Final two week stretch - anyone with me??

I'm team yellow too! Im so excited to know soon if I have a baby boy or girl!
Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, turning into a full on cold! I survived 39 weeks with no colds or flu's and now 5 days before I'm due and this happens!!?? :-( feeling tired and miserable...

Oh rubbish! I had this a couple of days ago but it soon passed, hope it's the same for you. Had a couple of hours of period and griping type of pain this morning but all gone now. Think it must have been baby's head just nuzzling in deeper!
So now I'm on the final two week stretch. I've been very busy organising and reorganising today. Kitchen cupboards, walk in wardrobe, bathroom shelves. Just felt the compulsion
Also been shopping and stocked up of washing powder and room air freshners for plug ins.
One week to go for me too! Also team yellow! Spent the morning making meals for the freezer, 13 done far! Going to make a few sponge cakes and portions of mash and then I'll be happy!!
You are all so good! I can't be arsed to do anything! Just sit around all day, no cooking, organising or cleaning here!
I'm team yellow too! Im so excited to know soon if I have a baby boy or girl!
Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, turning into a full on cold! I survived 39 weeks with no colds or flu's and now 5 days before I'm due and this happens!!?? :-( feeling tired and miserable...

Oh rubbish! I had this a couple of days ago but it soon passed, hope it's the same for you. Had a couple of hours of period and griping type of pain this morning but all gone now. Think it must have been baby's head just nuzzling in deeper!
Did you take anything for it? I wouldn't mind if i had been sick a month ago but this is such bad timing! Now I'm hoping this baby stays in until I'm well enough to manage labour!
I'm team yellow too! Im so excited to know soon if I have a baby boy or girl!
Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, turning into a full on cold! I survived 39 weeks with no colds or flu's and now 5 days before I'm due and this happens!!?? :-( feeling tired and miserable...

Oh rubbish! I had this a couple of days ago but it soon passed, hope it's the same for you. Had a couple of hours of period and griping type of pain this morning but all gone now. Think it must have been baby's head just nuzzling in deeper!
Did you take anything for it? I wouldn't mind if i had been sick a month ago but this is such bad timing! Now I'm hoping this baby stays in until I'm well enough to manage labour!

No it passed before I needed to, but had a couple of days of a really bad sore throat. I know what you mean though, I was worrying about being ill and giving birth!!

Choc - I'm with you. Minimal effort being exerted here!!
I've woke up with such a sore throat and generally feel so ill and miserable :( .... Totally not what I need right now!

I just wanted to stay in bed .... If only so did my toddler :(
Finally in the two week stretch :happydance: unless he decides to stretch it out an extra week (will either be induced or have a rcs at 41 weeks).

I have absolutely no signs/symptoms of labor coming any time soon (I'm sure I'll need to be induced, but praying I'll at least be favorable for that). Not losing mucus plug and only having braxton hicks while sitting.

I'm just so tired of grunting every time I move (like trying to get off the couch, "roll" over in bed).
Finally in the two week stretch :happydance: unless he decides to stretch it out an extra week (will either be induced or have a rcs at 41 weeks).

I have absolutely no signs/symptoms of labor coming any time soon (I'm sure I'll need to be induced, but praying I'll at least be favorable for that). Not losing mucus plug and only having braxton hicks while sitting.

I'm just so tired of grunting every time I move (like trying to get off the couch, "roll" over in bed).

Welcome!! This last bit I'm finding the hardest, I'm just so impatient.

Anyone else had any signs???
No signs here, never had any last time either and ended up being induced. Getting a bit panicy now, I do. Not. Want. To. Be. Induced!
No signs here, never had any last time either and ended up being induced. Getting a bit panicy now, I do. Not. Want. To. Be. Induced!

I think I'm having more signs this time and nothing is happening!! Last time I felt a bit rough the day before, and then without real warning my waters broke and labour only actually started then. How was it being induced? I want to avoid it too!!
I want to avoid induction again aswel. I was 40+3 when I developed pre eclampsia so I don't know how over due I would of gone otherwise. But I'm convinced I'll go over again this time. So much so I haven't packed my bag yet haha.

The hardest bit of induction for me was being stuck on the bed due to all the drips and monitors. I just wanted to get up and move about.

