Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Im good Mo, how are you and your babies?

Ash, great report. fingers crossed for Saturday.
Babies are good. 1 year old can't catch a break though. He has a reactive airway (basically asthma but too young to officially diagnose) so he keeps getting wheezing and such. He had pneumonia a few weeks ago and now back again with a fever and wheezing. I think it all stems back to his birth and nicu for respiratory problems :( but overall they are growing and keep me busy! How is your little?
Mo - sorry to hear about your DS2. :hugs: It's so hard to see your babies sick and to have a constant wheezing would worry me sick.

I'm still pretty sore from retrieval. I'm doing a lot better today than I was yesterday though so I think by tomorrow I will be a lot better and by Friday I should be as good as new. Good thing since we move on Tuesday of next week and I need to get packing. It's hard to move with babies though because I can't pack all of their toys or they will be bored. I'm doing things little by little. It's coming together though.

I've been trying to keep my mind off of my embryos but it's so hard! I am really impressed with our percentages this time around and I got a call from our doctor and she seemed really optimistic. I did do a lot of things different this round so we'll see how it changes the results. We really only want 2-3 CCS normal embryos so we don't have to make hard decisions about any "leftovers" (we'd take 3 more kids if that's what was meant to be but anymore than that is a little much) and I think a starting place of 10 is great. If we get 50% that make it to do 5 and then 50-75% of those that come back normal then I'd be really happy with that result. One thing at a time though.
That’s a great way to look at it, Ash! We sent 16 for PGS testing and I was thinking, what if half are normal? We aren’t going to have 8 kids (even though DH is one of 8 siblings)! 5 felt perfect! DH was a little disappointed when I called to tell him the PGS results...”What? Only 5?” I think he was just surprised that we had a higher than average percentage of abnormals but realized it’s all we need! When is your next update?
ask - It can definitely be disappointing when your percentage of normals is below what average is but I cannot imagine having more than 5 kids. Even 5 is pushing it but we're both only children and have ALWAYS wanted a large family together. I'm not sure I could handle destroying a perfect normal embryo. It would break my heart. I think that is one downside to IVF though, unfortunately. I won't hear anything about my embryos until Saturday which is biopsy day. I don't know how I'm going to stay sane until Saturday but I'm going to try. There is this wreath I want to make for the holidays so maybe I'll keep busy with that. I absolutely love Christmas. It's my favorite time of year.
The wreath sounds like a great idea! I need to come up with some fun, low key things to do next week after transfer!

We decided that if we have extras after we feel our family is complete we will donate them to another couple in need. At our ages, I’m not sure we will use all 5 unless some don’t stick but who knows what the future holds!

Hoping you get a great report this weekend!
You know, we've though about donating them to another couple but I just am not sure I'm there yet. It just makes me sad to think that there's a person out there that is me and my hubby that I don't know but I do think it's amazing that people donate their embryos. It's a very generous, lovely thing to do and some people really need it so hey why not?! And I understand doing that especially with age as a factor. I'm not even 30 so I could see myself having 3 more kids but my hubby is going to be 45 this year and wants to be able to see his kids grandkids. It's hard when your SO is older but I wouldn't change it for the world.
DH worries about his age too (though he’s kinda a freak of nature and looks at least 10 years younger than he is...people are always in shock. But looks don’t necessarily equate to longevity!). And I’m definitely not going to be a young mom!

Lots of tough decisions to make in this process but as you said, one step at a time! I also don’t love the idea of giving up some of our babies, but could never destroy them. We shall see!
I can only imagine!! So not even a day 3 update? Keeping all fx for you!
Nope no day 3 update :(

I’m hoping that since I haven’t heard anything it’s not a total bust but who knows.

You know, I did realize though that our last cycle at ccrm where 6 our of 9 mature fertiliEd and two made it to day 6 for biopsy and those 2 embryos came back ccs normal is actually a great thing. I hope this cycle is similar. 2 if 6 is 33% so if I get 33% from 10 that I had this cycle I’d be happy with that.
I bet it's not. They would have called if all fizzled out I bet.

What time do they normally call?
On day 1 they called at 10:30 in the morning. Embryologist said they try to call in the morning but sometimes they’re very busy so we’ll hear back in the afternoon if that’s the case.
FX for a great report tomorrow! Deep breaths!
Just checking in to give an update.

We have 3 total that are currently frozen and we have one that we're watching until tomorrow to see if they want to freeze it. It's as follows

2 day 5s - 5BB and 5BA

1 day 6 - 5BB

and the possible day 7 but we will know more when they call us in the morning.

I'm .... kind of happy about this but still concerned of course because we have to get over the CCS hurdle. It's good right? lol! They're all Bs and As so I guess that makes me feel good. Fingers crossed. We will have the results of the 3 that are frozen in approx. 2 weeks.
That’s great news, Ash! Hoping for the best! Is it about 2 weeks until CCS results?
Yeah, embryologist said 2 weeks as of right now but my nurse said 1-2 weeks.
Yeah the embryologist said 2 weeks but our nurse said 1 week. So it will vary a little but I'm REALLY hoping for a shorter time frame!

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