Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

:happydance:CONGRATULATIONS BELLAS!! And welcome little Indie!!! :happydance:

So very happy for you and wow, fast induction, I am so glad it all went well!!!

Grand--your mother's group sounds so wonderful. My best friend in Baltimore swears by the one she joined after she had her little boy. I will have to look into one here, hopefully one I can do during my lunch hour or on weekends. Also, such wonderful news on Indy smiling already, what a smart little man, although he needs to smile more for his mommy I think! I have a feeling when Grace starts smiling, they will all be for her daddy as well, haha. Like you, Daddy is fun times, mommy is for snuggles and milk! :mamafy: (I love that icon! It is how I feel most of the day at the moment, lol!)

Oh, and Grace and I are moving from the couch to the cradle this weekend, which is a big step--how were you able to manage it with Indy, and did you still use your nursing pillow in the crib with Indy or just swaddle him? I am so worried about her rolling over!!

Bean--how are you doing hun, any more signs? Your experience in the bath sounds very promising!! :thumbup:

Lil--happy belated V-day hun!! And please don't worry that you are the last one:hugs:, we still have ladies yet to join us here and I don't think any of us mommas are going anywhere, I so love the support of the Femmes and can't imagine not being around to see all of our babes being born and growing up! I also agree we have a bit of a late winter baby boom to look forward to as well as a couple holiday babies!!!

Sparkle--Congrats on 3rd trimester hun!!!:happydance: not much longer and Apple Alice will be here! glad things checked out ok at the doctor's and I hope your appt goes well on the 18th!! And oh my! C looks SO CUTE in his spider outfit, absolutely adorable!! I also love his birthday pic, he is growing up so fast!!

IMP--thinking of you and hope all is going well. You are definitely at the point where things are more uncomfortable and sleep is hard, try and get as much rest as you can!!

Beth--hope all is going well with you!

Kizzy--so glad to hear G is sleeping and eating well! Also it is so wonderful to hear she is smiling (not smoking, haha!).

Milos--:hugs: I hope Callum is sleeping better, I am going through the same thing with Grace right now. She grunts and groans a lot in her sleep and is fussing a lot, even with the drops to help her digestion--and the only thing that seems to help is her sleeping on my chest--which I agree with you, is not good for our sleep! I can't wait to read your birth story and hope you can get it up soon!

Shell--hope things are going well with you and little Freya!

Vix--hope all is well with you and Libby!

Neffie--any plans for this weekend?

:hi: to everyone!

AFM: Sorry I have not been on the last couple of days, Grace has been very fussy--I think it was only a matter of time, things were going so well there since we brought her home! She is having issues with Gas and it makes her cry so much, which in turn makes me cry. And because she fusses so much, nursing has been hard the last few days, which makes me teary even more!! And I keep reminding myself that I am starting back to work from home next Friday and I am so worried about being able to juggle both if she is feeling so crappy!! We have her on drops for digestion, but I think she just inherited my DH's sensitive stomach--I have been trying to watch what I eat to make sure nothing that could upset her tummy passes through my milk--my poor little bug. She is finally napping right now, hopefully I can get her to rest for more than 2 hours, she and I both need it!!

Also wanted to share a new favorite picture of my two loves snuggling together--Grace is such a daddy's girl already!


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Lisa--you snuck in there on me! Good job on going out with Amelia on your own and your first BF in public!! :thumbup: I am very proud of you too! I think Grace and I are set for our first outing together (without daddy) next week, fingers crossed it goes as well as yours!
Congrats Bella... and welcome little Indie... so cute..

Thanks Amber.. all these babies are giving me baby envy.. lol but my peanut will be here before i know it..

AFM-not much new going on here today.. took out my christmas decorations and may decorate a bit.. we will see.. my dd and I are both sick.. so hope that we will be on the mend soon.. planning to paint the nursery tom or sunday.. so hopefully soon i can share some pics..

Hope your all well..
Hi Ladies, My yellow bump turned pink and arrived early which was so unexcpected! She arrived Sunday Nov. 6th, 8 pds, 10 oz, it was not a smooth delivery-it included a failed epidural, fever and forcep delivery but so worth it now that sweet sweet Naomi is here! Amber, I have also been on the couch with her beside me at night and am afraid to move to the bassinet beside the bed-glad to read Im not alone! Otherwise I am feeling good except for very weepy-and quite engorged due to formula feeding! For you other mamas are you still weepy or will this go away soon? Happy thoughts and love to all!
Yes another girl!!
Sorry to hear about your tough birth, but like you say she is well worth it!!
As for the feeling weepy, shes only 5days, what your feeling is completley normal, when i still felt a little weepy on day 14 i asked my HV and she said it was ok but should be settling down soon, and it did!!
Im with you on the sore boobs due to formula feeding! i expressed but gave up due to pain on day 3, and my god it hurt worse than birth!!

