Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Just popping in to say hello. I have been crazy busy at work:) The good news is I am feeling alot less tired and sick and have been able to go for some really long walks. Is anyone else doing any sort of fitness? I feel like I need more but dont know what to do. I am amazed by how quickly the time is going and when I see so many of us reaching the half way mark-I remember being jealous of everyone hitting 12 and now I am there so soon I will also be at 20! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying each day!
Hi everybody

Not been posting as not a lot going on except for the continual sickness and getting up a million times in the night to pee. Gums have started bleeding last couple of days also. Lovely sick and blood taste. :wacko:

Anyway I have been reading and like angela says time flying so fast - so many coming up to 20 weeks. Hope you are all feeling ok. XX :hugs: to all.
Hey ladies,

hope everyone is well!! My friend gave birth yesterday to a beautiful baby girl, Reese Maya, 8lb 11oz, what a big girl! they both seem well and I am so happy for her! We were pregnant at the same time when I had my m/c so it's been bittersweet in a way seeing all this happen to her and knowing it could/should have been me in 4 weeks but I know I will be feeling elated in 4.5 months time when I have my very own bundle!!

and for those who asked yes, we are finding out the sex!! yippee!! everyone (my OH included) thinks it's going to be a boy so we'll soon know!! so many of my friends have had little girls lately it will be nice to have a boy really, he'll be a stud amongst all these ladies! hehe!

Morning all,

Hope today finds you all well.

Kizzy- Bless, that is a big baby. Congrats to your friend! Wont be long till you get to hold your baby, time is flying:happydance:

Bean- :hugs: poor you with the bleeding gums, thats not good. Hope you start feeling a bit better soon

Samiam- Thank you. here's to all of you ladies joining us very soon:thumbup:

SamB- Hope your ok hun and that all is well for you:hugs:

Grand- so glad it went well with your mum and that bump is growing nicely

Melly- Evie is such a beautiful name. I really hope you get some answers soon. Thinking of you:hugs:

AFM: My doppler arrived on saturday morning and i found little bubs heartbeat in a few mins. So good to hear:happydance: You can hear bubs kick the monitor too which is just soooo cool. My bump is certainly starting to grow now, lol, it seems to have really started to show in the last 2wks. The pelvic pain is still there but i was expecting that anyway, my only complaint at the mo is awful headaches. Anyone else? Had another last night which made me ill and didnt sleep till 2am, YUK!
Just a quick hello - been following you all still
SamB- Hope your ok hun and that all is well for you:hugs:

Hey hun!! all is good so far :)haha:) symptoms are stronger than ever constant nausea & sore boobs & peeing constantly lol!! but i couldnt be happier!

How are you?

Grand - My BFP was on the 22nd April & my EDD is 16th Jan 2012 (sooooo far away)
Morning all, glad to see everyone is doing so well! I will have a proper post tomorrow, I promise--I have the day off, but work has kept me overly busy this week!! I have snuck in some lurking time on all the Femmes threads, so I am keeping up with everyone!

Just a quick note for Grand for when she next does updates:

May 31--Anatomical/Gender U/S--will get to see which team we are on!

June 6--fetal echocardiogram--another u/s to make sure that baby's heart is nice and strong (due to the GD).

Talk to you all more tomorrow, hugs ladies!! :hugs:
Hey ladies

I'll update 1st page with all new details on Saturday for sure :) so feel free to mention more if you haven't already! :)

Kizzy - so awesome for your friend - the birthing part sort of scares me being a 1st timer. I understand a bit of your sadness during such a happy day thinking back to your own loss.

Imp - good luck with the modeling while pregnant! I hope you get some jobs from it. You must share pics :)

Shell - don't worry I'm doing good at work...I try to take it easy and I'm in bed by 9 or 10 - such a pregnant dork. Plus my hours will change to 12-7 so I get to sleep in if I need to later on. How're you doing - you didn't mention in your post.

