Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Glad things went so well for you Amber!!

AFM my appt was fine just not much to tell... Basically she just went over all my blood results and everything is good! Only one thing wich isn't too much of a concern, I'm not immunised against rebella anymore. Which basically means stay away from any heard of cases because that means a deformed or lost baby for sure. Good news is it is very very rare! Its weird though because a year ago I was still protected against it?? She didn't even try to hear baby yet as its still kinda early and I guess she doesn't want to freak me out if she cant find a HB. So next appt she will. Anyway, also booked my 18 week scan and next two appts (May 13th with my Dr, and 31st I am transfered to the specialist). So at least I have something to look forward to.
AFM: Appointment today went swimmingly! DH went with me and we got to hear Baby L's heartbeat on the dopplar--it was awesome and DH was so glad he could make it! MD also checked my "bump" size and said I was measuring perfectly! I have several prescriptions, 2 for ultrasounds--1 is the gender scan at 18-20 wks, another is for an echocardio study on the baby's heart at 20 wks (since I have GD), some bloodwork and something else (can't remember at the moment)--MD says they will be monitoring me a bit more closely due to the HBP and GD. Recheck in a month. Have my insulin appt tomorrow, things are moving right along!!

Awww. So glad to hear that Baby L is coming right along. SO sweet!! :flower:
hey ladies, hope all's well. I FINALLY have my 20 week scan date, its Tues 10th May when I'll be 21+4 so hoping they can tell fo sho if it's a pink or blue :)

20 weeks tomorrow! halfway there, how crazy is that????

thanks to all the FF ladies who are popping in to see us all, so lovely of you, I hope you are keeping well and you'll be in this forum for yourselves very soon xx
IMP--so glad to hear your appt went well and everything is moving along perfectly!! :happydance: I agree, that is wierd about the rubella--I didn't even know you could ultimately lose your immunization against it! As for the dopplar--my MD did the exact same thing at my last visit when I was around 10 wks--she told me that she felt it was too early to be trying for that and would do it at this appointment--so hopefully you will get it next time too!! When is your 18 week scan? I still have to schedule mine, not sure if I'm going to do it at 18 or try to hold out until week 19 or 20...

Kizzy--yay :yipee: for getting your scan set! I can't believe you are 20 wks already hun! Wow time has gone by so fast! So excited for you!! Happy 1/2 way lady!!

Sam-- thank you so much hun!
Hello lovely ladies,

Shell- great pics hun, so pleased for you

Grand- glad all is going well for you even if a little hectic by the sounds of things

Kizzy- halfway, woohoo:happydance: are you hoping pink or blue?

Imp- glad all is good with you

Amber-:happydance: Yay for hearing the heartbeat, its the most amazing sound isnt it?

Sam- Many many congrats honey:hugs:

Hello to all I missed:flower:

To all the ladies popping in to kindly check on us all- Thank you. Wishing you all tons of positive vibes and sending loads of baby dust your way. Hope you all join us very soon xxx

AFM: I got all excited today when the post came, thought it was my doppler but turned out to be just the gel:dohh: will have to wait for saturday and see if it turns up then. Feeling fab apart from some pelvic pain which i asume is my spd starting up, but we will cope. I am also sure i am feeling little movements the last couple of days, cant wait to feel her/him properly.
Hope all of you and your bumps are doing well today:hugs:
Shellney - congratulations I love the scan photos and the fact that Bo was bouncing around for the whole thing!

Kizzy - wow 20 weeks thats amazing halfway!

AFM been camping for a few days in the Lakes and had a lovely time now a little pink from the sun but very relaxed! Starting to realise that there must be 100s of things I should be getting on with for bubs but I am just too disorganised and have a serious case of baby brain too - can't seem to get anything done! Has anyone started buying stuff, arranging antenatal classes etc etc? Can't even remember to rub in the stretch mark oil at the moment!

IMP--so glad to hear your appt went well and everything is moving along perfectly!! :happydance: I agree, that is wierd about the rubella--I didn't even know you could ultimately lose your immunization against it! As for the dopplar--my MD did the exact same thing at my last visit when I was around 10 wks--she told me that she felt it was too early to be trying for that and would do it at this appointment--so hopefully you will get it next time too!! When is your 18 week scan? I still have to schedule mine, not sure if I'm going to do it at 18 or try to hold out until week 19 or 20...

