hey ladies!
I'm day 4 now and on my second round of clomid, first round was so brutal!! i was beyond emotional going between depressed and very mad!
were did an unmedicated iui-bfn and then started clomid but couldn't get to FS for IUI but i had 3 good follicles that time so hopefully this time i respond well to clomid and can do IUI
how did you ladies handle the side effects of clomid? i'm only on 50mg day 3-7.
sending you all baby dust!!
plpixie - sorry to hear about the bfn. Hope it works out next cycle! (maybe just a late bfp this one? )
Just now waiting to O...and trying opks...at least these tests I get 2 lines
Was a bit sick yesterday, but feeling fine today. my temp dropped today, so hopefully I'll O in the next day or so.
jcr1988 - what side effects did you get? I was just a bit out of it the whole time when taking the pills, then crampy for the past few days, and a bit sick to the stomach.
hey river i feel pressure near my ovaries and feel bloated dont know if i even ovulated yet but i usualy ovulate between day 14 to 16 im gonna ask the dr tommorow if its normal im constipitated too again dont know if it has anything to do with it :O
omg okay so we went to see our specialist and he said we have a high chance of having the 6 and its really dangerous he told us about selective abortion . which i cant even think about but he did say if more then 3 eggs fertilize that some of the babies could die or be born handicapped . he said i could already be pregnant so he sent us to the lab for an early pregnancy test and another ultrasound because he wanted to see if i have ovulated since last Friday and how many ovulated ... went for the ultrasound and found out all 6 ovulated !!!!!:O omg now im waiting for his call to see if i am already pregnant