Hello everyone! I was just looking for some support since I'm getting ready to start my second month on Femara. Can anyone give me their success stories of taking Femara and list any side effects they have experienced?
My first month of 2.5 mg on Femara (along with 1700 mg of metformin and 45mg of actos), I ovulated! That is a huge success considering I only ovulated 1 of the 5 months I took Clomid. I believe I am having more intense S/E on Femara than clomid though. With clomid, I had hot flashes and once my dosage was increased, the hot flashes were more intense and I was irritable. With Femara, it seems I became majorly depressed and I had a few hot flashes with it too (not as bad). It seems the depression got better a few days after ovulation, but it was pretty bad. I cried almost every day. And I mean I SOBBED! lol. My poor OH.
Please let me know if Femara worked for you and any side effects you had. Also, if you have PCOS (I do). I need hope!!
After a year and 1/2 of TTC, I don't know how others do it having to try for so long. It's so hard!