Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

How frightening! Gosh, poor little bubs, poor you!
I got so angry, when I read that they sent Lucy home despite her low levels! Unbelievable! So glad that she pulled through and is doing so well now!
Hey Ash! I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! How are the twins doing? I hope that the twins are home now and healthy! :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for stopping by my journal!! I just had one quick tip and something I wish was mentioned to me much sooner! Since it is cold and flu season and you and DH are destined to get sick again, one way to avoid getting the babies sick is to wear face masks in the house, especially when you are caring for the twins. Once you start coughing and sneezing the germs are spreading all over, and that is always when everyone else in the house gets sick! I have read that we are contagious for the first 3 to 4 days of our colds so I usually try to wear the face mask for at least 4 days. Of course if I can DH or myself will avoid being around the twins all together when we are sick, but as you know with 2 to care for sometimes it just isn't possible!!! I always hate when DH or I get sick because I get so paranoid about getting the twins sick!!! :wacko: It is so different from when it was just the two of you!!! Good luck!!! I hope this tip helps!!!! I know it has worked for us!!!
Ash I'm so sorry to hear you had this awful experience with your little ones. It's so hard to feel helpless when babies are sick. Tre was 6 weeks early and nice nurses scared the bejesus out of me about him getting rsv. I was terrible and didn't let people see him or if I did most didn't hold him. But my sil would bring my niece and nephews around with colds and I would get so mad. Somehow we got lucky and avoided rsv. But he has had breathing episodes now every time he gets a cold and it's so scary when your baby can't breathe!! I hope you are all doing well now and physically and emotionally healed from this traumatic event. Now you can be justified in keeping your babies quarantined at home. :hugs:
Hey ash! Was just thinking about you and the babies! Hope your first Christmas with your miracles was awesome!
Mo - Thanks for checking in on me. I've just been so busy I barely have a minute to eat or go to the bathroom let alone update baby and bump.

However, I'm wearing Oliver and Lucy is in her 4moms swing so I FINALLY have a minute. They're 3 months 1 week old and doing fantastic. Oliver has tripled his birth weight which is amazing, Lucy has doubled hers. she lost some weight when she had the RSV scare ... a pound to be exact but she has caught up to her brother again. They are only 3 ounces different in size. She's my little chubby bunny and Oliver is so tall (I think so anyways)!

Oliver had colic for a while (still does but has gotten so much better). I literally thought I would die from annoyance and exhaustion from dealing with the constant crying but he has gotten 100% better. He still has a little ways to go but seriously, I'm able to get him to sleep at night in about an hour vs. 5 hours before! Yeah it was that bad. One night he cried for 5 hours straight and I'm not talking about whining ... I'm talking about full out loud screaming crying. I held him for about 3 of it (well myself and my husband) and then finally we both needed a break so we let him cry it out for a bit ... he eventually calmed down and went to sleep but OMG!

Lucy is really a good baby. Doesn't cry much (although this week has been a different story!), eats well, sleeps well, and she's just such a precious little angel. I'm so so so so so glad she pulled through from her hospital stay and is doing so well.

In terms of whose doing what. Lucy is very strong and physically advancing, Oliver is extremely social and physically is having a bit of a harder time than Lucy. He HATES tummy time ... I mean HATES it. He doesn't even scream anymore he just lays flat with his arms out to the sides. I've been trying to get him to do things while on his tummy by enticing him with toys but he's just not having it. Anyone have ideas on how to encourage more tummy time? He does tummy time on our chests if we're like slouching on the couch but that's it. We mentioned it to your pediatrician and she said that he needs the tummy time but the tummy time he gets while he's on us is sufficient for now but I really want him to be doing more ... it's scary to see Lucy excelling at that when he's struggling. His head is in the 69th percentile too so she said that definitely is going to make it harder for him.

We are on sort of a schedule, they eat every 3 hours sometimes 4 if they eat more than 4 ounces during that feeding. Just depends. They're smiling so much (Oliver more than Lucy but both of them are).

I'm doing pretty good. Settling into motherhood. I still HATE the nighttime feedings but they're each only waking up once around 1-2am and then they sleep until 6:30-7am. They're going to bed around 8-8:30. I'm really happy about this and hoping within the next month to get rid of the nighttime feedings altogether ... fingers crossed.

