Broke my heart to read that lotus! Hopefully next go will be it for you guys. We know the feeling regarding the finance. Before this journey we owned a boat, caravan, nice cars, nice furniture now we have nothing left and still no baby in our arms. Thinking of you hunny.
Thanks Karen, will take some time off if this doesn't work and then maybe go the donor route. I need time to grieve what we thought we were going to have before I go down that path. My cousin has offered to donate which is amazing.
Cancelled cycles suck prayerful! We have had two cancelled. First one for poor response and the second for ovulating before egg pick up. Good luck to you sweetie. Will be following your progress.
How are you going Lola? You have been on my mind for days. My partner keeps asking if I've heard anything. He is furious for you guys too.
Afm I had egg retrieval yesterday. 13 were collected but just had a call to say only 6 have fertilised. Feeling a bit guttered. It was my partners best sample ever so not sure what went wrong. We are having a three day transfer so two will go back in Friday if I still have two left.