Bean - Boo to sickness...sorry you're having a bad time of it...hope it goes away soon.

Angelas - that's awesome you are walking a lot - I need to do more...I'm trying to do more now that I'm in 2nd tri. I totally hear you on the work issue - it can be tiring when it's busy.

Mum - So cool about the baby's HB! I can't wait to feel the kicks :) I have had a couple of headaches only about 2 or 3 so not as many as you and really the only relief for me was going to bed.

SamB - I'll update front page this weekend - thanks! Sounds like great symptoms is someone looking after you closely because of your other losses?

Amber - lurk away and enjoy your day off! I'll update front page this weekend like I said.

AFM: Here's little blue's 1st piece of clothing sent by Grandma (my mom) - it was amazing to open the package and see it - can't wait to see it filled out with a cute and wriggly body!...quite emotional. We haven't bought a thing.

Photo on 2011-05-05 at 19.07 #3.jpg
Aw grandbleu - thats gorgeous honey! We have resisted buying anything so far too but don't think it will be long til I give into the cute babygros!

AFM - all well belly seems to be getting bigger but thankfully sickness seems to be completely gone now which is great! Trying my best to eat healthily but why is chocolate so more tempting than an apple!
20 week scan on 31st April in the morning - then off to see Take That in the evening so it should be a good day!
Milos--we are scan buddies again! :friends:

Grand--That is such a beautiful little outfit and Blue for Little Blue!! Love it!:thumbup:

Ok, more tomorrow! It's Cinco de Mayo and I have to go plan dinner for DH!
Hey ladies

SamB - I'll update front page this weekend - thanks! Sounds like great symptoms is someone looking after you closely because of your other losses?

No! :shrug: the doctors dont seem that bothered that i have had 2 MC's already which i was suprised about but i think they think i am only 3 weeks which is what i am going by! but my symptoms are too strong for so early i reckon i am about 5/6 weeks because i didnt get symptoms with my first pregnancy until 4/5 weeks with my first pregnancy. :dohh:

The symptoms really got me down last night i cried because i really really craved sausage and it had to be one from the chipshop but when i finally got one i was very disappointed because it set of my nausea :nope:

I cant get comfy either when i sleep can you ladies suggest anything? i usually sleep on my stomach but its becoming uncomfortable to do so and i can sleep on my side if my leg is wrapped around something :blush: (strange i know) so what can i do? i need sleep :sleep:
HI Everyone, Just stopping in to let you all know this weekend is the weekend we are telling our parents. I got both of our mothers, Happy Mothers Day Grandma Cards, and this is how I plan on telling them. I'm nervous I wish it was a week later as I have an appt on friday where I should get to listen to the heart beat. But I really wanted to tell them on mothers day. It will be a year to the day we told my mom last time. However I was only 5 weeks last year, so I'm praying this will yeald better results!

We're off for the weekend!! Hope everyone has a good one! And Happy Mothers Day to Everyone!!
awwww i hope it goes well Imppearl which im sure it will :) fx'd for you
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Angela - so glad that you're feeling less tired and sick now. And its great that you're starting to exercise more. I really need to start walking and swimming, but Im just too lazy. lol. Good for you though!

Bean - sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment. Hopefully the sickness will stop very soon. But I think the peeing and bleeding gums may stay for a while longer, unfortuneately. Hope you start to feel better very soon.

Kizzy - wow, what a big baby your friend had! Hope mine isnt that big! lol. but she has a lovely name though. and soon you will be holding your baby (boy?) in your arms. Good luck for the gender scan!

MumAMH - so glad you're doppler finally arrived, and that you found baby quickly. Its an amazing experience, isnt it? Sorry to hear you are having terrible headaches. Hope they ease off soon. And great news on the expanding bump. Got any pics?

Chilli - Hey Hun! How are you?

Grand - loving your first item of clothing for Little Blue. and how sweet of Grandma to send it over for you. We havent bought anything yet either. Happy 17 weeks!

