Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Happy Monday Ladies!

Neffie--Coco is GORGEOUS!!!:flower: I love the scans, they are so clear! Make sure you save these in a safe spot, after Coco is born you will be so surprised at how close these pictures are to what she looks like at birth!

Vix--glad to hear Libby is sleeping well and that you did not suffer from a lot of bleeding with this birth. That certainly makes things easier for getting back on the :sex: wagon!! I bled heavily for the first 2 weeks after Grace, but it seems to be tapering off, so hopefully it won't be a full six weeks! I am hopeful that my gyn will be able to recommend a safe form of contraception that I can use while nursing and that won't affect my BP (but I have a feeling it is going to be condoms!). And yes, in that both DH and I are now in our late 30s, we do want to have our second in the next couple of years, ideally 2 years apart from Grace, which means we wont be TTC for about a year--maybe less, as it took us a while to get our lovely little girl!

Shell--that picture of Freya in her swing is so adorable!! I am glad you were able to find something that helps her sleep someplace other than in your arms--we are still working on that here! I bought this beautiful Fisher Price Starlight Papasan cradle swing that swings side to side and fowards and back, with a mobile and lights and soft music/animal sounds---and Grace will have NONE of it, lol!!! But I keep trying! I think I need to do what you did and let her cry for a little bit to see if she falls back to sleep. Right now the only place she will sleep is in her boppy right next to me on the couch, and that is usually only for a little while (until she realizes she is there and not in my arms, lol).

Bean--:thumbup: on feeling the movements!! I hope they are not too painful for you, you are getting so close now!!!

Grand--Hope you (and Indy!) had a wonderful weekend with the ladies!

Kizzy--sounds like you had a fabulous time at the wedding and :thumbup: on G behaving so well for her daddy! I also hear you on the "feeling like a virgin" comment--that is so true, I feel the same way!!

Angela--I hope the change in formula/bottle helped ease the crying. I agree with Vix--have you contacted your pediatrician about possibly getting some drops/meds for the fussing? There are medications out there to help with gas, we use drops with Grace for the very same thing, she can get gas really bad and the poor dear cries so hard. The drops seem to help. :hugs: to you and hope things improve!

AFM: Did not try the cradle yet this weekend, Grace had a bad colicky night on Saturday, so I didn't want to add to her woes by not letting her snuggle the way she is used to. We do plan on transitioning sometime in the next week or so. Other than that, trying to get things in order this week as I am back to work (from home) on Friday, not looking forward to that! I wish I had more time off!:growlmad:
Hey ladies... Happy to see your all doing well..

Sorry to the mommy's out there still struggling a bit but it gets easier.. :)

Neffie-coco is just gorg. bet you cant wait even more to see her in person..

AFM-Painted the babys room last night and it turned out great.. will try to upload some pics soon.. nothing much going on as my dd was sick and i got her cold so now im sick.. but i think im slowing on the mend.. a bit stuffed up and coughing.. ugh.. the coughing is the worst..

Here is my 24+1 bump too...

Grand update for when your ready:
Oct 12th-20 week scan all good team yellow
Nov 9th-24 weeks measuring right on track hb in the 130
Dec 7th-28 week GTT


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Amber, have you tried wrapping grace in A blanket or putting a blanket in the swing before putting her in? She might find it cold or not very cosy going straight into the swing, we do that for G xx
Amber - Poor little Grace I hope that she is ok.

Lil - Love your Bump Piccy.

Hi everybody else - hope everyone is good, not to tired moms and not to unconfortable preggos.

Imp Hun - Hope you are ok. XX
lil--love the bump pic, you have such a cute bump!!! Also can't wait to see the nursery pics. Hope you are feeling better!

Kizzy--yes, we swaddle Grace and put her everywhere wrapped in her swadling with a blanket on top. Unfortunately she takes too much after DH and I in wanting her feet free, so she is always struggling to get out of her blankets and swaddling!! She is really starting to make eye contact and focus now, so we are trying to get her to notice the mobile on the swing in the hopes that will keep her attention.
Hey everyone thanks for the kind words and thoughts. Everything here is well, just trying to get all the last min things finished up before baby. I've been a bit tired and run down so I've got a cold sore coming on! Just hope I can get rid of it brfore baby arrives.

I went to my shower on the weekend and we got almost everything we need! I just went and picked up a brest pump today to finish the must have list.

Hope everyone is well!
Morning ladies, sorry i have been MIA! hope you are all well!! I have been very busy trying to get everything finished before the end of November and i think we are finally done :)

I have a hard day ahead of me its the 1 year anniversary of when my angel grew wings!! but i am thankful because i wouldnt have my princess growing nice and strong inside me so i am trying to stay positive but still feel very emotional :(

Imp--Fabulous news on your shower and all the goodies!, one step closer to being prepared for baby! What type of breast pump did you get, I absolutely love my Lasinoh! Sorry to hear you are tired and may have a cold coming on---the tiredness is totally normal, but it certainly doesn't help to have a cold on top of it! FX'd it clears out before the little one arrives!!

Samb--:hugs: and thinking about you and your little angel today. These anniversaries are so hard. Your little princess has a guardian angel in heaven who will always watch over her. :hugs:

I am happy to hear that you are already organized for your princess's arrival, good job on that front, especially with her due around the holidays which is always such a busy time!!

