothing is happening for us. Our age is massively against us, so our son is a little miracle, so why oh why cant I be happy with one? Where is this obsession to get him a brother or sister coming from? It's madness really.
I'm so fortunate to have a 2 1/2 year old boy but really want another baby and have had multiple chemical pregnancies. I just peed a negative this morning after 4 days of positives so I was heartbroken and spent a good bit of the day crying in bed. This afternoon my son was watching a cartoon where the kid was trying to get his baby sister to stop crying and I actually got teary. I was jealous of a kid in a cartoon because he had a little sister and I can't seem to produce one for my little guy who really wants one. ARGH!!!!

It's normal to get down, I find it's best just to embrace the emotion I'm feeling because I'm happy more days than not. I try to look on the bright side considering that for 2 weeks out of every month I can have a drink with a friend, stay up late, not obsess about symptoms and not worry whether or not my body is expelling another failed conception. Right now I'm just waiting for AF to show up (was due yesterday) so I can get on with things. It's so frustrating but eventually it'll either happen or we'll give up and continue to be thankful for what we have.

I wish the very best for you all.
two of my friends are in same postiion.
one is having a baby soon and other one has six months old and i been sort of trying all that time. i saw her yday and i cried when i got home, im so happy for her but feel sad too and disgusted with myself for being so aparently bitter. i didnt let her know how i felt. i really am happy for her. i just wanted it too. to make it worse dh was with me and i couldnt tell him. did eventurally when i was in fits of tears...im sorry ur feeling sad too. being praying lots. looking for signs but beginnig to wonder if i ever will. Knew i shouldnt have gone to town yday...feel very silly and bad xx hugs back
Hi everyone :flower:

Firstly, I feel what you're all saying! We're on cycle 14 and have had 1 m/c about 8 months ago - I keep thinking I should have a baby by now as I'm passed what would have been the due date. Also just after I had the m/c 2 of my friends told me they were preg, one has just had her beautiful baby boy and the other one is being induced next week. Another of my friends who was on the pill and not even trying is now in her 2nd trimester. It's hard sometimes not to feel sad for what I haven't got and not to feel slightly bitter too - I've decided this doesn't make me a bad person because it's not that I want them to be unhappy, I just want to be as happy as they are!!! Also, this is really important to us (and the rest of you, I'm sure) - so it's ok to sometimes feel sad and despondent.

I'm nearly 39 and my OH is nearly 47 and it does sometimes feel like it will never happen and time is ticking away. But then I remember that lots of women have babies well into their 40s - (Kelly Preston - 47, Marcia Cross - 44) and fertility treatment has advanced so much in recent years. I want to keep believing it will happen and on good days (like today) I believe it will happen. But I have lots of dark days (especially just after AF comes) where I feel like it's hopeless and I should try to be content with my life. Fingers crossed for us all. What's really good to know is that we're not alone in feeling like this and we're not horrible people for feeling sad because other people have got BFPs or babies and we haven't :hugs::hugs:

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