AMBER- Hope Grace settles down soon, im sure once she gets into a patern your work and home life will fall into place!!

Milos- Libby grunts and grouns all night long, i can now sleep through it but i couldnt at first!

Sparkle- Gd luck for the 18th with ur app, and happy 3rd tri!! Itll soon be your due date!!

LMP- Hope your managing to rest as much as poss!

Bean- Im hoping your absence means your now with baby?

Grand- Hows the lefty?? Better i hope!!

AFM- Ive finally uplaods some more pics, crap as i took them on the bb and not camera!!

Libbys been a pain this evening, i think she had stomach ache, she was crying for hours!! but after some massage on her stomach and some sips of water shes now settles phhewww!!

Todays a funny day, my next door neigbours daugther ran out of our drive was today, straight into the path of a car! Luckily xrays and scans are clear and shes been allowed home, but were all very shocked!! Makes your relise when whitnessing that, that life is so preciuous and had the driver not turned and only hit her with her front side she may not have been so lucky!!

Ive been given a babba sling!! They are the best thing since slicced bread!! unlike normal carry slings, it allows her to feed,sleep lay flat or sit up! I can finally wash up without her screaming to be held!!

Anyone ladys had there 6weeks check??
I asked my doc about contraception, apparently i cant have my injection till my 6-8week check!!! i still have no app for it, and when ringing the docs they say it may be another 2 weeks or so!! im not desperate to :sex::sex:
but its been 6 weeks and i think the hubby may start humping the wall soon!! And i dont trust anyother form of contraception! Ahhh well have to settle for cuddless!

Much love xx

Also my pic of Libbys tattoo is on the pics and also the star i had done for my angel baby x


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Congrats on the the baby girl Angela.. Sorry the delivery didnt go well.. but yes they are very worth it..
:dance:Congratulations Angela and Welcome Little Naomi!!:dance:

So sorry to hear you had a rough labor/delivery, but I am truly glad to hear that you are both here safe and sound!! I can't wait to see pictures of our newest arrivals!!

I am glad that I am not alone with worrying about moving Grace to the cradle, although I am so ready to be able to snuggle up with DH in our own bed! (I have been on the couch with Grace and he has been sleeping on an inflatable bed next to us!).

As for being weepy--yes, totally normal!! And it does get better--the first 2 weeks after the birth were the hardest for me, but things have been improving this week, I don't get set off as much. My doctor says it is hormones and will settle, just like Vix says!

Lil--hope you and DD are feeling better! I am jealous that you are getting out the xmas decos already, DH is making me wait until Thanksgiving! I so love xmas! I also can't wait to see your nursery pics!!

Vix--Love the pics of Libby and the tattoos are beautiful!! So scary to hear what happened to your neighbors daughter, I am so glad to hear that she was not seriously hurt!

As for 6 wk appt, I still have another 3 weeks for that. I was told by my MD after birth that we had to wait 6 wks for sex. I am still bleeding so have not missed it as yet, and my scar is still healing, but I know that once we are all clear, DH and I are going to be very impatient to start up again, haha! We hardly did the deed at all once I got about 4-5 months pregnant, so he has been pretty hard up, poor dear! I haven't even thought about contraception, we spent the past 3 years without it, and before that was the pill (but I was taken off due to high blood pressure)--guess we will have to find out what will work for us! We have been talking about trying for another little one down the road, but not until Grace is at least a year old.
Amber- you are brave even talking about maybe having another!! I sometimes think it would have been nice to have my babys closer together, mine are 9, nearly 4 and 1 month, but as I was very young I wanted to concentrate on career, but as you already have your career all wrapped up I think itd be great for you babys to have that closeness of being closer in age!

As for sex, I have not bled much since Libby, I bled for 3 days and then used panty liners as not enough bleeding to use a sanitary towel! You may think I was lucky, but I'd have rather bled, as I was worried something was clotting, but I had a 3day bleed last week and I'm assuming it was my period so I know I'm all healed, I didn't feel this ready with Jess and Zack as like you, I didn't have easy births and took a long time to heal!!

The depo- injection has worked for me for 9yrs, its just a shot every 12 weeks, as I'm crap with pill and dislike the idea of having a implant or coil!!

Good luck with moving Grace into her cradle!! Think of all the space you'll have!! And I think because your aware the babys are their you don't sleep as well or deep7, I know I don't!!

