Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Thank you so much ladies for your understanding and caring thoughts! I was so stressed out yesterday with all that news being thrown at me in one big pile and it was a bit overwhelming to say the least!

I am feeling much better today and I am determined, come hell or high water, to have a beautiful, happy and healthy bouncing baby in October who has a healthy and overjoyed momma! So if that means I need to eat nothing but lettuce for the rest of this pregnancy, I will do it! If I need to have a C-Section, I will do it! :flower: No one is going to keep me from my precious Baby L!!

Bean/Imp--hope you are both handling your m/s and exhaustion well. You are in the tough weeks right now for that, that is for sure, but all good signs! :hugs:

Bean--also, thank you for sharing your story with me, that does give me hope that my placenta will move prior to delivery as well! thank you so much! :hugs:

Neffie--thank you so much for popping in and for all the well wishes! I think about you often and hope all is going well with you!

Grand--hope you got your Visa issues sorted out so you can relax!

Shell--hope all is going well with you hun!

Angela--hope your tiredness is easing a bit!

Pixie--I am soo glad they were able to find the heartbeat! What a precious little boy you have, maybe he can nickname his little sibling "choo choo". :flower:

Once again, thank you for all your support on my freak out yesterday. I feel bad that I posted all that negativity and stress, as I am normally a pretty upbeat person, but I was so stressed out and needed to vent a bit! You ladies are the best! :friends:
Amber - just read your news and your update. you go ahead and rant honey thats what we are hear for, understanding and support and I am so glad you feel a bit better today x Its amazing what we will do for these bubs but I really hope the dietician lets you have more than just lettuce! xxx
Hi Amber,
I also just read your post and wanted to share with you that a co-worker of mine had the same experience with her 1st bundle and the placenta and it moved on its own in the 8th month so try not to worry hun!
Is teh diabetes pregnancy related? Seems weird for it to crop up so suddenly-the good thing is that you know so a healthy diet will bring you a healthy baby L. Big hugs to you and thanks for the well wishes but I am still very sleepy! Hopefully soon the energy will return! Happy almost Friday, Ang
Just checking in quickly - Amber - big hugs to you hun, such a worry! But now that you know you have diabetes you can control it and stay safe. One of my best friends is a diabetes nurse and also has it herself and has had 2 very healthy girls. The placenta does sound scary but they will monitor you well and as we all know, anything will be worth it if we get our little babies at the end!

I had another scan yesterday - all is well with my little one - so even felt brave enough to tell my little girl - she is thrilled to be a proper big sister!

Hope all is well with everyone - sorry I'm a bit absent - busy busy busy
Hey Amber, dont apologise, you have every right to vent and its what we're here for. It sounds like there's lots of positive stories about the placenta moving and with the diabetes, at least they have monitored you well and caught it early so they can treat it. Plenty of women with diabetes have healthy pregnancies and if it means you get some extra special care then all the better! You will have a happy healty bouncing bubba in Oct and that bubba will have a very happy mummy!!

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all well? Any bump pics to share?? Here's my latest, from yesterday :)


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Amber, I'm lurking in the background, checking up on all you preggo ladies but just wanted to comment and say how sorry I am about your upsetting news. Its the last thing you need when you're trying to concentrate on your bubba, but you will get well looked after throughout and I'm sure you will fine.
My dad has type 2 diabetes and has controlled it with diet for a number of years now. He has a relatively normal life and it doesn't seem to affect him at all.
You never know, it may disappear after baby L arrives. I just wanted to try and make you feel a bit better about it, hope it helps.
Happy Friday everyone! :flower:

Hope that you all have fun and relaxing weekends planned.

Amber - Excellent pics of you Baby L - His/her flip made me giggle - future gymnast you've got there. I'm so sorry about the diabetes and placenta previa.I'm glad though that they both have potential solutions through diet and then the movement of your placenta...praying that both of those work out...your Baby L will be a bouncing October baby no worries.

Chilli - That is so sweet that you told your little one about being a big sister - I can imagine she's so over the moon to take on that role.

Kizzy - Thanks for sharing your lovely bump - I took one (it's in my journal page 30) but I should take another one as it's been two weeks since then. Sorry about your little scare earlier with Tinker but glad he/she is totally fine and you got to hear the HB again and you are indeed low risk. Great news!

Imp - Sounds like the beginnings of M/S to me hon - great signs! That's how mine started...just a sudden aversion to certain foods...then a tummy ache. Where I am they do the NT scan at 12 weeks and while I don't really care what my result was (I won't do amnio or extensive testing even if I get a bad result) it was really worth it to see the wee one in action - I would do it just for that! Hope you get one - it really is a blessing to see.

Vixmar - Our 1st team pink or team blue lady!!! Can't wait for Sunday's gender screening.