Milos - so glad the sickness has gone completely. Mine too, its a great feeling, isnt it? I know what you mean about trying to eat healthily, when naughty food is so tempting. Keep trying though Hun. Also, hope you have a great time at the Take That concert!

SamB - i know what you mean about craving sausages. Thats one of mine cravings too. Although i didnt get my craving til after 12 weeks. Before that, I didnt fancy anything at all, I felt so rough. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Imp - good luck spreading the special news this weekend! Im sure both of your Mothers will be delighted! Hope all is going well for you (nearly in 2nd tri! woohoo!)

AFM: (thanks for reminding me Grand, that I didnt actually mention myself at all in my last post)
I am feeling great! The sickness has gone, the energy is back! I am now noticeably pregnant, rather than just fat. I am actually in maternity clothes now! one of OH's relatives sent me a big bag of her maternity clothes that she only bought last year, and they are all lovely. so thats great!
Had my "16 week" midwife's appointment yesterday, which went well. all of my blood results from last time came back fine. my blood pressure is fine and my urine is fine. she listened to Bo's heartbeat, and that was good too.
Just have my appointment with the consultant on 24th May (because I am asthmatic) and then my anatomy scan on 17th June.
Its all happening now!

My only issue at the moment, is that its coming up to the 1 year anniversary of losing Baby C. Ive already started getting emotional about it all. I sometimes go off into little daydreams where I relive the whole nightmare of it all, and then I end up crying. I am sooo happy to be pregnant again with Bo, but I desperately wish that I was actually just a Mum to a 4 month old Baby C.
I dont really know if that makes sense to anyone, but its just how im feeling at the moment.
Sorry to put a downer on my message....

Hope you are all well this weekend :friends:
I know exactly how you feel Shellney - it was a year ago last week that we lost our first baby to the ectopic - funnily enough I was more upset on my due date just before Christmas than I was on the year anniversary. Just give yourself time to grieve again honey and then give your bump a rub and remember the lovely little one that is very clever and made it to the right spot this time. xxx
Hi all
Thanks Shells - I'm good.
So much news to catch up on and nearly all good which is lovely!
Cute outfit Grand!
Such a lovely idea to tell your mothers on mothers day - hope it goes well - we had mothers day last month!
I'm always so relieved when I catch up and all seems pretty much well.

I've had a UTI and some horrible meds for it that made me really sick - hated taking them but when they mentioned that if I didn't I would risk MC the decision was easy.

Sam - sleeping positions - I just don't really anymore - it's so hard to get comfey and I can't sleep on my left side like everyone says you should as it hurts! SO let me know what you find out.

I restarted my yoga class this week and was very pleased with myself - but really need to get some strechy trousers that are up to the job. Swimming next...
Thank you so much for that message Milos. It was so sweet, it brought a tear to my eye. Nice to know someone understands how I feel :hugs:
Happy Mothers' Day American mothers! And Happy Belated Mothers' Day to the other mothers in here too! :flower:
Good morning ladies! Sorry I have been MIA the past few days, Thursday night I got a horrid headache and it lasted for 3 days!! Arg! Then I was trying to juggle things, Friday was my Mother's Bday and then Sunday was Mother's Day, it was a crazy weekend, I am actually glad to be back to the normalcy of a work week!

Now, catch up time!

Imp--I hope everything went well this weekend for you! I am sure your family was thrilled! I too want to see some pretty maternity modelling photos featuring your lovely bump!! Oh--and June 29--that is awesome and a lucky date!! That happens to be the date of DH's and my 15th wedding anniversary, so I will be sending some of my happy thoughts your way for your scan hun!!

Grand--So glad to hear that your mom was ecstatic--and she has already sent you the most gorgeous little outfit! I hope work isn't tiring you out too much, make sure you get your rest!

