fifteen quid for a flippin curtain tie back? pfft!

im either gettingthe i love my bear or the millie and borris m&p set, I cant decide at the mo, will wait for nursery set to get here and then compare the prices and availability of each, M&P is expensive but i wonder if better quality!? have to wait and see when my time comes! ordering nursery set after 21 week scan yay xx
Thank god OH mum is a tailor (or was she is now retired). She has knitted us loads of really nice stuff for baby and is making the blind, curtains and maybe even some nappies once we have found the cloth ones we like.

We got our bedding set from Asda for £28 and are either making the rest or buying stuff in complementing colours for not much money. You could spend a fortune on baby's room!!
I agree M&P's is way too expensive! Nice if you can afford it, but there are other places around which have lovely stuff. Babies r Us has been a godsend though
We've got an M & P factory shop near us and it's still expensive.

Hi Elm,
I live in Birmingham & I noticed you are West Mids. Could you tell me where the M&P factory shop is please? xxx
We've got an M & P factory shop near us and it's still expensive.

Hi Elm,
I live in Birmingham & I noticed you are West Mids. Could you tell me where the M&P factory shop is please? xxx

It's worth popping in if you're in the area / on your way to somewhere else. If you're after something specific might be worth giving them a ring :)
We've got an M & P factory shop near us and it's still expensive.

Hi Elm,
I live in Birmingham & I noticed you are West Mids. Could you tell me where the M&P factory shop is please? xxx

It's worth popping in if you're in the area / on your way to somewhere else. If you're after something specific might be worth giving them a ring :)

Thanks Elm! I might go take a peek... xxx

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