Having another ultrasound on 1/7, seeing my regular doctor on 1/9 and probably having a c-section on 1/14. It's not exactly what I'd like to have happen, but I've accepted it. So, unless the baby has shrunk, and babies don't tend to shrink, that's the plan. I have to do what's best for him. It'll probably beat hours of labor. I hope everyone is doing well!
AAAND...we found a clinic that gives a 50% discount on IVF to military! so now we have to come up with $5k instead of 10, still alot but....
We are doing ok i guess. No news on the adoption front. I'm trying to find a job because I just found out I am getting laid off and the 20th is my last day. DH was laid off in September so neither of us will have a job if I don't find one.
Congratulations Chook!!! I found on 12/18 that I am having a girl too!!!It's a GIRL! And she is perfect![]()
Having another ultrasound on 1/7, seeing my regular doctor on 1/9 and probably having a c-section on 1/14. It's not exactly what I'd like to have happen, but I've accepted it. So, unless the baby has shrunk, and babies don't tend to shrink, that's the plan. I have to do what's best for him. It'll probably beat hours of labor. I hope everyone is doing well!
Hey ladies! Wow lots of new people and some I am so glad to see have good news!
I am CD8, on round 3 of Femara. Had to cancel last month as my Father in Law passed away. Had to cancel in the Fall because of an abnormal pap. So hoping I don't have to cancel this month! I go for CD9 Ultrasound tomorrow to check my follies. Only way this will work out is if we can do the IUI Saturday or Monday, as hubs works 24 hr shifts as a firefighter and cannot change them
I am great! Had my follie check today - 2, one each side. Both are 14.6 mm so I will wait and trigger on Saturday night and we will have our IUI on Monday morning.
I have to take some time to go back through the posts and catch up![]()
Hello everyone! I'm just popping in to catch up and say hi! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that everyone's baby dreams come true in the new year!!
AAAND...we found a clinic that gives a 50% discount on IVF to military! so now we have to come up with $5k instead of 10, still alot but....
Lola, where is the clinic that gives a 50% discount to military? I am military too and it would be nice information to know for next time!
We are doing ok i guess. No news on the adoption front. I'm trying to find a job because I just found out I am getting laid off and the 20th is my last day. DH was laid off in September so neither of us will have a job if I don't find one.
Karen, I'm so sorry to hear about you (and DH) being laid off. Do you have any prospects for a new job yet? I hope you're able to find something soon and this doesn't affect your adoption eligibility!
Congratulations Chook!!! I found on 12/18 that I am having a girl too!!!It's a GIRL! And she is perfect![]()
Having another ultrasound on 1/7, seeing my regular doctor on 1/9 and probably having a c-section on 1/14. It's not exactly what I'd like to have happen, but I've accepted it. So, unless the baby has shrunk, and babies don't tend to shrink, that's the plan. I have to do what's best for him. It'll probably beat hours of labor. I hope everyone is doing well!
MMW, just a few more days and you'll be holding your little one in your arms! How exciting!!
mmw it won't be long now!
Prayerful, no job prospects yet. I think I need to email my caseworker today and let him know. I am terrified about what he will say.