Today we went to whole foods, target, and to a new moms group in the area. Loved it, I was so happy we were able to go out and do things, even last week that was not even feasible. It's amazing how fast they develop and mature. Seriously it feels like one day they're not doing that thing you want them to do and then the next day they're doing it. So crazy!

I hope you're all doing well .. sorry I've been such a horrible journal keeper! It's nearly impossible with twins I swear.

I really don't want to put photos on the internet but I will post one just so you guys can get a peak. You guys have been waiting for 6 years most of you!
They are beautiful!
My baby hates tummy time too! He just turned 5 mo and started rolling both ways so if he doesn't like it don't force it as he will eventually do tummy time on his own.

So glad you're getting out and doing things and babies are getting better! Colic stinks. That along with having 2babies to care for- you're amazing!
What a lovely update!
And a really beautiful picture of the two of them! Thank you for sharing it!

Re- tummy time : trust him to do it when he's ready! It really isn't necessary, as you say, he gets it on you - and if he is mainly on his back (on the floor / in pack'n'play - so not in any swings / devices), where he can move freely and strengthen the muscles as he needs to, he will roll over and get his natural tummy time when he's ready.
Every baby has a different timetable and concentrates on / prioritises things differently, as you've already ascertained from their characters. So he's more interested in observing, being social and will work on gross motor at a different stage.

Really - make sure he gets plenty of time on his back to look around, to wiggle, so move his limbs, turn his head right to left (swings and other contraptions while practical for you, don't give the freedom to move entirely freely) and he will develop just as he needs to at a pace that is right for him.
Omg that picture is so precious!! Super happy for you that you finally have your perfect little family!!! Both my boys had/still have huge noggins(I say that's because they have big brains! Haha). They both HATED tummy time too. Seriously I was like where are these cute happy babies who play on their tummies cuz they're not in my house! But laying on my chest and holding and interacting with them helps them build up their muscles. It all comes in their own time.
Happy to hear things are settling down some and you are able to get out and about some. Having a little sense of normalcy makes a world of distance. Sounds like you're doing a great job momma!
The twins are adorable hun! :flower: That is a lovely picture! Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am so glad that things are going good with you and the twins!
Ok so I have sooooo many mixed emotions about this but I have to ask you girls what you think.

I might be pregnant .....
I noticed this morning that I was exhausted ... and that's putting it lightly and I was craving sweets, and I have been having a lot of dreams about being pregnant. Plus my DH and I DTD this past month ... not trying to get pregnant but ... it might have happened.

Here are some pictures....
This was about 3-5 minutes after taking the test.

All the following were about 1+hours after taking test.

I'm not going to lie .... I'm kind of freaking out.
Can you get frer? I see the faint line. How long ago did you dtd? How crazy would that be right?
We DTD a little bit after Christmas ... according to my calculations because I got my period on Christmas and that ended about 4 days later I ovulated around the time we DTD. We calculated this AFTER we DTD which wasn't very smart but when I counted the days I was cycle day 16 when we DTD which would put me at 9dpo yesterday. I find it hard to believe that my period came back and then my body went back to what it used to do but I guess it's possible.

I'm going to get a digi today, no lines just so I don't have to question it. It'll be a definitive answer yes or no.

I will let you know how it goes.
I think I see a shadow of a line ...
A FRER at 9dpo would be more likely to give you an accurate answer, a digital mightn't be sensitive enough ...
I see a faint line for sure best of luck with the direction you hope this takes! It must be a shock after having to undergo fertility treatments but this is a easy time to get pregnant after having babies!
Did you test again? How awesome would this be? You guys were unexplained right? I've seen so many times unexplained or pcos do I fertility then get preggo naturally.
Sorry just been really busy! I organized a meet and greet for the ladies I did prenatal yoga with and it's tomorrow. So much to do. 28 people coming! Anyways, I did test yesterday and the digital was negative but there was a line on the blue line test. I didn't get frees because I'd rather just do the digi and the blue line ones are cheap. I figured I wouldn't test again until today or tomorrow but I kept forgetting todo it today so I'm going to do it tomorrow.
Wow! That's a lot to do! How do you have time? Sounds fun though!! Hopefully you'll have answers either way in a couple days. Digital would be positive by then. Keep us updated.
Your twins are adorable!!! OMGGG i see a faint line too!!! Thats crazy!!! Cant wait to hear the results of that!

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