Pixie P - Excellent news on the strong HB - thought it was adorable that your little one now says "choo choo" did you notice that his ticker is also a train...must have a thing for locomotives. :winkwink:

Angelas - I'm still really tired and I'm almost 14 weeks...I think every woman is different so you might feel more like yourself faster. My M/S is totally gone though so I prefer to be tired than feel sick all the time.

Shell - Happy 12 weeks!!! :happydance: Welcome to 2nd tri hon!!! - You are a strong woman to stay on team yellow...my curiosity is too great :winkwink:

Milos - What a cuddly little scan picture. I love your nickname "squiggle" - Wow 6 days ahead - that's awesome - I'll change your EDD then.

Bellas - So sweet that your LO was sleeping at the scan - glad you have a low NT scans...seems like everyone just had such great results. Changing your EDD to October 27th like you mentioned.

New and Neffie - thanks for visiting! :kiss:

AFM: Well a 6 hour journey to the prefecture then the police station and guess what Sod's law...my visa card was made and sent from the main prefecture to the police station but is "in transit" which could mean another freaking week...UGH! but At least the good news is is that I will be legal in a week or so and that my job is aware and still happy to have me (they are too nice!). This weekend I tell my Mom I'm pregnant - she lives in the States - I was too scared to tell her I was pregnant because last time she found out the day of my miscarriage when I asked her to pick me up at the ER. I didn't want to tell her this time until I was sure this little one was going to make it. I can't believe I'm nervous...so silly.
Happy Friday Ladies!

Chilli--thank you for the update, I have been thinking of you! So glad your scan went well and glad you were able to tell your DD, I bet she is so excited to be a big sister!

Kizzy--oh I just LOVE your bump pic! It is too cute! Which reminds me, I need to get a pic of my bump--it is already showing, but I want to get a pic before I get too much bigger! haha

Grand--so glad your visa issue is sorting out! I am excited for you telling your mom. I know you are nervous, but I bet she will be over the moon for you!

New/Ange/Chilli--thank you so much for sharing your stories, they give me confidence and hope!! :hugs:

AFM: I wanted to thank you again ladies for all your positive and understanding vibes, you are the best and I don't know what I would do without you all! *sniff* It is so hard to explain these things to other people who don't really understand how terrified I am of ANY bad news with this pregnancy! I am being very proactive, I already have my follow-up diabetes bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow and my dietician appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday, and I will be ready for my plan of attack! Frustrating that I have absolutely no control over the placenta issue, but I will continue to think positive!

I still have some nausea, but it IS improving, just taking its good old time getting out of here! Exhaustion is still very much present, especially at the end of a long day's work.

I wanted to share a story. Many of you know I have vivid dreams and had a couple of really neat dreams right before I got my BFP. Well, up to my scan on Monday, I was seriously feeling the "team blue" vibe and was pretty sure Baby L was a boy. At the 1st trimester u/s, I began to have my doubts and, to be honest, I don't see any confirmation nubs for the nub theory in any of my pictures (I mean, in one it angles up (boy!), in the other it angles down (girl!)! :shrug:). So later that night, after going to bed, I had two dreams--One in which I had a baby girl, and the second in which I had a baby boy! So I have now told DH that I am back to officially being on the fence! haha (he still thinks its a boy!).
Amber - talking of dreams I've gotta tell you what my daughter told me yesterday morning before the scan "Mummy I had a lovely dream last night, I was in a show on the telly and I had a little friend with me, I don't know if it was a boy or a girl and I don't know it's name but I liked them" - is it just me or is that spooky considering we planned to tell her about her baby brother/sister that day?

I'm holding out in team yellow but have a strong feeling it's a boy - honestly don't care as either way we're winners!

Grand the whole issue with visas etc is a pain in the ****! My OH is from Peru and it's a nightmare if we want to go anywhere, so I feel your frustration.

Wow this group is doing so well - happy 12 weeks Shell!
Shell--I almost forgot, Happy 12 wks hun!!!

Chilli--such a wonderful dream by your DD! I think that is so precious!

I really do think there are greater forces at work sometimes. I read a news article a few weeks back about a little boy here in the US who was in the hospital when he was 4 years old and in really bad shape. There was a period of time when he was being resuscitated. Miraculously, he was saved and he told his parents afterwards that he dreamed of his dad in a room on his knees, and described the room--it fit the small chapel in the hospital to a T, and he described exactly what his dad was doing. He also told his parents about a man that he met who knew him, and when he described the man, he described his grandfather whom he had never met. Finally, he told his parents that he has 2 sisters. His parents corrected him and said no, you only have one sister. He said no, in the place where he met the man, he also met a little girl who was a little older than him who said she was his sister. The parents were stunned--his mother had suffered a miscarriage a year or so before he was born, and they had never found out if it was a boy or girl.

The story gave me goosebumps!
Good evening preggos! :hi:
im in a wonderful mood today....i have finally reached 12 weeks! im a member of the 2nd tri club! i can finally let myself believe that im going to be having a baby in 6 months time. its a great feeling!

how are we all today?

