Hi everyone!
Well, I'm coming here for moral and sanity support.

Here's a small snapshot of my lengthy IF saga
Took 4.5yrs to fall pg (naturally) with DS. He's now 5
Fell naturally pg March 2013, but lost baby at 9wks (bad eggie)

D&C April 2013
HSG March 2014 and all is clear, but I am at advanced maternal age. My ovaries are shutting down
Essentially our RE told us IVF would be a waste of money. He placated me with a 5mg dose of Femara this cycle and sent us on our way. DH is fine. Naturally we are devastated that I don't have many cycles left and our RE pretty much said "so sorry, nothing I can do for you guys", but we are holding out hope that we can fall naturally pg again. I'm 39. We've been together 20 yrs. The news came harshly, but not falling pg more often in 20 yrs always hinted that my egg factory wasn't that great.
Anyhow, I'm currently sitting at cd24. Which happens to coincide EXACTLY with the day I was last year when I fell pg. Could this be our rainbow baby? with the exact EDD that we had last year? If God wants it, then it will be. I'm just sitting here waiting for enough DPO's to come and go before I POAS , if the witch doesn't show her face first.
EPS: bloating, skin break out, heartburn, moody
Could be something, could be nothing. I read femara doesn't stay in the system as long as clomid does so I dont think its from that. We'll see.
Pray for me ladies. Its a very emotional month even without this lining up.
Not sure when to test. Maybe in a few days??? Thoughts?