I don't feel as ill today so that's a good thing at least, and I had a decent-ish night sleep compared to normal last night.
No signs here, never had any last time either and ended up being induced. Getting a bit panicy now, I do. Not. Want. To. Be. Induced!

I think I'm having more signs this time and nothing is happening!! Last time I felt a bit rough the day before, and then without real warning my waters broke and labour only actually started then. How was it being induced? I want to avoid it too!!

To be honest it wasn't that bad, just no build up to the pain, it comes full force! And as Laura said, you are strapped down basically! I just want to avoid it because this is going to be my last baby and I really want that experience of 'going into labour' and I want to use the pool on the midwife led unit . I missed out on all that last time and this is my last shot!
This is our last baby aswel and I want the whole 'is this it?' Experience of going into labour naturally. Even though I'm worried sick my
OH is going to miss the birth as he's a gas engineer who works all over the bloody country so could be anywhere (however his work are 'trying' to keep him local) so infact an induction would be better so we can plan him actually being here like last time.

But yeah I want to be able to labour at home in comfort for as long as possible before going in, rather than going in lying on a bed and then Bam going straight to the pain rather than getting used to it.
Finally in the two week stretch :happydance: unless he decides to stretch it out an extra week (will either be induced or have a rcs at 41 weeks).

I have absolutely no signs/symptoms of labor coming any time soon (I'm sure I'll need to be induced, but praying I'll at least be favorable for that). Not losing mucus plug and only having braxton hicks while sitting.

I'm just so tired of grunting every time I move (like trying to get off the couch, "roll" over in bed).

Welcome!! This last bit I'm finding the hardest, I'm just so impatient.

With my first, being at this point didn't bother me in the slightest. I was patient and wasn't bother by being so over due. I was never on labor watch with her nor did I really read into any signs/symptoms because I expected go overdue, induced, and have a c section (which is precisely what happened).

With her, I started losing mucus plug at 36 weeks and was 3-4 cm dilated and 100% by induction at 41+6. So I know that signs/symptoms don't really mean a ton, but first, I really really want to experience going into labor (I never experienced labor with her due to the complications that started pretty much at the moment of induction).

As a vbac hopeful, it's best if I'm not induced and best if I go around 40 weeks (allowed to go up to 41 weeks, but I've read success rates go down a little after 40 weeks and with induction, but vbacs can still be successful when induced if labor doesn't start).

At this point, BH are only when I'm sitting (though they've been stronger the last few days than they've ever been - sometimes ever so slightly painful, but not painful enough to where I would say it's labor nor do I feel them wrapping around me as contractions are described in labor). For as uncomfortable as they are, I love having them because it's just nice to feel something. No mucus plug. No anything. I don't even think it's a sign, but I do get loads of pressure when I first stand after sitting, to the point I can barely walk, but then it eases up (this has been recent, in the last few days).

I honestly want to cry (even though I still have 2-3 weeks) because I just want SOMETHING to happen.
I had pretty much back to back contractions from the minute they started about half hour after waters broke - it was horrendous! And when I couldn't cope anymore and went in I was only 3cms. I was distraught! Hoping to get longer at home this time. Just nicked a birthing ball off my SIL so currently bouncing on that. Ah and had cuddles with my three day old nephew - my baby went mental when I did!! Hope the hormones helped!
Well, I'm being monitored in l&d for reduced movement. He's been moving more, but I think there was something they saw on the strip that they didn't like because they are keeping me over night.

The are scheduling a bpp for (hopefully) morning, but it may take until afternoon to get it done.

Depending on the results, I either go home or they make a plan for delivery.

I started having a lot of contractions/Braxton hicks which have tapered off considerably. I think they may have been triggered by the internal.

I am 1cm dilated though! So if they decide to deliver, hopefully it'll lead to a successful induction.

I'm guessing everything will be fine and I'll be sent home. Otherwise we're going to have to cancel DD's birthday party Saturday!

And he still doesn't have a name. And hospital bag isn't packed. All of his clothes aren't even folded or put away. The bassinet, swing and bath haven't been taken out of storage and cleaned yet.
Spunky84 I hope they start of an induction so you can finally have your little one with you and make that birthday party too!

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