Fillings whilst preggers


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2010
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I have just been to the dentist and she has booked me in to have a filling done tomorrow. One of my friend on fb said that her dentist said there was something in the fillings that could be passed on to baby- has anyone heard of this or know of any dangers regarding fillings? :shrug:Xx
I had 3 fillings done when I was 12 weeks pregnant. Never heard there was anything wrong with it!
hey my dentist wont touch mine till the babas born they just gave me a tempery one x
My dentist wouldn't do fillings instead I've had a temporary filling done (twice as the first one fell out). The white ones are ok to have done but not the metal ones.
I had a root canal done last week!

The concern is not something in the filling, it is something in the anesthesia...lidocaine and novacaine do pass the placental barrier.

I did mine with topical only, and a single shot of lidocaine without epinephrine. Dr approved, dentist approved and all is well. Best part is I am not in pain, there is no more hole in my tooth and I don[\'t have to worry about an infection that really could hurt the baby.
I've had two fillings and i'm 29+5 weeks.
The dentist said i had to have white fillings as the metal ones havent been proved in pregnancy.. he also said i had to go back once i'd had the baby as i needed an Xray on a tooth he filled.. as your not allowed Xrays during pregnancies.

white fillings are fine, i double , infact triple checked hun x
So I will demand a white one then- thanks guys! My dentist is pregnant too so am hoping she wasn't intending on putting a metal one in. Xx
I'm sposed to be having a filling done, but my dentist has said he's happy for me to wait till after bubz is born because its not causing me any grief or pain. He knows i am terrified of needles and would rather wait till babys out and do it, than do it while still preggers & risk me goin into early labour on his chair :haha: But the white fillings are fine, they wouldnt want you in for fillings if it was safe, surely? :shrug:
i have had a fillin done when i was 15 weeks. No problems so far
I've looked it up and think it has something to do with passing mercury from the filling on to baby. Think I will raise my concerns before I let her do the filling tomorrow. Xx
If you're having an old filling replaced then there is a risk of you swallowing a small part of the old mercury filling. The dentist will use a shield in your mouth to stop any of it falling down your throat, but it's not 100% guaranteed safe. I decided not to have any treatment done until bubs is here, but had to have an abscessed tooth removed a month ago. I was numbed up to the hilt and had a scan done 2 days after (routine scan for me) and bubs was fine.
If it's just a filling you need done, make sure it's a white one.
Ashamedly ive had 5 fillings during pregnancy. As said before, here in the uk the metal fillings are not approved as they contain mercury which can be passed to the baby and the effects are unknown. Instead the dentist will send of a request to have your free nhs fillings be the White ones which are approved but also cost more, which is why your dentist will have to get it approved first (don't worry it takes 2 wks max). The effects of anaesthesia during pregnancy and its associated studies have proved inconclusive but nothing negative has been reported in 4 decades so the presumption in the nhs is that is safe. Most women experience the baby to be extremely active or hiccup during oral anaesthesia - nothing else has been reported. So don't worry yourself because my dentist is also a good friend and I'd trust her with my life. (both of them) :) xx
She wants to take my old filling out and it is a silver one. My appointment is tomorrow so I don't think she is asking for permission to do a white one. Really think I may just cancel and have the treatment after baby is born as have made every effort to do everything in my power to protect her, I would hate to take a risk, no matter how small, and have her come to any harm. It's something I can live with (the pain) so surely that's the best plan?!? Xx
If you're in pain i'd go and see your dentist, talk it through with her and decide whether or not you want the treatment. I have to say my dentist didn't have to request white fillings for me. I don't know whether the different health trusts have different rules, but i was given a next day appt so there was no time for her to request them. It was only after i spoke to her that i decided against treatment, but i'd go and talk to your dentist even if it's just to make sure you know that whatever you do decide is right for you and bubs xx
My dentist wouldn't give me a silver filling as he said they can't give them during pregnancy. So he gave me a temporary White filling until LO is here, which he then said he'll replace it with a silver filling
I'm horrified now, my fillings I had done at 12 weeks were silver and 2 of them were replacements and I'm sure I swallowed bits. I had no idea it was bad for the baby and the dentist knew I was pregnant and never said anything, I could just cry, stupid me for not doing research first :cry:
Yep i've had 2, but dentist knew i was pregnant too. It's the silver colouring thats a problem so was told I would have a white tooth/filling, i never questioned as I'd rather white :D
my dentist refuses to do fillings on pregnant ladies because the NHS ones (blacky/grey in colour) contain trace amounts of mercury. I had to have an extraction when half my filling fell out on my son because they were afraid that if they removed the rest of the filling it would release some more mercury into my bloodstream.

Personally i think its a pile of bull but im not a dentist :shrug:
Emmaftm, did you end up having the filling replaced in the end? I am in the same predicament. My dentist wants to remove a silver filling and I'm scared it will harm the baby.

Emma x
I had a filling done when I was pregnant but it was a temporary one :flower:

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