Hi all!
Welcome, MagicalMom! You're starting off on a strong foot! I'm temping this first cycle, if it's a BFN I'll get some OPKs, because I'm really not sure when I O.
Gina- that's so strange, I wonder what's going on. Maybe you O'd or implanted later than you think? So HCG may not be strong enough yet, or your sample is too diluted if you're drinking a lot.
I'm 8DPO as far as I know (although FF now says 4DPO, ARGH), and sometimes I swear I'm pregnant and then other moments I feel 100% out. It's so strange.
I had cramping last night and this morning, but now it's coming in short waves. My boobs have ballooned up a bit more, my cervix is SO soft, and my temps are staying up. I'm hopeful, but also doubtful. I guess I don't want to get my hopes too high, is what I mean!
How are you mini? Any news? I think you're close to my dates, AF is expected 25-28.