Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

I only bled from my MC for 4 days (but had been lightly bleeding for two weeks prior which I put down to an SCH, having previously experienced one and not wanting an ultrasound so early in pregnancy). I ovulated 16 days after I miscarried and conceived, but AF arrived 30 days after my mc (4 days after my positive test) so it was a chemical.

I'm not letting the chemical dissuade me from trying again right away though, just from testing early. There doesn't seem to be any scientific reasoning for some drs saying to wait following a mc, and the time redommended varies so much from Dr to Dr. Some say no need to wait, and some say six months and everything in between. Most common is the recommendation to wait til after AF for dating purposes, but they'll just date it from an ultrasound anyway so that really means nothing.

The only study I've found on conception after miscarriage was quite a large scale one done in Scotland that showed that pregnancies conceived within 6 months of a miscarriage have far better overall success rates than those conceived two years after a miscarriage. So whi!e encouraging its not exactly specific lol. Though iirc it also mentioned lower instances of miscarriage in that 6 month window than usual. But the reported instance of miscarriage varies so much between 10 and 25% I don't know which rate that's a comparison of...

There's also lots of at least anecdotal evidence that fertility is increased in the 3-6 months following a miscarriage so it almostnseems wasteful of that increased fertility to not try, to me anyway lol. I spent more than 2 years TTC my first so I'll take all the help I can get :p

But anyway my point is if you feel ready to try again, both physically and emotionally, there's no evidence to suggest a need to wait. And you are the only one who has to live with the consequences so its entirely your choice.
All my research and reading comes to the same conclusion NDH! But the fiance wants to wait cause we were told to lol. I'm sure there's no bending him. Will just have to see how successful pullout is for us haha It's kinda interesting doing the temping anyways. I may or may not continue after this month. We'll see.
so weird symptom my boobs are sore tonight :shrug: that was a OV sign before I got pregnant might try a OPK tomorrow and see what is happening
I only bled from my MC for 4 days (but had been lightly bleeding for two weeks prior which I put down to an SCH, having previously experienced one and not wanting an ultrasound so early in pregnancy). I ovulated 16 days after I miscarried and conceived, but AF arrived 30 days after my mc (4 days after my positive test) so it was a chemical.

I'm not letting the chemical dissuade me from trying again right away though, just from testing early. There doesn't seem to be any scientific reasoning for some drs saying to wait following a mc, and the time redommended varies so much from Dr to Dr. Some say no need to wait, and some say six months and everything in between. Most common is the recommendation to wait til after AF for dating purposes, but they'll just date it from an ultrasound anyway so that really means nothing.

The only study I've found on conception after miscarriage was quite a large scale one done in Scotland that showed that pregnancies conceived within 6 months of a miscarriage have far better overall success rates than those conceived two years after a miscarriage. So whi!e encouraging its not exactly specific lol. Though iirc it also mentioned lower instances of miscarriage in that 6 month window than usual. But the reported instance of miscarriage varies so much between 10 and 25% I don't know which rate that's a comparison of...

There's also lots of at least anecdotal evidence that fertility is increased in the 3-6 months following a miscarriage so it almostnseems wasteful of that increased fertility to not try, to me anyway lol. I spent more than 2 years TTC my first so I'll take all the help I can get :p

But anyway my point is if you feel ready to try again, both physically and emotionally, there's no evidence to suggest a need to wait. And you are the only one who has to live with the consequences so its entirely your choice.

Definitely not specific enough, but lets hope they're right about the 6 month window and the increased fertility in the 3-6 months post-MC. Hopefully this means we ALL get our BFPs in the next couple of months!:baby: I am rooting for all of us and feeling VERY optimistic! :flower:

And yes, NDH, that's what I was trying to say in post re evidence pointing to no need to wait if you feel ready emotionally and physically, though not very gracefully! Thanks for putting it beautifully.
I hope that extra fertile thing is true too! Although I haven't had to wait long to get pregnant in the past lol. I'm planning on February pregnancy for a November baby!
I love the idea of a February pregnancy and a November baby, ajarvis!
OH is on the 8th Nov and I'm the 9th so November is already pretty busy, but another one to add would would also be great.

I was the one unlucky person to had to wait a year after a miscarriage to get DD, not from lack of trying OH was ready to go whilst I was still miscarrying. But only 5 months after her to get pregnant again. So maybe I'll be lucky again.
In our family - including extended - we have birthdays continuously from February to August with only April excluded lol. So it would workout that way as well. Winter baby sounds fun. Skating parties, tobogganing parties. Skiing. I love winter. We shall see what the future holds!
Thanks for the info NDH. I love the hope of being extra fertile. However after my last d&c it took 3 months to get pregnant and I had a mc. Not to be a downer, but just makes me more skeptical personally. Hope thar was just bad luck pour moi though.