Its 8.30 am here, time to wake Libs up, she slept sooooo well last night! 11-6, fed and went bk to sleep!! Yay I feel like a new person lol

congratulations angela! Another pink bundle with a beautiful name arriving early. We have had a lot of early arrivals on here. Sorry to hear your delivery was tough, i hope you are recovering well xxx

Bellas - That's the fastest labor in the world - lucky lady...Love the name Indie! (Indigo's nickname is Indy so I'm a bit biased :winkwink:)

Angelashope - Wow sorry for the rough labor but I'm glad Naomi made it safely here. Weepiness will subside in two weeks time about - just let the tears out hon...birth is very emotional.

To All - Busy weekend - have 4 girlfriends over so I'll respond to everyone later on Sunday when the ladies are gone.
Hi Ladies :hi:

So sorry I have been AWOL for a whole week! I did not mean to abandon you all. I have just been really struggling with Freya. She is either feeding or crying. She wants to be in my arms all the time. She wont let me put her down at all. Its very draining...

However, my friend loaned me her swinging baby chair - and its amazing!! I put Freya in there (awake) an hour ago. She cried for the first 5 minutes, but I managed to ignore her (gosh, thats so hard, it breaks my heart). Then she stopped herself crying, and started to enjoy it. After half an hour, she fell asleep! so here I am, finally having time to catch up on all of your posts, and hopefully to reply to you all :)

Kizzy - Hope you and Georgina survived last weekend without Neil. I hope her colic clears up soon. But its lovely to hear that she is smiling now (not smoking, lol)

Amber - glad you survived your weekend with your in-laws. I hope you had a nice time with your grandmother, and that the photos turned out well. Sorry to hear you are struggling with pain during breastfeeding, but glad to hear the HPA Lanolin is helping somewhat. It is a lifesaver for me! Good luck with the transition from the couch to the crib this weekend - let us know how you get on! and thats a lovely pic of Grace with her Daddy!

Bean - ooh, cant wait for an update from you!!

Grand - glad to hear you had such a great time at your Mom's group! Im joining one on Tuesday. Im excited and nervous. Also, well done Indy for sleeping in your crib for the first time! woohoo! could you please tell Freya to do the same? lol. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your girlfriends!!

Lil - happy V-Day! next milestone is 3rd tri...not long now!!

Sparkle - congrats on 3rd tri! woohoo! Apple Alice will be here before you know it! sorry to hear about your scare last weekend, good luck for your appointment next friday. also, Cormack is such a gorgeous little boy!! you must be so proud?!

Imp - sorry to hear you are feeling so uncomfortable. but baby will be here very soon, so the end is in sight! good luck with the next few weeks!

Beth - Hi there. How are you doing?

Milos - Dont worry about Callum's strange noises. It appears all of our babies make them throughout the night! strange little creatures! Hope you are well.

Bellas - hey there bump buddy!! Congratulations on the birth of baby Indie! another secret pink bump, hey?! sorry to hear you needed to be induced, but wow on the fast labour!! cant wait to read your birth story and see pics of your little girl.

Lisa - well done on your first outing and public breastfeed! good for you!

Angelas - congrats on the birth of baby Naomi! another yellow bump turned pink?! how early was she? sorry to hear of your difficult labour and delivery, and that you are feeling weepy. Its completely normal though, and I hope you feel better soon. Cant wait to see some pics!

Vix - loving the pics of Libby and your new tattoos! Im waiting to receive my appointment for my 6 week check through the post. I will be asking for a prescription for the mini-pill. I took the combined pill (Microgynon 30) for 7 years, and it worked perfectly. But you are not allowed to take it when breastfeeding, so I will be switching to the mini-pill. I hope I get on well with it, as I dont want another baby for 2-3 years! Still bleeding here, so no sex until it stops, and until my stitches have completely healed.

AFM: Freya is starting to stir now, so I will have to stop there. I was hoping to write my birth plan, but I will have to leave that for another day. Hopefully tomorrow!! (sorry Grand, I will do it, I promise). I hope now that I have found this miracle swing seat, I will have an hour or so to myslef everyday, to catch up with you lovely ladies here.
Take care everyone :hugs:

ps: here is Freya, 10 minutes ago, asleep in the swing!


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Congrats Angelas that is fantastic.

Vix - Libby is so gorgeous.

Amber - what a lovely photo

Hi everybody else - XXXXX This is quick post as my 11 year old nephew is here playing with my boys - omg the bedroom is a mess.