Hope all you other ladies are doing well! Grace only had one bad episode yesterday in the early evening of her gas issues and then miraculously slept from 10-2:30, was up for a feed at 2:30 and back to sleep by 3 (but had to sleep on mommy) and did not wake again until DH got up for work at 6!!! Best night's sleep I have had since she was born! :happydance: Now if we can just get her to do that every night, lol.
I've been tinkering away at the Nusary getting things organized and made good progress today! We still hav to put up the basebord and the door, as well as I need to find a home for some stuff. But its starting to look good!

Amber - I got a Modela "Swing" pump. Apparently its the best brand to buy...? There is a model higher with dual pumps, but as I only plan on using it as a combo with brest feeding this is what the lady at the store suggested.


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IMP--the nursery looks AWESOME!!! You have one very lucky little girl!!
I really like the color of the glider chair, I haven't seen one in a black cushion, absolutely love it!

Modela is a great pump, that is what they gave me to use in the hospital, and it worked great!!! Good choice!!:thumbup:
Lil - Cute bump pic! Look forward to seeing the nursery pics. Hope your cold is on the mend.

Imp - Looks like your nursery is set and ready to go. :thumbup: That's great that you got everything you needed at your shower. Hope the cold clears up soon.

Sam - :hugs: on the upcoming anniversary of your loss. It's never easy, but I'm sure your little angel is keeping a watchful eye on you and on his/her sister. :flower: Glad to hear that you've got everything ready to go for the LO's arrival.

Amber - Great to hear that Grace and you both had a great night's sleep. Long my it continue! I hope things don't get too hectic for you when you start working from home, but the sad truth is that having to go back to work after having our little ones just bites! If only the states had half the kind of maternity leave policy as did Europe, we'd be golden....sigh! :shrug:

We're putting up the finishing touches in the nursery, so hope to be able to post some pics soon. We're also shifting around furniture in the other rooms, so we've decided to paint those rooms as well. A lot to be done, but OH is up for the challenge, and rather excited about it. Our registry is finally done. The shower is being thrown next month. Instead of making it a 'girls only' event, we've decided to have more of a get together with all of our friends. I wanted OH and his friends to be part of the celebration. He is the proud papa-to-be after all. :winkwink:

As for Coco, she's busy honing up on her soccer skills inside my tummy. :haha: She is head down now which is a good thing. Hope she stays put in that position until delivery time. I'm feeling her kicks higher up. I think it's only going to be a matter of time before the rib jabs start. I'm still managing to work out at least 3 times a week which I feel has helped a lot. I plan to be able to continue at least for another month. In other news, we went to visit another daycare. It's a great facility and we've had our name on the waiting list for months. But their waiting list for the infant room is currently a year and a half long so I'm not counting on it unless a mini miracle takes place. We are on the waiting list at 3 other centers which are all awesome, so here's hoping that one of them will have an opening.

Have a great day!
Hey ladies..

So my cold has gotten worse.. ugh coughing like i smoke or something.. terrible broke all the blood vessels in the right side of my face so i look a bit strange..

Imp the nursery looks great.. we just got ours painted.. got a few touch up on the ceiling..
Lil - Sorry to hear that. Are you taking any medicines or indulging in any home remedies to help? Hope you feel better soon!
Neffie-I am acutally dh stopped last night and got me some robitussin dm.. on my safe meds list.. and seems to be helping some.. feel like a human again today..so hoping in a day or two all will be gone.. still coughing and stuffed up but not as bad.. so i will take what i can get i guess..

Hope you ladies are doing well..
Hi all

Thats great that you are still working out Neffie -

Lil - Sorry that you have been so poorly - hope that you are on the mend now.

Hi to everybody else - hope that you are all doing well. XX
Hey everyone! Sorry that I have such long absences, but I still read everybody's updates. :)

I had my fetal echocardiogram yesterday and San Francisco's (her true initials are SF and every time I see them I think "San Francisco". Hence her nickname.) heart is 100% a-ok! No signs of any damage to her heart due to my type 1 diabetes! We also had a growth check and she is currently in the 41st percentile for size.

DH and I had an anniversary trip for our 2nd anniversary this past weekend. It was nice, but my feet decided it was time to start the pregnancy induced swelling. Any tips on how to help that???

I hope to be on here more, but with the holidays coming up, who knows! I'll try my best, but I do appreciate you guys not forgetting me. If you get curious to what I'm up to, I'm on twitter (@jemini602) and there's always my blog (https://thebethchronicles.blogspot.com).

I'm signing out (for now) with a picture of my little San Francisco. :)


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Amber my glider chair, and the whole bedroom set is actually quite old. It was my sisters and she has had 3 children use it. The oldest of which is 11 now. I had the cushions recovered though to get them what I want. I figured we didn't have to purchase the set so getting the cushions recovered was nothing in comparison.
Awww beth what a cutie... happy to hear from you.. :) and that all is going well..

Imp-thats great that you get to reuse alot of things from your sister.. my sister and i share a lot too.. she had her dd 3 months before i had mine.. now she had her third and im preg. with my second.. nice to be able to save money..

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