Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Bit of an update for first page. Had my little boy Benjamin 2 weeks overdue on 21st september. :)

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy pregnancy. Miss my bump already but love my little boy. :)
Lil Miss Insomnia here! :wacko:

Lil - I'll be BF if I can for at least 6 months...just seems easier, more convenient, portable, and good nutrition/antibodies for babe. If we have trouble I will ask for help from a lactation consultant before giving up. Good luck with your decision.

Shell - Yep constantly on the look out for new updates on Tinks :winkwink:

Kizzy - Keep up the morale hon...I know it must be so hard...I would be in tears too...let them out. I'm sure it helps to get out the anxiety and frustration rather than hold it in. I know it sounds a bit new agey but have you tried some mediation/visualization exercises in your head about opening up your body. My sister said it helped her a lot. Maybe have Neil give you a massage and talk you through relaxing each part of your body and releasing built up tension. Hope these new pessaries work for you hon...you've got a big support team right here :winkwink:

Hmm -
:happydance::kiss::wohoo:CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!:happydance::kiss::wohoo:
I'm glad you got the waterbirth you wanted 2 weeks overdue. Thanks for the update!
Kizzy- keep going you are doing brilliantly. Tinks is obviously just so so happy in there.... Xxx

Hmm- many congratulations!

Amber- what great news about your appointment. Well done!

Afm- no big news, apple Alice is wiggling around all the time now which I love! Hubby is feeling her too which we never managed with Cormack as he was much more gentle! C doing well at nursery although he has been crying a little, which makes mummy cry a lot!
Hmm - Many congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous boy x

Kizzy - Have been thinking of you and popping on quickly whenever i get a chance to check for updates. Im hoping today will def be the day for you. You are doing so well it must be so emotional and frustrating! Sending massive hugs and labour dust your way! xxx
Well after a bloody show first thing in the morning of the 27th September i had nothing all day and pottered around as usual. Had a second bloody show at around 6/7pm that evening and a few what i thought were occasional BH. We put our little boy to bed and at 8pm pains suddenly became regular 5/6minutes apart lasting around 30 seconds. Rang the on call midwife who said to make our way to labour and Delivery suite. My waters broke on the way in the car... the disposable maternity mats def came in use lol!

Arrived on the ward at 9:01pm and was given some gas and air which helped. Contractions quickly upped their pace and was checked at 9:45pm and was 6cm dilated. Another 20 minutes and i had a massive need to push! My hubby ran for the midwife who was outside and it was a manic 15mins of preparing the trolley and pushing and Ada arrived in to the world safe and well at 10:21pm (only 1hr 20mins after arriving!). After many happy tears and sorting ourselves out, we were on the the way back home at midnight with our bundle of joy!

I suffered a minor graze which needed no attention and some intense after pains for 48hours after but all is good and we are very very happy! Our little boy is also a very proud big brother and has welcomed his little sister with lots of kisses :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Great to hear from you again. Your little boy is so cute :)

Lovely birth story, Pixie. Thanks for sharing it with us. Any photos for us??
I only hope my labour goes as quickly and smoothly as yours....
Shell - thank you, i feel very lucky it all went so smoothly. Its nice to share a positive experience. will post up some pics later today hopefully. I forgot just how crazy these first few days are but loving every minute of it! x
Sorry, what am I thinking?? You have a newbron baby...you clearly dont have time to be uploading photos! :haha:
It seems I have a lot to learn before my little girl arrives next month! :wacko:
Wow pixie pretty amazing going there!! Congrats again! I hope I could have her as quick lol but as all my babys have been back to back as is this one, I'm probably in for a lonnnnggggg ride!! Lol

CONGRATS to Hmmm, he is lovely!!

I also have a obsession with Kizzy... I have her ob bookmarks on my phone to her fb lol!!

As for me, had a S and S yesterday after a few pains Wednesday evening, apparently I'm 2cm dilated, partially effaced and CX is nice and soft n stretchy lol she stretched to 3cm but is slightly facing to the back, had a little CM after, but no bloody show, had a few pains and cramps but they tailed off and I'm still here lol ahhhhh well she's just cooking well and she will be worth the wait!!

Hmmm: CONGRATULATIONS!! Your little boy is so adorable!

Kizzy: aw hun :hugs: I know you have to be frustrated beyond words right now. Keeping you and tinks in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you get your little bundle of joy this weekend!

Vix--sounds like you are moving along, can't wait to hear the happy news from you also in the coming days!

Pixie--thank you for sharing your birth story, it was beautiful!

Sparkle--glad to hear Apple Alice is already making herself known! It is so wonderful when our OHs get to start enjoying watching them grow and kick! :hugs: to you and C, Nursery can definitely be hard on the little ones but I am told it is doubly hard on the mommies!