I booked my scan for June 29th which will actually be 19 weeks to the day. My dr said i needed to get it booked, or i would not have gone so early. The lady at the ultrasound place said it needs to be into the 18th week to make sure they can see everything that they need to. So she said it's best to wait a bit longer to be sure! It's a long way off yet. Just hoping time doesn't drag too much. I can't wait to find out what we are having!!
Hi ladies! im kinda worrying (due to 2 miscarriages early in pregnancy) because today i can slight pink bleeding which i know is normal but i cant help but worry! I dont have any cramping or anything like with my last m/c's.

Can any of you ladies talk any sense into me and tell me everything will be fine because i broke down in tears today at work when i found out. :cry:

x x x
Hi ladies! im kinda worrying (due to 2 miscarriages early in pregnancy) because today i can slight pink bleeding which i know is normal but i cant help but worry! I dont have any cramping or anything like with my last m/c's.

Can any of you ladies talk any sense into me and tell me everything will be fine because i broke down in tears today at work when i found out. :cry:

x x x

Oh Sam. That sounds scary. I'm sorry that you had this. Listen. Some women have spotting all the way through their cycle, and since you had spotting before and thought it was AF, you may just be one of those spotty women. AND, a woman in another one of my threads just had spotting and went in for a scan and all was well. Breathe. Breathe and think good, positive happy thoughts and take it easy. Please PLEASE let us know how you are. :hugs:
Oh Sam. That sounds scary. I'm sorry that you had this. Listen. Some women have spotting all the way through their cycle, and since you had spotting before and thought it was AF, you may just be one of those spotty women. AND, a woman in another one of my threads just had spotting and went in for a scan and all was well. Breathe. Breathe and think good, positive happy thoughts and take it easy. Please PLEASE let us know how you are. :hugs:

Thank you Sam :hugs: the bleeding has stopped im going to just take it easy until/if the bleeding comes back. Just keeping my fingers crossed that it is all ok i am trying to stay positive because I (as well as alot of other women here) deserve my forever baby!!

Hi Girls,
I havent read back through to see how you all are, but I hope you are all doing well and growing beautiful bumps!

Thought I'd pop in and give a bit of an update as I promised.
I got back babys test results. Found out she was a little girl (DH is doubly devastated, I knew he secretly wanted a girl). We have called her Evie (meaning "life"). There were no chromosomal abnormalities - same as baby Kyle. There were no uterine infections or anything else. I have an appointment with a FS tomorrow who should also have the results of my blood tests for clotting disorders and a few other things. Now that we know she was a little girl, we are going to go ahead and organise a service.

Again, I hope you are all doing well, and I'll pop back in when I know some more. Hope to join you all again soon. :hugs:
Melly - thats a beautiful name for your little girl, I am pleased you can now organise her service x I really hope your FS can shed some light on your loss xxxx
Oh Melly.
I am pleased that you found out that your angel is a little girl, and Evie is a lovely name. I hope that she is resting peacefully in Heaven with her big brother Kyle.
I am sorry to hear that you are not any closer to finding out why you have lost your babies, but I hope that you will find an answer soon.
Take care of yourself. Thinking of you
Melly--Evie is one of the most beautiful names I have heard in a long time. I hope that you are able to get answers from your FS. Many :hugs: to you.

SamB--I am sorry to hear of your spotting, but also glad to hear that it has cleared up. If it helps, I had spotting around week 7 of this pregnancy and an ultrasound showed that it was a subchorionic hemmorhage that was not affecting the baby at all. It cleared up on its own. Thinking of you! :hugs:
Melly - I love the name Evie - simply beautiful in sound and meaning. I'm so sorry for you and your OH right now. Not having answers is completely frustrating. I know you two will honor and love your little angels.

SamB - Congratulations - I went from unemployed to full-time and got busy quick so I missed the news and will update the frontpage as soon as I can. Can you let me know your BFP date and EDD date. Thanks. Also spotting is normal especially in early pregnancy - it is only a worry if it gets heavier or is accompanied by severe cramps.

Chilli - You guys up in the UK had a better Easter than us - it was pouring down here in the south. Glad you enjoyed your day!