How long ago did you ladies mc that are thinking you're about to O? It's wonderful! I had no idea it could happen that quickly. I guess because I'm still beginning to mc it seems to far off for me. I would just expect another month or so before things started to go back to normal.
Sunshine I remember you saying you would be getting investigation done? Are you still going to do that? How is the bleeding? Has is turned red yet? With my first mc things happened a bit slower, brown blood for a couple of days, before getting a bit heavier and then passing the sac on day 4-5, then bled for another 3 days and then I got pregnant a couple of weeks later. This time it happened really quickly, bleeding red and really bad cramps for a day and night straight, and then passed the sac yesterday and now the cramps have pretty much gone and the bleeding isn't as heavy. So you could be back to normal (at least physically) a lot quicker than you give your body credit for. Big hugs girl xxx
I would also love a November baby! Although i have gone into labour at 36 and 37 weeks before so who knows, i could end up with another October baby. I would happily take any date this year actually, i don't even care if the baby comes on Christmas day!
Here's the study if anyone is interested in reading that kind of thing.
Thanks for posting, i love reading this kind of thing. This is a time when we have no control whatsoever on what happens next, so reading studies and statistics is the only thing to grab on to (apart from hope and prayers!).
Thanks Steph. It gives me hope :) I'm bleeding red now. Some clots but nothing too crazy. Not too too much either. Just like af really. Slight cramps but nothing that makes me want to cry (yet)

Going to call my dr tomorrow to tell him it's started naturally. I'm so thankful. DH is happy too. He knows I'd prefer this this time. It's very different from my last experience. I'm just happy my body is being semi normal this go around. What can I expect with clotting and the sac? Sorry if that's too difficult :( just helps if I know what to watch for. If that makes sense. :(
Thanks Steph. It gives me hope :) I'm bleeding red now. Some clots but nothing too crazy. Not too too much either. Just like af really. Slight cramps but nothing that makes me want to cry (yet)

Going to call my dr tomorrow to tell him it's started naturally. I'm so thankful. DH is happy too. He knows I'd prefer this this time. It's very different from my last experience. I'm just happy my body is being semi normal this go around. What can I expect with clotting and the sac? Sorry if that's too difficult :( just helps if I know what to watch for. If that makes sense. :(

MC is hard enough no matter how it happens. As hard as it was to find my beautiful Little Bean floating in the toilet and then passing the placenta later, at least I was able to have a funeral for him/her and to say goodbye properly. I cannot imagine having to turn myself over to the hands of cold medical professionals so they could take care of my unviable pregnancy. For this, Sunshine, as hard and as awful as MC is, I am happy for you. May things continue to progress naturally and may you be well! :hugs:
Thanks hope. How far along were you again? :( hope you're feeling well

DH and I watched movies all day then made dinner. I had a glass of wine. Now he's at hockey and I'm in bed with Lindt chocolates lol
Thanks Steph. It gives me hope :) I'm bleeding red now. Some clots but nothing too crazy. Not too too much either. Just like af really. Slight cramps but nothing that makes me want to cry (yet)

Going to call my dr tomorrow to tell him it's started naturally. I'm so thankful. DH is happy too. He knows I'd prefer this this time. It's very different from my last experience. I'm just happy my body is being semi normal this go around. What can I expect with clotting and the sac? Sorry if that's too difficult :( just helps if I know what to watch for. If that makes sense. :(

I felt what I'm sure was the sac. I saw it in the toilet, but not long enough to take out as it was an automatic flusher. That happened when the low contraction feeling was there (may be the same as cramps I'm not sure). Then on and off contraction feelings (with nausea) the next couple of days the 4th day one last one and the placenta passed. a few more clots since then but very minimal. Stopped bleeding Friday - had a bit today, but I think that's cause I did an 18K run and my body is still healing. Hope that helps.
Thanks ajarvis. It helps if I know what to look for. So far just clots and nothing alarming. I'm nervous for when I see something importsnt.
I'm glad its happening naturally for you Sunshine since that's what you wanted this time. I hope its not too traumatic one.

Mc mc story in spoilers
My experience wass the evening after I found out it was a mmc (I should have been 10+3, scan revealed a sac measuring 7+4 and a fetal pole measuring 6w but could have been a bit farther as apparently they can collapse and shrink some) I had a cry and a hot bath with some essential oils and told my body it was time to let it go and told myself I wasn't to blame. I put on a pad (had already been wearing liners for two weeks for spotting) and went to sew to keep my mind busy. I began contracting not long after. They weren't too strong and coming every 10 minutes maybe but I wasn't looking at the clock. There were a couple I had to pause to breathe through but I didn't find them very bad for the most part. Then after an hour or two I felt the urge to sit on the toilet but before I was able to my 18 month old woke for a feed so I went to the bedroom instead. I dont think i had anymore contractions while feeding her but I may have. I think that when the urge to sit on the toilet struck I was feeling the sac detach. When she was finished I made a mad dash for the bathroom but only got three steps out of the bedroom before I felt the sac slip out so was probably just sitting at my cervix waiting for gravity to help it out.
I yelled for dh to bring me a new pad off the clothesline (I use cloth ones) and sat on the toilet where the intact sac and placenta were sitting on my pad along with a couple small raisin sized clots.
I'm actually really glad my daughter kept me from sitting on the toilet immediately because I would have had a hard time fishing it out of the toilet I think.
I then spent about an hour in the shower where I lost a fair bit of blood and more thumbnail sized clots. I got dizzy a few times and sat on the floor and dh was in the bathroom with me feeding me sips of coconut water and orange slices. I wasn't gushing or anything though and once out of the shower the bleeding had slowed and I felt fine so I didn't feel the need to go to hospital. My iron levels were perfecta week later at my follow up appointment too.
We froze the sac and had a memorial a few days later, burying it under the pink marguritte daisies (argyrenthumum angelic) in my profile picture.

I only bled for 4 days afterward and had no complications and my cyclec seemed to return to normal quite quickly but we'll see. I still had hcg in my system when I ovulated (blood test a few days after ovulation was 91)

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