AFM: Had my 36 wk internal and strep swab today. Cervix is still high, tight and closed, so no early signs of Miss Grace showing anytime soon! One problem the MD saw was that my pelvic bone is VERY narrow, meaning that I may end up needing a C-Section, even with everything else going perfectly! Argh! She said we will wait and see how Grace grows, and not make any decisions just yet. Also got a flu shot, that way Grace will not need anything after birth. Now to get the hubby to get his...
Kizzy - I know I'm getting impatient waiting to hear the news of Tinks' arrival, so I can only imagine the shoes you're in. I hope she gets here before the weekend is up. Try to stay positive (easier said than done I know :dohh:).

Hmm - CONGRATS!!!!! :wohoo: Your little bundle of joy is absolutely adorable!!!!!

Pixie - Thanks for posting your birth story. We'd all be lucky to have such a quick and smooth labor. Hope Ada's doing well, and we look forward to seeing some pics when you have a minute to breathe. :winkwink:

Vix - Looks like you're making progress. We'll be waiting on further updates.

Lil - Sorry, forgot to comment on the BF question earlier. Ideally, I would like to breast feed for a year, however I won't have any qualms about it if I can't manage for that long. I prefer not to formula feed at all, but if it comes down to that being the only option to make sure Coco is healthy, then I won't think twice about it. As for the changing table, we got one that is separate from the crib.

Sparkle - That's great that OH is starting to feel Apple Alice more and more. It'll only get better. Glad to hear that C is doing well at nursery.

Amber - Great to hear that your appt went well. Sorry to hear about the narrow pelvic bone...I hope things work out, and you can avoid a C-section. I'm on my OH as well to get the flu shot. As far as Grace not needing the shot upon birth, does that mean that if you get it during pregnancy the baby won't need it at birth? Just curious as I got the shot a few weeks ago.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Neffie--From what my MD told me, getting the flu shot during pregnancy is beneficial to the baby because they wont immunize infants until they are 6 months old. So women who get the shot during pregnancy have a good chance of passing on some of the protective benefits to the babies while in the womb, which helps them after birth.
Congrats Hmm... that is great you got your water birth.. and what a cute little boy you have there.. :)

Kizzy hope to hear some great news from you today...

Pixie-wonderful birth story.. my dd's went almost as fast so hoping this time is just as easy.. :) Hope Ada is doing well..

Thank you all for your thoughts on bfing.. its nice to hear from others to help me make my final decision..

I also didnt know that amber.. thanks for sharing with us. i plan to get mine at my dr's appt in 12 days and making dh get his too.. still need to take my dd in..prob next week..

Just wondering how long are you ladies allowed to go over...i dont think we can go over 41 weeks..
oh lordy just checking in on kizzy and still no news... if you read this honey i hope all is going well xxx

Hmmm - congratulations on your little boy he is very cute in his piccie x

pixie - great birth story, can i have one like that too please? FXed! Xxx

lil - i hope to BF for about 6 months too if all goes well then probably slowly wean off onto formula before i return to work at 9 months. In the uk they will allow pregnancies to go upto 42 weeks although some areas seem keen to evict babies before this! Even at 42 weeks you can decline induction and opt for advanced monitoring where they scan you more regularly to ensure the placenta is still working well and maintaining blood flow to the baby until you labour naturally or they will then induce if the scans show any problems.

Sparkle - glad to hear you oh is feeling little alice and i hope c is settling in better at nursery

amber - sounds like your doc appointment was a bit of mixed news, i really hope you and Grace can avoid a section x

grand - i will join you in the world of insomnia, life is very boring at 4am isn't it!

Sorry to everyone else i have missed hope you are all well xxx

AFM posting from my mobile while at work with only 10 mins of work to go until i start maternity leave! Can't believe i am nearly finished. it has been an emotional day with so many pressies, hugs and cuddles from staff and clients! I will miss work but am really looking forwards to a few weeks peace and rest before squiggle arrives xxx
neffie - glad you got your crib and changing table ordered. You're well organised. And yay for v-day next week! regarding the flu jab - as babies arent allowed it until they are 6 months old, pregnant women are advised to have it, as it can give the babies immunity in utero, and also throught their breastmilk.

lil - good luck deciding whether to BF or not. Its entirely your decision. I am hoping to breastfeed Bo for a year...but only time will tell if we succeed! Here in the UK, we are allowed to go to 42 weeks before they recommend induction (they cant forced us to have it though). Kizzy is 42 weeks today, bless her.

Amber - glad that your specialist appointment went well yesterday. and congrats for managing your GD so well. sorry about the pelvis issue - but it seems that Grace is a normal size, so you shouldnt have any trouble pushing her out. I hope you dont need the C-Section.