Vixmar - CONGRATS!!! on a baby girl!! Thanks for sharing your bump picutre - lovely striped top - I have one similar.

Angelas - Lovely that you heard the HB right away at 10 1/2 weeks - must feel so good.

Milos - I totally hear you on telling everyone and being nervous. Glad you got the reactions you wanted. I feel like you that there are a million things I should be doing to prepare for this baby but I haven't done a thing...not even bought maternity clothes for me!

Amber - I hope your M/S just keeps getting better and better...it can be such a drag. Your dietician sounds awesome and glad you get to eat a normal diet. I would definitely go the insulin route as well...taking any drugs scares me and from what Love said insulin is safer for prego ladies.

Mum - Sorry about your depression - I've been through it a little bit as well....cocooning myself away and not wanting to be in contact with people. I'm so happy tha twith your scan that you are feeling better and it's all becoming real.

Shell - BEAUTIFUL pictures hon...little Bo is perfect and bouncing. Very cool.

Imp - thanks for sharing the link...I'm looking into something like that to extend my wardrobe a bit farther. So have you signed on to do some maternity modeling??? You could get free clothes that way :)

Bean - Sorry about the M/S hon - it does suck right now but it will definitely get better...I was feeling good again around 10-12 weeks.

Kizzy - Yippee for a scan coming up this week! 20 weeks wow...1/2 way there. :flower:

AFM: Got my visa done (finally!)...it's not perfect because it has the wrong address and my new job isn't happy about that. Grrrr...but they are being patient still so I still get to work there. I also told my mom and it was silly to be nervous - she's so happy and is already planning a grandma visit over Xmas. Still feeling good and bumpette is growing little by little.
Dear Preggo Chica friends, :friends:

I just wanted to let you know how much we love hearing from you in the TTW and the OTWW threads. We miss you in there and we hope to join you in here soon, but we are so happy that your wee babies are coming along nicely. :hug:

Lots of love,

Sam :flower:
Hey Sam! :kiss: Right back at you...We're all part of the same gang just different stages :kiss:
Grand - I am actually looking into contracting out some maternity photos. But at the vary least I am looking for a photographer who wants to trade some time for photos. Basically they get the photos to use as they see fit for their portfolio and I donate my time for photos to have for mine also. However I'd love to be able to find someone who is looking to sell some stock maternity photos. That way I'd get paid. lol But whichever I can find. I just really want some photos to keep when I get further along. It would be great to find a clothing line though. As you said free clothes is always nice! Lol
Morning Ladies :hi:

Thought I would finally catch up on all your posts from over the last week.

Amber - good luck with the insulin shots. and sorry to hear you are suffering with heartburn. Hope that disappears very soon. Also, great news that you heard Baby L's heartbeat on the doppler, and that your bump is measuring perfectly.oh, and i forgot to answer your question: they moved my due date forward by one day, so im now only one day behind you!

SamB - welcome! sorry to hear you had a scare last week, but glad that the bleeding has stopped. I know a few of us here had similar scares early on, and we are still here to tell the tale. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

Grand - hope you are not overdoing things at work. make sure you take it easy during the evenings and weekends, wont you? glad to hear that your visa is finally sorted, that must be a weight off your mind. and its also lovely to hear how excited you mum is about being a grandma! so sweet!

Imp - when did you suddenly become 11 weeks preggo?! I dont know where the time has gone! glad to hear everything is going well with you, although the disappearing rubella immunity is a strange one? I always believed that once you were immune, you were immune for life? Oh well, im sure there's nothing to worry about. Also, I think you should definitely go for the maternity modelling. I would love to do that, but havent got the right look, lol. Good luck!

Kizzy - only one week left till your 20 week scan! how exciting! will you be finding out the gender or not? we are still undecided. Also, congratulations on being halfway through your pregnancy! woohoo!

MumAMH - congrats on feeling your first movements! how amazing! but sorry to hear that you are getting pelvic pain, thats sucks. Hope they disappear soon. also, did your doppler arrive? have you started using it yet?

Milos - sorry to hear you are feeling disorganised. But try not to stress out, you have plenty of time yet. But try to remember to rub in that stretch mark cream! haha!

Also, Hi to all the TTCAL ladies :hi: and thanks for popping in to say Hi. Good luck and Baby dust to you all!!!

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