Anyway nothing to report here at the moment - just pains and usual stuff. The baby is making some massive movements though. I don't remember the boys body parts protruding quite so much - it actually makes me yelp.

Am ok though - not long now which ever way I look at it.

Hi Shell

Our posts must have crossed.

How cute is Freya.

Its funny but I was thinking of getting a swing - mmmmm you may have just convinced me. XXXX
congratulations angelas!!!

hey ladies, hope everyone is well, we are all good, having a nice chill out watching the footie with G :) i went out last night to a wedding reception and G was a very good girl for her dad plus slept well last night and we all had a lie in til 9.45 this morning which I really needed after the amount of wine consumed last night!! She is 6 weeks old today but our check up isnt til the 22nd so 7.5 weeks! we havent had sex yet, I want to wait for my period so I can get back on the pill (cerazette), I am a bit nervous about the first time, feel like a virgin again, we havent done it since January!!!
Thanks so much for all of the well wishes. My poor babes is now struggling with gas I think and crying all the time after feeds which is so heartbreaking and hard on dh as well as we are both crying! We are trying a new version of the formula and new bottles today-fingers crossed-feel so helpless! She was a week and 2 days early, I am lelarning so much from you gals still and reading your struggles with bambinos is making me feel normal!! Will post onger, respong to you and try to attach a pic one day soon when things settle-the 6 week mark sounds great right about now-actually 2 would be nice with normal hormones again haha!
Shell and Bean, I wouldn't be able to go to the toilet without Libbys swing lol
I have a mamas and papas swing, its very pretty and sings and has 5 settings, but I'd recommend the one Shells borrowed as it folds away and has a kind of mobile thing on top as well as singing and rocking!!
We also have a bouncer but its as much use as a chocolate fire guard!! She just screams in it!!

Angela- Hope the Gas problems resolve soon, have u tried infacol? Or Dr. Brown bottles??

Time to catch up on all the posts once again. :winkwink:

Amber - Thanks for posting your birth story. It looks like the elective C-section was the best option at the end of the day for you and Grace. Hope the recovery is coming along well, and the pain eases up with each passing day. Glad to hear that all went well while the in laws were in town. Hope Grace's gas has gotten better. That's an adorable pic of your OH and her. :flower:

Grand - Sorry to hear about the BFing issues. Hope it gets better soon! The mommy classes sound interesting, and I'm sure they're very informative. Yay for Indy's first smile! I'm sure that was a heart stopper for you. Hope you had a fun girls weekend.

p.s. Here are my updates for the front page when you get a chance.

October 6 (24 week scan) - All went well. Saw our bouncy Coco yet again. :lol:
November 3 (28 week appt) - Measuring on track. Passed the 1 hour glucose test.
December 1 (32 week appt)

Bean - How are you feeling? It's almost that time! :winkwink:

Shell - What a cute pic of Freya! Looks like the swing worked like a charm to ease up her crying. Hope you both are doing well!

Lil - Happy belated V-Day! Don't worry, you're not going to be left behind...we still have some Dec, Jan, Feb, & March babies coming so you have plenty of company. :winkwink: Hope you're doing well. Have fun putting up the Christmas decorations. Can't believe it's almost here! How did the nursery painting go?

Kizzy - Hope you and Georgina are doing well. Hope her colic has settled.

Sparkle - Congrats on 3rd tri!! Sorry to hear about your scare, but glad that all was well. Good luck for your appointment this week. Those pics of C are too cute! :kiss:

Imp - Not long to go now. Your LO will be here before you know it. Hope you're doing well.

Milos - Hope you and Callum are doing well!

Bellas - Congrats, and welcome little Indie!! :happydance: Yay for such a speedy delivery! :thumbup: Hope you both are doing well.

Lisa - Hope you and little Amelia are doing well! Great job on managing the BFing in public! :thumbup:

Angela - Congrats!! :yipee: Sorry to hear about all the delivery issues, but glad to hear that Naomi is here safe and sound. Hope her gas issues ease up soon.

Vix - Libby's pics are too cute! I'm sure it's a treat for you to see her sleeping such long hours. Crazy story about your neighbor's daughter, but so glad to hear she's ok, phewwww! Hope time flies by until your check up...I'm sure your OH can't wait for the contraception to kick in. :haha:

I think I got everyone, but sorry & :hi: to anyone I missed.
AFM, we had our 4D scan yesterday. We're even more in love with our little Coco if that's even possible! :cloud9: Everything was perfect, and more that what we expected! I can already see OH crying when he sees her for the first time in person as he tried to 'secretly' shed some tears of joy during the scan. Here are some photos.




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