Grand - sorry to hear about the insomnia...i know exactly how you feel. But its just getting us ready for the sleepless nights once the babies arrive, I suppose?

Sparkle - lovely to hear that Apple Alice is wriggling away, and that your DH can feel her too. That was my favourite day of my whole pregnancy - when my OH first felt her move! Hope that C settles into nursery soon...

Vix - hope the sweep does its job! Cant wait to hear that you have had your little girl! Good luck, and keep us posted!!

Milos - congrats on Maternity Leave! woohoo! Make sure you relax and make the most of this time before Squiggle arrives!

AFM: do you ladies mind listening to my rant??!! :growlmad:

Im abit pissed off today. My midwife was due to come for a home appointment, to book me in for my homebirth.
Firstly, she arrived 2 hours late (apparently, her clinic ran over?) Then, she hadnt brought the paperwork to fill in and sign for the homebirth (what did she think she was coming to my house for then?)
She said that she thought she would wait until after my consultant appointment at 38 weeks.

Now for those of you who dont know - this is the consultant who doesnt want me to have a homebirth because I have food allergies, and she is worried I will have an allergic reaction to the syntometrine injection (used to deliver the placenta).
Firstly, I dont want the injection anyway, I want a physiological (natural) third stage. Secondly, if I do need the injection, what are the chances I will have an allergic reaction? Ive never had a drug allergy in my life (touch wood), and Ive checked the ingredients list on the syntometrine, and it doesnt contain any of the food im allergic to. Thirdly, if I did somehow have an allergic reaction to the injection, I have my own epi-pen, which I could administer immediately, which would give me time to get to the hospital, 5 minutes away.
There just seems to be too many "what ifs" for this to be a legitimate reason to stop me having a homebirth. I believe that I am just as low risk as anyone else booked in for a homebirth, and if it wasnt for this over-protective consultant, I would be getting one.
Originally, my midwife said she would back me all the way, no matter what the consultant said. Now it seems she's getting cold feet.

Anyways, I told her that no matter what the consultant said at my appointment in 2 weeks time, I still want a homebirth, and would like her to book me in for one today. She said she couldnt, as she hadnt brought the forms to sign. But she said she would discuss the situation with her supervisor, and if she agreed, then she would bring the paperwork round next tuesday or wednesday (I will be full term on thursday!)

I am annoyed, as I was hoping to be booked in for my homebirth today. Then I was going to order my birthing pool, ready for it to be delivered next thursday when I am 37 weeks. Now I will have to wait until I (hopefully) receive my paperwork next week, which is pushing it for time abit, considering I was born at 37 weeks, and so was my Mum. I just have a feeling this little girl may be early, and I want the pool here ready for her!

Grr! so sorry for my rant, but it feels good to get it all out!! :blush:

Rant away Shell. Very annoying. It is so annoying when they don't listen to your feelings.

I am a bit annoyed also - not with midwife but human resources. My mat leave should officially start on monday. I got a phone call from hr telling me that they have lost my mat b1 form and can't process my application until they have a new one. My midwife is not at work until monday and there is nobody else that can do it. MMMMMM very helpful.

Oh no, how annoying, Bean! :growlmad:

I hope you manage to sort things out soon! :hugs:

Grand--I missed the bit about your insomnia, :hugs: I hope you are able to find some time to get rest, even if it is in the middle of the day!

Shell--vent away! I'd probably have gotten on the horn with the MW supervisor myself today and b**ched up a storm! I think it is absolute bull that you would have to wait until next week to get the forms processed and signed. I would tell them you are ordering the pool, and they better process the paperwork for you Monday at the latest! :growlmad:

lil--I am not sure what they do here in the states as far as how long they will let you go because from the outset I have been told I will not be allowed to go past 40 wks due to my GD, HBP, etc. But that did leave the impression that they do let moms with normal pregnancies go longer, so I am guessing we are probably around 42 here in the states also.

bean--grrr, I hate human resources, one of the most mismanaged parts of companies, I swear!! (Well, not ALL are bad, but a lot seem to be!). Will they still let you start leave on monday if the mw gets your form re-signed that day?

milos--grats on maternity leave! cruise control time!! :thumbup:

Thanks for the well wishes about the C-Section ladies. I have been doing some research today (of course), and it appears that a lot of ladies with "narrowed pelvic bones" are able to deliver naturally because in the days leading up to delivery, the bones continue to relax and separate, making room for the little one. So hopefully it will work out for me, Grace doesn't grow too much, and my bones start to relax and separate the way they should. Keeping my fx'd crossed and trying to stay positive! I just need to be clear at the time of delivery that if Grace is showing ANY signs of distress due to me being too narrow, they need to take her via section asap--I don't want her suffering/struggling at all!

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