Kizzy--Hope your scan goes well, can't wait to hear the news if we have another team pink or our first team blue! So excited!! Also, congratulations to your friend on such a lovely baby girl!

Angel--good for you in keeping in shape! I think that is wondeful! I'm finally off pelvic rest as of tomorrow, so I am hoping to get some more excercise in myself. I think it is wonderful that you are managing to keep so active through the hardest weeks (with m/s, etc.)

Bean--oh hun, I am so sorry to hear how m/s is beating you down as well as the bleeding gums, etc. Your little one is sure making sure you know he/she is there, aren't they? It will get better, I promise! Will keep you in my thoughts that relief comes sooner rather than later!

mum--:happydance: so excited you got the doppler and were able to hear the baby's heartbeat AND kicks! that is so neat! I can't wait to feel a kick for the first time! Also, grats on the bump showing!

chilli--hey hun! Sorry to hear about the UTI--those suck! I hope it has cleared up for you and you are feeling better! :hugs: Also, grats to you too on getting in some exercise with yoga! :thumbup::thumbup: for our healthy mommas!

milos--man, I wish I was craving chocolate, I am jealous! haha I LOVE chocolate and every time I eat it, my tummy gets upset! What the heck!? How can a child of mine not like chocolate? lol! So glad your m/s has gone away, that is awesome!! Now you can focus on the happy "glow" stage of pregnancy!!!

samb--so sorry that you are having a rough time sleeping. Have you tried a pregnancy pillow? Or just taking normal pillows and arranging them in a way that makes you able to lie comfortably? I know exactly what you mean by not finding a comfortable position--I love sleeping on my stomach, but that is out with pregnancy, and lying on my sides can drive me nuts (I actually managed to hurt my shoulder lying on my left side so much!) I have been making little forts out of my pillows on my side of the bed and that seems to be the only thing that is working for me. I will probably be getting a pregnancy pillow in the coming weeks.

Shell--:happydance: on such good news of a wonderful, healthy pregnancy! And grats to you too on having a bump at last!! I think that is so wonderful, and I am so happy for you!!! And it is great to have friends who can send maternity clothes to share, that saves a lot!

Also, :hugs: to you hun. I know how you are feeling with missing Baby C. My peanut should have been born just before easter, and it was a rough holiday to get through this year, even though I am overjoyed to be pregnant. I don't think I will ever go through Easter without taking a moment to reflect on my loss, even if it is just a quiet moment to myself. And that is ok--it is ok for you to be missing Baby C, even with Bo on the way--it shows what a loving, caring person you are and what a wonderful mother you are going to be for Bo! Much love and extra :hugs: to you right now hun!

AFM: Well, I told you about my nutty weekend already! Other than that, things are going pretty well. DH's parents actually sent me tulips on Friday saying Happy Mommy to Be Day!, which made me feel special! Physically, I am doing well other than that headache! I still get tired in the afternoons and crash at night (because I can't nap unless it's the weekend or a day off!), and still get a little queasy every now and then, but it is not every day anymore. My GD is pretty much under control. My daytime numbers are perfect (better than perfect most of the time), and my fasting level (am level) is almost where it needs to be--they upped my dosage last week and it is keeping me under 100 for sure, but sometimes I go over 90, so I'm guessing they may increase it just a bit more. We shall see!

16 weeks tomorrow(my ticker is 1 day off, they keep going back and forth between the 2 dates, so I'm just leaving it!)--I am hoping for a defineable bump soon!

Much love to all of you ladies! I hope you have a great week!
Hi all! Just popped in to say everything went well this weekend. For the most part everyone was surprised and Very excited for us! My sister in law was the only one who had a inkeling. Lol. My mother in was in tears but I expected that, and still couldn't maintain my tears. Lol All in all it was a great weekend with family and the awesome weather mad it that much better. The only thing I missed was having a real drink with everyone while we chilled outside on the deck and bbq'ed. But it's all worth it in the end!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend also!!

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