Pixie - loved hearing about your son and his choo choo train. so sweet.

Chilli - great to hear from you. glad to hear your scan went well, and that you felt confident to tell your daughter. lovely.

Kizzy - loving the bump pic! i must upload one of mine to compare.

Grand - glad your visa issues are nearly sorted. and good luck telling your Mom. im sure she will be thrilled! i was nervous too, but please dont worry.

Amber - well done for being so proactive with your diabetes. Hope your appointments go well.

Loving the stories about Team Pink and Team Blue. I am staying firmly Team Yellow, but i have this strange innate feeling that i have a little girl in here. only time will tell, hey?

Hope you all have a brilliant weekend! :friends:
Hello ladies.
I wanted to let you all know I'm still cheering for you and I'm happy to see so many of you moving on to your second trimesters.
I'm sorry I haven't said that before.
Oh Amber - that story made me cry - I think children still have a sixth sense/special insight that we adults have had knocked out of us!
Hi Anna.
Thanks for popping by. And please don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.
Trully hope you will be re-joining us on here very soon. Thinking of you
Wow amber that story made me shiver - but ina nice way if you know what I mean x

Hello Anna - nice to see you around, hope you will be back here with us soon.

Grand - so pleased the visa is sorted. How did you get on telling your mum?

We have now told everyone since our scan last week! DH famiy, then mine and some friends at the weekend - lots of tears and congratulations but for some reason we were really nervous when it came to telling them all, silly really but still nervous! As for us - we want to stay on team yellow and wait for a surprise in october but ever since the scan I keep thinking boy then on Friday when I told my family my sister wanted to think of names straight away but all she came up with was boys names? A sign maybe???

Evening ladies!!

Glad to see your still popping in Anna! Hope your well and really really hope to see u bk asap!!

Grand- Glad visa is sorted!!!
And Shell- Well done on the 12 week mark!! Happy 2nd trimester!! Seems so much more really now doesnt it!??

Amber, Thats story made all the hair on my arms stick up!! and as for your vivid dreams for the last week ive dreamt of a little dark girl (dunno why she was dark as my n hubby r white lol) and no one wanted her!! not coz of her colour as no one seemed to notice she was dark just coz she was a girl, and ive woke up crying lol!!

So i had my gender scan today..... And after being half hour late as we got lost in the city centre of leeds.... we discovered we are having

A GIRL!!!!!

Wow really didnt expect that!! i have a girl at 8 and a boy at 3 but i had my mind set on a boy, altho im pleased either way but it was a little of a shock lol
Id recommend them to anyone, they were so good as we were late! And their was a huge plasmas screen in room for kids to watch (they happly invite your children) they also had toys for them, she spent time pointing everyting on baby out, we saw every little angle of our baby, and saw her stretching and her waving her arms around, and she didnt like being pressed and kept giving me a good kicking! I cant belive at 16+2 days i can feel her move so stongly!! Little flutters?? belly ache??? jesus noooo im having a footballer!! lol

Hope your all well xx

Trying to uploads my bump pic at 16weeks and our scan pics


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Hi Girls,
Its been so long since I posted so I thought i'd better do an update. As you can see by my ticker, I had the worst happen. I had just started to allow myself some hope and I had seen babys heartbeat flickering away on an ultrasound on thursday night then 3 days later I started spotting and cramping. Went to the ED at hospital where I had another ultrasound and baby had no heartbeat. I was booked for a D&C the following morning but the cramps got worse and worse over night. It wasnt just cramps it was full on labour. Baby was born sleeping at 3.30am two weeks ago. We got to see baby this time. So beautiful and tiny. Everything perfect. I have requested every type of testing possible, I dotn want to be told that this is "just one of those things",or "bad luck". I dont think that two second tri losses can be "bad luck". Baby Kyle was tested for any chromosomal abnormalities and it came back negative. Am still waiting for results from this baby. Need gender testing to be done so we can name baby and organise a service. We are having baby cremated and keeping the ashes in a beautiful silver box.
I have an appointment booked with a ferlitility specialist in two weeks. Hopefully he can give me some answers and I am going to beg him for clomid. I want to be pregnant again (fast!) and keep my next baby.

I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies and will pop in every now and then to see how you are all going. Please dont panic and think that what happened to me can happen to you too. Second tri losses are very rare. I am sure that a reason will be found for mine.
Oh Melly! I am so so sorry Hun :cry:
I had wondered why you had been away for so long, but assumed you were busy with the pregnancy/work, etc.
I know that I cannot say anything to help, but my heart goes out to you and your family :hugs:
I also know that having another baby will not bring back the 2 that you have lost, but i do hope that you conceive again quickly, and that it will be your forever baby.
All my love, thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care xxxx
Melly - so sorry to hear your news and thanks for your reassuring words to the rest of us. I hope they get to the root of the problem and your HH pg follows soon.

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